Apple iTunes Customer Service
Rated 1.84 of 5 Stars
Based on 126 Complaints

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Toll free phone number: 408-996-1010

Welcome to the Apple iTunes complaints department. Apple is one of the world's largest technology companies. Makers of popular devices such as computers, cell phones, and tablets, Apple is also one of the world's most recognized brands. The largest and most well known retail store is the Apple iTunes store, where you can download movies music and more.

If you have a problem call the Apple customer service number at 408-996-1010, the hours are 24/7 online. Or you can write a letter discussing your feedback to Apple head office at 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014, United States.

Experienced poor service? File a complaint here!

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    • 1 Infinite Loop
    • Cupertino
    • CA 95014
    • United States
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Top Apple iTunes Complaints

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I have not been able to access iTunes library of songs on my PC for some days because when I open iTunes website I am confronted with a shimmering box which prevents me from taking any action to either open or close it down and I have to shut down my computer. I have experienced the same problem some months ago.


They have been charging me double for all purchases made, they know they are doing it but refuse to stop! I have always had to call in to get it taken care of, this time they are telling me that because they have refunded me for the extra charge in the past that they can no longer do it!


Dear Concert




someone is ordering something from your company from my credit card, I would like for this to stop immediately, I can be reach either at the EMAIL or phone number, 773-299-4262, I have no other choice but to contact the fraud division, look forward hearing from someone from your company to clear this matter up.


It has turned out to be a big scam for others who continually buy games and music on my dime and account
I am older and on a fixed income I don;t play games that are always charged to me and music is being fraudulently bought through my account. I have changed my Apple ID a hundred times with no relief. THis is ridiculous that I cannot stop this activity I wish I didn't have apple ID or itunes it is a scam for me always. Someone is enjoying games and music that they are not paying for. Whoever it is they are young the games are for tweens and the music is for tweens as well. I hope you can help me with this problem or we are going to have a bigger problem. I will fix this if you cannot I will discontinue to pay apple or itunes if it is just a rip off.
Rhonda Jones


Purchased a Itune gift card Sunday March 31 at a local grocery store, finding out that the gift card was already redeemed by another person in the past and put back on the rack. Code number XFLWDYHQH2P82P9. Numbers in lower bottom left corner are PBH6063300010442650752. This has happened to me several times and very frustrated and want a replacement


I am a college student and I have 1 account for apple ITunes and have for quite some time. I went to use my cash card at a store and it said it was declined. I went back to my dorm and figured out how to go on line to look at my account. I found that I tunes has been double charging me and I called my bank and they said it has been happening since Dec 2017! I realize I should be watching my account closer but this is a second account for me that I only use for I tunes and an occasional purchase. We called Apple support and they said they don't know why it happened. I do not have 2 accounts and it is not even being used! They refunded me for 2 months but this is totally unfair!! I did not sign up for 2 accounts. I have used apple products for as long as I have had a cell phone. My family is in good standing and has used apple products exclusively. My stepfather has his company completely supported by apple products. Is this the way you are going to fix this issue that I did not cause? Please call me at 612-910-8436 to discuss this issue and help get it resolved.
Thank you
Megan Donath


I purchased 400,000 Gold from Apple iTunes on 27December 2018. Usually it gets transferred to my account on Tagged but it didn’t happened. It happened twice. It cost me £198 for both purchases. I want my money. Their system of complaints is so messed up


Paramjit Dahri


I have one serious question As I was entering artist and song information I noticed "other artist" name affiliated with my work. I have not worked with the artist at anytime in my career. I am an Award-Winning songwriter/producer/arranger.Could someone from your office contact me in regard to this matter.
Roney "Ronestone" Hooks
(212) 851-6013


My iTunes account was over-drafted $46.85 using a gift card on my payment information. Standard protocol states with no or insufficient funds in your account the purchase can no be completed. For some reason they allowed 5 purchases to go through adding up to $46.85. Once Ive realized what the issue was with my account i called, after being on the phone for nearly a hour the only solution they could provide me with was to pay the balance. At that point while on the phone with iTunes support i had a $25.00 give card send to my apple id via email. The next day once the gift card had gone through i went back onto my account to see a balance of $25.00. I then attempted to make a $3.99 purchase on a game from app store, once again it say update payment information or (insufficient funds). After this i contacted iTunes support again to revise this ongoing issue that I've been having. Explaining the situation to the first customer service representative got me no where, let alone the fact she couldn't even understand the issue or comprehend the solution i was looking for. After an hour of getting nowhere i was transferred to her supervisor which took another 30 minutes of explaining and walking them through the very simple issue at hand. I was finally told that my five purchases were all combined to one big purchase instead of 5 individuals like they normally are. Now i told them i added $25.00 to my account last night why hasn't it been taken off the balance, they replied it must be paid in full not partial payments are allowed. Yet they never told me that last night when i was adding the credit to me account. After a total combined time of nearly 3 hours of talking with iTunes support I've given up, with no solution or explanation or reason for how the purchases were able to go through when I had no available funds. I am extremely disappointed and irritated with iTunes as this point they provided zero help or assistance trying to resolve my issue, nor did they even attempt to compensate me in any way or issue any credit what so ever. They have no hesitation with taking my money and over charging but when a error on there end effects me they do nothing about it to help me or assist me to resolve me problem. Since having gone through this dilemma I've heavily contemplating switching to Microsoft or any other provider to avoid dealing with iTunes after this travesty of a experience with there customer service and support team.


We rented a movie on Monday Dec 3 2018 on apple TV the movie was called Crazy Rich Asian 50 minutes into the movie the audio stopped .We knew it was our system because we could start the movie from the beginning and worked fine . We paid $6.99 for the rental could you please credit back ,but more importantly please take off Apple TV for future customers who wish to watch or the make repair thought you should know .

Thankyou David Poirier . cell 1-905-741-0719 or Home Phone 1-905-318-4850


I do not have an iTunes account but someone is using my debit card to purchase iTunes.This must be blocked on your end .My home phone #is 936-569-6830.


No matter what I do, you will not accept either my Apple ID or my passcode. It is bloody confusing between password or passcode. All I want to do is get onto the game 1010. I am absolutely fed up with Apple products which are so confusing between passwords and passcodes all of which I have dutifully written down, but then you refuse to accept.


There is no pricing on the apps. I am dowming apps that have no cost on them and then when I get my credit card bill in I am being charged. I have attached the last one that just happened.

How can you show the app without a price?



Password recovery has purposely put customers hostage to the point you have to WIPE YOUR DEVICE CLEAN ? I should be able to log into my account choose my apple device and reset the password on the ipad - no customer service - no one answers the damn phone - you can not email - I actually hate APPLE AND TELL EVERYONE I KNOW how horrible your company is. All the websites are purposely void of CLEAR FREAKING CONTACT INFORMATION - after logging in and then answering 3 more damn answers you have to search an hour to find a damn number to TRY to call and get help. I was on the phone over an hour NO ONE EVER ANSWERED THE DAMN PHONE. I have fraudulent charges but can not get any help. I was forced to just call my credit card company and just cancel them. I have erased my iTunes and have deleted all of my accounts. if I had not just paid so much money for my ipad - I would impale it on a stick and walk away.


