Walgreens Complaints Continued... (Page 2)

287+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Walgreens corporate: 1-800-925-4733

I want to no why,,, walgreens has the rights to tell me who I can and cannot send money to using western union,what gives you's the rights to tell me. Where does your company get the right to stop me from making any legal a transaction in there store,now I want something done or I will file a civil rights volation with the BBB and file a lawsuit against your store , I want something done about it now


Having purchased Walgreen's dental tape and dental floss to replace the floss I had been using, turned into a horrible experience. I thought for sure a Walgreen product would be exceptionally superior. Not so. Now I am left with having no alternative. The tape shredded as I was using it and the floss was not very waxed and thankfully did not cause any problems.


My complaint is about going to the South gate store I went into to use your ATM machine and after I ised it I told the person I was with that I needed to use the restroom went to the back of the store and tried the door to the bathroom and it opened so I went in and closed door and locked the door put Fannie pack down on floor and pulled pants down to use toilet when this tall white man had white clothes on jeans pop the lock on the door and opened it when he embarrassed me to death as a result of this I want the management fired a if it ever happens again I will be back I think they were doing that because of the person that was with me David Melcher better not do what Melcher wants do u Understand or fired
Thank you


Ive been shopping at walgreens forever ive seen so many employees at that store and never have i had a problem with any of them i can show u receipts of all the times ive purchsed there i never spent less than 50 dollars almost everyday i go and buy stuff i need on a daily basis because its close to my house its not first time this person its rude and has a poor customer servic but tonight he took it beyond the next level, not only did he humilliated me but he disrespected me and i will sue the store if nothing gets done he embarrassed me by saying i stoled from the store he said it infront of other people not only did i offer for him to check my bag but i offer to walk with him so he can see where i put the merchandise this is the most embarrassing experience ive had at this store and he used profanity infront of several other people and i will not tolerate this not only am i sueing the store but i will do whatever it takes for him to apologize to me publicly and i hope the store does the right thing and follow thru this bad service.


on july 25th i was in a duane reade store located on duane and reade street i was in there 3 times for the day trying to make a purchase the line was long there was one register open with like 12 customer on line this store was very smelly i could not make my purchase because the line and no staff. so i did a western union receiving after my transaction at the computer i went to the register to receive my cash and i was told receiving was done at one register and the register was close i told the casheir it was impossibe since it was like 4pm this store need better management ,theres never enough register open never enough staff always smelly smells like a dead mouse and always long line its 10register and 1 cashier,better management.


Went in to Walgreens, here in Maryville MO, pharmacy drive thru and it's blocked by two cement trucks that are doing construction on a business the next lot over. When I told the manager inside the store, about 20 minutes ago, she smirked and laughed. How inappropriate and inconvenient. They should have never allowed the drive thru to be blocked and the manager should never have laughed. I was the 3rd person in less than five minutes to say something. Something should have been done. We will discuss taking our business elsewhere if we can't access the pharmacy as it's intended to be and the manager has no respect for Walgreens customers.


I filled my prescription from my pain Dr after 9 days I noticed my bottle was alot lower than it should be I counted and realized I was short 60 pills you can tell the bottle is to small for the amount of pills I was supposed to get I spoke to pharmacist even showed him the bottle he rolled his eyes said it sounded fishy and come back mon to talk to manager when I did he saaid he would look into it and get back to me. I have mutiple serious health issues including a terminal illness In the time i have been getting this medication Ive never had 1 request for an early fill I was always compliant following every rule. Because of how long ive been on this medication the withdrawl is unbearable most likely I will end up in the hospital. The fact that I have never had an issue with my medicine and the fact that I have a terminal illness and the fact I have been on this medication for a long time should be enough for them to correct the situation but instead they are taking a very long time to do a simple count and making me suffer agonizing pain and withdrawl. There are over 3500 complaints of this pharmacy shorting people serious medicine I asked the question on fb and 89 ppl in my city stated they have been shorted by this pharmacy


About 4pm i went in to Walgreens to pick up money from western union.I ask do have western union Mrg said yes.But we have and issue with it.Well my opinion on this is She was not trying to fix the problem.This money was for gas.to go back to work.


