T-Mobile Complaints Continued... (Page 5)
1105+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call T-Mobile corporate: 425-378-4000
The 1-800-397-8997 rep, transferred me to a Resolution Specialist; Madison. This individual was the rudest person I have ever spoken with at T-Mobile or any call center. She refused to get me supervisor or manager help and told me "I'm the highest person you can speak to". She had no care for the hours I have spent in your stores, on the phone with Customer Service and Assurant. People like Madison are the reason people leave companies - I am highly considering leaving T-Mobile due to your lack of care and concern. It has been over a week dealing with this phone issue and I am NOT 1 step closer. Madison should be fired and not allowed to speak with ANY customer. She refused to give me any employee ID, manager name or state she worked in

I placed an online order via the website around 11;59 on 11/19/18. The rep was very helpful answering my questions about service, plans, phones and a rebate. I was told that I would receive a $750.00 credit to my account with purchase of 2 lines of service and trade in of an eligible phone (iphone 7 plus). I continue with the service order, he requested MEI of my trade in and we proceeded with the service agreement. Esigned and completed via online. I received an email that my phones shipped on 11/21/2018. They were received on the 23rd. The package included the phones and an extra charger I ordered. There was no instructions as to how to send in my trade nor any mention of the rebate so I called customer care. They said they would take care of it and allow 10 days to see it applied. I was under the impression that instructions for my trade in and a return label would be sent. Having still not received anything, I called on 11/30/18 and spoke to Christina. She assisted us with the transfer of our phone numbers from Verizon to TMobile. I inquired as to the trade in process and not receiving any information, she looked something up and said I could take my phone to nearest TMobile store to turn in my trade. I questioned that and she said yes it could be accomplished at the store.
I went to the store closest to me Killian Rd, Columbia, SC. Omar assisted me and he called several customer care, online service, and back to customer care only to be told because it wasn’t on the order they couldn’t give the credit to me. I also spoke to the rep and said there were notes supposedly placed in the file when I called twice before. She was firm that I was not going to get it. I am considering cancelling service and sharing this with all my social media friends. If this is the service you give, this isn’t the company for me. I would like a credit and someone from corporate to remedy this. Order #1180044522*0838738549

I really wish this message reaches out the hands of executives, It's a long suffering with an order has been recently placed, and actually it was originally an old promotion. The story begins when I signed up this current service, I was convinced to buy one device and get the second one free, Because the slow process of T-Mobile, that promotion was expired but I was promised by the agent who handled my conversation back on November 2017 that I would be notified for any future promotion. That was not happened, but I found theses days another promotion of a free Samsung 9 with a new line, so I called to T-Mobile to find out if I could get it instead of the old promotion which was Samsung 8, the answer was no. I said ok let is do trade in with iPhone5 S ($150 off its price) then I was offered to get Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 at 50%, I asked where is my old promotion.. Any way, last Saturday, Ann Leah from "Team of Expert" promised me to escalate this issue to get this tablet free and no line added. Meanwhile, on 11/20the order of Samsung 8 S was ordered as I paid its tax with also a promise to be shipped within 24-48 hours, what happened is very strange, and I really want to share with you these odd things:
On Black Friday, UPS left a notice on my door for missing the package delivery, I never thought that on black Friday where all Americans nationwide don't stay at home , they go out for shopping. On Saturday (following day) I called UPS to find out when 2nd attempt would happened, at the beginning they refused, I asked where the location to pick it up, they provided an address not found. The address is 13000 Trinity Blvd, Euless, TX 76040, by the way based on this address, I live 2 miles away from it. I didn't find this UPS Access Point. I called UPS again as I explained that the address is not correct, I asked then for this location phone number for a help to get directions. What shocked me they don't have that place phone number. Imagine the have a phone number of their agent, I asked how do you communicate with them. I really don't know this strange stuff. I was promised by them that on Monday, the package will be delivered to me around 5 o'clock, I waited as no body showed up, I called I was told delivery would be Tuesday around same time, I waited with my wife who cancelled her Dr.'s appointment because we have now only one car, Of corse UPS didn't show up.On Wednesday early morning, one of the UPS managers called my wife as she assured to her that the package would be delivered today noon, we again waited and as usual no delivery. I called UPS again to find out what's going on, I was told that the request just completed yesterday and we don't know the day or time of delivery, so I asked to speak with a manager, she hanged up on me. I called agin UPS and asked to speak with a manger, the person who handled my call transferred me to a Survey instead, I called again UPS, but this time I succeeded to reach a supervisor (Scot) who assured me that some one would contact me WITHIN ONE HOUR, AND THE PACKAGE WOULD BE DELIVERED TODAY, I cancelled again another appointment at the dealer to get my car from the shop, I cancelled agin the appointment and waited until 8:00, As usual no delivery. I called agin as I was told this time that the package has been lost and it is under investigation.
What do you think after long journey of suffering to get my device.. This is the UPS where you do business with them and provide fake and not exsist location, no location phone number, and play games with the customer. What made me mad that they kept everyday telling me tomorrow we would deliver the package and they originally lost it and our schedule has been messed up.
I think this is enough for loyal customer like me and been long time customer with T-Mobile whether with group or individual account holder.
You judge now...

My card was recently charged on 11-02-18 for $178.54 and on 11-30-18 for $213.00. I called Tmobile on 11-25-18 to inquire about the second charge and I was told that there’s no information that they can give me as to why I was charge. I would have to wait till my bill is generated through the system in order for them to have a answer. To me it’s unacceptable to charge someone’s account and not be able to tell them why the charge exist, 5 days after their card was charged. I’m very unhappy with how I was treated.

Your new commercial with the screaming kid is driving me crazy, Its the most irritating commercial I have ever seen. I don't really expect you to do anything just thought I would give you a heads up, It might be time to get a new ad agency. they dropped the ball on this one.
thank you, Maynard Young

Went to the T mobile store in Rochester hills MI located at 1168 S Rochester Road Rochester Hills MI 48307. I was looking to purchase 2 new phones and transfer over 4 lines from Sprint. I was having a nice discussion with a young man who was honestly trying to help me understand the "deal" currently being offered. It wasn't until we were disrupted by a rude dark haired women who was obviously trying to go home early. She was condescending and very unprofessional and basically spoke down to me because I wasn't understanding the benefit of the deal. I have a masters in business and deal with numbers on a daily basis for my job. I can only assume she couldn't explain the deals properly to sell it to me. Because of the this experience, I will stick with my current carrier.

The workers at the T-Mobile store in Salem, Or. Downtown Store was pathetic..Particularly from the manager. He was cold and was very rude. This occurred 11/15/18 at 10Am when store opened. Fire him and get people in the store that can explain in simple terms how to correct problems without trying to sell me a new phone. Plus I have a prepaid phone and now for 10.75 I only ghet 30minutes added on for that price @ 33.cents a minute. I was on a 10cents a minute plan..What Happened. The man was so rude and di not care about what he was sharing with me. Did not look at my account. The women did but did not look at my history. I have had this phone since 2010..Fix your problems. Plus coverage is poor Here

I hesitate to give a 1 as that would mean 20% satisfaction which I am not. I am a new customer and it took over 6 hours to get me set up. I had several orders canceled for no fault of mine and one canceled since the change did not go through. This happened because the credit card company sensed a fraud due to the several changes initiated by T-Mobile. Hopefully T-Mobile realizes that customer acquisition is an important aspect of customer service. I am available to speak to anyone in management about this. I hope no one goes through this.

How can you sell a product that your employees do not understand and cannot help/refuse to format at time of purchase? If you cannot help a customer format the iphone to icloud, stop selling Apple products. I spoke to a Tmobile employee at your 11925 Wilshire location in West LA. He was the second employee I had spoken to concerning this phone. His name was Raymond. Today Raymond refused to help format my phone to icloud. I purchased this phone from this location two weeks ago. He instructed me to go to an Apple store. He spoke over me and wasn't listening. Someone needs to properly train Raymond. Its not okay for Raymond to talk over customers and refuse to help customers if he uses a formal prefix such as "Sir" while doing so. His tone and attitude stunk. It was clear to me that unless I was purchasing an additonal service or phone, Raymond didn't want to be bothered. I asked Raymond to close my account. He then suggested that I use one of the phones in the store to discontinue my service. I plan on going to another service provider this week to help me with that. As far as I'm concerned, Tmobile sold me a phone I can't use.

I had paid my next month bill when I got the notice on 11-9-18 at the T-mobile store in goshen in, but my service was still disconnected 11-11-18. I filed a complaint. I was able to get the manager at that store to check into it. He found the problem and I got my service restored. He was very helpful and professional. The problem was taken care of quickly.

I paid my bill for the next month when I got a notice on 11-9-18 at a T-Mobile store in Goshen In. I got a receipt for it. I paid for it with my Visa. Now T-Mobile has turned off my service after I paid for it. PLEASE restore my service. I have done nothing wrong. my phone #574-327-1035 Virginia Aman.

Hi,on dicember 20 I got a deal hookup at the Miami lake store,2 lines and one tablet for $80 dollars.The reason was that I have a tenet discount program and the store manager give me a free tablet with $20 dollars credit back each month.for all this months I call or visit the Miami lakes store until today that a new manager say that my bill is $100 and that I have a $30 dollars balance on my account.I pay the $30 dollars and I call customer service over the phone,the 20 dollars service was found by the customer service and advice me to call and complain because the agreement on free tablet as a hookup store is on my dec bill.Also I coment to the store manager to change wireless carrier to sprint and is like they don't care to loose customers.I return back to the store and spoke to the same manager because she charge me $30 dollars for a free promised tablet and nothing happen.I feel like they don't care if the customer is happy or not.

I am t mobile customer from 10 years
I made auto pay
I did not know why they say it is not working
I am on hold for 1 he with music
Poorest service

I purchased an LG Stylo 3 phone from T Mobile this past Feb.2018. The battery is swollen, and about to explode. T Mobile sent me warranty information with the phone, but no time frames. I've only had the phone approx 8 mos. I've taken good care of the phone. I'm disabled and need a cell phone at all times on me. But right now I feel like the most undervalued, and hoodwinked customer on the planet. I've dealt with a lot of shady businesses throughout the years, and all that advertisement about all the good services you provide, and how you value your customers is not true, T mobile...and I hate being lied to; being bamboozled, hoodwinked, now that I'm having problems with my phone!!! The hoops that you are making me jump through is unreal, and ain't gonna happen. I pay you...you are not paying me for the service. You have to know that all of these hoops you make us jump through, when you should be exhibiting stellar service in our times of need with your devices, says to me, that you have lied to me, and that you have no value of me as a customer what so ever!!! You are a multi billion dollar company. I can get better service than this from my local small time cell phone provider around the corner from my home. I've been reading and hearing about your review when it comes to issues/problems that you are creating for your customers...because when we have problems with a relatively new phone, you should be jumping at the chance to resolve this issue for me. I've been on the phone talking to T Mobile for the past 3 days about this matter, and all I'm getting is passed on from one representative to another, who leaves me at the same level of no resolve as the last Representative did. As a result of this. my chronic pain has gotten out of control. You should be ashamed of how you treat us!!!! We may be dumb about a lot of things, but we're not stupid. I have been a good customer of yours for over 6 yrs. The 1st phone i had with your service was a hand me down from my daughter (Samsung Galaxy S II). it worked well for 4-5 out of those 6 years. here i go buying a brand new phone from you, and it malfunctions in 8 mos time, and you hoodwink me about your warranty. I'm gone...I will tell all my family and friends what you've done to me, and tell everyone I hear asking me about your service (even if they don't ask). I am going to tell them about my experience and warn them about you. You are unethical!!!! You got all this enticing advertisement about your service, but it doesn't even hold water. Some of that lavish money you spend on advertisement should be assigned to better warranty, replacement device/parts service, so we don't have all of this difficulty getting the parts we need under warranty/replacement; you don't make your warranty clear in the 1st place...and this is a start. Why you want to make your service so difficult for us to obtain when we need you to rise to the occasions with these issues? Why do you pretend to be such a world class service, and show your ass like this when I need you to honor me as a devoted, and loyal customer? I'm hurt at how your are treating me. I believe there may be hundreds of thousand of customers who may have experienced the same feelings. Is this really who you are, and what you are about?????????

100% disable Vet need your with billing problem stared when T Mobile billed me twice for 140.63 on 5/17/18 once on visa card ending in 8164 and on discovery card ending in8266 when I got credit card bills in june 2018 called T Mobile billing for the next Month spent hrs on phone with no results then fax Info 2x each time said never got have names and dates because of not getting any help drop service in 7/18 kept getting bills in Sept went to T M obile store Clementon NJ one of the Reps name ED WITTS called and spoke to superviser Latora ID no.1232103 after30mins said every thing allright in 10/18 resived bill for 51.50 said FINAL BILL so to end this I PD. it in full T Mobile cash CK. 11/6 recived an bill for 40.01 call 11/7 8.09 am spoke to nekia on line 23Mins disconnect call back 8.11am they said suoer will call 15 Mins now 11.07 no call and now saying I owe 160.00 for refund they to give back to credit card CO which was their mistake from when they charge me twice on 5/17/18 so please can someone help me thank you Frank Mercantini VET WITH PTSD home # 856 783 5579

My complaint is that my last 4 numbers on my social security is still being update I went in person last Monday October 29th to get it taken care of. Why is this taking so long? I was told 24 to 48 hours. They should not tell their customer that is misleading and wrong information. Today a week later it still being updated. I cant access it to find out when the hot spot device I purchased. This is ridiculous.

The company went into my bank account 17 days after I transferred to a new cell phone company and 17 days after I called to stop auto pay and 17 days after I was told that my final bill will be between 17 and 27 dollars. The company as horrendous customer service and I've literally spoken to over 10 different people. And did I mention that a return call that I was supposed to receive around 8:30pm turned into a midnight call from T-Mobile. HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE!!

I dropped one of my phones and a couple of days later the phones screen turned green and the phone was unusable. I spent over 4 hours on the phone getting transferred back and forth from T mobile to Assurant insurance company. I wish T mobile corporate can listen to my phone calls to listen to their customer support representatives giving me the run around. A couple of days late I get an email from Assurant saying I am denied on my clam. I don't want to call back because the service is so bad and I don't have the time to talk to people that don't know what they are doing. You are told one thing and something else happens.

I am having issues with dropped calls. I am in the Denver, Co area (80211) and spoke with your representative at a local T-Mobile outlet. He completely dismissed my concerns with the excuse of my owning an older phone. It is a Samsung 6 which is still for sale and claims to be compatible with your network. A one year old phone should still have the ability to acquire a signal unless somehow your towers no longer function. When I say an issue with dropped calls I mean that I have not had a complete conversation for two days. Your representative shrugged at my concerns and suggested I change carriers if I cannot afford a new phone. This is unacceptable. I expect some response to my complaints other than an off-hand glance at my device and curt comments about my needing to buy something else.
If I do not get an acceptable resolution I will escalate this further, something I do not want to pursue.

