Contact General Mills Corporate
Toll free phone number: 1-800-328-1144General Mills is an American food processing company serving worldwide markets for cereal, baking mixes, refrigerator dough and other food products. It is publicly owned on NYSE:GIS and in 2016 revenues were reported as 16.6billionUSD. There are over 39,000 employees as of 2014.
To reach consumer services call 1-800-328-1144 or find help here. To reach CEO Ken Powell you may address an envelop to him at: One General Mills Blvd., Minneapolis, MN 55426, USA. The corporate office phone number is 763-764-7600.
With the invention of the Puff Gun in 1930 cereals such as KIX (1937) and Cheerios (1941) were introduced. General Mills owns restaurants Olive Garden, Red Lobster and Good Earth health chain. Highlights include: founded in 1856 as Milling Co.; a merger in 1978 with 280 other mills and toy manufacturing starting in 1965.
Millions have been given to American schools through BoxTops for Education. Social presence is found on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.
Experienced poor service? File a complaint here!
General Mills Contact Information
Report complaints to corporate and get satisfactionGeneral Mills headquarters address
- P.O. Box 9452
- Minneapolis
- MN 55440
Company website
1-800 phone number
1-800-328-1144Support email address
customers@generalmills.comBetter Business Bureau rating
A+Customer service hours
7am-6pm CST
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Top General Mills Complaints
Browse more than 58 reviews submitted so far
I brought 6 family size boxes of cereal for my grandchildren n in the boxes the marshmallows were hard n some was stale i am really upset because as a child loved that cereal but that's been a long time ago I'm on a fixed income and all i want is a refund. Each box was 5.99 my address is 304 Glenwood Ave East Orange N.J 07017 n i really need my money back really right now due to this coronvirusmoo

my complaint is the 90 calorie fiber one bars, mainly the cinnamon ones. I here you changed the recipe. bad move! The new ones don't taste very well, too dried out and crumbly. to save 20 calories? bad move, it probably already had 70 calories since it was made smaller, so to save money! In the long run, you will lose money! you ruined a good thing! They would great before! the price on amazon and ebay has risen. will stick to store bars now, will through the boxes I have else they are no good, you probably have gotten much more complaints. Donna Sloney

Hi I can't stand your Black Rap Cheerios commercial. Most people in a America hate Black Rap. In fact the only time I hear Black Rap is when I'm passing the Ghetto, a great misfortune when I do have to drive anywhere near those areas. In case you didn't know, Black Rap was started by DRUG DEALERS who used their drug money to make and promote their BLACK RAP. This is completely unAmerican. Instead, how about having things on your commercials that make all people HAPPY? Or just stick to the Honey Bee? ALL Americans love Him. Thankyou

I love General Mills Cheerios but I need the company to make the peach Cheerios a Permanent brand in Boston MA. If anything make the blueberry flavor a limited edition. My family feel in love with the peach flavored Cheerio the I went on a man hunt looking for them at every store and website. Finally bought the last one on amazon. Please make my life a little less hectic and just bring the PEACH CHEERIOS BACK INTO OUR LIVES.

Nutrena layer, Nutena calf starter had dust by at least 16ounces. Purina stocker grower texured was dried completely out. The only other product was not yours, but the game bird conditioner had it's packets of mineral in jelly form.

I purchase my granddaughter a lunchable from our local Publix store in Seminole, FL. The lunchable was the nacho and cheese with the flavored bottled water. I packed it in her lunch today and when she opened it there was no nacho chips. Therefore, she didn't have lunch today at camp.
I would appreciate if you could send us a coupons so we can purchase more lunchables. I haven't opened the other four we have.
Thank you for your time and support in this matter.
Tammy Griffith

I bought a box of Old Elpaso dinner kit with soft tacos and the foil wasn,t sealed so I had to throw them out.I always buy this brand and was very dissappointed plus ruined my dinner plans as I had already had everything cooked.I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a voucher to replace.I realize these things happen and am sure you are willing to correct the problem.Thank you very much

I will not continue to buy any General Mills products a long as you endorse Ellen Degeneres. She is not the example I want my kids to see on the front of a cereal box.

