National Stores Customer Service
Rated 5 of 5 Stars
Based on 1 Complaints

Contact National Stores Corporate

Toll free phone number: 1-310-324-9962

At the end of August 2018, National Stores Inc. had 344 stores in 22 states and Puerto Rico, employing 9800 workers across the United States. In 1962, Joseph Fallas opened Fallas Paredes, a single store in downtown Los Angeles. When Michael Fallas was just five years old, he worked as a stock boy at National Stores. Stores such as Fallas, Fallas Paredes, Fallas Discount Store, and Factory 2-U, as well as the brand names and private labels of Conway, Weiner's, and CW Price, are all operated by National Stores Inc. They also sell lingerie, shoes, and household goods under the Fallas and Anna's Linen by Fallas names. Catering to the Hispanic American community, Fallas Paredes is the place to be.

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National Stores Contact Information

Report complaints to corporate and get satisfaction

  • National Stores headquarters address

    • 15001 South Figueroa Street Gardena, CA 90248
    • Gardena
    • CA 90248
    • United States
  • Company website

  • 1-800 phone number

  • Better Business Bureau rating

  • Customer service hours

    24 hours a day

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