Hello, My complaint deals with when I first signed up for T-Mobile service. I took the promotion for senior at said I get two phone. I switched from Sprint to T-Mobile. I was told that we give up the phone and got new phones. I called sprint while there in the store and was told I must return the phone and any electronic equipment or I will have to pay $640.00 for the phone. The associate heard this message from Sprint stating they need the phone or pay the cost of the phone. The T-Mobile associate said that T-Mobile will send a VISA Card for the cost of the phone to pay for it. Oh we did ask what they are going to do with the phone and was told it would go to the warehouse.
\Once I got the final bill like requested I took it to the T-Mobile store to get assistance to upload it to the system. I was told that I would be contacted and they would pay for the phone.
2 weeks later and after calling customer care center and told that they could not help by one person stating she had one hour before she got off and send me back to the original phone care associate. Mary who is a supervisor for night shift said she would work on helping me and getting information on how to help me.
This was last week. Now I still have not gotten this resolved. Since the phone was taken and said they needed it I am asking for you to pay this $640.00 phone bill.
Help me
Pamela Williams
3754 Olson Drive Austell

Hello Complaints department,
I have tried to transfer my company's phone number to me (change of responsibility), and it has been the hardest and the most frustrating experience. Most of all, I am very unsatisfied with employees at T-Mobile store #7721 located in Fletcher Avenue, Fort Lee NJ 07024. I have dropped by this store more than 5 times physically and called them several times. And my problem has not been resolved yet. I suggested to put a reminder to check my number and inform me back once a day, they said they couldn't. I have tried so much to be in the store personally and call them. They said they are too busy. I am ALSO busy!!!!!! It is not only YOUR EMPLOYEES who have things to do! What kind of responses am I getting from them?!!!!! Being busy cannot be an excuse to not treat your own customer with attention and care. A few items to highlight are listed below:
1. Unprofessional and untrained employees - They are not trained properly. Instead of actively listening to the customers' problems and issues, they (at least 4 different employees I talked), cut me off with what they thought the problems would be. So that I had to repeat myself in numerous times. Also, no one employee tries to own my issue, so I had to literally repeat myself with my problem every time I came to the office. I know a few employees already knew my problem and concern because I already talked to them. They should have stepped in and come and try to help me instead of new employees. At least I had to be in this store for multiple times physically to confirm if my company's phone number has transferred to me or not.
My question is that why one employee can own one customer's issue/problem and resolve them. When I am walking in, I can also feel that the employees are negligent and not attentive to the customers. They tend to talk impolitely and rash. Do they even train to be a representative? Do they even care about the customer satisfaction? I am asking for treating customers like a king. All I am asking is to try to respect them and listen to the customer's issues and problems to resolve.
2. Locked into the point of sale device tablets - Although the employees confirmed that the company number was finally handed over to me in their "COMPUTER", they could NOT sell me the phone because the store's point-of-sale device TABLETS are not updated and they don't show me as a new owner for the transferred number. They say that the updates from the T-Mobile computer system to TABLETS would take longer than 3 or 5 days. Why do these take this long? My phone was transferred on Friday morning and it has not been updated in their TABLETS as of now, which is 7:30 PM Saturday night.
3. Store employees have been ignoring me when I called to check on my phone number in TABLETS. I called 3 different times and all of them they put me on hold longer than 7 minutes. I had to hang up and re-call them again. Although I called them again, they once again put me on hold. Is this a way to distract customers?
4. Store employees continuously say that it is NOT MY FAULT. They are taking their jobs personally. Since nobody was helping me and I have been sick and tired of calling them and putting on hold for a long time and numerous hang-ups, I asked them to check my number once a day and confirm back to me (via text or phone whichever is easier). The employees said they cannot. Why can they put a reminder and note to check customers' account status and contact back to them? I am not asking for checking 7 days and 24 hours. All I am asking is to put a reminder to check my account for once in a day and confirm back. Can this simple request be managed? All I am hearing is that we can't without clear explanation and asking me continously calling them. Well, although I call them it seems like those who I already talked for a few times don't seem to remember my issue.
Please train employees adequately. I was about to buy a phone from this store because it is located near my home. Now, I am definitely going to another t-mobile store for purchase. Also, once the number is transferred, I am transferring to one of your other competitors. Unbelievably frustrating to get customer care and I am truly unhappy with this process.
Best regards,
Sue Kim

I signed up for a payment arrangement which was scheduled on I believe September 10, 2018 for the amount of $77. On September 8, 2018 I called him to T-Mobile on my cell phone and pay that balance off. A couple days later T-Mobile took that money out for the schedule payment arrangement. I got a text message from T-Mobile saying that I still owed money. I did not understand how I old money because I had just paid over $140 within a 48 hour time span. So I called T-Mobile and spoke with probably 10 or 12 different wraps over the past 35 days about the problem at hand. Nobody helped me, everybody just kept passing me down to another rap to another rep to another rap nobody could give me answers. I acquired overdraft fees from my bank account I acquired late fees from T-Mobile. Just today I got a text message from T-Mobile stating that they found my last payment and that it would be applied to my account. So I contacted T-Mobile again and I spoke to a representative today and I asked her if she could reimburse me for all the late fees and overdraft fees that I received it because of this missing payment. She replaced all the late fees that I acquired. Then I asked her if T-Mobile could compensate me in anyway and that they need to for this inconvenience. I had to take a full days work off because I had to drive to my bank get a big statement print it out then I had to drive to the T-Mobile store and present them with the statement because the representative that of told me that’s only way to get reimbursed, long story short I had to take A whole day off work to solve a problem that T-Mobile caused. T-Mobile made the mistake, not me I’m the consumer I pay T-Mobile which is the provider my bill but T-Mobile lost my bill my payment for a month. I’m very upset with how I was treated and how everything went down. I asked to simply be compensated and they flat out told me no. I’ve been with T-Mobile for three years now I switched from Verizon that I was previously with for 10 years because my mother told me that T-Mobile was the place to be. I’ve had countless problems I’ve already purchased 3 pound phones out of my own pocket because representatives that the past three years while having your service have said that my phones were in adequate enough to receive tower signals. I’m done with the problems and issues if I’m not compensated in some way then I’m done with T-Mobile for good. And I’m gonna go to Fox two news station and Tom about my experience with T-Mobile and I’m also going to tweet about it and Facebook and let everybody know my negative experience with T-Mobile.

Hi My name is Dorothy i went to your store in winter haven florida store # 5733 .997 Havendale blvd NW. to pick my husband phone. on Tursday October the 4th , because t moble has sent the phone there. when i got there. the guy told me it will take a few minites.i said i am going to the store. i will be right back. he told me it would be ready when i come. so i came back to pick the phone up. it had not finish as yet. he told me my old phone just need up date. noting wrong with it,so i told him, why it keep cuting off and getting hot. and can,t keep the charge.he have me waiting for two hours in the store. and was nasty to me.and charge me $ 6. 00 if these are the type of people you guys going have in the store you will not have any customer. no how to talk to customer he lucky my husband was no with me. my phone # 863-521-3330

Fraud by your local dealer here in Cleburne Texas. I tried your 2 week special to see if your phone would pick up better than At&t South of town. Employees told me I could try it and return phones and switch back to At&t. They said they did not have a tower south of town but to try it. It would not even receive calls one mile out of town on Highway 171. I returned one phone in 3 days and meant to return both, but was informed I needed to switch to another carrier or lose my numbers. So they recommended Consumer Celleur, which I got phones issued and the line changed. Went in and they ok all changes to consumer celleur and assigned my number to consumer celleur. I asked and they said I was in the 2 week return policy, but since the signal would not work south of town the time limit didn't matter. They said they had to get my $125.00 deposit returned to the store and they would credit my credit card. I went back in 2 or 3 weeks and told them I had never got my money credited. I got a story about T Mobile had not sent it. they acted a little strange and I asked for owners phone number which is required to be posted as a contact and was not. They claimed they did not have it. I also say when I was there and they pulled up my account it showed I had an account with T Mobile. I asked the Black lady and she said it was an error and she would correct it. Now I had AT&T for 20 years and I doubt that I should have been charged a deposit anyway. Both employees have been fired for similar deals but mine was never corrected. I got a notice recently that a collection company had filed a charge off from T Mobile on my credit bureau. This needs to be corrected immediately of I will have my attorney go ahead and sue T Mobile and ask the DA to look at possible charges for theft by T Mobile employees. I also want my $125.00 back. Thanks Don Rice. PS it should be easy to verify this by checking my signup date with consumer celleur.

Contacted CS since we were overcharged; asked for explanations and corrections. CS kept on insisting everything was fine; after a bit started asking for full credit card information to "correct' whatever issues there were - despite that information being in the system and previously successfully used.

I was a previous customer of T-Mobile and switched to Metro PCS. On August 23rd I visited Metro PCS Store at 2815 Lincoln Ave Anaheim, Ca 92806. I was met by Store Manager Joe. I informed him the CoolPad Phone I purchased did not meet my needs. I told Joe, I wanted my CoolPad to be transferred to my Samsung. 20 minutes later Joe handed me the phone and said it was transferred and ready to go. After arriving home, I found that the phone wasn't transferred at all. The following morning I visited Metro PCS in Hesperia, CA. Sales Rep Judy attempted to activate the phone and was unable to. I was there for approx. 30 mins when she told me there was nothing she could do for me. She told me to return to Joe for further assistance. I returned to Joes store, and was greeted with Sales Rep Frank. Shortly after Frank attempted to check out my phone, Joe enters the store. I informed Frank of the above mentioned and to please check with Joe. Joe was reluctant to assist Frank. I felt bad for Frank for the way Joe was treating him and not wanting to correct the issue. At that point I asked Frank to please give Joe the phone and let him know he needs to rectify the issue. To my dismay, Joe started assisting customers that entered long after I had been there, and just left me sitting there. I was at Joes store for approx. 1 hour before I heard Frank again ask Joe for help as he stated, "I have spent hours on that phone, and I can't figure out what's wrong". I immediately approached Frank and Joe and stated, "I paid you the transfer fee and you told me my phone was activated. You lied to me and it is your job to provide customer service especially a paying customer". Joe attempted to argue with me, and informed me to go to the Corporate Store in Fullerton. I argue with nobody as I took my phones and left very unhappy and unsatisfied. The following day I drove to the Corporate Store in Fullerton as I asked to speak to the Store Manager. I was greeted by Manager Felipe and shared with him my experience. After speaking with him, he informed me there was nothing he could assist me with either. He stated, I needed to file a complaint with GoogIe, and tell them what has happened. I am bewildered beyond comprehension at this point. Why is this happening to me or to anybody for that matter. I have been extremely mistreated and still can't use my phone. I have a heart condition that is of serious concern to me as I live alone and now have been left with no phone. I am asking to please assist me with the horrible experience I have had and to address my treatment, run around and concern. Please call me anytime (But soon please) at 760-992-1581. Thankyou for your time,
Joannie P. Elerick

As I said, T-mobile shut-off my phone, without warning, FOUR days prior to payment coming due.
After being on hold for more than 3 hours (not all at once), hung-up on twice and with ZERO resolution, I am dropping T-mobile.
T-mobile customer service is the WORST I've ever seen. I don't mind waiting in the que, but after being bounced from one que to another-to another-to another-to another... with no help whatsoever. You can imagine my frustration.
To hell with T-mobile.

I recently tried T Mobile and was told it had great service where I lived. They lied!! I got home with the phone and was immediately dropped with no service. I worked with the representatives for almost 2 weeks but to no avail. I canceled the phone at the advice of the rep in Springfield, MO and was told I would get my $50 sign up fee back. She lied!! Then I was told to go back to the store in St. Joe, MO where I bought the service and they would refund the money. She Lied!!!!! This seems to be the mantra of T Mobile, they get you and then lie, lie, lie!!! DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THESE LAIRS!!!

T mobile in North long Beach has REALLY bad customer service to the client. When you employee raises the voice to the customer that is really bad. They NEVER have a Manger on duty , What is up with that. All the times I requested to talk to manager the manager is never at the store. Really that is so bad. The employees covering all the bad service with each other, cannot continue. Please someone check this store out, things are not right at this location

I am writing to complain about the call center that I used to file a claim on a malfunctioning phone. I went through My T-Mobile to file the claim. Everyone I talked to were courteous and helpful. The problem is the wait time. My first call I used their call back service since all technicians were busy. They were to call back in 15 minutes according to the recording. After 25 minutes, I decided to just call again and wait until a representative could get to me. That too approx. 20 minutes of waiting and listening to some poorly recorded, static laden music. The representative who took my call was friendly and took my information and then sent me to call the warranty company they use called Assurant. My phone call to Assurant then led to a 25 minute wait for one of their representatives. That rep was also very friendly and gave me the information I needed to file my claim and asked me to call T-Mobile again and file a warranty exchange. This entailed another 25 minute wait with the crackling and popping obnoxious music recording for an available representative. (yes, I timed them) After that I was finally able to arrange for them to send a replacement for my faulty phone with my local T-Mobile store. I am supposed to make the exchange next week after it has been shipped. That adds up to over an hour of my time waiting on hold and listening to that poor sound quality piped in music. Once again, all representatives were courteous and nice, but the wait time to speak to them is ridiculous and I still have to wait 5 days for it to be delivered to the store and then I have to drive there to make the exchange. The call center, while helpful and friendly, is dreadfully slow and the background music is terribly recorded and cuts in and out. This was very inconvenient to me and not a pleasant experience!

I called in regards to having my service restored. A CSR by the name of Brashay answered the phone. I then explained that I needed a supervisor. She then put Trey on the line who said he was a supervisor and would assist me. He had the audacity to lie to me and say he would credit my account $30 and restore my services ASAP. However, hours later he did neither nor did he document the case which led me to believe he wasn't a supervisor at all. As a customer that's the last thing you need is a liar when you're in dire need of assistance. Thanks for your assistance Bri for doing what you said you would and could do.

I was misrepresented and told 1st payment would be $60.00 when I paid $93.35 under protest. We have gone with another carrier on 7/23/18 because of the problems. Now I get a bill for $76.64 for equipment that was paid in full at time of purchase.
Please contact me...

I ported my numbers on 6/21/18, called to verify the account closed on 6/22/18 and found that they still took another $145.00 out on 7/5/18 (for 7/13 to 8/13. I have called to get the proper refund and expect the payment of 6/4 to be prorated (since it covered 6/14 to 7/13). I have talked to several reps, asked for supervisors, been disconnected and on hold for long periods and still have no refund and no answers (although each time I've heard a different "reason"). Most of my calls are documented so I can provide additional info if help is available to me.

All of my bills give a month to pay. T-Mobile usually gives 2 weeks
today the 16th I received a bill due on the 27th
Why so little time?
Don't get it

On July 16th, 2018 mine and my husband's phones were deactivated. When I called to question why I was told we had went over 50% of data roaming and our phones would be deactivated for 90 days. I was told they had sent me a text message about this in June which I did not see. I can't understand why I did not get a written notice or a phone call regarding this or was not told of this when my service started. I spoke with personnel at local store where I got my service started and they said they had no knowledge of this policy. When I got my service the first question I ask was does T mobile have service in my area and was told yes and they were well aware that the only tower close to my house was CellularOne. I have lived at the same place for over 25 years. I do not want to switch my service and would like to have this problem resolved. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

had to buy new simi card to get my old phone to work , LOL , thier simi card would not work in it ! IT"S T-MOBILE PHONE ! oh refund my money , HELL NO!

