Facebook Complaints Continued... (Page 9)
570+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Facebook corporate: 1-650-543-4800
Received a message saying I needed to upload a photo to verify my account and that I would be locked out until the photo was verified. I have now been locked out for days with no word.

Why my facebook messages block again an again?what is my fault??please solve my problem.

I was logged out due to verify my account 2 weeks ago. I sent my pic like requested. I Want my Fb ASAP ! It's been long enough !

I created my Facebook account the end of December 2017. During the 2nd week of January 2018, I was unable to log into my account. The error message said that I needed to send them a photo of myself to verify before I could get into my account. They then sent me codes to reset my password so I could gain access to my account. This has happened at least a dozen times. Yesterday I thought I would create an email account on Yahoo and then create a new account on Facebook. That didn't work. They continue to ask for my photo. Please provide me with access to my Facebook account.


This is
Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

i kip receive this i do not know what it is the claim it is for advertisement would please look in to it i wish it would to stop at once WOOD CARVING DISPLAY # 1 REGINALD LACHANCE
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Your Ads Payment Failed
We were unable to charge your ad account. Please add a new payment method to your account.
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We were unable to charge your ad account. Please add a new payment method to your account.

My complain is ali raza from kunri uploded my picture on facebook without my premmission and write something abusive things about me please do somethig.

I already complained to you about the fundraiser and that they haven't given me my money. But I wanted to also complain because I did get a response from facebook, it said "You already filed a complaint regarding the fundraiser, please allow 2-3 business days for us to resolve this problem". The only problem with this is that THEY CLOSED THE CASE, which to me means they aren't going to do a damn thing. They also made it impossible for me to post anything else on that site. So I think I lost my money, I don't know if the people that donated lost their money or not, I know it didn't go to MY account!

I did a personal fundraiser because my dog is sick and needs a vet. I got my goal within a couple of days, so I deleted the post so nobody else would submit funds. I gave facebook all my banking info, the donors got receipts and were told the donations went through. Except I kept getting posts from fb saying I got NO DONATIONS and to contact more "friends" with my fundraiser when it was done a week ago! I tried and tried and tried to use their "help" line, and they contacted me once telling me they were "sorry it took them so long", but didn't come up with a solution. It's been way over 2 weeks and NOTHING. I need this money by tomorrow. So when I contacted one of the donors, they said that fb put their donation back into their bank with no explanation. I truly don't know what else to do, I wouldn't have done a fundraiser if I didn't need it.

We recently got a new modem. Agter it was installed facebook said they observed my account being used somewhere besides our home. They asked me to submit a photo they could review which I did. They then locked me out of my accound stating it was a “security precaution”. That was 3 1/2 days ago, and when I check on my account they say I am locked out pending review of my photo. Facebook has no customer service if you ask me! I need to keep this account up due to medical problems that my husband and I have.
plus, they do not respond to anything and do not answer hones, emails, etc. There is no excuse for this shoddy behavior!

I do not want anymore messages sent to my telephone! I have been trying to stop this for a long time and haven't had any response. My next step will be to contact the FCC if these messages aren't stopped!

My account is disabled due to no wrong doing on my part, and I cannot get an answer from anyone at their customer service site. . .it has been over a week, and they refuse to answer my questions. . .

Some one from New York keeps getting on my facebook account. I have changed my password many times and still does NO good. Please stop some one from New York from getting on my fb. Thank you very much.

My Face Book Page does not open fully

Facebook told me a football article was spam. Then they said it wasn't. They banned me from posting in groups even though I did not post spam.

Why does a facebook user like me complain about the games you entice people with? Because maybe facebook could be a little more fair minded and not have customers wait for nearly two days to play a game because one runs out of life, and now one needs three keys to play any of their games. Reward? Punishment! That's what you get with FB. Unless your willing to throw lots of money away to play a simple mindless game. But....also because their games are flawed, and manipulated, and destined to allow greed before customer pleasures. But that's the selfish endeavors of FB games. So, I have only myself to blame for a least expecting fairness to surface.

I was kicked off Facebook for no reason or explanation. i was told unusual activity had occurred. i was given a code and had to send my photo 3 times. then it happened 3 more times. now every time i get texted a code to my phone the code comes up as expired.