I received this receipt: I have not ordered anything from itunes. Cancel this immediately. Thank you

Apple Store
30 Oct 2017
iTunes Store

iTunes Store Family Membership
1 Year | 30 October 2018
Report a Problem
App Store
Subtotal $99.00
Tax $0.00

VAT charged at 20% $4.35
I have not ordered anything from itunes. Cancel this immediately. Thank you


I purchased a Brand new iPad Air at Manor (Switzerland). After a couple months only it had a battery problem so I took it back for repair. The problem comes again (can't charge the iPad) so I decide to bring it to the Apple Store in Geneva about 35km from my home. There after 5 minutes of waiting I am told I have to take an appointment, it will be only a couple minutes. 15 minutes later nothing has moved, I am still with my non-working new iPad in the hands and a staff arrogantly tells me "don't worry everything will be fine" and dismisses me. You just don't treat your customers like that. I am still with my non-functioning iPad without proper care solution offered. PS: please train your staffs to treat their customers respectfully and to help them instead of "lecturing" them.


I rented the movie "now you see me 2" and it never downloaded.


I just downloaded iTunes and I proceeded to run and install. A message popped up saying that Windows protected your PC. We stopped an app from running. The only way I could close that pop up was by clicking Don't. I am angry as hell. Since when are you telling me what to put on my computer? If you don;t like Apple that is your won freaking business, but don's stop me from using iTunes.


Your company is morally bankrupt. The iTunes games that require in app purchases are worse than Amway. You have turned into america into one giant scam. Shame on you your products suck because you are criminals. You should be thrown in jail. Your company should be sold off.


21.5 late 2015 iMac logic board failure. Purchased 5/21/16. Logic failed 6/15/2016. Replaced at authorized dealer. Mac user since 1990. Very disappointed!


I would like to complain the Hong Kong Apple company. They did not give the staff full training in Hong Kong. As I had nightmares experience from Apple support centre. 1/ I called Apple customer service on April 12 2016. My case was that I couldn't get into the Apple Store. Apple staff suggested me to connect with iTunes in order to upgrade my IPhone 6 Plus 128GB. After upgraded, the staff suggested me to press the icon for new iPhone. Before I pressed, he did not remind me that I should have my Apple ID readily available, otherwise the phone would be locked and I can't get back in. Under My unawareness and without a reminder from the Apple associate, my phone locked after I followed directions in pressing the "new iPhone" button.

The Apple senior staff asked me to send the purchased document to them. And I had to wait at least 14day, maybe a month. After ten days, I found my Apple ID and password to open my iPhone.

2/ Because the iPhone has been updated. The phone cannot connect with iTunes . Since I don't know much about iTunes, I called Apple care centre, the frontline staff taught me how to operate the update procedure , but she did not remind me that my back up would be wiped out and overrun by new iPhone once the cord was plugged into the computer. If I did click the synchronisation or apply button, It wouldn't have written over my old back up.

Now all information is gone, because I did not have my iCloud information. Hope Hong Kong base will improve for training. This nightmare will not go to people. Your response will be appreciated.


Music is disappearing from my iphone. Not sure when it happens but my playlist is down to 53 songs from over 100. Itunes is now happy to charge me to reload the missing music though they used to reload for free (not the first time music has gone missing). I feel like apple is grabbing my wallet and I don't like it.


I hate Apple products and I hate iTunes. I've had nothing but issues with my iPod since the very first day I got it a tried to set it up. The main reason I have an iPod is for music. My iPod is incredibly slow. It randomly deletes my music, it doesn't show my album artwork even if it does on iTunes. Half the songs won't play. I got a brand new computer and I've had issues with iTunes since I down loaded it. won't let me play my music and it kicks my out when I go into purchased music.

Apple is such a pain in transferring things over. everything is complicated and confusing. Every time I get used to iTunes u change it and I cant figure it out. I've tried to go online for help I've even tried websites and tried to contact you but it's apple and it impossible! I give up and I'm done! so in other words i'm done with apple I hate you you such eggs! I'm going back to simpler times to mp3 players thanks for nothing! I will not recommend you to anyone and my children will never own apple crap and their children's children and so on and so forth. I'm sorry for being so rude. I've never made a complaint like this. But now I have had it up to here with iTunes and apple I'm furious. I thought corporate should know how I feel.


iTunes is trying to bill me for something I did not order,from some company in Luxemberg? I have called the Apple support line to complain. What should I do?


I am ashamed that Apple will not help the government track down any information regarding any terrorist activity. Apple would rather sell phones than help keep Americans safe. Shame on you. Work this out.


If a back door is giving to the FBI for the iPhone 6 I bought for the encryption, I will demand a full refund. This is the only reason I got Apple.


I have always been a fan of Apple products. My first computer was a Macbook which lasted me through my school years. Apart from software incompatibilities, it worked great. I have also been through several generations of iPhones with no problems. I have always found your products to be user friendly and Suri is hilarious if you ask the right questions.

It is with great regret to tell you how disappointed I was with my most recent experience with Apple computer services. Last Saturday morning, I picked up my phone to find a black screen. I pressed the home button a few times but did not get any kind of response. I tried to restart it but there was no change. Next I thought maybe the battery is dead. Upon plugging it in the phone vibrated twice like it does when power is connected.

I was relieved until the vibrating pattern repeated every 10 seconds consistently. When I unplugged it stopped. When I plugged it back in it started again. I tried a different outlet. I tried a different cord. Same. I goggled the issue and component failure was the best I got.

I was off to the Apple Store.

At the Apple Store I described the issue and I was sent strait to the service desk. The tech took my phone to the back to check it out. The Tech came back with my phone and it was at this point my dissatisfaction began. Apparently I had zero options with this phone. The only thing he could do was to sell me a new phone.
2 months ago I cracked my screen. I wanted to see if I could replace the glass and not replace the entire piece. Just as a note, a hairdryer does not make it hot enough to melt the adhesive. I crushed it, and not in a good way. Plan B: replace the screen. I went online to find an iPhone screen. I looked for an apple brand but surprisingly I found nothing. I found a different screen and installed it no problem. The phone has been working fine since.

As it turns out, apples policy is to not look at the phone if there is a non-iPhone piece on it. This was a little frustrating but somewhat understandable. The phone is less than a year old and was working great prior to this so I didn’t want to give up on her that easy. I figured if they won’t fix the phone with the non-iPhone screen then I have to get an iPhone screen. I asked if I could use their services to replace the screen. As it turns out, Apple policy forbids that too. They won’t replace a screen unless they have an Apple Brand screen to throw in the waste bin. That was a bit ridiculous. I asked if I could buy a iPhone screen and replace it myself. Against Apple policy yet again.

So now what? You won’t diagnose it. You won’t fix it so you can diagnose it. You won’t let me fix it so you can diagnose it. You have given me no options and I honestly feel like you are holding my phone hostage. I expected better support for your products. The phone cost me $600 and I haven’t even had it for year.

As I said before, I have been a fan of your products for many years. I have even recommended Apple to various friends. This most recent experience has shifted my feelings towards your products drastically. I feel ripped off. If this is how you treat your customers, if this is how you support your product then I will not be coming back.


I had a problem with my I Phone 6 plus. Firs it caused problems with my watch so customer care had me go to the Apple store and sit with the genius but not only did they erase all my pictures in my phone they said they would be lost which I found later so not true. Then I did the system update and my phone started to freeze and the top of my screen was doing all weird stuff so I called customer care again and they tried telling all these things to do and nothing worked.

So they then transferred me to a senior tech which also tried fixing my phone and his name is Joshua at ext .1136719 @ phone number 877-416-4271 and he said he had to refer to engineering to see what could be done to help me I left few messages he not only called me back neither did engineering so this $850 phone which I owned not only was not working apple lied about helping me and swept it under the rug.