Unable to make calls or receive them. Very poor connection. Phone keeps peeping noises but not from caller. Very frustrated with Tmobile service. May have to go with different carrier if nothing can be done about reception in my area.

T-Mobile is the worst company in the world! I supposed to get my rebate a month ago but they still did not send me anything. I called and spoke with customer representatives but they all useless because it's been 3 months and I did not get BOGO rebate. It's a bogus company!
I can't stand their lies and empty promises! If they don't resolve this problem I will call local news and the problem will be known to the whole Sacramento region!

T- Mobile store location: 212 B East 98th street Brooklyn NY
My name is Linda Hailes / sister to customer
Customer Name: Franklin Payne Visited store on 8/1/18 to pay phone bill. Bill $94.20 which was upsetting to Franklin. Store employee explained that bill was past due and added late charges increased telephone bill. My brother could not comprehend what she was explaining to him and called me. I spoke with your employee and understood what she was trying to explain to him. I explained it to him and he paid the bill plus late charges. I handle his finances so I keep a close watch on his checking account. On 8/2/18 I was monitoring his account and saw that he had been charged for two separate purchases at T-Mobile store on 8/1/18, $94.20 plus an additional $63.00 which the store employee failed to mention as well as not give him a receipt for it. when asked about it he had no idea that he had been charged for two purchases. On 8/2/18 he went back to the store to inquire about the extra money paid. I spoke on the telephone; with franklin's permission, with someone who stated that she was the manager when I asked to speak to the manager. She stated that she did not know who helped him the day before but did see that he have a $63 credit that would be applied to his bill next month because the store policy is no cash refund. My issue with this is that the error was made; if it was an error, and it was not addressed nor was a receipt given for the money taken from his account. I had to call them on the mistake which they already knew about for them to mention it. After speaking with the manager on the phone and mentioning how untactful this was handled my brother received a text from T-Mobile thanking him for his payment of 6, whatever that mean. We don't have an issue with using the $63 dollars as credit toward his next bill. The issue come in with why the extra $63 was taken to begin with and why it was not mentioned before he left the store. That is very dishonest and untactful business. I have pondered, just how many other older customers have fallen to this type of business transaction from this location. This is a serious matter and I hope will be addressed with this business location. I travel a lot with my job so I cannot always accompany him in his business transactions but I do monitor his finances closely. During his first Telephone purchase he informed that he could not pay his bill until the first of every month and needed his bill to be due on the 1st of the month. He was told it could be done that way, then the phone calls started coming informing him that his bill is due before the 1st and his phone would be disconnected. Is there any way his phone bill can be rescheduled to be due on the 1st of every month. your cooperation in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank You! L. Hailes / Franklin Payne

I was told when I signed up with T-Mobile that my bill would be $60.00 plus $25.00 for my phone. that would make my bill $85.00 for a month and now I am being billed $95.00 due to they are telling me that I was no Grandfather in??? But I was told from 3 others That my bill would be $85.00
my phone number is 609-410-6068

Account ********218 I received on July 29 a mailing label indicating that if I did not return Signal Booster I would be charged $289. The Booster was returned on 7/14/2018 to your store T-Mobile-5624 at 5036 N US HWY41, Apollo Beach, FL 33572-3504 Sales Rep #****463 Trans #3329 SKU #000000610214693518. Please confirm the everything is correct and that there will be no charge. Unfortunately we could not get internet service through our phones and the service had to be cancelled. Booster Box was returned unopened to store.

I am contacting you because I am not reviving any help at either a store or customer care level. the problem i am having is that my lg g5 is now stuck in a boot loop (a known lg issue) after i did the latest software update yesterday. both said i was i have no recourse but to buy a new phone or go through my insurance. which would be $175 because a insignificant chip in the top left of the glass which, does not affect the functionality at all of the phone and i was perfectly fine with using the phone in that way. i find it disheartening that i have so few options when something happens through no fault of my own. im simply asking to have my g5 replaced with a functioning one. my wife and i have been with t mobile since 1998 ( VoiceStream Wireless) and have been loyal customers. please any help or insight you can give will be greatly appreciated.
joseph bowe

After many dreadful (zero or one-star) experiences with the Manila call center, I was finally routed to my home customer service center in Richmond, VA. Wendy is amazingly knowledgeable and stuck with me (multiple call-backs) to solve all the phone porting issues that Manila had been unable to address. Jeff, in the Oklahoma City call center, was helpful along the way. Manila is required to send you to a US customer service center, if you request that. (Unfortunately, all agents don't comply -- so just persist!)

I recently upgraded my T-Mobile phone to a S9 Samsung in June, more than a month after my camera stop working for one day to another. I called T-Mobile customer service and the representative tried troubleshooting and nothing work. The rep aid that T-Mobile will exchange my phone and they will order a another phone and have it sent to the t mobile store. My phone was sent to STORE # 133E AT 1619 W. PICO BLVD. UNIT #A LOS ANGELES CA 90015 213-384-3370. My phone arrived on 7.25.18 to be pick up at store 133E for the exchange. When I walked in to the store I was not even greeted properly by the rep on the floor his name is JOSUE long hair young guy. He ask what I needed. Customer service started out wrong already, after he asked me what I needed I told him and showed him the text I had receive my T-Mobile. JOSUE went to the back room to grab my phone that was shipped. JOSUE ask me what is wrong with my current phone and I explain hat the camera stop working. He check the camera, phone and lense and then he says that my lense on the camera has a crack inside not outside. He approach the assistant manager SHERMAN and another co worker of his and started to whisper in a very unprofessional way ( Hello the customer is standing right behind you!!!) Then SHERMAN assistant manager approach me and said that he will call his manager and check in with her. I called my husband and told his to call customer service care at the same time JOSUE also called customer service and spoke to a rep and claim that my phone was physical damage. The store and rep on the phone noted that on our family account. My husband was told that information when he got some live on t mobile. When I told JOSUE why did he LIE about my phone being physical damage he immediately blamed the rep on the phone to get himself put of the situation. The rep will not note anything unless JOSUE told to do so. JOSUE also said that the assistant manager was literally next to him when he was talking to the REP. ANOTHER LIE FROM JOSUE SHERMAN half of the time was in the back room and when he came to the front he was standing on the other computer on the desk on the right. SHERMAN SAID TO ME THAT HIS MANAGER SAID BECAUSE THERE'S PHYSICAL DAMAGE they will not exchange my phone. ( don't ever judge or said sorry we can't help you when you did not see my phone at all. VERY POOR OF THE MANAGER TO DO THAT, YOU WERE NOT EVEN PRESENT AT THE STORE. The Rep that my husband was talking to was very helpful and guided me to get a second opinion at another t mobile store. JOSUE NEEDS DISCIPLINE AND NEEDS AN ACTION FOR HUMILIATING ME AND CAUSING UNNECESSARY STRES AND ALSO FOR WASTING AND MAKING ME FEEL AS A CUSTOMER WE HAVE NO RIGHTS and WE DONT MATTER, before I walked out of the store without my phone I did tell JOSUE BECAUSE OF HIS LIES HE HAS CAUSE A BIG PROBLEM AND THAT I WILL FILE A COMPLAINT AGAINST THE STORE AND PERSONALLY WITH HIM. HE GOT REALLY NERVOUSE BECAUSE HE KNEW WHAT HE DID WHATS WRONG. I drove to a T-Mobile near my home and had a second opinion by two workers female and male, both apologize for the embarrassment I had to go through and said that my phone is in person conditions NO DAMAGE AT ALL, AND NO CRACKS AT ALL. My phone look exactly like the rep that help me at the t-mobile store near my home nothing wrong. He cx the exchange at the pico union store and order another phone to be deliver at the t mobile near my home. They were surprise how I was treated and noted a LIE BY JOSUE when non of that was true. This has cause me a lot of mistrust and stress due to what JOSUE CAUSED. I personally want to file a honest complaint against JOSUE. No customer should go through what I went through. This is unacceptable and I deserve and apology. I will also email and contact Glenn Zaccara, Michale Buttler, Corporate , (Stewart Assistant vice president ) and Kelly Spindle. Thank you

On July 25, I went to a t-mobile store for a 7 pm APPOINTMENT, and Guillermo from T-Mobile on K st in dc between 18th and 19th st., took an entire HOUR to verify my ID. Per T-mobile’s rules I presented him a valid FEDERAL ID and G refused to accept it. He pouted and complained about how he couldn’t find a hologram on my federal ID so he wasn’t sure if it was real, as though he is the issuer of federal IDs. Randomly, subsequently a DC law-enforcement officer walked into the store for a personal matter and attested to Guillermo that my ID was in fact a valid federal ID. The officer said that’s the ID feds have. Guillermo responded saying that the only ID he’d accept was a drivers license, visa, or passport, and that he was unfamiliar with my federal ID. When did Guillermo become Mr. t-mobile? Is he one your policy committee or something? I then asked him to show me the written policy saying that Tmobile doesn’t accept federal IDs, but he couldn’t find such a rule. Instead, the policy he found, expressly said that t-mobile accepts federal picture IDs with expiration date exactly like the one I had already presented to him. I re-presented my ID, and then He said that I needed two forms of ID. I asked him to show me that rule but he couldn’t. At this point it was extremely clear that he was obstinate and didn’t want to help me, the fraud victim. After an hour passes, I ask him to calls his supervisor who finally instructs him to accept my ID. Simply ridiculous.
If this wasn’t upsetting enough, when Guillermo calls t-mobile they tell him that the fraud issue was resolved TWO days ago (mind you I was in a Tmobile store two days ago and was not informed of this) and i should receive my refund in FOURTEEN DAYS. Why does it take t-mobile one day to take money from account WITHOUT authorization but 21 days (fourteen days plus the week it took to “investigate”) for me to get my money back? Unacceptable. Super frustrating. Despicable service. I’m the victim, I’m the (thank God) former customer, and also the one being punished for your incompetence. I hope your business fails, because entities like you don’t deserve to exist.

I went in for the buy one get one free good deal not so good,after a week I knew the phone or service was not up to par took the phone back they wouldn't take them back

I spoke with Caleb today around 10 AM wanting to receive information on a bill i was not able to see on my app because of malfunctions. He was not able to assist me at all saying it was too hard for him to figure out, although it is his job. I've been with the company for a few years and have NEVER had any issues. I was so disappointed and it was just a horrible experience for me. Please look into this. We spoke on the chat customer service line. Thanks.

Over payment made via bill pay on 5-3-18 in the amount of $8,750.00 for a $87.50 payment. Have spoken to about 6-8 customer reps. On 7-9-18 spoke with (Corey sienior rep in Alb. N.M.) had odtiand upper level management permission to have refund be direct deposit into my personal checking account. As of today no deposit from T-Mobile.
PEASE assist...this amount of money is a very difficult financial problem as I am retired 68 yr. old on Social Security income.
Your assistance is greatly appriciated.
Charles Roybal

You have a T-mobile user Juli Labesky, (719) 651-1123 who is using her phone and your service to make harassing phone calls. I have a voicemail with her ranting and making threats. Is there anything I can do as a non-T-mobile user? Is there anything you can do about your customer harassing others using your service? I have an mp3 of the recording, however, I am not able to upload for you to listen.

My name is Bridgit Francisco. My last bill reflected long distance calling charges to Trinidad and Tobago at a rate of $3/min. Before I made any long distance calls on my account, I had inquire at T-Mobile about my long distance fees/charges. A T-Mobile representative told me that my plan covers me for unlimited messages and data, but calling would be $.20 cents/min when making calls to Trinidad and Tobago. I have a family plan with six lines, and I have been a reputable customer for many years with T-Mobil. To my surprise when I reviewed my bill last month my account was charged $3/min for calls to Trinidad and Tobago. I spoke to Myra (a supervisor) who explained to me that only one line (347 247-2083) was offered that promotion rate of $.20 cents/min.
First of all, the representative never told me that only one line will be covered at $.20 cents/min, had I known that, I would have never used the long distance service.
secondly, its seems very strange to me, that T-Mobile just picks whatever line they want to have this promotion, and I'm even more suspicious, that my line (786 506-1061) and 347-486-8400, the lines that actually made calls to Trinidad was charged $3/min. You would think the lines that actually made the calls to Trinidad would have the promotion. It makes no sense to me.
Myra apologize for the additional charges and attempted to credit my account, but was unable to do so and offered a $50 credit. I was not happy with that because my account was overcharged by at least $200. I should not have to pay anything more than what I was told initially.
I asked Myra to review the recorded conversation that I had with the representative who told me my long distance calling plan to Trinidad and Tobago was $.20/min.
Myra said, she would have a managerr (Andre) call me back on 26th June 2018 @5pm, no one called me. I called on 27 June 2018 and explained the whole situation to the representative, who said Andre was off that day, but she will have the manager on floor that day to call me back.
I'm writing this complaint today, still haven't heard from anyone. I decided to give it one more shot, so I called T-Mobil again today 7th July 2018, waited for 1/2 hour to speak to Myra, who was very surprised that I did not get a call from Andrea, Myra said she had put in a ticket for the call and apologize. Myra also said that she would have Andrea call me tomorrow 8th July @11:00am, and would personally make the call herself.
At this point, I'm very disappointed and frustrated with this service. I have been very patience and I have spend a lot of time trying to have this situation resolve with very little help from customer service.
At this point I'm ready to discontinue service.

To Whom It May Concern,
Please read the following!!! THIS IS A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH!!!!!!!
Re: Lisa Welti
Closed Account Phone Number (626)227-6528
Address when I signed up: 1750 N. Harvard Blvd. #102 LA, CA 90027
I tried to give your company a try at the beginning of this year and the experience has been horrible, not to mention highly illegal. I called to sign up with you and was going to get a phone from you as well as a speaker. I was told the device and accessory would not take long to arrive...but they kept not coming. So each time I would call it would take me almost 2 hours to even get to the right person to help me try to figure out why it was taking so long. Finally after numerous long and very difficult phone calls and still no package, I called your company to cancel my account completely without ever using it. I was told that since I hadn't received my package yet, when it arrives, I could take it back into a store and they would take care of me sending it back.
When package arrived and I took it into the store, they told me they could do no such thing and to call t- mobile again. When I contacted t mobile, they issued me a label to mail back the unopened package with my items. I called to follow through and make sure that the package was received. When I tried to do this, at first, your receiving department was only crediting me for the phone and not the accessory because they were confused that they were shipped with one shipping label because the box was never even opened. But after a series of phone calls, the one nice woman (who I wish I had the name of), assured me that it had all gotten taken care of and that I did not owe any money and apologized for the mishandling of my account since the beginning.
Skip forward over 4 months and I am trying to increase a credit card limit so that I can pay for my mother's medicine since I am her caretaker (she is sadly in the final phase of dementia), and my credit score has dropped dramatically because a collection is being reported on my account by your company. I obviously called to see what this was regarding only to find out after several hours that your company never properly recorded the return of my accessory(speaker) as well as the phone so there is an outstanding charge of $65 due. This past due amount was handed over to collections and when I spoke to them, they said they had sent something out in the beginning of May regarding this but I had never received it. I'm sure whoever is reading this has a mother and you can only imagine the sad and heavy responsibility of caring for them as they deteriorate, so I am pleading to your humanity to help resolve this issue as quickly as possible so that I can help my mother with what she needs.
I have opened up an investigation through a Supervisor of yours named Jocelyn (ID #3012637). She said this can take up to 9 business days to complete. I don't have that kind of time and I need this issue to please be resolved right away and reported properly to the collection department. I tried to give your company a try and everything was handled improperly and now I am suffering because of it. It's not fair or legal and I need your help.
Lisa Welti
Phone (323) 202-7029

For over 2 years have been receiving text messages at all hours stating my credit card has expired. I have called repeatedly as my card does not expire until 2019 and each month my payment has been automatically taken. As recently as June 20th a customer servuce persin Alexis sebt me a text sayig the problem has been resolved. And voila yet again I get another text. YesterdaybI called several times and basically got athe run arouound. . I have been a good customer and have my choice of carriers. I expect better service not condescension and crazy explanations for why the problemm cannot be corrected.