On June 14, 2018 I took a prescription for Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen 7.5-325 to my Walgreens located at 2800 W. Mallard Creek Church Road in Charlotte, NC. They first told me I needed prior Dr. approval. I contacted my doctor as soon as I got this call, they called me back within 30-45 minutes and said it was taken care of. On June 18, 2018 I called the pharmacy and ask it if was ready, after being in much pain over the weekend , and again they told me it need prior approval. I contacted my insurance which is NC Medicaid, and they told me it had been approved on June 14, 2018. By this time I was very upset and called them back, and let them know that my insurance and my doctor had given their approval, and why was my prescription still not ready? The pharmacist said it must be something wrong with their computer, and it was not perfect. I felt this was a lame excuse for someone not doing their job. On July 16,2018 they said my prescription was not ready due to my insurance, again I called NC Medicaid and spoke with Megan and she told me this medicine had a approval until December 11, 2018, and that the pharmacy was trying to treat this like an override and it wasn't, that there was a billing error on the pharmacy's part and she also gave me a toll free number to give to the pharmacist to call to clear up this matter. When I called the pharmacy back and spoke to the pharmacist and tried to tell her what NC Medicaid had told me she was rude and told me " if I would get off the phone she could make the appreciate phone calls" ( don't know the pharmacist name , but she was on duty at 12:30 pm on July 16, 2018) Is this the way you conduct business? If so I will be looking for another drug store. I suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Fibromyalgia and I am disabled from it. When I get just my pain medicine filled sometimes it takes up to four days, but it hasn't always been this way. I don't understand it at all, but feel your staff need better customer service skills, and need to do their job correctly instead of giving out excuses like it is the computers fault.


I was empathetic to the woman since she was complaining how she had no help and listen to her insult a previous customer. I asked her to please not assume and that I had only 6 coupons. This situation is not in anyway a hassle. She proceeded to scan my items and when I gave her my coupons. I stated everything is under federal and legal grounds. Also by your stores limitation. All rules are abided and I'm so sorry that you went threw a horrid situation from someone before me. I was caring and endearing to the associate. I placed my credit card into the payment processor. Before my transaction was fully processed. The Walgreens associate scanned another customers item. I calmly stated that my payment was not completed. The Walgreens cashier started to yell at me and state that I was humiliating her in front of another customer and that I frazzled her. She stated I insulted her. Amongst many false allegations. I remained calm and replied that I was just answering her questions and that she was humiliating me in front of minor children and please call a manager. The manager arrived the associate ran out, I can say I don't feel as thou the situation will be properly handled and that possible district management must intervene. The sale associate was provoking, angry, made a criminal dispute, harassment and I felt threaten for my safety. I feel as thou the employee was guided by racial infliction. Under no circumstance should I be denied to make a purchase. Denied service. Denied by just looking at my family and I. To be insulted and falsely blamed for an associates error. I was not the person to blame. And due to the skin color of the customer behind me, I am confused on what exactly was her reason of cause. This is the 2nd incident this happened and nothing has changed. I can say the Walgreens associate humiliated my family and I. She defamed my family. My husband and I just moved to the area. My husband is the United States Marine Recruiter. The cashier without probable cause publicly defamed the Corp in front of a potential applicant. I honestly felt as if I should have contact law enforcement when woman ran out, Was she going to hurt me. Was she going to hurt my 6 year old daughter. Her assistant manager let her run out. Would he allow her to physically assault me. I honestly would like for someone to take this matter serious.


Dicrimanation neglect rwfuseial to return merchandise disrespect mental abuse harrasnent i purchased 4 items and defevmctive prouduct nin validation of 13000 rewardpoints faleafied info not fillibg medication noncopliance theft by swindle i have beento youre stores several times andyoure emplyees refuse to refund any time what so ever i am a upstanding retired seniour cittezen and and filing suit fraud by youre pokcys and crimanal behaviournand yiy will be exposed to the media 6125166428 grb.