Facebook spam department has locked me out of my account because of issues with my name. I can understand the need for accountability but it leaves me in a precarious position as I have been professionally known as Rat for over forty years and even my mother calls me Rat. The friends I have on my page (about 5,000 in all) are people that only know me under that name which is the reason they have friended me.
My account was suddenly closed without warning giving me no chance to inform my friends and family that I would no longer be contactable on that page and I now find myself unable to access my photographs, which I believe remain my property. This also applies to my personal messages and other information that I have not been able to view and had I known I was about to be locked out of my account I would have taken the time and trouble to download all of my data and deleted the account.
Anonymity to a public figure is a valuable thing and is a step taken to maintain personal privacy while the public figure belongs to the public and that is the purpose for which I use my FB page, the public. My main point is that I don't want the public to know my real identity as it raises all kinds of privacy issues including being stalked and dealing with over vigorous fans turning up on my doorstep, this is not to mention that in these days of political and social uncertainty it poses a very real threat to my family and friends.
I would ask for limited access to my account so I can retrieve my personal data, intellectual property and inform my friends that I will no longer be available on Facebook.

I have some items for sale and was re-bumping them to then be told that I cannot do this anymore. I have been banned and blocked as my posts were abusive and offensive. If Facebook took the time to look at my for sale posts they would see that they are pictures of furniture.

I was extremely disappointed to hear that facebook had declared the movie "A Billion Lives" a tobacco product. It is about the most anti tobacco film ever made. I have to wonder if Facebook is in the pocket of big pharma, big tobacco, and big government. By doing what they have done , Facebook has joined the status quo and the big boys. Lining your pockets at the expense of a billion lives lost is criminal. Please be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

I can't log in to my account because of some stupid extra secrity I didn't want/ask for n have no way of uploading. I'd to verify who I am this is totaly disgraceful when I need Facebook to contact people in emergencies. Pure hatered towards Facebook because of this.

When Facebook is responding, it works reasonably well. But it keeps stopping and I have to re-boot. Is that my problem or Facebook's?

I wasn't on line at all yesterday because of not being able to use Facebook. The corporate office is banning me for no reason that I know of but there is something on my page that I did not do. Please can you find out who is using my account because this is not only worrying me but frightening me too. I do thank you for looking into this matter and providing services for Facebook users when they ignore us. Please, could you give me a date as to when I will receive answer?

Nearly 5 years ago I complained about some pictures and comments posted on face book by some one posing as me. I didn't open an account and have never used Facebook.These pictures and comments are still on facebook after I was assured that they would be removed it's extremely upsetting to say the least!

On 4/26/2016, someone (unknown) has gained unauthorized access to my Bank (Banco Popular de Puerto Rico) Visa Logo Debit card ending in xxxx xxxx xxxx 2736 and charged $500 each for two separate Facebook Ads. I need for a Facebook security representative to contact me as soon as possible to coordinate the next steps in releasing the funds amounting to $1,000 back to my account. I have already notified my bank, reported the unauthorized transactions, and cancelled my debit card.

I am getting a load of notifications on Sky adverts, that I do not want, and I want them stopped and don't know how to do this. Can someone tell me how to report spam advertising to the product management team at Facebook?

I would like for my Facebook page be deactivated for good. I ask that it be deactivated once and I went through all the steps to deactivate it but a couple of days later a friend of mine said it was still on there. So please could someone deactivate it for good. Or maybe this company does not want that too happen?

I am upset. Ordered new blinds and they never came.

I have an android phone. The new version of Facebook and messenger are impossible to see the small print. It's so hard to see it gives me a headache and my eyes hurt so bad. I know other people have a problem with this too. They must. The print is so tiny.

They censor free speech and ban me like they are punishing me like a red headed step child. I want my acct terminated, but Facebook does not allow you to do that. Only deactivate the acct. I don't like them to keep me on file forever.

I have a set of 5 pages of the same name, same category, same thing, which I ADMIN for two! All criteria mentioned in the merge requirement is perfect. Yet Facebook customer support center in India keeps telling me unable to merge pages every time I send a humble request to merge them. Kindly take up an action before we forward this complaint to your higher authorities in India branch. This is definitely going to be a problem going forward if they do not listen to their customers.