Was in T- Mobil Store @ 38th Meridain Inpls.In.46205..Said he just took over this Location as New Manager .. My Mom pays for my Hot Spot and He yold Her to Stop Paying for it because I was Just Trying To Use Her. She was telling Him That the HotSpot was Hers and She Wanted too Keep It Anyway. 1st of All THIS SOB WAS MEDDLING IN A FAMILY DECISION THAT H

On 7/01/18 I observed a charge to my bank card that was not mine. Notified my bank and began calling T-Mobile. Everyone that I talked to had no concern at all, informing me that there was nothing they could do. One even snickered about my ordeal. The phone that was used was 201-889-5628 (NJ), I live in PA, am a male and the one using my bank card is female. The charge was for $296.00. The Legal Department advised, just have Law Enforcement contact us, This is not right. An investigation should be done as others, I am sure have experienced this. An attorney should ask the court for class action status. This has put me through a lot of stress, including changing my bank card and notifying all who make automated withdrawals

My son and I went into the T-mobile store in Pocatello, Idaho. I told the salesman, I was looking for a phone in the $150.00 range. He checked my account and said I was eligible for an upgrade and the down payment would be between 35 to 70 dollars. I was okay with that. He stared to talk about phones with better camera resolution, I interrupted him and said I didn't need to be upsold, I just wanted a 150.00 phone. He said he didn't know the prices of the phones in the store so I told him there were 3 that were 150.00 and could he tell me the difference between the phones. We had to show him where the phones were located. There were 2 in one location, and the other was in a 3rd location. My son said to him, you don't know the prices of your phones or where they are? He said the prices change everyday. I was frustrated by this point and asked him what time his shift started. I would have thought that at the beginning of his shift he would have checked prices. I also would have thought when he checked my account information on his computer that he could have looked up the prices then. I don't know if the guy wasn't interested in helping us because I was buying an inexpensive phone or if he truly was that uninformed about the store's products. There was a young lady working in the store who came over and said a new product had come in that day in my price range that I could get for zero down. My son tried to apologize by telling the guy he knew he was being a jerk, but it just seemed like he should know his product, at which point the guy said that ok, just keep it up and I'll show you the door. So I said fine, that I would buy online. I asked for the managers name and business card, and was told the manager didn't have one. The young lady wrote the managers name and phone number down for us. My son tried to apologize and we were still practically thrown out of the store. I try to support local business rather than shop online, but I'll drive 70 miles to the next nearest T-mobile store before I will EVER go to the Pocatello store again.

I am a U.S. Cellular customer and while in the local U.S. Cellular store on 6-28-2018 Adrian Meyer (District Manager), Alex Cerezo (Store Manager), and Paige Marcuez (Assistant Manager) for the local T-Mobile in Enid,Ok all came into this U.S. Cellular store and conducted an interview with one of the associates. I find this very unprofessional that T-Mobile had to go to another cellular company and conduct an interview or even go into another cellular store to try and steal their employees. The store manager for this U.S. Cellular was out of office at this time and was unware of the situation. He has been fully made aware of what happened now. I will be making sure that I let everyone know how T-Mobile is conducting business and how shady they have to be to get employees.


I was paying my bill online! All of a sudden I paid $648 and its not even due! Its upsetting! I didn't authorize that amount!

I had a billing question and the customer service person did not want to hear me out refused to understand . Was not professional at all. I have been with T-Mobile for over 12 years and have never wanted to leave them as much as I am thinking about it now. Over the last year there service has been the worse.

I have not been contacted for being charged for a phone I do not possess to the tune of $132.00 to date. The J7 phone was returned on September 13, 2017. Register#: 83 Trans#: 60, Operator :613, Block: Y, Item Description 1081145 Galaxy J7 . Member Type : Business.
I need compensation ASAP. I will not settle for anything less . I also thought I have a service of two lines for $70.00 minus $10.00 for auto debit $5.00 each line for 55 years of age and over. I find this to be a legal matter of deceptive advertising since my auto debit was $95.82 on 6/4/2018.
Please contact Me ASAP to discuss this in detail.
deherrera Lawrence

chartley.park shopping center
144 Chartley dr MD 21136
443-713-0000 Kevin, he is so good talking to Spanish people and taking advantage of them
I pay him to cash 160.00 for him to unlock my cell, and he never did it. people pay him under the table. cus that's what he does. cash in his pocket now he is saying that I never pay him.
and his camera he says he cant see it. I know he is lying. I used to have T-Mobile but I left cus he lies to much. please if someone can help me.

On 5/31/20 I made the switch to T-Mobile after 15+ years with Verizon. My daughter had just switched over and told me to use her name so she would get a referral credit. I was told by the sales people, there were 3 of them, that I join under my Military Vet status and that I could add my son for an extra $10.00 am month. Great deal, Yes. My phone did not finish setting up so I agreed to come in June 1st, the next day, and bring my son as well to start his service. I was also told that they would pay off the phones from Verizon as well. So, on the 1st, The woman helping me was complaining the whole time about what the sales person (Steve) did or didn't do the previous day. She got everything downloaded on my phone and then my son's after he decided what phone to choose. Today I get a call from Tommy stating the didn't collect my son's old phone and that needs to be turned in to get credit and it has to be in good condition. we ll, we were not told that. In fact, my son was showing them yesterday how bad his phone was but no one said anything and no one said it needed to be turned in to pay off Verizon.
Also I asked about the referral credit for my daughter and was told that she needed to fill something out prior to me signing up with you. She was not told that nor was I until after they took my money and I signed up even though I asked about it numerous times.
There was also a 2 for 1 on the S9 that I was not aware of. I asked about it yesterday when I went in to see if maybe I could do that so my son could get the S9 instead of the Lg66." No, it's too late", was the answer. They sure were a lot nicer and friendlier before I bought than after.
I am more than dissatisfied. The customer service I received is unacceptable and warrants training of you staff.
I understand there are certain criteria that needs to be met but if it is not explained to the customer then it should be your loss not mine.I would like this rectified as soon as possible and hope you respond quickly.
Antoinette Palmer

Went into your store purchased a new phone for my grandson who broke his screen on his phone so we up dated to a new phone paid the one hundred seventy five dollars to have the phone fixed from the insurance I pay every month. Brought the new phone and a unbreakable cover for the phone so after paying another one hundred thirty two dollars for a cover we then left the store and stopping to pick up my grandson glasses 7 miles away we notice a crack in the cover, we went back to the store showed it to the girl that sold it to us. You could see that nothing hit the phone it had no damage to it. She said she would replace the cover it had only been 2 hours old. She called her district manager who told her they could not replace the cover I had to go back to the company of the cover for a replacement.I have purchased 4 phones from your company in the passed year, and with this type of practice I am thinking of going back to Verizon.You say customer satisfaction you need to practice what you preach.

My complaint is the service sucks. Dropped calls, hear every other word, tmobel has been around long enough to have all these bugs worked out. I had tmobel when they first came out and I switch because of the same reason. Thought I'd give them a try again. I will be switching again. Your service just sucks. Sick n tired of my dropping calls or going straight to voicemail. You need to hirer better technician or one with more education. To figure why the connection is so bad.

Hi my name is Thang D Bui. I am a 15 years of T-Mobile's customer. About 3 years ago, I had an issue with roaming charge. when I spoke to a T-Mobile rep I was told that T-Mobile loss contract with Viet Nam there for international call and roaming charge to Viet Nam is very high. I asked the representative to block all international call option for my family plan. In March 2018, my 76 years old mother did not know and call her family in VN. the phone number was stored in her call log and instead of dial button using face time audio, she mistakenly dial the standard call button. this mistake created a long distance charge over $700 for me. when I contact T-Mobile representative, I was told that there is no record saying that I ordered the long distance call block and since my mother made those call I have to pay the bill. I try to tell them that there are so many ways that I can call my family in Viet Nam for free. why would I leave an option that will charge me over $4 a minute to call Viet Nam. I was very clear that I asked the representative to block the international service for my entire family and if the representative did not activate my order, it would not be my fault and I shouldn't be charge for the long distance call. I spoke to a representative and 2 managers. no one was willing to help. finally, a manager name Raquel offered me 20% discount. I was not happy but after explaining the situation again and again to her with out success, I gave up and except the offer. I was very upset with the customer service I received from all 3 of them. I told Raquel to reverse my charge of $921.78, make adjustment to my bill and recharge me for the correct amount. I also asked her to email me contact info for T-Mobile complaint department. she said she will do it. However, until now, I have not received any information from her. I also noticed my bank account was charged $921.78 with out any adjustment. I can't believe I was treated this way after 15 years of loyal customer to T-Mobile. I am a business man and was insulted by the behavior of your managers. I am looking for other carrier to switch my account over because the service I received from your staff was unacceptable.
thank you

I visited the office located on Moody St. in Waltham, to upgrade my cell. Right away the people in there greeted me and offered me their help. What I didn't know is that they didn't really knew what they were doing. After more than 3 hours I was told that I was all set. Because it was late and I was tired because my 4-years old grandson was with me, I just took the phone and went home. I didn't use my phone that evening and then thee next day I just took my phone and left the house to run errands and later to pick up my granddaughter (everything I was doing was an hour away from my home). When I was ready to go on my way to pick up my granddaughter I picked the phone the send her a text message and I got the message that the text was not delivered and then I sent another one with the same result, so I decided to call her and I couldn't make any phone calls. At that time I realized that my phone was not working and couldn't do anything since I was an hour away from home. After I managed to pick up my granddaughter I went back to the T-Mobile office and I was told that they forgot to desactivate my old phone and take care of other related changes.
Because I was at T-Mobile for more than 3 hours I got a parking ticket in the amount of @25 and I would like T-Mobile to reimburse me for this incident that will also affect my driving records with my insurance company. If T-Mobile has a problem reimbursing me for this then you should take the money from all those employees and mail me the $25. I am attaching a copy of the ticket where displays the reason of the fee. Hope to hear from you soon.

About two months ago we switched tot T-Mobile from Straight talk. We had to wait awhile as there were not very many employees there to assist. This was on a weekday around twelve o'clock. We ended up having to purchase phones even though ours were new because they said straight talk had a year waiting period to unlock our phones. We have been with straight talk for about three years. So we purchased two phones and the 55+ plan. The salesmen helping us had to give us two different phones at two different prices because they did not have two of the 200.00 phones there. So the manager told him that he was going to credit us back 50.00 for our long wait and because the stock was not the same phone. Thus we make payments for the phones and the service every month. We have yet to receive the credit of 50.00 to our bill. I have contacted them several times on this and they keep saying they will have the manager take care of this. I believe he lied to us and now I am wondering if they lied about the phones as well. I feel someone should do something and also discipline that manager. He should not be in that position if he has no ethics. It was in Albuquerque New Mexico at the San Mateo store.

I am regarding the fact that my identity was stolen an someone pretending to be me purchased a whole cell phone in my name using my credit card an everything, T-MOBILE did not check this out thoroughly an my credit card was billed for charges that I did not authorize, they set this account up on my card an the payments came out automacially till I found out about it,i am requesting all my money back before I have to pursue this in court an you all will be responsible for all my attorney fees, I can be reached at 601 6678500.

I called in Oct 2017 to find out what I needed to have my husband (who I am divorcing) removed from my phone line to include his cost of his phone itself and the accessories. They told me I could not do it he had to call in. As nasty as our divorce is going I convinced him to call in. So, he calls in and I ended up paying another month after he called on him on my phone line. I noticed the phone and accessories had not come off. I called again and asked them why those were not transferred. They mentioned they sent him something to sign and send back. So today 4/12/2018 I find out I am still paying on his accessories and phone itself not the line. I am livid and call in only to be told I was sent an email to digitally sign. No, I was never told that. I was told it was sent to him. Then I am not being reimbursed for the 30.00+ $. I have been paying since Oct and didn't even know it. This is ridiculous. I have done what I could and even bought new phones in the last 6 months and put someone else on my phone plan (which I need him to put his line and accessories/phone in his name because we broke up and he moved out of CA. It is like dejavue! I have been with T-Mobile for so long I cannot even remember how many years it has been. I am contemplating leaving T-Mobile because I am so livid right now and upset to say the least I am not getting that money back and I had to beg him to sign this form again by the way the Supervisor miraculously was able to send both of us (I still have not received the email) and told her this and she told me as long as he does it, it won't matter on me if I don't because she has removed those charges. I want to be credited for the money I have paid. This is a ridiculous process and have to make so many phone calls to get the run around and told I can't authorize anything to be done to may account. Not to mention ask the soon to be ex-husband who I am leaving to do anything especially this is so pissing me off! Then to be mandated to use a desktop or laptop on a document to digitally sign it. It should be allowed on a cell phone. Not everyone has access to a laptop or desktop!

My B/Friend are on the same account. We've been having problems with our phones. Dropped calls, static. This is the best yet. We have our phones connect to our tablets. Which means that on Google maps I see see we're he is and the same with me. So he stops in with the phone tells them the issues and asked them is there anyway someone can tell where someone is the person preceeds tell him only with a spy app. So my b/f is highly mad thinks I'm spying he still mad at me . Which there is no spy app on the phone. The tech guy doesn't take the time to research it just tells him this. After being together for all most 10 years we are going our separate ways thanks to this idiot person.

cannot use my hotspot to use wifi on my other tablets or phones. i took the phone into the store in san diego downtown store and a lady nammed Jennifer tried to help me but couldnt. she said it must be my other devices that do not work and not my tmobile phone. i came home and came to the computer and was able to get the wifi instantly from other sources. so it is not my other devices that are having problems. i also just got off the phone with 611 for tmobile and they tried to send me a pasword to log into my account for tmobile and the text never came thru.i am now waiting for tech to call me back, very frustrating!!!! Rachel Madrid (858) 2099683

We purchased a new Iphone8+ and were told that 1 phone would be free. That we would receive a gift card in the amt. of the phone and then we could pay that phone off. We never received it, so I called several times to customer service and nobody could figure it out??? We did talk to 1 lady who said she would process it, but never received it. I do have her email if you need it with her name, etc. I went to the Tmobile store in Whitemarsh Mall, MD and spoke to Gabriella who said she would look into it. I called her the following week because I never heard back from her. She said she would look into it and call me the next day, which she never did. I have emailed her twice (she gave me her card) and have never heard from her. I really would like my gift card because I have been paying for that 2nd phone for months now. My husband wants us to switch carriers, but I thought I'd give it one more try. My cell # is 443-600-1414 and we have been with Tmobile a while. We switched once but came back and prev. were with you a long time. Thank you.