I have literally grown up eating General Mills Cereals. I am now 48 years old, and I have a 22 yr. old daughter. During Halloween Time, my mother bought Count Chocula and Frankenberry every since I can remember. She did this to make us wait and have fun waiting for these specific two cereals during the winter time and we did......and so, of course as my own child grew up I kept the same fun and hilarious fad up in our family. Muy daughter and her friends since they were in Kindergarten waited in excitement just like a kid does for Santa To come, just as intense as they loved this cereal as much as they did him. Literally! Anyhow, after being a teacher over 20 years in early childhood development and watching this world go from being able to go through the checkout at Walmart and a cashier asking how your days gone, to robot registers of which hardly every work, and leaving you having to push the help needed light, leaving you in line way longer that a real person did, and bagging your own groceries makes me realize that the sense of really having care is slowly flying out the window in our days of only caring about techonology. I feel the same about your products now, because I've boughten, along w my family over 5000 products from cereals, mainly our favorites I discussed above, to Bisquick, Gold, Pillsbury crescent rolls, to Annies mac and cheese of which I have spent at least $100 month on from my child being 5 to 22yrs. old, Totinos pizzas that lit up my kids and her friends eyes every time they came over from kindergarten to 12th grade that we'd put on out pizza sliced plates, right down to Bugles that I grew up putting on my fingers, and that's the only way my mother was able to ever cook in peace. I did the same thing w/ my daughter, and it's amazing her bugle witch nails she does this w my granddaughter. So you've got over 3 generations of only one family in my large family I actually do have, emailing you to tell you that it saddens me after all of our devotion to your products I bought a box of Cheereos to string necklaces w/ my grandchild to open the box to dump into a big bowl for a party and I was sad and shocked to find dozens of these ltttle bugs in the cereal. Now mind you I live in a clean home, have ocd and buy every type of Lysol product you can imagine being a neat/clean freak due to germs...I had never been so emabarased in all my life. The little kids all 9 of them screamed all freaked out, afraid to eat any type of cereal now and its' just unreal that could happen. Needless to say, I'd like a replacement for this box of cereal please at the least for my years and my moms for being a loyal customer for so many years. Thank you and please email your managers at the factories to make them do better inspections. Thankyou for your time, my name is Cynthia, 321-362-9146 Good day and God Bless.

My complaint has nothing to do with cereal. Cherrios has been one of my favorite cereals since I was a child. My complaint is who you put on the front of the box for me to look at while I eat. Ellen! Not liking it at all. It has nothing to do with her lesbianism . That's fine. I really don't care.
It's her politics that is offensive
She's too political to be mainstream and you guys act as if everyone has that same mentality and you act as if everyone thinks in that manner . It's not ok to have to look at this lefty while I eat. I can guarantee you at least half of Americans feel like I do. I do not watch her show because of her political views. Don't stuff them down my throat with the ceral. Put something more neutral on the front of my Cheerios.
Tnanks. Hope you listen.

My family and I shall now Boycott All your products. If you think a comercial showing a spoiled boy screaming untill he gets what he wants is a good way to have customers buy your product, you are wrong. You are promoting spoiled kids. Im sick of that garbage comercial so I told NO MORE G MILLS.

Dear Sir or Mam, 1 March 2019
I purchased a couple of family size of Honey Nut Cheerios, Anyway
I tried to open this plastic bags and both of them had so much glue on them that when I finally did get them open the whole bag of cereal went all over my kitchen floor. Why do they put so much glue on the bags and boxes. I'm an older women and love these cereals.
But it's very hard to open can you please ask them to stop putting so much glue on every thing. 23DEC2019 - CR 141207C / 1600012479. Oh I almost forgot to say that there are lots of burnt
ones in these boxes. Thank you and God Bless
Mrs M Ciarlo
9755 Silver Sky Parkway
Unit 805
Reno, NV 89506

Purchased a Value Pack of Reese’s Puffs Treats at my local zeal-Matt. The box contained 15 regular bars and one sealed package with no bar enclosed. Code on box reads: 21AUG2019 RBRQ00 5904A

I am a mother of 4 kids and I always buy the values when they r available. I have been buying ur Tiotinos 120 count for many yrs from WalMart Ive never had a problem till now,I always buy 3 bags sometimes 4 but mostly 3 when I got home and was unpacking my bags I happened to notice crumbs or such all in the bags and on my floor when I checked it out the bags were all cut like someone took a razorblade and sliced them .I caked WalMart they were no help they told me I would have 2 contact u.Im not sure what all I need to send u but ill send u what I got Totinos 120 count 4280002692 25 Jun 2019 ws16 268. Hopefully u will correct the matter. Thank You Mrs Cox

I loved Lucky Charms cereal. I mean I LOVED Lucky Charms cereal. I ate a bowl just about every day..... until the other day when I put a spoonful in my mouth and felt something weird... I spit it out onto a paper towel, and it looked like..... I don't know WHAT it looked like. A dried up bug? Snail? Bark from a tree? Needless to say, I ran into the bathroom and was violently ill (I had eaten a small amount of the bowl before finding this "surprise"), twice. I have no idea what this thing is.... it looks almost like a fuzzy brown piece of mold...did I swallow any of it? I don't know. I DO know that I won't be eating any of their cereal again. Who knows what I HAVE eaten over the years that I DIDN'T notice?!??
I'd like some kind of compensation for throwing the box away AND getting sick every time I thought about this disgusting experience. I am nauseous right now just sitting here writing about it!