So my only alternative I had to go buy another phone at sprint I had to stay with apple because I own iWatch, 29 inch iMac, 3 iPad and 2 apple tv so it is a month later I still never got a phone call thanks for the service not only fixing my phone losing over 500 pictures I had in my phone.


After numerous e mails from "Apple" regarding updating my profile - immediately 2 fraud transactions were made on my credit card. (My credit card is linked on my Apple profile). I copied some of these e mails for your info. Our Standard Bank South Africa contacted me regarding these transactions. Small amount of R432-00 went through my credit card account and an amount of R5300 did not go through as a lack of funds available that time. I need to bring this to their attention as this is not fair to us.


I receive an update request for "garage band" but on attempting to download this receive the attached. Garageband was part of the package included in buying a new imac. While I have no intention of ever using this I am angry that Apple seems to want to cheat. Please check why this message was sent to me and correct your mistake. I understand that mistakes are inevitable with a large client pool; but an apology would be greatly appreciated.


I received an apple sport watch as a present from a family member, I been using it a lot to help me out at work and I really love it. But I notice that it’s giving me a rash in the area of the watch and it’s like burning me. I’m berry disappointed with your product and I wish to return it. I wish to be no longer an apple consumer if your products are not safe! Please inform me on why your product is affecting my skin and burning me.


i bring in my new apple mac to the service center in Singapore Weelock. before the take in the computer, he staff check and only found one minor scratch in front. When is ready for collection, I found a big scratches at the back of my computer. They do not think is their fault. saying it may be oversight by their staff. i refuse to collect it. Thinking to file a complaint with Apple Care or perhaps Apple corporate offices. I contacted Apple Care on 10 Sep 15 (Case 934848556). To my surprise, till today 2 Dec15 there has been no news / answer from them. Is this typical?


I called Apple to ask for Help. On the Finder I have over 71,000 items that are strange objects. I had this problem before, and my granddaughter handled calling Apple. They were able to remove them. When I called today the young man, was like you will have to go through and remove them one by one. He was so rude an not helpful at all. I have never had a problem with Apple, but his attitude was uncalled for. Had checked my history he would have seen this problem was corrected before. I would appreciate any help you can give me. He didn't give me his name.


Shame on Apple protecting terrorists - I'm trading in my apple products today and be sure I'm telling my family and friends. Give our government the key right now. Paris is on your head. Shame on you. Everyone should call Apple to complain about this today, maybe they will change their mind in Cupertino.


I am totally discussed with apple and their support system. My entire family and myself own all apple products. I hate to say that I am heavily invested in Apple as a stock holder. Over the years your customer care and support has gotten even worst. I live in Naples, Fl and I am never able to get an appointment with the genius bar or be able to sign up for any classes. I was told I had to wait one week to meet with one of the so called geniuses. Classes are always filled no matter how far in advance you sign up. Your interest has become in just retail and selling your products. I just purchased a new ipad and iphone. I was looking to purchase another computer as I have a 2006 desktop. In spite of it working very well, it is outdated and it appears that your own geniuses are not able to figure out anything with iphoto over the phone since it is older.

Once again, it seems that one needs to be constantly updating rather than being able to get help. It is supposed to be intuitive but people I know that do not have a Mac would not touch it and cannot help me in spite of them being excellent in tech. I have decided I will not buy another Mac computer as one can never get help or it soon becomes outdated requiring new purchases all the time. I don't think this is how Apple started out or what Steve Jobs had in mind but it has certainly evolved that way. It is only a matter of time as people turn away from mac products when they discover they cannot readily get help.

Waiting a week for an appointment is totally unacceptable but has become the Apple way of doing business. Also your people do not have a very good concept of iphoto. I spent my $100 lessons trying to learn the iphone and imovies when I purchased my imac Desk Top. I found that most of the time it was a waste as their knowledge was just fair , depending on the person you received that day to teach you. This is why I purchased the Mac was for the photo part .I am very disappointed.


I contacted Apple within one "business hour" of learning that a hacker was hacking my account. This is the experience I went through: For Apple people reading this, my case number is 98603547. Over the years, I have purchased literally over $5,000 of movies and music on iTunes, all of which is "owned" by my iTunes account that has been hacked. Between Midnight and 1:00AM last night, my primary iTunes account email received a note from Apple:

"The following changed to your Apple ID,, were made on November 12, 2015 at 5:17:20 AM (GMT): Apple ID Email address(es)"

This was followed up by an email to my Rescue email in the same hour: "You have received this email because an AppleCare advisor has sent a Verification Code to confirm your identity." and another email one minute later: "You have received this email because a Verification Code sent to your device was successfully used to confirm your identity." The hacker was then successful in removing my Apple ID and implementing his own. Additionally, he changed all the security questions on the account.

At 6:00AM this morning, I became aware of this, and had to wait two hours to contact Apple, since they do not provide 24/7 service. I spent the next hour on the phone with an Apple Customer Service representative, and then the supervisor, Terri. I have two iPhones connected to my account, which the hacker can not deactivate. To confirm my identity, a verification code was successfully sent to one of these iPhones. While I could give the supervisor the Serial Number of both of my phones connected to the iTunes account, the security system evidently told the supervisor that since the phones were used for the verification code, the serial number of the phones would not be a second valid way to confirm my identity.

In fact, the supervisor told me that the only acceptable secondary method for verifying my identity was the Security Questions, which had been changed by the hacker. So, there was in fact no way that the "system" would allow them to verify my identity that wasn't under the control of the hacker. So, I was told that I needed to get a new Apple ID, and that my old account could not be restored.


Dear Apple, I am incredibly disappointed with your product & service. I received my iPod Nano for Christmas 2013 prior to leaving for an overseas trip (that I'm currently still on) my iPod was rarely charged, always turned off when not in use, never dropped & always had a screen protector & case on it. I was very upset last week when I turned it on & discovered that it wouldn't hold it's charge unless it was plugged in & charging. I took it straight to the Apple store in Vancouver & the person that served me didn't even look at it before telling me there was nothing they could do about it, they then proceeded to offer me at refurbished replacement for $70 or a brand new one for $160. I declined as I'm not in a financial position to replace it, as I'm currently still traveling & even if I could, it doesn't give me a lot of faith after the one I had just broke for no apparent reason in less than 2 years!


On 10-27-2015 I downloaded the new Apple software on my iPhone, after downloading my music that I had purchase through my iTunes account stop playing, I have spoken to several reps at apple care to complain regarding this matter and have gotten no where, they just keep passing me from one person to the next. I have 215 songs in my playlist that I purchased and now the music is not there, i had did everything that they at apple care have asked me to do and yet still no resolution, my phone works fine.

I was told by at least 4 apple cares reps that their is a glitch in the software and was told that i could deleted the app and then reinstall it to see if that works or they can send me a box and i can send my phone back to them but during that time i would be without my phone because they don't send a temporary replacement during the time they have your phone, so I deleted the iTunes app and then reinstalled it as an apple rep suggest but by doing that i lost all my music and now no one wants to help me with this matter. I'm very disappointed with Apple.


The charger for your guy's iPhones suck the cord will break, the device itself won't even charge so I got to buy a new one, and the screens keep popping off. The screen part is probably my fail for pressing too hard, but still you guys need to fix the chargers because if you did the iPhone's would probably dominate the phone business, so hopefully you guys can make a stronger better cord and have a great day.