In two months I've had payments taken in error and 5 to 7 days before I receive the refund. This is very irritating when you are provided with promises that aren't honored. The borrower is inconvenience and no restitution is provided. This has happen back to back in the last two months.
I have been a customer of T-Mobile for four years and have NEVER encountered the problems I am having now. I would greatly appreciate some one contacting me in regards to this matter.
Thank you in advance.
Theresa Lewis

Just got new tmobile service. Had to put a good amount of money down for my new phones which is understandable. I went ahead and paid it wanted to get out of my service for sprint. Checked my bill and come April 19 I'm expected to pay 969. Which is interesting to me because it was not covered in my contract or covered by the store rep that I would need to pay a line deposit for each line. So I called customer service there answer to me from the rep, supervisor and managers plus accounting that there is nothing they can do for me. I need to pay the line deposits and will not get back for a year. My problem is I owe less than 800 on the equipment I financed if I decide to pay off early and switch companies do I lose my deposit. Seems like tmobile is forcing people into a contract. Which is not what tmobile advertises so I guess that is false advertising. So for less than 800 I can pay my phones off cancel my service and take my equipment else where or just cancel service and be done with tmobile.
I don't like being lied to and not telling me everything up front. Surprise me with hidden fees and tmobile advertises no hidden fees hmm something weird is going on here. I'm planning on taking my business else where. Thank you and have a nice day.

I have been a T-Mobile customer for a little over five years while residing in Nashville TN, I was also a customer when I lived in Pittsburgh, PA. My reason for contacting you is for the last 6-8 weeks I've contacted T-Mobile regarding dropping two lines that were associated with my account. Each time I called I was given a different answer. I would speak with customer care and they would refer me to the store, I would go into the store and they would refer me back to customer care. But with each encounter I was given a different answer on how to resolve the issue. I was finally able to get the lines removed. On Monday 3/26/18 made a payment of $115 due to the fact when I spoke with a representative on 3/23/18 I was advised I had a past due of $50.00. On Tuesday 3/27/18 my services were disconnected, I was driving to work and speaking with an associate and asked her if she would restore my services and I would make a payment on Friday 3/30/18. She told me she wouldn't be able to do so. So there I was driving while it was pouring down rain fumbling around in my purse looking for a credit card to make a payment. Needless to say I swerved and almost ran off the road twice. None the less I made a payment of $75.00. On 3/29/18 I made a payment of $200.00 and received a text message that I owed $546.06. I called back into customer care and was advised this was due to the two lines were dropped in the middle of the billing cycle. My frustration is I have made numerous attempts trying to remove those other two lines and not once did anyone every tell this should be done at a certain time of the month. The gentleman did pro rate my bill for I believe $80.00. I am very dissatisfied that it took almost two months for me to finally get the lines removed and I still wind up with an erroneous cellular bill. I'm not at all pleased with all the mixed communication and mixed signals that I received. With a company this large all associates should be on the same accord. It makes no sense that when a customer calls in regarding services, billing or a question in general the associates just free style with an answer. It is the consumer that keeps your organization running, but in no way is it fair to treat customers like this. The entire ordeal has been extremely frustrating, time consuming and costly. I am honestly thinking about leaving T-Mobile and going to another carrier. I truly feel as though there should be some concessions with this bill considering all of the trouble that I've been through over the last 6-8 weeks.

I am curious as to why (and disappointed) that I am required to leave the service that I have been using for years to get the best deal. Tmobile is offering a service 35/line unlimited - I have 4 lines that I would like to do this with as the 2gb of data is not enough. I have been told by many reps that this is not doable. I find this very hard to believe; you would rather I leave and go with a competitor for (at least) 3 months - before I am ABLE to take advantage of a discounted program. Please explain the logic - you lose the business all for not offering to an existing client the same offer.... I look forward to a logical reply.
Thank you,
Aaron Hardy
(407) 310-8504

on 3/13/18 i switched to TMobile becuase you have a great offer at Costco.
howeveryour service sucks,got no cell service switching back to Verizon.

My T-Mobile internet connection has slowed down from 3G to 2G.
It has been at the 2G speed now for about over one week now.
This is not good enough I am paying for 3G speed, and I am getting only 2G now.
How long will this slow speed go on for, it is almost unusable, it is so slow.
Get it sorted out now, or I will have to look for an alternative service provider.

Since November 2017, I have been trying to resolve this problem. Today, my fifth call, I was on hold for 2 hours and 15 minutes and no one came to the phone. Last year a replacement phone was shipped to my son. The phone was not the same as he had so he returned the phone immediately. Almost a year after, t-mobile is still charging me for the phone we never had. I have spoken with supervisors and representatives and but no one can resolve. T-mobile does not trust their customer service managers, they have little to no authority to make decisions to satisfy the customer's concern. I wonder if I should contact a lawyer to resolve this.

I recently received a bill from this wireless carrier for service I never elected to receive. Approximately 3 weeks ago I walked into the Capitola CA T-Mobile store to inquire about service. A sales rep tells me that in order for my to be quoted the best rate, I had to provide my Driver license and Social Security no for a credit check. I did so and was assured it would only result in a soft hit to my credit report. For the following two weeks I received calls from the rep asking when I would return to the store to choose my phones and open an account. Shortly thereafter I receive a $150.00 bill in the mail with two unidentified phone numbers connected to wireless service I never contracted to receive.

I work for a verification company and I called your store located at 1836 Ashley River Road, Charleston ,SC 29407 and spoke with the store manager Delores G, Wow she was very rude and aggressive. I was simply attempting to verify a past employer employment. She was interrogating me, very unprofessional.I will never that location again!!


I took my wife to your Route 40 store in Cationsville MD and was treated like (SHIT) A customer service rep sent my wife a replacement phone because her phone would not keep and charge and the young man at the location refuse to give it to her stating that her phone had a hair line scratch on it there for she has to go through her insurance and he was going to ship back the replacement phone. Now my wife explained to the customer service rep over the phone that her phone does not keep any change and when asked about any damage she stated that the phone has a hair line scratch . A phone was shipped out on the 30 of January and arrived at the Route 40 location on Feb. 7, 2018. The way that the guy in the store spoke to my wife was so unprofessional that I had to leave the store and I emailed the store manager. My name is Anthony Greene a Public Health Investigator For The Baltimore County Health Department 443-529-5458 and in all my 10 of dealing with T-Mobile I have never seen such and I have 5 lines with you guys and insurance fir every one and was treated like I didn't matter. I have reported that location to BBB for review because if I'm spending money in your store I shouldn't be told that (it my problem that you're not getting this phone) Staff comments

I contacted the T-mobile office four times this morning and spoke to four different representatives, and on each occasion the line was disconnected. I have been been a T-mobile customer for 13 years, and have three lines of service. After calling back into the office... the service also disconnected. This is poor service, and bad business especially when I called to add a product.
I have also contacted the office about hearing echoing on my line, and computer sounds with no resolution. Hired new staff ? Have you lowered your standard ? Just bad service

The customer service reps. speak very poor English. It's impossible to understand what they are saying. At minimum if a company is serving U.S. based customers with a computerized product they ought to be able to speak decent English so that the customer can understand! I am beyond frustrated trying to unlock my cell phone which T-mobile locked so that I am unable to transfer carriers. I am perfectly paid up, have always been an excellent customer and I deserve decent treatment. This is the worst company I have ever dealt with.

My complaint is about the Tmobile REVVL phone. I've had my service with Tmobile for about 4 months. When I purchased the REVVL phone, I asked about the head set that comes with "ALL" phones and the rep told me the phone doesn't comes with a head set. I thought that's strange with it being a law to have a head set on when driving and on the phone. Every since I've had the phone it's been a problem. I call someone or.they call me I would lose that call and have to call them back. Very difficult and unprofessional as a business man to loose a important call. I've spoken with 2 different reps about the phone, calls dropping as well as me not being able to respond to a group text. One said he didn't know why, the other rep told me that the phone sending the text maybe texting a big file. I showed him the file and it was small. So I have a phone that continues to drop calls and people I'm doing business with send a group text, I can't respond to it. This REVVL phone needs to be recalled because it is terrible. The service at Tmobile is great, but I'm stuck with a phone that wasn't explained clearly to me what could be a problem. They did tell me to turn my phone off everyday for 10 seconds. I need help in getting rid of this REVVL phone into something a whole lot better. Can someone please help me, very frustrated with this phone. Thank you


I have been a T-Mobile customer for over 17 years, I have paid my money faithfully all of the 17 years. T-Mobile use to offer perks for it's loyal customers which made us feel like we were value to there company, now T-Mobile don't offer it's loyal customers anything but are continuing to go up on it's rates. T-Mobile is not showing its customers appreciations for their business, so I think I want to take my money to another company that appreciate me doing business with them.

I am extremely upset about the service and the principles behind T-mobile. Here's my situation: I currently have 3 lines with t-mobile 1 of which I cancelled today. When I ordered the third line I specifically told the agent that I HAD TO HAVE the $15 dollar add on for International Calls. I had the piece of mind all month since my parents were using the phone because I know they call out to Argentina and Mexico all the time. At the end of that first billing cycle of this line I receive a bill for over $927.00 that includes over $797.00 worth of international call charges. I immediately stopped payment on the bill and since then over a week ago I've been trying to get your customer service to pull the recording of the call when they set up this line to prove to them that they didn't add the $15 dollars in their error, I specially mentioned that I needed that add on about 100 times on the call. I currently have this add on on my line which is the primary number on the line so that is why I was very specific about adding it to this line know that my parents would be calling out internationally. The first gentleman that helped me over a week ago told me he would need time to pull the recordings etc. Once I received the call back via voicemail and called back the other gentleman that helped me told me they couldn't just pull the recordings for anything that it was very difficult. Then I asked to speak to his supervisor which says they don't use the recording for this purposes even though the recordings say " This call can be used for quality purposes" then towards the end of the call the supervisor says she did listen to the recordings and didn't find anything and then asked her why have you guys been telling me that you can't listen to the recordings and now you said you did. I then told her if she listened to the entire call since it was about 30-40 mins longs, she didn't respond to the question.
The fact is that the customer here has NO PROTECTION the supervisor told me that she was going to see what the agent said and they are basing everything off the notes in the system and because they all know each other there is this community between the staff that they are basing it off what they say. But everyone knows in life there is human error, so now, it's the agents word against mine, why can't they pull the recordings when you are claiming that they are there for Quality assurance?? Than the supervisor told me they are used for training and something about there being 900 agents. How is that the customer's problem. I am one customer with a BIG BILL being charged in ERROR if you are not willing to do you due diligence how is it OKAY to charge me this bill. It's your job to show me the proof that I didn't do my part if that is what you guys are claiming but I am positive that I added the $15 dollar feature.
PLEASE Have someone call me IMMEDIATELY I need someone to take ownership over this Claim I don't want to have to escalate this to a court of law, it's not right to charge a client the mistake your agents made, and your company is not even willing to properly investigate this matter.

I called TeamMobile Customer Service on 1/25/18 to cancel my service and told them I was switching carriers. I spoke to three different agents, one of them supposedly being a manager. I was promised by the first agent, Jolo, that my account would not be charged that day for a month of service; he in fact said he 'had stopped the payment.' He also said I had a $10.00 credit on my account that could not be given back to me. I asked to speak to a manager or supervisor three times before he switched me over to Summer, the supposed manager. Summer promised me my credit card would not be charged and that the $10.00 credit on my account would be refunded back to my credit card on 1/25/18. She said she was transferring me to the Billing department who would take care of everything. I was transferred back to Customer Service. This third rep told me he 'could not do anything for me because I didn't have the ID numbers of the people I had talked to (although I had their names.) Question: if the damn ID number is so important, why don't Reps give it to you when they first give you their name? I checked my credit card today and TeamMobile did bill for the month's payment although my TeamMobile account is closed now. They also did not refund my $10.00 credit to this same credit card. I called TeamMobile customer service today, 1/29/18, and spoke with Sean. I asked for a manager twice and was told he 'was going to switch me to the Loyalty Team.' I was switched to Tiny (Web ID # 2045400), and again asked for a supervisor twice. Tiny stated that my account had notes stating that 'for any matters, to call Midland- a company that my TeamMobile account was sold to.' Tiny could not give me any information on when my account was sold to Midland, or what type of company Midland was. Tiny gave me the number for Midland and I called them. Midland is a debt management company, and they report having nothing on file for me. I called a different TeamMobile Customer Service number (there are many numbers, which is very confusing.) I got Rep Jen (Web ID # 308785.) Again, I asked for a Supervisor three times. Jen said she needed to switch me to the 'Prepaid department before I could speak to a Supervisor.' I was switched to another department, then was on hold for over 10 minutes. I hung up, as I spent over an hour on the phone with TeamMobile Reps on 1/25/18, and today have spent over another half hour attempting to get a Supervisor. I am going to file a stop payment notice with my credit card company next. I was a TeamMobile customer for ten plus years; because of this extremely poor customer service, I will NEVER return to TeamMobile, and I will advise anyone never to sign up with TeamMobile.

calling t-mobile on all of the service numbers are sent to the same taped message and ask the caller to enter the number they called you from. when the call is incoming to them. Talking to a rep on a billing questing is impossible. I cant stand t-mobile and will change companys as soon as poss..

They have stolen my paid for AT&T 2s8 phones and 1 s8plus. I have been charged device payments since 9/2/17 and no compensation for switchover! Best part is they keep adding lines to my business account without my signature or authority! This is a case of fraud and theft by deception at its finest. They now have 24hrs to rectify this entire mess before I submit to my legal dept and they are reimbursing me more than 2100.00!

Were do I begin first of all the service is just awful I mean awful you people should be ashamed of even advertising your products anywhere because the fact of the matter is that your service and your products are disgraceful. I have never in my life have I ever had so much difficulty with a cell phone provider ever!! I regret the day I ever made the decision to sign up with T-Mobile . The best decision I made was leaving T-Mobile and going back to my original carrier. At least they care about their customers. All you people care about is MONEY!! you could care less about your customers as long as you have your money that is all that's important. And your customer service department wow they don't care at all they couldn't even fix the problem I was having with my phone and you people would suspend my service for no apparent reason. I am glad I left and I will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever come back EVER!!!! I have already begun to tell all those I know and those who have service with you people to either make every effort to leave or to never in a million years do business with you people EVER!!!!!! Thanks a lot for ummmm lets see NOTHING!!!! and if I could rate this with no stars I would you don't even deserve one.

horrible experience escalated to the point where I HAD to switch carriers! no follow ups no PROMISED phone calls. Customer care is ridiculous.