Bought your product toaster strudels,t wildberry flavor strudles from Wallmart ,Jan 17 2019- horrible ! all dough ! The six strudels had less than 1 teaspoon of the fruit jam between the six of them. Disgusting thrown in garbage.WASTE OF MONEY? I would give you 0 out of 5.
14 JL 2019 MS 20:10 J3 3153422112 series112C

Bag of 20 Grands biscuits frozen into one large clump of dough no bis could not seperate biscuits had to throw whole mess awawy, want my biscuits. Laurie Clark 7892 Hammond Lnn apt 15 Mecosta, MI 49332 I,m 83 and just have SS coimg in can,t afford these kind of misstakes

Totally disappointed in your Crescent Roll packaging! I am an 88yr old widow in good health (I bowl every week in a league). I thawed out a large pkge of cocktail weiners intending to wrap them in the rolls and bake them for an hors d'oeuvre. When I tried to open the pkge of rolls...there was no way! I read the directions, used a spoon, a knife, smacked the roll against my counter and couldn't get the dang thing open! I had a neighbor (in her 70's) come over and try with no success. We had to wrestle the pkge apart and then the rolls didn't look like they had a separation line. How do you people expect elder seniors to deal with this? The number on the UPC code mark is "184010". I have always loved Pillsbury's rolls but am rethinking my likes as of this escapade! Please explain the problem and please send me a couple coupons for a GOOD roll or two of these items..and explain the proper way too open them! Thanks for your help.....and the Pillsbury Dough Boy must be ashamed of himself!

Have been asking my grocer about Basic Four cerial for months now and just found out you all have discontinued making it. Bad form. Miss it a lot. Nothing on the market even comes close to it. Can you please put it back into production?

I am 65 yrs old have always eaten special k with red berries with out problem and loved them. Just opened a new box and the red berries were like chewing cardboard, they couldn't be eaten.

Is the small 14 oz box now the only size available for Wheat Chex? It is the only size Safeway (in Central Oregon) stocks. That is very inconvenient, uneconomical and annoying. Any way to buy larger boxes? Suggestions?
Joe Linman

I bought the captain crunch ghost for my kids, and they were very disappointed when the milk was not turning green.

We have a box of Cinamon Toast Crunch and used a good portion of cereal when a long black string came out of the box. I would like a compensation please. Since we are having to throw the cereal away.

Bought a 12 pack Nature Valley Fruit & Nut chewy trail mix granola bars. The dark chocolate and nut bars had zero chocolate in all but one of the bars.
I can buy lower priced items but really liked your quality until now. I think you need to improve your quality control.

I purchased the Bugles and they were not fresh as they normally be bar code 016000451285 exp. date 26 Apr 2019 MG 0868 07 my address is 2525 Charleston Ter. Decatur Ga 30034 telephone #404-447-1983

Only 34 bars in pack 1600049309. 159 adells drive riegelwood nd 28456

Not as much cinnamon and coating on cereal as usual Pamela McCoy 1763 horseshoe bend Erwin nd 28339

I submitted a complaint on june 19th 2018. The complaint qas in regards to my box of toaster strudels which came without any icing packets. I am writting again today because it was over 2 weeks ago and I'm yet to hear back from you besides the corporate email I received immediately after emailing my complaint which said I could not reply to. I am attaching my email i have received from your corporate office.

Fiber One Brownie Bites 16000109643. 5 pouches in the box, all had crumbly, broken brownie bites. Outer box was not smashed. Unhappy with the quality.

I enjoy the Nature Valley Blueberry Biscuits for a morning snack. I buy the 10 pouch value pack. However, at least one or two pouches in each box are short 1 biscuit, 3 instead of 4 in the pouch. Can you send me a voucher to compensate me? I have been using the product for over a year and eat one pouch per day. Thanks for your help.
3323 Homestead Ct
Napa, Ca 94558

I bought what said a 2 crust deep dish pie crust. When i opened the package there was only one crust. I dont have time to be running all over the place. When a product says 2 I expect 2 to be in the package.

Bought Pop Secret Jumbo with Measuring Cup. (Could not find any lot number).
Tamper seal/label was wielded on tight. No perforations. Had to use scissors to remove resulting in the (needless) measuring cup dislodging and half the contents spilling on the floor.
Bad design, bad label arrangements, very unsafe.