I have been trying to get a Passcode reset and a email issue resolved. Your tech support has bounced me around to dozens of people, I've been put on hold for 45 min plus, been told I had to pay $99.00 then today it's 120.00. Your stores send me back to tech support. I am very upset. That no one in your support network has any idea what's their job is. I don't even expect a reply to this message. You never have before.


Several months of fraud charges on my credit card for apple I tunes which has caused my account to be overdrawn. I have now been charged fees for over the available balance on my credit card account, this must stop! It is impossible to reach apple. I plan on contacting news channel 7 in Boston they have a fraud investigation department. So many complaints about my same problem on the apple iTunes web site. seems like no one cares at apple.


Why. That's all I have to say. Why do you have to make it so hard to get a custom Ringtone! I know this seems like a tiny problem and all but there's tons more thing I could complain about but I'm not gonna. Look at android for example you make a Ringtone then you download it to your phone that simple! So just at least try to fix that. Also if Apple doesn't come out with something extremely spectacular in 2 years then I am hands down just gonna switch to Samsung. So yeah. Also the only reason I'm still with Apple is because it simple but now it's way to simple. Just come up with a really cool phone that has almost no problems like the galaxy s5.


You guys say it's all about the customer? WRONG! Worst management and advisers ever. I'm bilingual do I soke to someone in Spanish for lesser time wait and it went horrible. The girl needed so much more knowledge and so does The iTunes aha management. He has to be replaced with someone that knows what they are doing. Who leaves out of the office and ignores the situation? Austin is ridiculous for customer service. Tired of getting the run around. I pay for iTunes and just can't get the adequate help. I'm just trading this phone for a galaxy 6.


My daughter has one of your iPhone 5, which recently had an issues with the battery. She stop by one of your Apple Stores in the Towson Mall here in Maryland and received a new battery. The new battery was good for about 2 months before it wouldn't charge pass 70% and than one day she allow it to get down under 20% and it wouldn't charge up at all. Now the funny starts. We returned to the Apple store which we were told that the device and battery was good that she had to hook it up to her iTunes Software for a firmware update.

We returned home as did just that, update the firmware and once finish was told that another update was required did we want to install, will we did and the phone got stuck, which I believe it was the bad battery, during the up date the phone power off and on a few times and the iTunes software would return iPhone not found.

So after trying to used a Restore/DFU Mode nothing work. I told the phone to another iPhone Store in Columbia Mall this time just to be told that the phone had a hardware error and couldn't be fixed I would have to buy another. I stop by T-Mobile on my way home as they are our carrier and talk with them about replacing the device, I couldn't use the PHP cause they don't replace devices with Mechanical Error as they classify it and the T-Mobile Store couldn't replace it under the Jump program cause it had to turn on to the home screen. I gave in and purchase my daughter a new iPhone 6 Gold to ensure she had a phone but decided to take a crack at this problem myself and purchase a replacement battery from Amazon. The battery arrived and I replace it without any issues in about 20mins. and plug it into my Computer started iTunes received a message that an Update was available and ran it, once completed the phone return to it's home screen and is working/charging fine.

I don't understand why the Apple store tech's didn't at least try to do the same thing before pushing a new device on me. Just wanted someone to know that a little investigating can go along way.


Over the years I have purchased many songs on iTunes. I have had a major computer problem and lost them all. It would appear that there is no way that I can get them back. It also appears that I have been extremely prudent over the years at AVOIDING Apple products. I have been a Microsoft person for all these years. The only interface I have ever had with Apple has been iTunes and that appears to be a total wash....


After receiving an i-pad air as a birthday present I could receive e-mails but not send them. I took a 40 mile journey to my nearest apple genius bar at The Trafford Centre. I queued up and was told that it was an internet provider problem. The assistant refused to even take the i-pad out of my hands and was adamant that it was nothing to do with apple. Very disappointing and incredibly poor service! I went into my local ICT store today and they fixed the problem in minutes and for free.


I bought my iPhone on 11/3/2012, when I got home I noticed the wi fi kept going in and out. I walk to the next room and it switches to 3G. I tried to take it back to the store where I purchased it on 11/6/12. They said we would have to go through the apple company, that they would not exchange an apple phone. So I called apple, they said take it to an apple store( which is 1 1/2 away from my house), send it back(which will take 3 wks to get it back), or I can put an $800 hold plus pay shipping cost to get it back a little quicker. I am very unhappy with these choices, it looks like apple would try to do more for their customers. I have bought 4 iPhones and an iPad, wow apple, it looks like you would treat your customers better. At&t should do more as well. It says a lot when AT&T won't even exchange an apple phone. I an article needs to be submitted about how this has turned out, so other customers will know what they are going to have to go through just to get a NEW phone fixed.


I will NOT be buying ANY of Apple's products, though they are beautiful. The only real reason I personally would give to purchase an Apple product such as the iPad would be the apps and I will be giving Android every last penny that I have in the supreme hope they overtake Apple's market dominance in this area. I made this decision ultimately after buying a book through iTunes and found out that I cannot use it due to DRM restrictions. The very damn least you could do would be to let me use it on my computer and now I have wasted 12 dollars. Screw you Apple. I will now buy a Transformer Prime, even though I have the original transformer already.

I also have an Android phone. Every product from now on will be Android-based. I hate you Apple. You will not ever get another one of my red cents, you greedy bastards. May you die and suffer in the depths of hell with your greedy minion Satan and perhaps the pillagers of Wall Street who also love raping people out of their money.


I've had my iPod touch 4 for a year and a half. The home button is now totally non-fuctional. I spent about $300 to pruchase this, used it with extreme care and now it will cost be over $150 to repair. I am extremely dissapointed. I am considering buying another but am very hesitant as to whether, what must be a design flaw, has been rectified.


I spent $1700. on a Mac Book Pro. With that I could have bought 5 windows laptops. But Apple products are suppose to be such great quality. So I got a Mac. I had been having issues with there being a sound like something was sliding around inside and then the screen would go crazy. I took my macbook to the apple store before my warranty was up. They said nothing was wrong, but they cleaned it up for me. not even 3 months later my warranty is up and my macbook quit. This thing did not even make it a year and a half but apple is calling it 'quality". I had to replace the whole hard drive. And paid out of pocket because they would not acknowledge that I just had it in the store a couple months prior. I just want Apple to make it right to maintain my belief in the Apple product.


When does Apple solve this annoying problem or do I have to buy an other tablet? As a customer I am fed up with this line:

"We're Sorry This content requires Adobe Flash Player, which is not supported by your device. This content can be viewed on a desktop computer or on mobile devices that support Flash Player.
Copyright © 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved."

Deal with it and launch 'the Apple act of the century' and solve the problem as a service and as an obligation towards all your customers using an iPhone or iPad.


My ipad3 is still on warranty and i cannot use it. It completely collapsed. No place in warsaw wants to change it because they say it looks someone wanned to open it. All mobiles open. I believe my brother have tried. But anyhow it didnt react to anything.

So i find it very unfair the way im treated in apple stores. They offered me change for half price! Its not worth it since its gonna fail again. All of my 4 ipods where failing me but not up to this what happened with ipad3. You give me no choice than give up with apple ultimately.

Im better off with samsung. All three of them i have there is no problem with them. And all my curiousness for something new is in vain. I want you to know how dissapointed iam.


Just quite surprised with the quality of MAC BOOK ..