1st issue: Called in to get my number changed Rep charged my debit card with out my knowledge. Called back in and the rep stated that she would credit my acct. I asked the rep to put the money toward my payment agreement. ( didn't happen).. Called back in spoke to a different rep and she was able to take the money and put it toward my payment agreement... She also stated that it wouldn't change my payment AGREEMENT and that every thing was going to stay the same and she then took a 14.00 payment from me. I kept getting alerts on my phone telling me that i needed to pay my bill or set a payment agreement which i had already did. I called back in and that's when everything went down hill they were unable to kept the present PAYMENT AGREEMENT AND THE CURRENT AMOUNT WENT UP THAT WAS DUE AND THE DATES HAD BEEN CHANGED. THE DATED I STATED WITH WERE NOV 21 31.50 AND DEC 5 125.00 NOW THE DATES I HAVE CHANED TO ME MAKING A NOTHER PAYMENT ON THE 30TH AND THE THIRD THOSE DATES DONT WORK FOR ME AND THE REPS KEEP TELLING ME THAT THEY CANT CHANGE THEM BACK TO WHAT THEY WERE THIS IS NOT RIGHT AND SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE.

I planned to travel to Peru and saw on T-Mobile's website that I could get data in Peru "worry free" (see attached screenshot from T-Mobile's website at https://www.t-mobile.com/optional-services/roaming.html). I went to a T-Mobile store in Hollywood, California, and they assured me that I would be able to get data in Peru using T-Mobile's SIM cards, so I signed up for T-Mobile ONE Unlimited plans for both my iPhone and iPad. But in Lima, Peru (the capital and largest city in Peru), I could not get data and thus could not use Google Maps, which made navigating very difficult. While in Lima, I spent over 3 hours with T-Mobile customer service trying changes to settings on my devices, all to no avail. When I returned to the U.S., I asked T-Mobile for a credit for the time I was in Peru. I spent 2 hours being transferred from one T-Mobile employee to another, finally being turned down by a supervisor in the Retention department (Ashley in South Florida) who claimed that T-Mobile could not guarantee that T-Mobile's SIM cards would work in other countries and that she could not and would not issue a credit other than $25 which was a proration but not equal to the amount T-Mobile had charged my credit card for the time I was in Peru. T-Mobile should have refunded $170. Based on my experience, T-Mobile should not be trusted to provide data outside of the U.S. or to refund charges to which T-Mobile is not entitled.

I've had ongoing problems with T-Mobile since I've been on it for the last year almost every time my bill is due they'll send me a message saying it's due in 3 days but take the money out before the bills do causing my bank account to go into overdraft fee because they're taking it out before was supposed to then when I called to complain they tell me will take care of it if you have any problems and need an extended period to pay your bill give us a call but when you called them they said they can't do nothing for anyone if they're on prepaid and they have to come to postpone or start a contract, you can't get a word in edgewise with any representative they seem uncaring unemotional and unsupportive to your plight and just downright one of the most disrespectful phone companies I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with, how can you be one of the top phone companies with all the service and reliability if you can't even help your customers with the simplest complaints all you can do is brush them off, I expected reconsolidation after the third time they took money out of my account to pay my bill that wasn't do yet it's shameful

Tmoblie is the worst customer service company in the world.... they took my money and do not horror there primises.... I was tlkes into buying 2 Samsung S8s and it was a buy 1 get 1 free.... once i tried to redeem the free phone.... they would not give me the money for the phone that rhey said was fee.... they gave me a code but when i went on line to put the cose in... it did not work.... so now I have to get my attorney to take this case on and try to make them horror THERE promo....

I used T-mobile services for 3-4 years, basic plan, flip phone. Every time I purchased additional time
for the phone, the actual minutes I received was less than the amount of minutes I purchased.
When addressing the problem with store where the purchase was made, a rather vague explanation was given and
the actual amount of minutes was then added to my account. I was switched to a new plan during my last visit
to T-Mobile which seemed ideal for me and for the minutes promised, seemed like a good deal. Once on the new
plan however, I was contacted monthly that I had exhausted the monthly limits. I use the phone very infrequently and
find it difficult to believe I had used the monthly allotment. Because of these issues I decided to move to another carrier.
I want to use my existing phone with the new carrier, however the phone is locked. I made a request to T-Mobile
on 11/09/17 for an unlock code and was told a request was forwarded to Samsung for the code and it would be forwarded
to me once received. Still waiting for code. From research done, I believe the code actually comes from T-Mobile and this
is another reason I will never do business with your company in the future. Will file a complaint with the FCC if code is not received.

My daughter (adult and disabled) paid forward more than $800 on her Tmobile account. When her phone was cloned and made unusable, she was told to take it into a store. Store personnel said they coudn't help. Finally, she was allowed to deactivate her account but there was a remaining credit of more than $600. She requested deactivation in August. Tmobile said they could not perform same until the next billing cycle which turned out to be October. Now the credit is down to $400+ dollars. Twice she was told her refund was in process. The first time it was to be a Visa prepaid card. The next time (a month later) it was to be a check which was to have been delivered November 6, 2017. It's now November 9. Still nothing. How is it they can keep jerking her around and keeping her money?

I was charged a $35 suppport fee for a pick up in store that said tmobile is having dissculties please head to and gave me store well surprise.Order didt go through and they charged me $35 support not my fault your systems dont work ill pay taxes nor support you owe me $35

I purchased T-Mobile prepaid on Aug 5, 2022. The price include the SIM card and one month service. I asked to transfer my existing phone number from Boost Mobile. The employee at the T Moile store (205 North Maple Rd, Ann Arbor, Michigan) activated the phone for me. I made a phone call and it worked, the internet did not work at the time and the employee told me just wait an hour or two and should work. This is my back up phone and only on Aug 10th I found the phone activation was not successful (due to not able to port over the existing number because I cancelled Boost service before I activate with T-Mobile).
I called customer service multiple times and was given different information, some suggest to wait while other told me need to get a new SIM card. I went to the store twice and was not very helpful. In the end, I purchased a whole new SIM and paid another monthly service fee. I don't think this is fair. If the number can not be port over, T mobile should just assign me a new number, not asking me to pay for a new number. Even if I must buy another SIM card, they should still try to port my paid service to this new SIM card instead of just waste the previous paid month (totally unused). Worst is I wasted many hours from the conflicting information I received from various T mobile service representatives.
I hope this can forward to T-Mobile management for action.
Thank you

I am an old customer with t mobile
And lately I fill that my loyalty to t mobile
Is no appreciate at all
What tipped me off was your advertisement that you giving Samsung plip for free.
After I called I was notified that it is for new customers or for new line
Si practically I am being punished becouse I am an old loyal customer who pay in time all the time
Well sorry in my opinion old paying customer is better then new unnone customer
.so my options are clear be a new customer or go to Verizon after I get from you the phone let them pay for it and your contract as well
Let me know what do you think

I had to call the customer service number for a billing issue. While I was on the phone, the representative said since I had been a loyal customer since 2013, they were offering me a free Samsung S22. All I had to do was pay the shipping and taxes right then and return my old phone which was in perfect working condition. I returned my phone in the package they provided. Three months later I am being billed for the phone. I got on the customer chat (which is horrible it kept disconnecting me and I would have to explain over and over again what my issue was). They then proceed to tell me that my phone was damage and I am now stuck in a 2 year contract with them paying $34 dollars a month. I then asked for a picture of the device being damaged and was told they couldn't send me a picture. I told the CSR I couldn't afford the $34 a month and that is the only reason I went with the free device because my old phone was working fine. CSR then says "Let me connect you to our Order support team who might be able to help you with the issue of the credit of the device. It may take sometime, Meanwhile, Please stay connected to the chat." I have now been trying to get this resolved for over 2 hours. I am sure I am not the only person that they trap in to a 2 year contract with this process. As soon as I get my income tax next year, I am paying off the phone and leaving this horrible company. Being loyal to a company for years, always paying on time and this is how I get treated. Sad that a multi billion dollar corporation treats the common person this way.

Rude customer service at the Pleasant Hill, CA store on Contra Costa Blvd. Employee whose name is Anthony was very apathetic to my concerns and demonstrated a poor attitude. He did not seem interested in resolving my problem but instead got on the defensive when questioned.

I'm a sprint customer forced now to be a T-Mobile, I currently work on a military base/Ft. Riley, KS where their very limited to no service with-in building. I literally have to go outside to make calls, text or facetime. I don't think its fair to have service I pay for monthly that can't be used. I'm not the only one experiencing these issues, all T-Mobile account. Solders & Civilians refer to T-Mobile as T-Maybe because of non-working service. If emergency was to happen I won't know of it until after work, total unacceptable. Rep at T-Mobile in Manhattan, KS & customer service solution was get a newer phone while addressing the issue of no Tower support for the area. Please assist with this issue.

I have been a Tmobile customer for o er 17 years. This obviously means little to Tmobile. I broke the screen on my phone yesterday. So, I called Tmobile customer care in hopes of finding a solution. This was not the result.
I made contact with a representative and advised them of my situation. The representative stated if I added a new line they could get me a new Samsung 22. I explained that my wife just left Tmobile for Verizon and got a new phone. She was unhappy with the poor internet service from Tmobile in my area. Therefore, I would not have a use for another line.
The representative sent me to a manager who repeated the same talking points. He advised I had two choices. Get my screen fixed for a trade in or add a line. I explained my frustration that if I was a new customer with a new line I would get the 22. However, since I've been a loyal customer for almost 18 years I get nothing. He replied that he understood.
I explained that if the two choices were all he had to offer, I would take a third choice from Verizon. The manager stated he understood. I advised the manager that i may come back in two years so I can get what is offered to those who are not loyal. I am currently transferring my old phone to my new Verizon galaxy 22 given to me free.

This store upgraded an unauthorized user on my account. The dealer (1890976) got upset when we asked to have the phone returned. I called customer service and the rep said the phone shouldn’t have been upgraded. They never even contacted me and tried to say the phone upgrade could not be cancelled. I want to make sure this does not happen to someone else

Switched back to T-Mobile from Verizon on Wednesday July 27, 2022. The cell service from my home is atrocious. Calls intermittently get through. Text messages don't always get delivered. I spent an hour and 20 minutes on the phone today with your customer service and then your technical support only to find out that there is a project to upgrade a tower near my home. Why wasn't this checked by your staff before they switched my service? And then when I asked to discuss this problem with a supervisor I was placed on hold for quite some time until the technical support person apologized and said the supervisor would be calling me shortly. it is now an hour and a half and I'm still waiting for the supervisor to call. If I don't hear from someone shortly I will return to the store and demand they switch my service back to Verizon. For what it's worth my account number is 983889638.
Thomas Sandy

Customer wait time was 20mi, caucasian lady comes in minutes after me and instead of the next in line tmobile rep helped her first after me standing and waiting 10min before she even arrived. My first time ever visiting Mueller location in Austin, can say they cater to that community. When I finally was helped it's like the agents patience was thin while waiting on me. Agent name was Jaime. To be honest I don't know what has happen to tmobile across the board, the customer service!

I’ve been filing for a refund and transfer of lines rebate. So far, I’ve just been passed around the store staff and the customer service representatives, got a lot of promises of it getting resolved, but so far I’ve gotten to nothing but stress and frustration. I also am just irritated that every time I try to call and follow up they keep asking me the same questions.
So where can I file official complaint that someone will positively respond to and get the PROMISED refunds?

I have reported T-Mobile to BBB, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, as well as States Attorney General Office. I have also began a dispute with Credit Karma and Transunion for the Fraudulent charge that T-Mobile has apparently sent me to collections for. My account was closed in November 2021. I demand information on this matter. I am willing to take this case to a court room to fix my credit because I had no knowledge of this "charge" which I DO NOT owe. I need someone from T-Mobile to give me information on this fraudulent charge since you failed to send me a bill for this and no notices were ever mailed to me for this. I left nothing owing when my account was closed. An account that I only had for a couple days! I had Sprint before switching on November 3rd 2021 and the representative at your T-Mobile store told me I was to pay Sprint off before switching which I did! Sprint was completely payed off and so was T-Mobile through autopay. I have proof of all payments so this is FRAUD! Someone better fix this now.

I went in to my local store to resolve an issue with my online order, I’ve been dealing with online customer service for last 4 days about a refund that was not by choice also a miscommunication from T-Mobile online also but right now my formal complaint is about the store in Grants Pass Oregon . Customer service online was eventually trying to get the refund resolved as they recognized my frustration as to why this was happening in the first place and realized T-Mobile online was at fault. I proceeded to go to store as they said they can take your return and get with the telesales department to progress the refund process quicker. The employee at the store ( Bobby) , and manager was instantly rude and defensive about what I was informed by online customer service. I then asked him to please call as they put notifications on my account to process this request. He said fine I’ll call but it’s not going to happen. The online customer service answered his call , he then proceeded to only say hello is it correct that we are not able to take back online merchandise? She said yes usually it has to be returned the way it was bought he said ya that’s what I told her and hung up . I told him please look my account for notification about this and please try to help either way explain or pursue . He absolutely refused said this is the way I can print a label and that’s it . There was nooo trying to help or even attempt to understand the situation for me or the matter . I’ve never felt so belittle and disrespected by someone who is a employee let alone the manger the way he shut me down and didn’t communicate or inquire with online to find out more information. At this point I will never go to T-Mobile store knowing that’s how a manager treats the customer in any given situation reguardless of the issue . If he is in management then he should at least try and go the extra mile to strive for that customer walks out with knowing that they tried to help. Bobby Barnes should not be in that position if that’s his motto for your business. His arrogance was vivid and customer satisfaction was not !

after 9 months of getting a variety of different answers of why you have chosen you send an account I never activated back and forth to collections I have begged somebody to fix this problem and every time Iam told the problem has either been resolved or a ticket has been placed to have someone call me back in 24 hours (this never happens) I give up! I am filling a complaint with the FCC and the BBB

Home internet service is spotty at best. NO SERVICE at all on weekends or holidays. Have been in contact with many reps numerous times with no solutions. Last conversation in June 2022, they were to send me upgraded gateway, never happened. Just going to cancel and return to AT&T.

This cpany for a long time offered the 4 lines for a hundred dollars at month 1, was well above the 100 dollar promise and 2 ally phone's broke And I'm way more gental than others!