I have been hounded by face book, first I was banned for sharing my group with other groups which as I understand is a legitimate way of promoting a group. I have now been banned for posting photos containing nudity and yet I have not done so, face book presented a picture as 'evidence' that showed no nudity. I am now unable to contact friends and family or reply to adverts etc.

You have people coming online saying they work for Facebook and telling people that they have special offers or have won a sweepstakes and want person information from us and in their background pictures have a photo of Facebook. I think you should investigate this matter.

My husband is in the United states army fighting in a war in Sudan. There is a facebook page with his picture, on his profile it says he is engaged. I spoke to him last week about the page. He told me that he doesn't have a facebook page. I don't know who created it. But I would like to have it removed immediately. That's disrespectful to me. Can ya'll please do something about it or I will contact the army and have them to do something about it.

I have promoted my page from facebook but now i don't want to continue but the amount was been credited from my account. Please cancel my promotion and do not deduct any amount from my account. Please reply as early as possible.

I was contacted by a Ensley Charlean Bernice (Charlean Bernice Ensley) to inform me that I was one of the lucky ones picked to receive 6,000,000 us dollars from facebook. After I gave her some info (no bank details) I began to get suspicious. I accused her of being connected to a scam. She has now removed her contact details. Facebook should do a much better job at the corporate level of removing these types of scams.

Internet 'trolls' are a reality- it is unavoidable. No one would disagree that they exist. Anyone who has used social media for enough time know just how nasty they can be. No one should disagree that the administration of a page has the right to remove 'trolls' that are causing disruption on their own page by such people. But should the 'trolls' be able to report someone for being banned? Certain Facebook administration staff seem to think so.
It seems that my account has been suspended for a month due to a 'troll' taking offense at being identified and banned as such... ..of course the contents of the post that the 'troll' made which necessitated his removal were completely in line with Facebook Terms of Service.
Of course there is no appeals department for Facebook to look into overworked ( and/or lazy or prejudiced) staff members which means countless individuals, and pages have been unfairly targeted. This is nothing new it seems. It has been going on for years and absolutely nothing has been done about it. Where is the justice? Where are the checks and balances? To whom are Facebook accountable for upholding their own rules consistently?
Realistically, I don't see any substantial restructuring of Facebook policies, yet there should be an impartial appeals process in place for this "first world problem"

Just got Windows 10. Now I hit FB and it goes there & then just goes back to cover page, it doesn't stay on. Did get a e-mail from FB and when I clicked on, it was something about a job? Maybe my computer just got hacked. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

I have a group that is supposed to be secret and I am getting requests to join my secret group. How can that be if they aren't supposed to see my secret group? Also when I go to Facebook's to find thing to post in my secret group every time I make a copy of an article and paste it to my group and then go back to Facebook's it takes me back to the beginning of Facebook. I don't like it and neither do any of the people I associate with. I would appreciate some answers and some help with these two problems please. I expect to hear from you about these problems.

The man created another(fake id) for blackmailing and he blackmailed me and said that he will leak my personal data in the public. This matter is very serious but Facebook does not take an strict action to this id and suspend him. I have asked that they trace his location via his fake id. I'm sending you his screenshot.

The reason why I have complained to ya'll about Facebook is because I am being harassed. I reported a user to Facebook corporate before and nothing was done about it. He has another facebook page and now he have his girlfriend writing to me. Can ya'll please do something about it or direct me to the customer service line at HQ?

My facebook account was hacked and now the person who has it is demanding 1,000 rupees to give it back. I have tried to email Facebook support and they are no help.

I am complaining on the other half of my mate as he is unwell to do so. My mate has never had a problem with Facebook until yesterday. He received many messages from a fake account, asking for is location, who he is? etc. The account was Emma Jane it looked like it was someone from Pakistan. Also many people has just been using his pictures without his permission that should never be allowed. He reported it all but Facebook couldn't take them down. Why? Are you dumb? Cant you see its fake accounts? Cant you see people using his pictures?
It has made him very ill, and really paranoid, i woke up to find the toilet seat rip off and placed under the bedroom door without things. He is ill as it is and he takes 30 tablets a day for his adhd and many other things. This has made him even worse. If you DO NOT DO ANYTHING about this, we will be taking this to court as its breaking Facebook corporate policy.
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