About half way through my bag of bold chex mix I pulled out a pretzel and a chex was stuck to it by what I first thought was a medicine capsule but looking at it closer it appears to maybe be a glob of glue perhaps. These are my all around favorite snack and I am just concerned about what the object could be.

I have fallen in love with Nature Valley Almond Butter Biscuits, but I'm just a bit frustrated at this point. Recently, I purchased a package of 10 biscuits, and this morning I opened the third pack from that box of 10 that has contained two plain cookies with no almond butter in between them. No, this isn't a HUGE deal because the plain cookies are also really good. BUT, I much prefer them with the almond butter.

Purchased a tube of crescent rolls. UPS 069700 00067 3. When unwrapped the dough was a blob. You couldn't tell if they were crescent, squares, circles or none of the above. I had to piece them together like a big puzzle. Very disappointed since this is not the first time this has happened. Hoping to here a response from General Mills corporate at your earliest convenience.

I am a cereal fanatic especially your brand of flavors! Now so is my 3 yr old daughter and we can't afford much so when I see the chance to receive a toy inside the box of Trix cereal she loves the toy troll that said was included inside the box was not there and even worse she absolutely loves trolls.
So made me feel so bad that it wasn't inside the box. I know sounds so petty but to some people that can't afford the big things we teach our kids learn to appreciate the little things in life and this was little thing that let her down. If is possible send her one in mail would be amazing. Would make her happy and she is one that don't forget and be so grateful for it. Thank you kindly for reading this and hope you can help me out. Enjoy your day and happy holidays!

I recently had a craving for cinnamon toast crunch. I went to the store and bought the biggest box I could find. I prepared a nice bowl and they seemed a little darker than usual. I thought nothing of it. I sat down to eat them and they were definitely over cooked. They were burnt tasting. I couldn't even eat them with the milk on them. I really wanted them and was contemplating crying. I am very disappointed now.

Upon opening pie crust from plastic - a foreign object (about 1/2 in long - almost like a soft plastic was imbedded into one corner of the pastry. I opened the dough & the object was like a pliable plastic. Then the other half of the dough had a /4 inch of the same foreign object. Had to throw out the whole crusts.

I purchased a box of Raisin Nut Bran with almonds and covered raisins. The raisin's were like gravel, hard. The flakes were quite hard also. I was afraid I'd break my dentures, that's how hard the cereal was. Did General Mills corporate change the recipe or something? I used to love this cereal, but no more. The expiration date for this box is 11JUN2017.

I purchased a bag of Nature Valley Granola Protein (Oats 'N Honey) from a local Meijer's store that I shop at weekly. When I open the bag a week or so after purchase there is some type of paper towel like product in the bag sitting right on the top. I checked the date and it is still within the expiration date. It turned yellow in spots where the granola has been toughing this paper towel. I am will never purchase General Mills product again, scared what may be in the next bag/package.

Why did General Mills executives make the decision to stop making banana nut cheerios? I love the strawberry cheerios and i am currently purchasing these because i can not find banana nut at any store. Will you continue to not make them? I guess I should not get to used to the strawberry ones either? It sucks every time a customer finds something they really like the company stops making it. Why?

My husband and I love Betty Crocker Lemon Poppy Seed muffin and quick bread mix so I wanted to surprise him so I bought one Saturday, 4 June 2016. On Sunday I made the bread and to my surprise there was no lemon glaze in the box although on the box it said "with pouch of lemon glaze. I was very disappointed. I like Betty Crockers cakes and brownies. The glaze is what makes it taste great.

I was very disappointed to see that after reading the label and seeing all the advertising of removing all the additives that the TSP still remains in General Mills products. I stopped eating my fav cereal 15 years ago and never feed it to my children. I tell all my friends and anyone I see reaching for the cereal. I would really love to know why this harmful substance is still in your products and most children's cereals when your fruit loops doesn't contain it?
These are all under the General Mills products. Would love to be able to enjoy this product again someday. I will continue to make people aware of trisodium phosphate in your products. I am a concerned consumer. Please don't give me the bull of it being in trace amounts. It just shouldn't be there.

I purchased a box of Total Raisin Bran. I fully expected to eat flakes and raisins, but I didn't expect to encounter pebble like substances scattered throughout the box of cereal. They cannot be chewed, and are quite a shock when you bite down on them. I got so frustrated I ended up tossing 1/2 the box of cereal. The "Better If Used By" information is: 12Feb2017 CW125901. I don't know if anyone else has complained, but I was disappointed with the quality of the cereal. Especially when I am spending $4.00 a box.

The other night I opened up a can of Ex long Asparagus 15 oz can. as I was pouring them into a pan to heat them up. It was unreal, they were the size of a blade of grass. what happened to quality control. Some grasses are bigger then these were. These should have not been picked for consumption. They were hideous. I will be changing my brand from now on.