I bought one in Indonesia 8 years ago and after 6 years ,technical services informed me that the motherboard was totally broken .Price to change it was so high, that I decided to go again with a new Mc book ( serial number W80047RL8PW ).I bought it in Bali ( Indonesia)
It' only 2 years and once again , the technical services informed me that the motherboard is dead in this new computer...The price of the spare part is once again totally crazy , and this time, they even quote a top case ( when mine is still totally ok !! )
I m quite surprise by the quality .. How come the motherboard can be so fragile !!
I really hesitate now before buying a new computer .. Would like to know if this problem is often brought to you ... !!!

Thanks for your answer


I am on my iPad and my volume isnt working at all! I try and turn it up or try to turn it down and nothing comes up! But when I flick it from no sound with the line through the bell to sound it comes up I do have my volume up when there is no volume and it stays that amount.

I tried to listen to music but instead of having that white line at the top right corner with the nob to move the volume up and down it had no nob at all! I have tried switching it on and off but nothing has happened! It just stays completely silent with no complete way of turning it up or down!


2nd apple iphone 4 with faulty power off button. Apple store couldnt fix but offered refurbished phone with only 90 days warranty for £126. Store not interested that this is a common and known product defect. Goods not of merchandisable quality. Should be offered free repair or chance to upgrade. How long would the buttons on a refurbished phone last with a 90 day warranty. The quality must be cheap and poor if they cannot fix a switch/ button. Apple customer service very poor unless your dpending mire money.


I powered up my Apple Macbook Air 13" and the screen had lines on it. I took it to the Apple store and they told me too bad. The man said I broke it by "possibly leaving a pen on the keyboard when I closed it. That is absurd; I accept responsibility for carelessness. I leave it in a protective shell and I am very careful with all my electronics. I did not bump it, drop it, or otherwise abuse it. The technician told me the price to fix it is $453. I haven't even had it a year. I read about many complaints of the same thing happening to other people via blogs on the internet. I am 65 years old and saved for a year to buy the laptop so I could do facetime with my grandsons in Oregon. I can't believe that Apple doesn't have a complaint department. Can you help me?


My wife wants to show Facebook photos from her ipad to her mother in a clinic without internet connection. How to download the pictures on ipad? I can download them on my Mac. So just transfer the photos. Easy? ipad has no usb port. Use photostream? Easy? Last time this took me 3 hours.

Suddenly the photos arrived, without notice. I am unable to reproduce that successful result now. It's a nightmare. I connect to ipad, and send my photos to "the Cloud", but ipad says they aren't there. Help files don't help. Google has an entry where someone says to "sync the photos on the iPad device, in itunes". I have "ipad device" on iphoto.

But no way to "sync", it refuses. Why this torture every time? I long back for the days that I simply used a memory stick.


I bought an Apple Mac as a birthday and Graduation present for my son in March 2011in NZ.He is a Graphic Designer and needs it for work.2weeks ago his power cable light did not come on and he noticed a tear in the cable. As he pulled it out it tore further and he took in to the Yoobee store in Newmarket where he was told that he could forget about it being replaced under warranty as he had cut it. The assistant then went on to offer to sell him a new cable I complained to the person in charge and the service manager who could only offer sending it away to be assessed for which a fee applied if "no fault found" and a waiver if job is a warrenty repair.

This clearly to me is a cop out and when speaking to numerous owners of Macs, found out that this is a common problem due to the way the cable is manufactured and fits into the computer but getting a replacement under warranty is like getting water from a stone.I would like the APPLE PEOPLE to look into this.My Son has had to turn down numerous work opportunities due to this ongoing saga and i feel that the warranty is not worth the paper it is written on.Just spoke to a friend with the same problem in the states who went to the apple shop and got a replacement as they immediately recognized the problem and stated that they get them all the time .


My newly bought iphone 5 has problems regarding netwrok , hanging, battery backup n phone gets heated up badly during charging and apple service centre (IMAGINE NOIDA SEC-18) are not agreeing to swap it because they are saying that we couldnt find the problem and even my phone got heated up in front of them too. So just send them a notice or reply me asap what should i do now?



I have an I phone 3G I have been wanting to download apps but now i can only download them if I have a 4g or higher, I dish out enough money to be able to use this phone. I would like to be able to use it to the full extent, if downloading requires a higher grade, why don't you send me one free considering I wasted $200.00 on a product I can't even use. This is ridiculous, and evidently a complete waste of my hard earned money. If I knew this would happen I wouldn't have purchased this in the first place and gotten a HTC or another brand.


While I was searching through the App Store today on my iPhone, I came across a game under "puzzles" called "Beautiful Jigsaw" by Bigbird. When I opened the app it immediately showed me a nude woman with her legs spread. My understanding was that Apple did not allow pornographic apps.

I will have to immediately remove the wifi from both of my children's iPods; which pretty much makes them useless to own. Please remove this app from your store so that the Apple App Store is safe for children. Thank you.


I recently tried to download apps with my apple ID unsuccessfully. I called customer support and they wasted 30 minutes of my time trying to resolve the issue. The support staff placed me on hold >5 times and I spoke with 2 separate support agents both of which were clueless as to how to address my issue. I have since created a new apple id and solved the issue myself. If you would like to verify the problem and the fact that is was unresolved please reference my old apple id username and my new apple id username. A complaint with the BBB was also filed.


I had bought an IPhone 3gs in Mumbai. After 9 months from purchase due to prolonged issues in the device I took it for repair to the Santacruz service center. It was replaced in a weeks time and I believed I got a good replacement phone. Within two weeks the phone started shutting down on its own and finally it went off completely and I was left without my contacts and other data. I took it again to the Santacruz service center and got a call after a few days saying that my device has been opened outside Apple and they would not repair it. Its been frustrating to have lost my contacts and to be without a phone due to which I have missed out on few important meetings and appointments. I need to be compensated for the mental agony caused by all this.


I purchased an Apple i-pad from the Apple online store on October 31, 2012. I never received the item until Nov 5, 2012. On December 1, 2012 I called Apple to purchase a extended warranty. I was told by a person named Mike that I needed the serial number for the item and that there would be no problem. I had to call my son who had the I-pad since it was a Christmas present for his daughter. He called me later and gave me the number of the i-pad and I called Apple to make the extended care purchase. A lady named Marie? told me the department I wanted was closed and I would have to wait until they opened the next day to make the purchase. Today I called and after a 55 minute wait was told by a "Senior Supervisor" named Scott that I could not purchase the extended coverage since it was 31 days since I purchased the item. I explained to him that I wasn't even in possession of the item until fed-ex delivered it on November the 5th and why would I buy an item I didn't even own yet. When I talked to the lady at Apple Customer Care before purchasing the item she said the 30 day extended warranty privilege would be started when I received the item and they were good about forgiving a few days if I applied a little late. That proved to be a lie. Using common sense, would a person who orders a new car expect that the warranty on the car would start on the day they ordered it? I bought a new Camaro two years ago and the warranty started on the day I purchased it, not on the day I ordered it. Apples policy is totally absurd and unfair. I own several Apple products and always believed in the company, but I certainly don't have any faith in them now. I tried to file a complaint thru the better business bureau and Apple does not file thru them so I will contact the Consumer Advocate for Montana, but still . . .? I would appreciate very much anything you can do to help me on this matter.