There is an employee (agent) that is constantly unpleasant in the pharmacy department. Her actions, I am sure are not in line with the corporate's goal of excellent customer service. I am not sure if it is a racial issue, just her dark personality traits or work ethic issues.
The Walgreen's experience:
A prescription was turned in to be filled and we did not realize that the young lady was done with us, "she said are you just going to stand here". I could see that Kim was upset! She was in pain and being talked to disrespectfully by a young woman did not help.
My coin rolled under the register where the receipts are printed out. I asked her to lift it, that machine is very small. The employee sighed, then lifted the machine, then proceeded to slammed it down hard. I told the young lady I am a veteran living on a fixed income (every cent is important).
I do not want a coupon, a discount, or anything like that. I am asking that this employee be asked to be respectful. A lot of the customers in the pharmacy area are her elders. It is shameful and rude that paying customers are TREATED poorly!
Walgreens in Moore, OK on 12th St across from Burger King


Have been on hold so far an hour and 30 minutes!!!! Totally unacceptable. and the store does not care!!! No way to do customer service. I work for a medical company. You need more help!! This is a reoccurring issue!! Im beyond upset!!! I want to rate a zero but that's not a option What a Joke!!!


Today I experienced a very rude and unhelpful technician or pharmacist ( not sure which one she was , But I believe she is the pharmacist) . I had transferred a presc to CVS because wallgreens never could seem this particular medicine ( AMbien) made by any other company besides Activas. Activas in my personal opinion should not be sold as a generic drug option. I have tried this company on many different occasions and Never felt good. Soon my husband was looking at reviews etc. and noticed activas does not receive good reviews. Seems I am not the only person with this problem. The employee of the phone today had my presc form my dr. but told me I would need to come ( but I couldn't carry the prescription with me) and she could not transfer it over to CVS because for what ever reason ( made no sense to me) So I hung up feeling confused, frustrated and felt this employee cared not ONE thing about my need for a different brand of medicines. My family have used wallgreens for many years , but there Seems to be only a couple of employees that even know what is going on. Jessica Chambless is one, Wes, is always Helpful, Bobbie is always good. But the others...... Yo need to replace. Its obvious that this person has no concerns for the patients wellbeing or needs. IN my opinion we do not need these type of pharmacist working in the health care field. I hope you will find a better fit for our store soon.


When I got home with my prescription from the store on 3707 Spencer Hwy, Pasadena, Texas on June 8, I saw that it had an expiration date back in April. When I called the store they apologized and told me a current prescription would available for pickup at 9:00 AM the following Monday. Just to make sure it would be there so I wouldn't waste a second trip I waited until Tuesday. On Tuesday It still had not come in and no one even hinted at an apology. When they told me they would get it from another store but it would take a day or two, I asked if they would call me when it came in and they said they would. When no one had called me by the next Friday I called them and after being on hold for an interminable time was told that the prescription had, indeed, come in and the cost would be $60. When I told them that I had already paid $60 for an expired prescription I was put on hold for seven minutes and finally told that I wouldn't have to pay for the prescription again.

A few months before Walgreens gave me someone else's prescription with my name but a different address.