Well last year i was shopping @ walmart store in camillus, ny and happened on boxes of cookie crisp cereal special edition, i bought a box and went back to get another box & there was none, the special was off & i also checked other walmart locations & to no avial. Now they still sell the chocolate cookie crisp, which aren't very good tasting. Why did they stop making & selling the vanilla cookie crisp. Now the limited edition ones that were being sold during the christmas holiday did not taste like the old cookie crip use to taste, but they were ok, so did you all change the ingredients for the vanilla cookie crisp and will you start selling the vanilla cookie crisp again with the old recipe? Would love to see them back on shelves.

Why did you stop making Banana Nut Cheerios? This was some of the best tasting cereal on the market. I will no longer buy General Mills Products, and this is a fact! And don't think I'm the only one that feels this way. Bad move General Mills. Bring back the Banana Nut Cheerios.

I bought a betty crocker super moist carrot cake mix last nite at the dollar general store near my home in mayfield kentucky. After mixing all the water eggs and oil in a bowl i opened the cake mix to find the cake mix was not carrot cake but spice cake mix. I love carrot cake but hate spice cake so here is my complaint against General Mills. I am not to happy with your quality control who can't tell the difference from carrot cake and spice cake.

I purchased 2 boxes of Nature Valley Crunch Bars -Almond Crunch the other day. All of the seals on the individual bars are not sealed all the way. Needless to say they are all soft, not crunchy! Just thought you should know. I don't have a printer at this time in case you would want to send me some coupons towards some replacement packages, please mail them.

We all like something that is quick and easy to have during breakfast especially since we are busy rushing to office, That's ready-to-eat cereal. Compared to those who don't eat cereal, those who do get, Less fatless cholesterol, more fiber. When it comes to meals, breakfast remains the main important part of our meals and what best that having cereals. General Mills have loads to variety to choose from so that one can make a healthier living. We tried many from Chex to Lucky charms, Cinnamon and Toast, Big G cereal, all of it has some real great taste and nutritional value that is good for our body. General Mills not just have this but also Baking products, pizza, pasta, soup, yogurt and many more. Real quality products that one can rely on.

I was very disappointed to see that after reading the label and seeing all the advertising of removing all the additives that the TSP still remains in General Mills products. I stopped eating my fav cereal 15 years ago and never feed it to my children. I tell all my friends and anyone I see reaching for the cereal. I would really love to know why this harmful substance is still in your products and most children's cereals when your fruit loops doesn't contain it?
These are all under the General Mills products. Would love to be able to enjoy this product again someday. I will continue to make people aware of trisodium phosphate in your products. I am a concerned consumer. Please don't give me the bull of it being in trace amounts. It just shouldn't be there.

I purchased 2 boxes of Nature Valley Crunch Bars -Almond Crunch the other day. All of the seals on the individual bars are not sealed all the way. Needless to say they are all soft, not crunchy! Just thought you should know. I don't have a printer at this time in case you would want to send me some coupons towards some replacement packages, please mail them.

I brought 6 family size boxes of cereal for my grandchildren n in the boxes the marshmallows were hard n some was stale i am really upset because as a child loved that cereal but that's been a long time ago I'm on a fixed income and all i want is a refund. Each box was 5.99 my address is 304 Glenwood Ave East Orange N.J 07017 n i really need my money back really right now due to this coronvirusmoo

my complaint is the 90 calorie fiber one bars, mainly the cinnamon ones. I here you changed the recipe. bad move! The new ones don't taste very well, too dried out and crumbly. to save 20 calories? bad move, it probably already had 70 calories since it was made smaller, so to save money! In the long run, you will lose money! you ruined a good thing! They would great before! the price on amazon and ebay has risen. will stick to store bars now, will through the boxes I have else they are no good, you probably have gotten much more complaints. Donna Sloney

Hi I can't stand your Black Rap Cheerios commercial. Most people in a America hate Black Rap. In fact the only time I hear Black Rap is when I'm passing the Ghetto, a great misfortune when I do have to drive anywhere near those areas. In case you didn't know, Black Rap was started by DRUG DEALERS who used their drug money to make and promote their BLACK RAP. This is completely unAmerican. Instead, how about having things on your commercials that make all people HAPPY? Or just stick to the Honey Bee? ALL Americans love Him. Thankyou

I love General Mills Cheerios but I need the company to make the peach Cheerios a Permanent brand in Boston MA. If anything make the blueberry flavor a limited edition. My family feel in love with the peach flavored Cheerio the I went on a man hunt looking for them at every store and website. Finally bought the last one on amazon. Please make my life a little less hectic and just bring the PEACH CHEERIOS BACK INTO OUR LIVES.