My computer is needed for my business. I downloaded Mountain Lion and the whole system will not work. My apple id is not accepted after many attempts by myself, and AppleCare cannot seem to fix it. They want to spend hours on the phone, and I need service with a solution in a fair amount of time. This has been going on for over a week, and I will have to call my lawyer or get assistance that works. A man's user id showed up, a tech called my number for a man I do not even know. Iphoto will not work right, I can't log into e-bay, and screens are popping up telling me my apple id does not work. Yahoo ID and Password, is all that works. I photo, and others too numerous to mention do not work. Why does a tech assume you have hours to kill and after playing Guinea Pig, they leave you with the same problems. This is the last straw. If this is not fixed immediately, I will be forced to take legal action. All I want is this new computer to work.


I bought an Ipod 6th genertion 2 years ago after 18 months the volume button got stuck, since it's not part of warranty I got a new Ipod paying 70 euros. Now six months later the on/off button got stuck, and once again got a new Ipod paying 70 euros.

Now honestly I think the fact tha the buttons get stuck is a problem of production and not caused by the fact that I pusto hard on them. What if it happens again do I continue buying new Ipods forever. Twice in not even two years is a bit too much acrdin to me.


I bought my girlfriend an iPad for Christmas. Apple charged my credit card and shipped the device. 2 days later my credit card was charged again for a dollar less than the price of both iPads. they stated it was because the shipping was less they charged the card again for the lesser amount and I would have to wait for a refund.

Up to 2 weeks MAYBE. Then they said I would need to fill a form out to complain. Apple Sucks. I don't understand how apple can charge me twice for an iPad, yet they won't help me at all get my money back in a timely manner, especially around the holiday season. This cannot stand.


My last two computers are iMacs. I like them much better than windows and do not plan to switch back. I need to up grade my OSX to Mountain Lion. Unlike when I upgraded to lion I got it via thumb drive, I found out that is no longer g option. I live very rural and I have several issues involved. First I have no way to pay to get it from the app store. As I will not give credit cards out over the internet. With all the hacking I do trust doing business that way. Even if I could call in and give a credit card number and then down load we have internet service issues w/hughes net. First I am not allowed to down load that much on my plan. Secondly even if I do it at two in the morning often large down loads get corrupted and you have to start over again. Basically for people in my situation we can no longer keep our OSX up to date. I feel sorry for those still in phone lines. That is the only option where I am at, no DSL, but finally satellite. Please go back to offering it on a thumb drive. Gail Kania


I recently spent some time in Thialand. While there I had to take my MacBook Pro into a certified Mac repair centre in Bangkok. It was here that the staff of this centre took it upon themselves to change the location / region which would enable the DVD player to operate using DVDs purchased or rented in Thailand. Without my consent or knowledge this service centre went ahead and changed my region and that was not my wish. I had decided that because of the few times we are able to change the region I would not do this for Thailand so as to save these possibilities for an arera where I would consider living for an extended amount of time. It was not until I returned to my home country that I was confronted with the DVD player instructing me that i would have to change the region before it would play.

This is when I found that the service centre in Thailand had changed my region without my consent or knowledge. Apple needs to give me back those opportunities that I have lost (2) to change regions that were taken from me. This servive centre was given my password and they entered an area of my computer that was not in need of any repair. Not only did they enter this area, they left the location unlocked once they had changed the region. This is a breach of trust. I would ask that Apple return those opportunities to change regions that were surreptitiously taken from me.


I have an Apple complaint about Apple iOS 6 Maps. I say go back to google maps, their picture clarity and accuracy was far superior to the faded blurry maps you are using now, I use the map application for my driving job but no more. Sadly you have failed and I'm going back to a navman GPS map locator, don't fix whats not broken! If Steve Jobs was still here he would not have allowed Apple iOS 6 Maps to be released, and would have stuck with Google maps until a suitable replacement could be found. This is hte problem with releasing a bad product into the market place. You have cost me for the last time Apple Maps! I should not have upgraded to Apple iOS 6.


When the latest updated software for the IPhone and the IPad came out my friend and I updated all our devices. Shortly after my IPhone internal speaker didn't work. On Monday 10/1/12 we went to the Apple store in Advetura , FL. A manager named Joel gave me a new phone with instructions and was able to restore the information from the old phone. We went home and the next morning I realized the speaker still didn't work. On Wednesday 10/3/12 we went to the same Apple store and saw someone named Darnell Ho-Koon who was extremely accommodated and helpful.

He told us that we needed to bring a lap top and the IPad back and he could reset the IPhone. We wanted to deal with Darnell again, so we made an appointed for Saturday at 2:30pm. We checked in and he began to help us. About 15 minutes into meeting, Joel the manager came over said we would have to meet with someone else which was quite upsetting. Darnell went away and return shortly to resume helping us. Very strange customer service!! Darnell was very helpful and then Joel came over and told Darnell hehad to finish and take another customer. Leaving us hanging, not the fault of Darnell, but definitely the fault of Joel.


I just bought my first smart phone two weeks ago. I purchased it with a two year contract. I could not afford any assessories or anything extra such as a warranty at that time. The iphone 5 fell off my son's lap onto the tile and the screen broke. I was told by the apple store that I would have to purchase a new phone and that they could not replace the screen. I would not recommend the iphone 5 because it's not durable. I wish I never bouth a smart phone and stayed with my old durable and reliable flip phone. Now I'm stuck with a broken iphone 5. I hate it.


After lengthy email correspondence about being fraudulently sold an expensive 'support program' by an Apple employee while on the phone to Apple, receiving help with a computer problem, and discovering that all I got back from Apple were a lot of weasel words which purported to be helpful but which never actually provided an answer as to how this could have happened and not even an apology, I guess the same will now happen with my complaint about the Apple wireless mouse I bought earlier this year.

Nevertheless I'll try! This afternoon I sat down to do some work on my computer and found that once again the mouse wouldn't connect with the computer and despite following all instructions the computer took over five minutes to 'find' the mouse. This mouse worked perfectly for the first few months but suddenly I couldn't use it without first going through a waiting period while the computer couldn't 'find' it - a period which seems to be getting longer as I'm told the computer is looking for it, then tells me no mouse can be found, then after sliding the back off the mouse up and down as instructed it starts to look again and this process is repeated over again several times before I am congratulated that it has been found.

I'm getting sick of this and was far from impressed when I went back to the shop from which I purchased the wretched thing to be told that problems with the Apple wireless mouse are common. In view of this I would be pleased to receive a refund for something which has proved to be time-wastingly flawed whereupon I will bepleased to post said mouse back to you.

A simple reply in plain English without all the usual meaningless weasel words would be nice.


I bought into a two year contract with Verizon for my iPhone 4s. I just recently started to stream video on it, alls well till a piece of crap ad for your iPhone 5 pops up and sticks around. In the process of trying to view a show missed on tv in comes the you are the lucky winner routine, of course I couldn't just close out your ad. End result I've got a piece ad stuck in my phone and I can't get rid of it. I still can't do what I want with your product because you want me to buy another. That's the bottom line. Don't hold your breath, I don't want anything to with apple until my present iPhone 4s problem is corrected.


My iPhone 3Gs stopped working after 11 months of use. I called the apple tech support where they charge $30 to help make sure its not a simple problem. I hesitantly obliged knowing it wasnt a simple issue and figuring I wouldnt be charged when they found this to be true. Tech support has you hold down a couple buttons at the same time (which I already tried 20+ times myself.) So, they couldnt remedy the issue and I was told I would have to apply for a refund of the $30 since it was a problem w/ their product.

I told her I didnt want to apply for a refund, I just wanted her to cancel the transaction then and there. She said he would, yet the charge is still on my statement. I wish this is where my complaint ends but it's far from over. The technician told me there were a few ways to replace the phone, most cost more money and time without a phone. I chose to go into a apple store so they could replace it for me free of charge. Of course they set an appt for you not knowing if the store even has the product on hand.

