Minit Mart Customer Service
Rated 5 of 5 Stars
Based on 1 Complaints

Contact Minit Mart Corporate

Toll free phone number: 1-360-573-5231

Ralph and Fred Higgins, father and son, opened the first Minit Mart in Lexington, Kentucky, in 1967. In the 1970s, Minit Mart was one of the first convenience stores to install gas pumps, paving the way for similar innovations across the country. Convenience store chains grew into Tennessee and seven additional states in the 1980s and 1990s. It has since grown to 225 locations. Fast food businesses like Godfather's Pizza and O'Deli are widely available in numerous regions. Travel Centers of America purchased all Minit Mart shops in 2015. EG Group purchased all of Travel Centers of America's Minit Mart outlets at the end of last year.

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Minit Mart Contact Information

Report complaints to corporate and get satisfaction

  • Minit Mart headquarters address

    • 12604 NW 36TH Ave Vancouver, WA 98685-2229
    • Vancouver
    • WA 98685
    • United States
  • Company website

  • 1-800 phone number

  • Better Business Bureau rating

  • Customer service hours

    24 hours a day

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