Nutrena layer, Nutena calf starter had dust by at least 16ounces. Purina stocker grower texured was dried completely out. The only other product was not yours, but the game bird conditioner had it's packets of mineral in jelly form.

I purchase my granddaughter a lunchable from our local Publix store in Seminole, FL. The lunchable was the nacho and cheese with the flavored bottled water. I packed it in her lunch today and when she opened it there was no nacho chips. Therefore, she didn't have lunch today at camp.
I would appreciate if you could send us a coupons so we can purchase more lunchables. I haven't opened the other four we have.
Thank you for your time and support in this matter.
Tammy Griffith

I bought a box of Old Elpaso dinner kit with soft tacos and the foil wasn,t sealed so I had to throw them out.I always buy this brand and was very dissappointed plus ruined my dinner plans as I had already had everything cooked.I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a voucher to replace.I realize these things happen and am sure you are willing to correct the problem.Thank you very much

I will not continue to buy any General Mills products a long as you endorse Ellen Degeneres. She is not the example I want my kids to see on the front of a cereal box.

I have literally grown up eating General Mills Cereals. I am now 48 years old, and I have a 22 yr. old daughter. During Halloween Time, my mother bought Count Chocula and Frankenberry every since I can remember. She did this to make us wait and have fun waiting for these specific two cereals during the winter time and we did......and so, of course as my own child grew up I kept the same fun and hilarious fad up in our family. Muy daughter and her friends since they were in Kindergarten waited in excitement just like a kid does for Santa To come, just as intense as they loved this cereal as much as they did him. Literally! Anyhow, after being a teacher over 20 years in early childhood development and watching this world go from being able to go through the checkout at Walmart and a cashier asking how your days gone, to robot registers of which hardly every work, and leaving you having to push the help needed light, leaving you in line way longer that a real person did, and bagging your own groceries makes me realize that the sense of really having care is slowly flying out the window in our days of only caring about techonology. I feel the same about your products now, because I've boughten, along w my family over 5000 products from cereals, mainly our favorites I discussed above, to Bisquick, Gold, Pillsbury crescent rolls, to Annies mac and cheese of which I have spent at least $100 month on from my child being 5 to 22yrs. old, Totinos pizzas that lit up my kids and her friends eyes every time they came over from kindergarten to 12th grade that we'd put on out pizza sliced plates, right down to Bugles that I grew up putting on my fingers, and that's the only way my mother was able to ever cook in peace. I did the same thing w/ my daughter, and it's amazing her bugle witch nails she does this w my granddaughter. So you've got over 3 generations of only one family in my large family I actually do have, emailing you to tell you that it saddens me after all of our devotion to your products I bought a box of Cheereos to string necklaces w/ my grandchild to open the box to dump into a big bowl for a party and I was sad and shocked to find dozens of these ltttle bugs in the cereal. Now mind you I live in a clean home, have ocd and buy every type of Lysol product you can imagine being a neat/clean freak due to germs...I had never been so emabarased in all my life. The little kids all 9 of them screamed all freaked out, afraid to eat any type of cereal now and its' just unreal that could happen. Needless to say, I'd like a replacement for this box of cereal please at the least for my years and my moms for being a loyal customer for so many years. Thank you and please email your managers at the factories to make them do better inspections. Thankyou for your time, my name is Cynthia, 321-362-9146 Good day and God Bless.

My complaint has nothing to do with cereal. Cherrios has been one of my favorite cereals since I was a child. My complaint is who you put on the front of the box for me to look at while I eat. Ellen! Not liking it at all. It has nothing to do with her lesbianism . That's fine. I really don't care.
It's her politics that is offensive
She's too political to be mainstream and you guys act as if everyone has that same mentality and you act as if everyone thinks in that manner . It's not ok to have to look at this lefty while I eat. I can guarantee you at least half of Americans feel like I do. I do not watch her show because of her political views. Don't stuff them down my throat with the ceral. Put something more neutral on the front of my Cheerios.
Tnanks. Hope you listen.

My family and I shall now Boycott All your products. If you think a comercial showing a spoiled boy screaming untill he gets what he wants is a good way to have customers buy your product, you are wrong. You are promoting spoiled kids. Im sick of that garbage comercial so I told NO MORE G MILLS.