I have been a customer of T-Mobile Spence 2016. I’ve purchased about 11 phones. For the last year and a half my billing account has been wrong every month. I call over and over again and am told they will take over charges off. Then the next bill is over charging me again. I’m told then that my bill will be $185 from now on. Please get in touch with me immediately at 717-300-0759 Cheryl Pizzuto

I’ve had T mobile for a whole year now and I’m telling you I had better luck with boost mobile in the 5 years I had them then a phone company that gets broadcasted on commercials and websites. You guys are literally the worst. The first 3 months I had you guys I had to fall every time I got a bill because it was ALWAYS something different and not what was discussed at signing. And then after that the pandemic was bad and I’m considered low income so i qualified for the broadband wireless that was only supposed to make my bill $50 a month. WELLLLL I called and called and CALLED you guys about it I was ACCEPTED through the company but because YOU GUYS couldn’t figure out what was wrong on your end no one called me back or helped me get it figured it out so I never got that. Now the last 3 months I’m calling and calling having people tell me things, promising call backs. The last person i talked to promised a call back and didn’t get one. SHOCKER. My phone I have through you guys has had THE WORST service. I call and call and have done the troubleshooting at least 5 times IT DOESNT HELP. My bars are either gone or wiggling 24/7. My calls are always dropped, I can’t use apps on my phone that I literally pay for unless I’m at home on Wi-Fi. I’m pretty sure I pay for phone service not Wi-Fi so I’d like to use my phone. I have 4 numbers on my account and I’m the main holder so I’m curious as to why my phone and service are always bad. I talked to someone a week and a half ago that told me theyd take $60 off my bill for all the issues. LOL GUESS WHAT? When my bill was ready she didn’t do it. SHOCKER. So I called once again and the guy kept apologizing over and over again and told me since I’ve called so much and that no one can get to the bottom of my phone he asked me what phone id like and that he’d send it out as a courtesy I didn’t have to pay for the down payment or anything just had to make the payment every month which was fine but since clearly no one at T-Mobile can keep their shit together. So I told him the phone and stuff, he asked my shipping info and that was that. I checked my account 2 days later to see if the phone shipped and LOLOLOL he didn’t even put it in. So guess what? Had to call and wait on T-MOBILE AGAIN for them to tell me that THE GUY I TALKED TO DIDNT EVEN TAKE NOTES!!! it states the days I called but none of your employees are taking notes on accounts AS THEY SHOULD BE. I’ve talked to 5 people since then and absolutely NO ONE has helped me. I get the “we’ll call you back” and NEVER get a call back. Because the man I was on the phone with didn’t take notes I’ve had 4 different people tell me they’d have someone listen to the recorded call BUT NO ONES DONE THAT EITHER. Never in my life did I think I would have this much issues with a global phone company. You guys are liars and kind of straight up trash to not contact your customers back and to make faster promises. Your guys service is awful and I will not recommend you guys to ANYONE EVER. Worst year of my life with this phone service. I can’t wait until my contract is up. Until then I’ll spread the word on how awful you guys are because NO ONE deserves to go through this.

Hello. I have 13 pro max that was purchased from
Sprint T-Mobile. I lost the phone on the 16tg of June and reported it as lost. I pay for insurance so they sent me replacement phone from their insurance company assurant. I have spent the last 4 days for many hours on chats shxcohone calls that were escalated and I could not get my phone to work . I have contributed to call and they send me through their procedures but the phone will not disk and just says call ended . I went to T-Mobile store at Rosedale mall in Roseville mn and they tried for hours with tech support for T-Mobile and they could not rectify this . I am still without a phone . I paid 249 for the replacement and I’ve had no phone service since June 16 and the iPhone 13 pro max I’m paying for and have made several payments on won’t work . I asked assurant for replacement oft his phone. They said go to Apple. I went to Apple store in Roseville and they rested the phone and said the phone is fine. Not an Apple issue. They said it’s a cellular issue . So this cannot be fixed . Apple cannot replace as not a hardware issue so assurant T-Mobile needs to provide replacement . I need help getting replacement phone that works. I need to be refunded the 249 dollars unpaid for a phone that doesn’t work and for all the hassle for me and multiple Apple and T-Mobile store employees that tried to get it to work too with tech support . I have no phone so you’ll have to read him me at work phone 612-432-8136. I am requesting my lease be cancelled without penalty , refund of 249 and for no service since June 16 until you cancel my lease without penalty . Free and clear dome with T-Mobile . No more payments, no balance dnd I will send you the defective phone . The T-Mobile employee believes this was a refurbished phone that perhaps was stolen and then issued to me so it cannot be properly activated . I will be filing a complaint with minnesota attorney general and better business bureau too .

I ordered a flip phone that I need to return. I have tried calling six times each time wasting multiple hours getting sent from person to person. Last night I received someone who now said it's too late to return which is ridiculous as I have tried for 2 weeks! I was also promised to call back that never happened.

My name is Philip Threshie and my T Mobile Customer # is: 44838
I have 2 phone lines on this account, #’s:
I have not had the use of the 719 407-1543 account other than a couple of days, as the Galaxy phone that I purchased has had nothing but problems. I worked with your outlet store in Fountain, CO where I opened my account. The phone was demonstrated to be faulty at that store, and the manager there at that time was named Paul, and he did his best for me, authorizing that the phone needed to be replaced on warranty. After 2 solid weeks of waiting with no phone, I had to physically go into the store to demand a phone, they never once returned my calls to see when I could pick it up or even inform me of the status. I have been jacked around since that moment.
This next manager at that store decided to deny the warranty claim and tried to pass this off by replacing the SIM chip instead of following through with the phone warranty replacement. That manager has been nothing but lieing through her teeth to me, total evasiveness by that store manager, That being said, the ‘repaired’ phone on the 719 407-1543 account had virtually all of the same performance problems, specifically a faulty touch screen, as it had before. I immediately went to your outlet at 1629 S Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80905 to turn in the phone again. To my dismay, I found the same inept and deceitful ‘manager’ at that store, and when she saw me come in she hid in her office, closed the door, never making any attempt to deal with my customer service needs. She would not give me her name, she is a tall latino woman and that is all I know about her. I turned in the continually faulty phone to them on 6/04/2022 and was told by ‘Esmeralda’, who worked with me to initiate yet another attempt to warranty the faulty phone again. In my presence, Esmeralda worked with me and she represented to me that the warrantied replacement Galaxy phone should be in to the store on ~ 6/08/2022, last week. Having heard nothing from them via my 920-2009 cell, I called and spoke to Esmeralda this afternoon at ~1:30. She could not tell me the status of my warranty phone, and seemed to not be able to access any information about it. She told me that she would call me right back with that info, and it is now 3 hours later and I HAVE NOTHING. AGAIN
How do you validate your employees engaging in unethical and potentially criminal activities like this? Treating paying customers like myself like this. It is now very clear to me that they are not intending to return a new and warranted phone to me and my next step tomorrow morning is to file theft charges with the CSPD.
I am a senior citizen and will turn 70 in April of next year. I have very serious physical disabilities, and have been hospitalized 7 times since spinal surgery on 02/26/2022, having been evaluated as ‘Gravely Disabled’ by responding EMTs in April 2022. It is physically damaging for me to go out of my recovery environment.
I have never experienced such poor & inept customer service in my life, I opened this account because of your superior coverage nationwide. I am a consulting Industrial Engineer and the 407-1543 number is my business line, and I have been losing business with my accounts because of your inability to provide me with a functioning service with which to conduct my business.
I want this phone, and to have this service restored to me TODAY. if you feel me.
I await not only your response to this CS claim, but immediate action, and I do mean immediate. It’s now well past closing and not one contact from your outlet at 1629 S Nevada Ave……
Philip Threshie
Customer # 44838



On April 15th I obtained a Chromebook pursuant to a T-Mobile offer. This was no money down for something a month with the addition of a second line. I had one line $50 a month unlimited and there was another offer for senior citizens for two unlimited lines for $50 a month. At the T-Mobile store play indicated that my two lines would qualify for the $50 a month for 55 plus the $4 and some odd cents a month for the Chromebook receive a $5 deduction because they charge it to a credit card. My first bill in April was $200 plus after numerous phone calls and conversations everyone agreed that that was an error and it was reduced to basically $54 a month again in May my bill was $109 I called several times lengthy conversations and they reduce my bill to $54 ingredient was in error. On May 30th several supervisors called me and said this would never happen again. The following day I received a text message saying that my bill is $109. I talked to several people at T-Mobile who emphatically tell me is $50 a line. A supervisor then tries to tell me that the lines are different I've had the lines check my qualified people name just to plain ordinary telephone line. So he gives me a credit makes it $79 a month but I see that it's going to be $109 next month so I've got to go back to this entire thing the bill should be as it was

I paid on 05/29/22 $10 for a Sim and a $40 day plan, my number 786 793 5944, pin 993323. I restarted the phone and left but when I got to my hotel realized the Sim was not actived. I called your customer service and was told not to use my phone and after two hours it will be actived. It is now 11:17pm 05/30/22 and my Sim is not actived. I would like my funds credited to my card since I leave tomorrow for my country

Many lies

5 hours on hold in 1 day . Over a dozen calls and multiple chats. I still cannot get help. Hung up on by representatives and supervisors. Supervisor who says I’ll call back wait by your phone at 1am and but 3 am still no call.
I’m on day 2 call number 17 so far 2 chats 3 calls and over 2 hours on the phone

I went shopping for a new phone. I suggested looking at the iPhone 13 mini, I ask for an alternative due to its price. The seller didn't show me as many options as expected nor tried to compare the different models in more technical detail. I never get to compare the phone I bought with the iPhone I was about to buy. I do recognize that the seller did suggest different payment options. What bothers me is the lack of interest in comparing the different phones.
After that, he asks me if I want to transfer my data, but I decline. Nevertheless, a couple of minutes later, he initializes the process. That implied a wait of 45 minutes in the store and an unconcluded procedural. Then he proceeds to overexplain how to resume the data transfer.
The phone I get satisfies my needs, but it is not what I expected.

I do not have phone service as my LG device has been disabled & I don't have an alternate phone. I engaged in an online Chat with Team Mobile, however, I was advised, after 20 years of service with a good payment history & no active device installment plans the best Team Mobile will do is confirm that I can buy a new phone on an installment plan. No trade in offer & no commitment to restoring my phone service since they are shifting the responsibility to their "Partner" LB. I am flabbergasted, since it was suggested I call LG knowing full well that I don't have phone service. Never mind the quote on quote Partnership is between Team Mobile & LB. My only agreement was, & remains, with Team Mobile. I purchased my phone through Team Mobile, as well as numerous phones throughout the years of service. That stated I insist that Team Mobile is wholly responsible for my lack of service since they sold me the phone, & in fact, when I purchased my phone I could not purchase directly from a manufacturer as the phone(s) need to be compatible with Team Mobile's network. I need a trade in credit please so I can have my phone service restored & I need not be concerned with service Interruptions going forward.

Hi I was trying to make payment for my phone with no +14707469715 however I found out the service no longer on my sim n I can’t long in with my email neither on my phone so I can be able to make payment
Kindly advise

I ordered an additional line over the phone and then changed my mind and called back within a week to return the phone , I provided the tracking number and was given case# 317721645 to document evidence of the call and told once the warehouse processes the return of the phone i would be refunded the deposit and sales tax of $171.00 paid for on my credit card. I called a week later and was told the disconnect was not processed correctly and the return label that i used to return the phone was for a delivery address for trade in credit instead of return new equipment and it would require more research and they would call back in 10 business days and no one called back , I called again and again explained the issue and the agent advised the line was still showing as active on the active asked for a supervisor to addidt

I tried to contact Sprint Customer complaint via email and the link returned undeliverable. I have now been trying to register my complaint for two full weeks now. My email this last time read:
To whom this may concern:
I am very disappointed that I did not even receive an acknowledgement of my previous email and customer concern. If this is indeed the costumer concern department, then you've not done anything to help assure me as a previously loyal customer if over 20 years that you care about your customers.
I need an immediate response to my complaint or I'll have to take this to the next level of filing a complaint beyond sending an email reporting a customer service agent.
Expecting a response, and hopeful this was merely an accidental oversight,
Rebekah Tinsman
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Hi there.
I have been a long term costumer of Sprint and have never before been treated so poorly by a customer service representative of any kind, ever!
I have had tremendous issues with connectivity since moving our to the country almost 5 years ago. Every time my supposed "unlimited service" speed is slowed down, my phone begins experiencing extreme issues with connectivity. While it is been a huge inconvenience I have contacted costumer service after these issues arise every 2-3 weeks. Usually dealing with this issue sometimes for up to 2 hours, I two to postpone making that contact. Not until my date is reset does my service stop experiencing these issues including repeated dropped calls. Until this last week, I have always dealt with pretty good customer service agents until this last one.
When this agent told me that it depends on which agent you receive will determine the effectiveness of my service, I became concerned. This agent was coming across very arrogant. My suspicion was confirmed when the agent became rude and argumentative with me. Please pull up our chat and bring this to a manager's attention. This should NEVER have happened.
Not only did this person upset me, argue with me, and practically brag that moving forward Sprint will no longer help me with my connectivity issues, my phone no longer had service whatsoever. Not until I went through multiple steps of trouble-shooting for over about 2 hours time, doing what I've had to do over these past 5 years was I able to restore service. Never before hand I had such a horrible experience!!! I know that agent knew this would happen.
I live way out in the country, run a rescue ranch taking care of livestock, and depend 100% on my phone service for my safety. This should never have happened.
I've had agents promise I'd see a discount, as my service is so shoddy once the company's policy of slowing down service after a certain amount of data has been reached. I've mentioned this multiple times but did not even complain to corporate. I pay a ridiculous amount of money on my daughter's and my phones and expect to be given the appropriate level of respect and level of service. All in all, I've been a Sprint costumer over 20 years with only a brief break when I lived overseas.
I want to know that this customer service agent had been appropriately dealt with and expect to receive a response to my complaint.
You know as well as I do that the level of the hot spot service is completely insufficient for any level of satisfaction in today's day and age, and the prices demanded for that minimal level of provision is ridiculous. Add to that the rude costumer service agent and additionally cutting off my ability to use my phone at all is absolutely unacceptable. That endangered my safety and life!!
I know that the limits can be removed and expect this to happen after what I went through with this horrible experience with one of your representatives. I expect a response in addition to an apology and assurance that this agent has been dealt with.
Customers still have the ability to help build or hurt company's reputations no matter how large they are, but I do not want to ever have to do something that tarnishing a company's reputation. I only ever want to help build them up using my sphere of influence.
I hope this customer's concerns and complaint are taken seriously and with the utmost fidelity as I've seen the company and its service diminish badly over these last years. Customer agents are constantly claiming they care, but this past agent proved this is truly just a line in their script.
Seriously disappointed, long time costumer,
Rebekah Tinsman

I went to the local T-mobile store to ask a question regarding 2FA messages. The two young men working the counter were a) arrogant, b) gave me wrong information, c) asked for my T-Mobile userid and password, and d) insisted that my only option for solving the problem was to buy a brand new phone.
My account is a pre-paid one, and I just put $100 into my balance. I hope I can run it down fast, and then find a better carrier. It's no wonder people are rating their service "poor" if this is typical of the people running the stores.

Hi, tmobile, I hope you can reply to this. I got a text saying $248.40 was spent under my credit card on 4/22 while I was sleeping. Whenever I use my credit card, I automatically get a text message containing information like dates, time, and the amount of money. (That is how I set) But I am not currently using tmobile and have never used it before. It is not my friend nor my family who used my credit card or tmobile as their phone carriers. I haven’t lost my card and it is still with me right now. I called both my card company and tmobile and tmobile told me they need at least account details which the card company told me they cannot provide because they do not know it. The attachment below is what they sent me to send it to tmobile for a refund process. Could I please get a refund?