I asked if she could find out ahead of time to save me time and gas. She told me sshe could not dial out from her office and that I would have to call on my own. After spending $30 for absolutely zero help, this really pissed me off. So I took a deep breath and hung up w/ her and called the store. After a 15 minute wait on hold a representitve answered only to tell me they cant look up what products they have in stock and I'd just have to come in and hope it worked out. If they didnt they could send me to another store or order one for me.

This is the MOST rediculous thing I have ever heard! I dont have a working vehicle at the moment and this is a HUGE inconvenience to me! Not one bit of descent customer service in the whole company. I am appauled at the success of this horrible company. Shame on them!


I charged my iPhone 4S cos it was fault and after 3week of have in my new phone. It started to play up so I took it back this morning to discover the phone was fault cos it had been it water and tried to blame it on me the adviser I seen at first was no help then I see another person and give me a new phone I'm disgusted with the services I revive and I'm not happy. Not sure why I got a faulty iPhone from Apple, or why they decide to sell bad products like this, wish they wouldn't blame the negatives on others and take own up for it.


I just thought I would inform you people of apple that apple is turning into nothing but complete crap. I had the 3s, had just bought it. All of a sudden it stopped working. Then I got forced to upgrade with money I did not have into the 4. I've had this phone just a few short months and all of a sudden this one is not shitting the bed also. My boyfriend has the 4s and is doing the same thing. He's had iPhones for a very long time.

The phones don't work half the time, drop calls and are slower than hell. We are very unhappy with every problem we have with these phones and they just keep costing us in the long run for piece of shit phones and it's becoming obnoxious. I just thought I'd inform you we are not upgrading in the future to yet another iPhone seeings how all they ever do is screw us over.

Even androids are better then these. Just thought I'd inform you you're screwing millions over all the time and will be losing three customers for this crap and probably even more in the future. Trust me I am not one to complain all of the time either. But this is becoming ridiculous.


It has come to my awareness that there is a inconvenient problem regarding the selection of city times on the iPhone, today I attempted to add Kansas City Missouri to my various world times only to find that it is not listed in apple archives, this has affected my work considerably because of the traveling that I do and the important calls I must make to the city on time! I expect when I spent a large sum of money on this phone, that it would have the capacity to list cities.. This is a embarrassing mistake on your part and a costly conprimise on mine. Please see to it that my problem is fixed so I may continue my work effectively.

Regards, James.


Dear Apple, I called to have my security questions reset because I made the account when I was six and don't remember the answers, anyhow I called and one associate said they could reset it no problem and I got on the phone with the another who told me they needed the answer to one after they were fully aware that I didn't know the answer and she told me that I obviously didn't care about my apple security I felt offended and honestly I may never buy another apple product again.


When i was growing up i thought to myself, (I will never become an Apple employee), "let alone apart of the Apple foundation"

by 1992 i was an employee and apart of Apple foundation because Steve Jobs wanted to meet me personally to record and make me apart of Apple. by 1993 i was cut out of apple by people trying to stop me getting any contract available for me by Steve Jobs.

in 1994 i was able to go to Canada and get access to the Apple Database to get any contract to my name or created for the sole use of my identity .
by then i was able to finalise cars and shop designs as seen today with Apple. the only problem now is that i am not able to get any contact who can get access or get me recognised by Apple, in the event i got recognised i would be able to get back success other people claim they gained within Apple and i would be able to stop people taking dividends and investments i created for my sole identity ..

I am complaining because it would be great to be able to get the service Apple always had to protect me and make sure i got every effort returned to me that i used to turn Apple products in to the way they are seen today


I returned items to the Apple store last month that my 12 year old daughter has bought on her I pod. I found a gift card that I want to return because I don't believe in stealing because "thou shalt not steal" and I'm trying to teach my daughter to do the right things. I called 800-676-2775 for a customer support representative and I had Ciara Johnson. I told her that I want to return this $100 gift card and Ciara replied that I couldn't. She said that I should either use it or give it as a gift to some one. When I returned the other items I told the representative that they should put a stop on this card and they said they would and I would be responsible for the amount used, which I agreed. If I give this card to some one it wouldn't work and maybe even some trouble.

I asked Ciara if I could talk to her supervisor and she said that they won't talk to me then said it would be about half hour. I said to her to please get one for me and she then replied that they won't want to talk to me and that they don't care. That's when I asked for her name and I told her that I was going to complain about the way she talked to me, she hung up on me. Ciara Johnson showed no class or respect to me while I tried to return something that would save money from a fraud/dispute claim and just doing the right thing by not keeping something that doesn't belong to me. I'm not the type of person that would order something, make a fraud complaint then keep the item. Even though my daughter some how got my credit card number and ordered a lot of stuff from Apple Online and Apple Itunes, I'm trying my best to return everything back to show that what my daughter done was wrong and I don't want to keep any of the stuff.


On this date November 5,2012 .i needed help with my i phone and drove to your Eastview store in Victor,NY. I live in Rochester,NY.When i got there i was told that i had to make an appointment for another day . After hearing so much good about your service . I was very disappointed .the person i spoke to was not willing to help me ,But only direct me to the Verizon store .Did not even try to work with me .I don't normally don't write this kind of letter, I rarely complain. I drove 40 miles round trip and wasted valuable time all for a very frustrating experience. Is there something you can do for me.


I have had my MacBook Pro for 6 months. In that time, I have already had to send t in for repairs TWICE. Both problems were hardware problems, and were not caused my any misuse of the product on my part. I am highly disappointed in the quality of apple products. I paid full price for my MacBook Pro and have taken extremely good care of it. I expect my $1000 computer not to break on me for no reason.

This has been highly inconvenient for me, since I am a college student. My previous laptop was a Dell, and I never once had to take it to be repaired. If I had waned a crappy piece of machinery to call my laptop, I would have saved hundreds of dollars and bought a different brand. I hope I will not have problems like this in the future, but I'm sure I will. Hopefully you fix my computer for good this time.


I'm totally disappointed with iPhone as the issue is on software why do they keep putting the blame on our hardware when before installing ios6 phone was still totally all right. Reason is totally unacceptable. iOS6 is an inferior product and they should never have allowed it to be released to the general public. Overall I don't understand, and it's something that I will have to live with every day. The software crashes all the time, I constantly find myself complaining about how poorly designed it is. Won't Apple please make something better in the end and release it for our own benefit, it's just something that has to be done with the next generation iPhone.


I purchased an Apple Computer (Desk Model) in May of 2011. It took a lot of though and research before I made a decision to purchase the computer because the cost was so much more that a regular PC. I am not a heavy user of the computer. I am retired and I wanted to get a good reliable computer that would last a long time. In June of 2012, my Apple was dead. I took it to the Apple Store and to my surprise they said the problem was either the power supply which would cost approx. $109.00 dollars or the mother board which would cost $649.00. I was totally upset, because the computer should have lasted much longer without a problem. They replaced the power supply, for which I paid $109.00, which I did not have. Of course the part was good for 90 days. Well, right before the 90th day, my computer died again. Took it back to the computer store and was told that this would be the last time that they would replace the power supply, that the next time my computer died that I would have to purchase a mother board. Why did you not have a recall on this item if the mother board was no good? I am highly upset because I do not have the funds to purchase another computer. I paid good money for a computer that proved not to be reliable. Besides that, the closest Apple store is 1 hour from me. This is not good business and I deserve a much better deal that what I got. I truly hope that you will stand by your product and offer me a better deal than what I have received to date. Please reply asap because I don't want my computer to die again before I receive a response. You may reach me at

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matters.
April Gray


I have $17 left on my iTunes cards at the moment, but I will not get many of my songs because of the way they do business. I have been locked out of my account and cannot find anyone at Apple to help me recover my password and email. They won't believe me!