Dear Sir or Mam, 1 March 2019
I purchased a couple of family size of Honey Nut Cheerios, Anyway
I tried to open this plastic bags and both of them had so much glue on them that when I finally did get them open the whole bag of cereal went all over my kitchen floor. Why do they put so much glue on the bags and boxes. I'm an older women and love these cereals.
But it's very hard to open can you please ask them to stop putting so much glue on every thing. 23DEC2019 - CR 141207C / 1600012479. Oh I almost forgot to say that there are lots of burnt
ones in these boxes. Thank you and God Bless
Mrs M Ciarlo
9755 Silver Sky Parkway
Unit 805
Reno, NV 89506

Purchased a Value Pack of Reese’s Puffs Treats at my local zeal-Matt. The box contained 15 regular bars and one sealed package with no bar enclosed. Code on box reads: 21AUG2019 RBRQ00 5904A

I am a mother of 4 kids and I always buy the values when they r available. I have been buying ur Tiotinos 120 count for many yrs from WalMart Ive never had a problem till now,I always buy 3 bags sometimes 4 but mostly 3 when I got home and was unpacking my bags I happened to notice crumbs or such all in the bags and on my floor when I checked it out the bags were all cut like someone took a razorblade and sliced them .I caked WalMart they were no help they told me I would have 2 contact u.Im not sure what all I need to send u but ill send u what I got Totinos 120 count 4280002692 25 Jun 2019 ws16 268. Hopefully u will correct the matter. Thank You Mrs Cox

I loved Lucky Charms cereal. I mean I LOVED Lucky Charms cereal. I ate a bowl just about every day..... until the other day when I put a spoonful in my mouth and felt something weird... I spit it out onto a paper towel, and it looked like..... I don't know WHAT it looked like. A dried up bug? Snail? Bark from a tree? Needless to say, I ran into the bathroom and was violently ill (I had eaten a small amount of the bowl before finding this "surprise"), twice. I have no idea what this thing is.... it looks almost like a fuzzy brown piece of mold...did I swallow any of it? I don't know. I DO know that I won't be eating any of their cereal again. Who knows what I HAVE eaten over the years that I DIDN'T notice?!??
I'd like some kind of compensation for throwing the box away AND getting sick every time I thought about this disgusting experience. I am nauseous right now just sitting here writing about it!

Bought your product toaster strudels,t wildberry flavor strudles from Wallmart ,Jan 17 2019- horrible ! all dough ! The six strudels had less than 1 teaspoon of the fruit jam between the six of them. Disgusting thrown in garbage.WASTE OF MONEY? I would give you 0 out of 5.
14 JL 2019 MS 20:10 J3 3153422112 series112C

Bag of 20 Grands biscuits frozen into one large clump of dough no bis could not seperate biscuits had to throw whole mess awawy, want my biscuits. Laurie Clark 7892 Hammond Lnn apt 15 Mecosta, MI 49332 I,m 83 and just have SS coimg in can,t afford these kind of misstakes

Totally disappointed in your Crescent Roll packaging! I am an 88yr old widow in good health (I bowl every week in a league). I thawed out a large pkge of cocktail weiners intending to wrap them in the rolls and bake them for an hors d'oeuvre. When I tried to open the pkge of rolls...there was no way! I read the directions, used a spoon, a knife, smacked the roll against my counter and couldn't get the dang thing open! I had a neighbor (in her 70's) come over and try with no success. We had to wrestle the pkge apart and then the rolls didn't look like they had a separation line. How do you people expect elder seniors to deal with this? The number on the UPC code mark is "184010". I have always loved Pillsbury's rolls but am rethinking my likes as of this escapade! Please explain the problem and please send me a couple coupons for a GOOD roll or two of these items..and explain the proper way too open them! Thanks for your help.....and the Pillsbury Dough Boy must be ashamed of himself!

Have been asking my grocer about Basic Four cerial for months now and just found out you all have discontinued making it. Bad form. Miss it a lot. Nothing on the market even comes close to it. Can you please put it back into production?

I am 65 yrs old have always eaten special k with red berries with out problem and loved them. Just opened a new box and the red berries were like chewing cardboard, they couldn't be eaten.

Is the small 14 oz box now the only size available for Wheat Chex? It is the only size Safeway (in Central Oregon) stocks. That is very inconvenient, uneconomical and annoying. Any way to buy larger boxes? Suggestions?
Joe Linman

I bought the captain crunch ghost for my kids, and they were very disappointed when the milk was not turning green.

We have a box of Cinamon Toast Crunch and used a good portion of cereal when a long black string came out of the box. I would like a compensation please. Since we are having to throw the cereal away.

Bought a 12 pack Nature Valley Fruit & Nut chewy trail mix granola bars. The dark chocolate and nut bars had zero chocolate in all but one of the bars.
I can buy lower priced items but really liked your quality until now. I think you need to improve your quality control.