I am reaching out to you in regards to a matter that I am dealing with in regards to setting up new service with T-Mobile. Let me start by saying, that my family was a T-Mobile customer for 15 years and then we were persuaded to move to At&t which was the worst decision ever. On Saturday, 4/25 we went to the store in Independence, MO located at 17820 E 39th St S Ste 102 and was working with a gentlemen named CJ. We told him we were looking to switch back to TMoblie and what did they have to offer. He explained the bogo deal which was perfect. We would be adding 4 lines. Myself and my one daughter would be getting the Iphone and my husband and my other daughter would be getting the android. He also explained that the 3rd line was free. After CJ ran the numbers I paid the $120.00 activation fee. We then told him that my daughter would come back up with us on Sat evening around 5:30 to get the android phone with my husband. My other daughter is in college at University of Kanas, she was going to come up on Sunday and her and I were going to get the I phones. CJ stated that is perfect we verified his schedule and we left. We then came back into the store Saturday evening with my one daughter. CJ ported over the number from AT&t and it went great! But then this is where everything went downhill. He said “oh no we have a problem” He then proceed to tell us about the DASH in the computer system. Apparently when we were in the first time and paid the activation fees it stated that the DASH was 4400 IE credit limit. Now, it is showing 2600. That would then be a problem because we could not bring over the 2 iphones for purchase. When he even tried to use the 2600 it locked him out. So he called customer care. He explained that when we were in there earlier the Dash said it was set at 4400 and is now stating 2600. He explained how he ported over the 2 numbers already but that we would not have enough credit to purchase the Iphones. They stated their was nothing they could do. CJ then called the District Manager, Mike. Mike then worked to see what he could find out. He was at home so his resources were limited. He said give me a few minutes. He then called CJ back and stated that it looked like there were 2 credits that were possibly ran and that is what made it go down to 2600. Not sure if that was something CJ did or not. He told CJ to call back to customer care and tell them that. CJ did just that and again nothing could be done. At this point it is 7:45 and AT&T will close in 15 minutes as well as TMobile. I said I want to port my other numbers back to At&t, I am not going to have 2 different carriers. So my husband and daughter drove to At&t and the were there until 8:30 when they closed at 8 to import our numbers back to us.
With all the issues above, we still would like to come back to TMobile as we have had issues with the At&t spam calls as well as dropped calls. I am hoping you can work something out to get our increase in the credit back to the 4400 which was on the original dash and we can get service through TMobile. I will be going up this evening to the store and requesting a refund of $120.00 activation fee refund if we are unable to get this resolved.
Thank you for your attention in this matter.

I decided to switch my cell phone service to Tmobile because of a "deal" they were offering. I was told I would pay $55 per month for senior discount and family plan. Two months now I was charged over 126 first month and now second bill for 96$. I called about the first bill and she confirmed my 55$ agreement but now second bill comes in.at 96$. I am stuck for two years because of the phones that came with the deal. Should never have left Consumer Cellular. Now I will pay $30,more per month.

I recently bought a phone and the phone that was given to me was not the phone I agreed to buy. I am having technical problems with the phone, it doesn't seem to be new. It's not right that I pay for a phone that might be used and returned by someone else. I need a phone that is new and that works asap, I used the phone for work and I cannot afford to have issues. I need help regarding this situation.

Mary Ceja very rude and disrespectful. She told me someone would help me and she never returned to help me out. She completely ignored me.This took place at T-mobile store 3SCD in Addison.

I visited you store in Sterling Heights, MI - located on Van Dyke and 14 mile road. I went in there to get my husband's new phone activated but ended up deciding to upgrade my iphone 11 to a 13 plus. I did asked to upgrade to the 13 pro with out knowing that you guys have a 13 pro max. Now had they been good representatives, the first question to me should have been for me to take a look at the display to make sure the 13 pro is the right one for me but that didn't happened; therefore, leaving me thinking the 13 pro was the best one for me. After looking over the phones, I realize the IPhone 13 pro max was the better one for me, so I asked if I could switch and was told no flat out no compromising nothing just no and if I did I would have to pay a 70 dollar restocking fee. Remind you I never left the store still there. I couldn't believe her response. So, once she tried to prove her point from another manager she called on the phone to verify what she was telling to be right to find out that she was able to switch me out to the one I wanted but they didn't have any. So, after all the attitude given, I decided to keep my old phone and go some other place that would service me better. So, I asked for a refund to find out that they wouldn't refund me my 30 activation fee which is crazy seeing how I have been a loyal customer for over 25 years with sprint and she wouldn't give me back my 40 dollars for the screen protector that I was buying for the new phone that i decided not to get. Now, I was told they weren't reimbursing me back the 40 because the package was open - well I NEVER told her to open the package and why would you until all transaction is completed. I left out that store feeling like I was rob out of my money. I called the reps on the phone and they reimburse me my 30 for the activation but what about my 40 for a screen protector that I never asked her to open that was placed on a new phone that I never got. I don't have money to waste and I feel like I should be reimburse for my screen protector that I am going to have to buy for the phone I order over the phone. Never again - I was never treated this way with Sprint never>

I’ve recently installed the T-Mobile 5G home internet device. When it is up and running it is a very good solution for cutting the cable from Xfinity.
However, the unit tends to drop the internet connection every so often for 10 to 15 minutes. This has happened almost every day since getting the device. I’ve been in contact with their customer support and after about an hour with them, all they had to say was that they were making improvements to their network and that caused the outages. I had done Google searches on the issue of internet dropping using the 5G home internet devices and there are over a thousand reports of the same issue with the device starting in 2020.
Some think it’s an over heating issue. You would think they T-Mobile would jump on tracking the issue to come up with a solution for the problem.
When you look at the statistics and status, all seems OK. But if you look at the send and receive data counts and do a refresh, only the send counts are incremented. I performed a reboot of the device and it seems to have come back online (even though it stated it was connected).
I’m not sure if the reboot did the trick. I will perform a reboot the next time it disconnects, to see if that correct the issue.

Charging me for a phone the store told me was free,I've been calling and been told the fee would be removed,it's still there.

In early February we signed up for T-Mobile’s Home internet based upon the fact their website showed it was available in our area and was advertised as being faster and cheaper that what we currently had. We ordered it through the website, but once we received the equipment (Including the 5G Gateway router, Synch UP Drive device & a set of headphones that were part of the deal-though you must pay for them in installments) we found that we were not able to get a strong enough 5G signal for it to be effective. We live in a small rural town, so we knew that was a possibility. It was disappointing, but not a huge deal.
The issues started with the return/cancellation process and then charges after the fact. In calling to cancel the account they couldn’t do it over the phone because we needed a specific pin to identify our identity…but since we only had Home Internet with them and not our cell service, we were never required to set up a pin. We were then asked to visit a T-Mobile store which for us is about an hour drive away. Once I arrived, I worked with one of T-Mobile’s employees at the store (who was awesome) to call into the T-Mobile call center to try to cancel our account. It took him and I together 97 minutes on the phone to cancel the account. We were transferred between 6 or 7 different people just to cancel a home internet line and a Synch Up drive line. Each time we were transferred the new person knew nothing about the situation and we would have to explain the whole process and I needed verify myself again. Since I had signed up for Home Internet through their website, everything also had to be done on the phone and the local store’s hands were tied regarding them being able to help us. Once we finally got everything canceled, the equipment had to be mailed in. After being transferred to more people, I was finally provided with a mailing label and instructed to box the equipment up and sent it back to them. The Gateway, Synch UP Drive (Which was never opened nor used), and the headphones were all put in the original box that it was sent to us in and I mailed it back. (I also created a video showing that all three items were in the box.)
At this point I thought we were finally all set. Fast forward a few weeks and we were charged the $60 internet fee for the month and then $110 for the Synch UP Drive and Headphones. I called again and this time, like last time, I can’t get any help over the phone from because we do not have a pin. So, I drive the hour to the same T-Mobile store again. A T-Mobile employee called in with me again and before we do anything else we get a Pin set up. I then have to hang up and then call back in with the Pin that was just set up. I'm told it isn't valid. We then must verify who I am again using the employee's code and are then transferred to find out about the charges for internet and for the equipment. We explain the situation and ask about the charges and are shifted between 3 more different people to get answers. Finally, after I ask to talk to a manager, I'm told that the manager is busy with another caller. I am put on hold again, so the person on the phone can go talk to a manager. this happens multiple times for 5-10 mins at a time and finally get told that they can prorate our $60 internet charge for the time we had the device in hand (Turned out to be supposedly $19 which is fine, despite not being able to use the internet). They also say that they will check with the warehouse to verify that all the equipment is there. They agree to email me once verified and will drop the $110 charge at that point. I agree. All told this time around is another 90+ minutes on the phone, plus the hour drive home.
It has now been 2 weeks since this latest trip to the T-Mobile Store and still no communication from corporate verifying that the equipment arrived (They verify that the Gateway router made it as we were not charged for that, but we are still charged for the other two items despite all three being shipped together in the same box) ... and still no prorating of the monthly payment. At this point between driving, phone calls from the T-Mobile store and phone calls from home, I have over 7 1/2 hours invested and have still been charged for things they agreed I wouldn’t be.
At this point I think we are just washing our hands of this process and will never do business with T-Mobile nor recommend them to anyone else. We were set up for Auto-pay so the money was already removed from our account, but I just don't want to waste any more time on this.
Honestly, the employees at the store itself were amazing, but the whole process to get anything accomplished on the phone is so much more difficult than it needs to be. If the purpose in making it so hard is a tactic to frustrate people into staying signed up for your accounts, it backfired with our family--we will not consider T-Mobile in the future.
It is too bad that the good employees working at the store have to be overshadowed by a really frustrating and crappy process.

Dear T-Mobile:
We have had an issue with one of our phones from T-Mobile. Phone number: 540-383-2690. The phone quit working on Friday, January 28, 2022. The phone will not receive or make calls. The message is call failed for both. I called customer service on Friday, January 29, 2022, and spoke to several representatives. I talked to a rep named Joe, he was wonderful. I had been on the phone for a total of approximately 3-4 hours. I made a trip to the Burgess Road T-Mobile store on Saturday morning (which is approximately 30 mins from my house). The rep in this store put a new sim card in the phone, which was recommended by Joe, after nothing else worked. Got home from the Harrisonburg store on Saturday morning and the phone did not work. Monday, I left work and went to the T-Mobile store again in Harrisonburg, VA. I went to the store that we initially switched to T-Mobile this time, the 33 East Market street store. The sales rep ordered the phone. At this time, I was with the understanding the phone would be in within five (5) business days. This morning, February 1, 2022, we received a text that this phone is on backorder. This means my husband is without a phone until who knows when.
All we were requesting was a phone to use until the new phone came in. I think the rep. would have sent us a new phone, but with a line charge, and a shipping fee. I do not feel we should be paying this as this is T-mobiles responsibility to assure their customers have service. I do understand to pay the insurance on the warranty of $20.00. That was explained to me.
Other factors that come into my husband not having a phone, is he is disabled. I work through the day and we need to be sure he has access to a phone. We are very disappointed with this service and how this was handled by T-Mobile. I do realize that we are only one person upon the thousands/millions of customers you have, but it only takes one. We are very disappointed that T-Mobile was not able to work with us on a simple matter as providing a phone or allowing us to switch to a new promotional phone without any charges. My phone number is 540-383-2735.

To whom it may concern.
My name is Dung Dang, on October, 29, 2021, We were enrolled to T- mobile plans with the promise that We will keep our old phones numbers, but it turned out, all my phone numbers were changed, and we were charged $105.00 dollars for 3 lines from my credit card, and we were not happy about that so the next day I came back to the store on 2990N Campbell aveste140, Tucson, AZ, 85719-2994 to ask for keeping our old phone numbers, but we couldn't, so we decided to cancel the service from T- Mobile and was promised that our money will be return back to my credit card, and it's never happen until today Jan,16,2022 with 8 trips back and forward to the store without success with many promises . Mr . Mark he is store manager spent a lot of time to deal on the phone for my problem, but nothing happened. He worked the best he can to deal with his own customer service and his own network without success. T- Mobile has been lied to its own employee and its customer. I was promised many times to get my money back from last October last year , and T- Mobile lost all my trust. The only thing I want now is I want my refund back, I feel deceive, lie, rob from the company that always said the best of 5G net work. That's is lie. I will give it 0 star not 1.

I called asking about the internet service for TMobile and to see if it was available in my area. When it was not, I was told that a MiFi Hotspot was an ample substitution for internet service, no mention of data caps or anything. I was actually guaranteed on the phone that this was a suitable replacement and even a better option. There is a 100GB data cap on this device and for someone doing work from their home (stated on call) I'm not sure how anyone could suggest this. TMobile then told me that I would be responsible for shipping this device back (it still has not been received) before they would cancel anything.
I've been a customer for several years and can't understand what happened. Why would a sales person essentially lie on the phone and say that 100GB is a "suitable" alternative?? Who would ever think that for an internet service? I'd love an answer.

the customer service they put you on hold for 2 to 3 hours

I signed up for T-mobile's wireless internet service in October and decided to cancel it in December. It was then that I realized i couldn't cancel service online or with the T-mobile app. I had to call. Waited over an hour to talk with a live person. Rep was polite enough, and cancelled the service saying I'd get a refund. All good. A week later, I got a bill in the mail saying that there were two monthly service charges applied to my account plus 2 additional fees charged because they were unable to charge my account. First of all, there should be no charges since i was told when i called that I would get refunded. In any case, even if I didnt get the last month's refund, why should there be two charges equivalent to two months' service charges? And now there are the additional returned charge fees of $15 each because my account and autopay to T-mobile have been closed. I called customer service, and this time, I waited again over an hour to talk to someone, then I got passed to THREE different people who couldnt help me resolve this. FINALLY, I got passed to the FOURTH person who turned out to be technical support who couldn't help me at all with a BILLING problem! It was beyond frustrating. The poor tech support guy tried to hand me off to another person at which point, the phone call got disconnected. T-Mobile's customer service phone support is by far the worst I have ever experienced with any business. After spending several hours on the phone, I'm no closer to resolving this billing error. What am I to do?

I want to make a complaint about a t mobile worker at the portsmouth blvd location in chesapeake virginia. He was black with a mohawk. He was very hostile threatening and nasty and rude. This is the location in shopping center with 7/11

On 11/12/21 I went to the store T-Mobile - 3fsv 8290 26 mile rd. Shelby Twp. MI 48316, to reduce my phone bill from Sprint of $144.28 per month. The people who assisted me were Shaw, Stephanie and Selma. They provided the Magenta Military plan at $110.00 a month with Auto pay. I said would the cost of the plan remain the same if i cancel the 3rd line due to no use. They said it would remain at $110. So we completed the purchase.
I received a text my bill would be $123.10 with auto play which we signed up for.
On 12/16, I went back to the store and asked why is the bill more. They researched and said because the 3rd line was cancelled. I stated if you explained it correctly I would have kept the 3rd line. Selma and Stephanie apologized and said they did not explain it properly.
I asked if they had a format and check off list to explain these options to the customers that they and the customers sign. . They said there was none. T mobile needs to provide certified training to the personnel. I am so disappointed, Now I have to spend appx $ 144 more per year.
I called Niki at and she could change to a lower plan for 121.00 a month. I said i will keep the plan i have.
Very disappointed with T Mobile John Dziwanowski
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