I am using new Apple iPhone 6 and am not happy with my service. When I connect to 4G the signals on the top left corner immediately drops to 2 points and stays there. Again when I turn off 4G internet the signals come back to full strength of 5 points. I am using my phone in Lahore Pakistan and Warid is my company. I expected better signal and service from Apple on this. I am hoping that someone can please help me figure out this problem.


Giving you 1 star because I can't give you less. Hideous rip off artists you are at Apple. I am. . .

0. Apple customer since the late 80's.
1. Forced into iCloud (and have to pay for it)
2. iPhone 5 ruined after last software download (had to keep in plugged in 24/7)
3. Forced to buy an iPhone 6
4. iPhone 6 not compatible with my MacBook Air.
5. Now I need a new MacBook Air too?

I feel totally ripped off and pushed into a whole new system that forces me onto the iCloud, and forces me to upgrade the Apple products I own in order to do so. There has been no transparency in this thievery towards my wallet and its contents. You people are Machiavellian.


To Apple store Biltmore phoenix. My iPhone shows warp issues I started out to call apple Warrenty dep and they were most helpful they offer to send a new device under Warrenty or I can go to the Apple Store have them Warrenty swap out my warped iPhone 6 so I goto my appointment on January 30th 6:50 pm to get a new device instant so the genius guy name Austin looks at my phone and takes it in the back to run it by some one exam in and whatever and he comes back out 5 min later and hands it back to me say in were not allowed to Warrenty your iPhone 6 it's not covered and I look at by phone in shock and I say instant Austin you took my bent iphone back there and either you or the tech guys spent a long time back there in try in to straight in it back out yea it looks straight and did made this matter worse by look in at the side metal of the phone were the volume keys are at the metel is buckeld up it was not like that when I brought it in

Like a Bubbled up WTF dude you bend my iPhone back to its shape the other way try in to straight in it out you either you Austin or the other guy tech in the back tech room and he was in complete denied in it all. Both managers came to hear this out there names Chris & Erin and they were on Austin side either way my phone came in bent and they bending it the other way to straight in it still should be coverd. They shouldn't even touch the device in that way Now I called apple care again and been transfer to Carlos Lopez the Warrenty supervisor he was a great help did a good job by out in on my notes the next time I goto that Apple Store I am granted a new iPhone 6 as I swap my defective bent iPhone that Apple Store mad matters worse and its take in care of by corporate.

This store needs to be reviewed urgent to the store director The employees involed name Austin and the tech that was work in that night in the back and the managers Chris and Erin they should've Handel it better by swap instead of all of us argue in this all needs to be reviewd either way they should just Warrenty this obvious Apple has bad luck on the new weak iPhones by all respect multi billion profit sales on iPhones. By the way the store employee and two managers. That night were very nice but this is a issue on there behalf I will return next day or two to get my phone swapped out by the 1 year Warrenty department granted me. This occurred on January 30th 2015 at 6:50 pm my genius appointment


I'm really upset about iOS 8.1.3, because after I upgraded to iOS 8.1.3, my wifi keeps getting disconnected. Is apple aware of this known bug or will they be fixing it soon? It's upsetting because every time I seem to get a notification from Apple and update the operating system there are bugs early on. I didn't expect this with 8.1.3 since it was the third in the 8.0 version line.


I used my MacBook Pro on Tuesday of his week in the morning and closed the lid came back to it 2 hours later and found a huge crack from the bottom right corner to top. I am very upset as I saved a long time for a Mac and now they tell me I have to pay to have it fixed. I am not impressed so far with the quality of Apple products lately and the fact that since Steve Jobs died quality seems to be on a downward trend.


I am living in South Asian country 'Nepal'. I brought second hand iPhone 5s six month ago. Now my iPhone has following problem. 100% or full charge of battery is not giving backup maximum 4 hours only on standby mode. Some lining scratch seen when I on my iPhone in the border side. So, please give me suggestion that where I can contact to solve my iPhone's problem


I live in South Asian country 'Nepal'. I brought a second hand iPhone 5s about 6 month ago. Now, I have 2 types of problem on my iPhone 5s. I have charged 100% but the without any use(like: conversation or use of net) only on standby mode all the charge of battery finish within 3 hours. Some sign of scratched seen on the border of the screen, when iPhone has been on and automatically it will disappear itself. So, please give me suggetion that what I will do and where I will have to contact in Nepal.


Accessed my iTunes program today to listen to some music, and to my surprise ALL songs, Movies, Videos,… EVERYTHING GONE! songs and videos, and movies are still in my computer, but no longer organized, and I have spent 100s of hours sorting, organizing, rating everything. Tried reinstalling iTunes, nothing seems to work, and I have way too much music to manually add folders, and reprogram all of that information again. Computer has not crashed, and I was just listening to iTunes yesterday, and everything then worked fine. This is the SECOND time iTunes has ‘blanked’ out on me in the past 3 years. Haven’t seen any support options that cover this problem, but I hope you can let me know a way to resolve this problem quickly.


I am very upset as I have downloaded started to download my purchased iTunes songs on my new computer, I have wasted two lots of $30 Telstra credits, $60 all up, and still have only downloaded 54 songs out of 345. I am not willing to waste more money on buying data just to download my purchased songs that I have already brought. what can I do about getting the rest of my songs downloaded at no extra cost?



I have just purchased an Apple Ipad from a recognized shop in Zimbabwe. I am unable to make purchases on my IPad using my Visa card which is U.K. based. Have owned a Kindle for years and have no problem buying from that. Why can Apple not facilitate me using my U.K. Bank account. I feel very very annoyed about this. I have been back to my supplier here in Zimbabwe and they are unable to assist me.Please please help. Jillian Payne.


On Monday I called your office to request two new micro sim cards. They arrived two days later but I could not tell which one applied to which phone number. I rang again only to be told an error had been made and new phone numbers had been given! The person I spoke too promised to send two further new micro sim cards within 24 hours.

They arrived the next day (yesterday). I called again to have them activated and was promised all would be working 100% within 1 hour that was at 16.20 yesterday and still nothing. My old phone number no longer works, my wife’s phone still does! Both new I-phones will not work as showing ‘no service’ Please sort this out IMMEDIATELY.


I do not feel that I must pay to have all of my programs reionstalled on my computer. I don’t mind the little ones. Those are no problem. but I have an editing system. Avid media Composer 5. should not have to be responsible for that reinstall Apples hould do it for me. Furthermore, I do not like the fact that the hard drive cannot be ordered so it would be there when I bring in my unit. Hence my unit could be out for 2 weeks at least. I could put a deposit to ensure that I would come in to that particular store. Apple seems to think that we don’t use our computers for business, which is why I have had to wait to the last minute. I edit with mine and I need it. Nonetheless, I would be satisfied if Apple restores my Media Composer editing system.


I tried to order an ipad and could not. I went to the store and could not buy one. I want to know what is the problem with purchasing an Apple Ipad 3rd Generation when it is shown to be sold at the price of $454.99. I want this at this price or the 4th Generation at that selling price. This company is showing false advertising for an ipad! I want one at the selling price!

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