I purchased the Bugles and they were not fresh as they normally be bar code 016000451285 exp. date 26 Apr 2019 MG 0868 07 my address is 2525 Charleston Ter. Decatur Ga 30034 telephone #404-447-1983

Only 34 bars in pack 1600049309. 159 adells drive riegelwood nd 28456

Not as much cinnamon and coating on cereal as usual Pamela McCoy 1763 horseshoe bend Erwin nd 28339

I submitted a complaint on june 19th 2018. The complaint qas in regards to my box of toaster strudels which came without any icing packets. I am writting again today because it was over 2 weeks ago and I'm yet to hear back from you besides the corporate email I received immediately after emailing my complaint which said I could not reply to. I am attaching my email i have received from your corporate office.

Fiber One Brownie Bites 16000109643. 5 pouches in the box, all had crumbly, broken brownie bites. Outer box was not smashed. Unhappy with the quality.

I enjoy the Nature Valley Blueberry Biscuits for a morning snack. I buy the 10 pouch value pack. However, at least one or two pouches in each box are short 1 biscuit, 3 instead of 4 in the pouch. Can you send me a voucher to compensate me? I have been using the product for over a year and eat one pouch per day. Thanks for your help.
3323 Homestead Ct
Napa, Ca 94558

I bought what said a 2 crust deep dish pie crust. When i opened the package there was only one crust. I dont have time to be running all over the place. When a product says 2 I expect 2 to be in the package.

Bought Pop Secret Jumbo with Measuring Cup. (Could not find any lot number).
Tamper seal/label was wielded on tight. No perforations. Had to use scissors to remove resulting in the (needless) measuring cup dislodging and half the contents spilling on the floor.
Bad design, bad label arrangements, very unsafe.

About half way through my bag of bold chex mix I pulled out a pretzel and a chex was stuck to it by what I first thought was a medicine capsule but looking at it closer it appears to maybe be a glob of glue perhaps. These are my all around favorite snack and I am just concerned about what the object could be.

I have fallen in love with Nature Valley Almond Butter Biscuits, but I'm just a bit frustrated at this point. Recently, I purchased a package of 10 biscuits, and this morning I opened the third pack from that box of 10 that has contained two plain cookies with no almond butter in between them. No, this isn't a HUGE deal because the plain cookies are also really good. BUT, I much prefer them with the almond butter.

Purchased a tube of crescent rolls. UPS 069700 00067 3. When unwrapped the dough was a blob. You couldn't tell if they were crescent, squares, circles or none of the above. I had to piece them together like a big puzzle. Very disappointed since this is not the first time this has happened. Hoping to here a response from General Mills corporate at your earliest convenience.

I am a cereal fanatic especially your brand of flavors! Now so is my 3 yr old daughter and we can't afford much so when I see the chance to receive a toy inside the box of Trix cereal she loves the toy troll that said was included inside the box was not there and even worse she absolutely loves trolls.
So made me feel so bad that it wasn't inside the box. I know sounds so petty but to some people that can't afford the big things we teach our kids learn to appreciate the little things in life and this was little thing that let her down. If is possible send her one in mail would be amazing. Would make her happy and she is one that don't forget and be so grateful for it. Thank you kindly for reading this and hope you can help me out. Enjoy your day and happy holidays!

I recently had a craving for cinnamon toast crunch. I went to the store and bought the biggest box I could find. I prepared a nice bowl and they seemed a little darker than usual. I thought nothing of it. I sat down to eat them and they were definitely over cooked. They were burnt tasting. I couldn't even eat them with the milk on them. I really wanted them and was contemplating crying. I am very disappointed now.

Upon opening pie crust from plastic - a foreign object (about 1/2 in long - almost like a soft plastic was imbedded into one corner of the pastry. I opened the dough & the object was like a pliable plastic. Then the other half of the dough had a /4 inch of the same foreign object. Had to throw out the whole crusts.

I purchased a box of Raisin Nut Bran with almonds and covered raisins. The raisin's were like gravel, hard. The flakes were quite hard also. I was afraid I'd break my dentures, that's how hard the cereal was. Did General Mills corporate change the recipe or something? I used to love this cereal, but no more. The expiration date for this box is 11JUN2017.

I purchased a bag of Nature Valley Granola Protein (Oats 'N Honey) from a local Meijer's store that I shop at weekly. When I open the bag a week or so after purchase there is some type of paper towel like product in the bag sitting right on the top. I checked the date and it is still within the expiration date. It turned yellow in spots where the granola has been toughing this paper towel. I am will never purchase General Mills product again, scared what may be in the next bag/package.

Why did General Mills executives make the decision to stop making banana nut cheerios? I love the strawberry cheerios and i am currently purchasing these because i can not find banana nut at any store. Will you continue to not make them? I guess I should not get to used to the strawberry ones either? It sucks every time a customer finds something they really like the company stops making it. Why?

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