My husband gets his prescriptions filled at Walgreens because copay is less than the pharmacy I use (which is home owned and courteous). I love the Walgreens store in Jackson AL because everyone in the store, other than pharmacy, is friendly and helpful. I have even told the employees in the store how much I appreciated the service I receive when I go in. However, there have been several occasions that I have gotten extremely annoyed with the pharmacy. There have been 2 managers since we began using the pharmacy and not much has changed. I went in one day this week to pick up 2 meds for my husband (ordered over phone at same time). One needed a refill and I knew this. I got call later in the day (automated of course) that script was filled. When I got there the next day, the lady working behind the counter spent approximately 5 minutes looking for my husband's meds. She moved at the pace of a snail, talked to others behind the desk, wandered around looking and putting up other prescription bags as she came to them into the appropriate alphabetical bins. Never said, "I'm sorry, Mrs. May, but I haven't located it, but will have it in just a minute". I stood there and waited, and waited, and waited. Finally I asked if there was a problem and she told me it was filled, but she couldn't find it. Eventually, she looked on the floor where the bins are stacked above and picked it up. She rang it up, printed receipt, and went back to filing more bags in the bins with her back to me. I asked if I could get the receipt from the machine, she slowly walked over, tore it off, handed it to me, and sullenly said, "Thank you". There were 3 bottles in the bag because my husband often gets 2 to 3 months supply at one time so I didn't look into bag (my mistake). When I got home, I realized that the med that needed refill was not in bag. That was 3 days ago. I went back today to explain and find his Avalide. She wasn't there, thank goodness, but it turns out (after much discussion between employees) that the refill had been okayed, but the computer had not "cleared". I sat and waited another 5 to 10 minutes while it was finally filled and I left. If this was an isolated incident, I would not complain, but this is more the norm than the exception. My husband and I are senior citizens and remember the days of good service. It may not mean much to businesses or employees now, but it means a lot to us. If I have another incident, I will pay a few more dollars in copays and my husband and I will take his business to the hometown pharmacy that knows our name and appreciate our business. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


I was in the store off mount holly Huntersville RD I was in walgreens on 06/09/2018 about 11 am. As I was going to check out the lady in a gray vest came up to me and said you cant have all that stuff that is in you cart we have a limt of 3 as I tried to speak to her she said very rudely are you so incompetent that you cant read a sign and I responded to her no need to be rude I bought my items with a limt of 3 and told the lady in gray vest I would be writing a complaint because of how rude she was to me as a customer


I have been shopping at your center city store on one south broad street for over 5 years. I have never been so rudely treated until today when I went in to buy some much needed items, your cashier Matece is the rudest person that I have ever met. I had my hands full of products while at the register so I put my items on the counter and while she was ringing them up I noticed that you had M&M's on sale at the counter. I walked over to where they were put the M&M's on the counter. looked down at my phone because I received a text message. I handed her my money she put the items in the bag and proceeded to ask me as I was walking away about the M&M's. I said well I put them on the counter and you took my money and put them in the bag. she proceeded to tell me that most people tell you when they are putting items on the counter. I was so appauled that she would accuse me of stealing some 59 cent M&M's, especially after I just spent close to twenty dollars. when I asked to speak to a manager so flagged me and walked away. I would like to be contacted about this issue asap. please email me. Sharon


I went into a Walgreens on Ave "J" and 20th west, in Lancaster, ca..Pharmacy drive up window. I had a bottle with the
prescription on it, previously filled by Walgreens.It still had 3 refills on it. I was told that they were going to lunch and that They would fill the prescription @ 15 to 20 minutes after lunch. I informed them that I had another prescription that also needed to be refilled. They said they had no record. I came back at 4pm for the one prescription. The man at the window said it was ready I had gone home and pulled the former prescription that had been filled by Walgreens. The man told me that it would take 10 to 15 minutes to fill. I waited, he filled the prescription and I paid. When I looked at the envelope he had
not given me the original prescription. I buzzed and lady told me it would be another 15 minutes to fill. I told her I had already been told the prescription was already filled. She ignored me and told me I would have to wait. period. I went
inside to complain to the manager. I was told that there is no manager on duty. I talked to another employee, who went back to Pharmacy and was told that they wouldn't renew my prescription unless I paid cash. Neither prescription was
for narcotics. One for thyroid and the other for vitamin D. I have had problems with Walgreens Pharmacy before. I
wind up having to go back 3 and 4 times before I get my Prescriptions. The other Walgreens is on Avenue "L" in
Lancaster, California. I stopped using Walgreens there for 3 years. I decided to try you again. MY MISTAKE!


My mother and I just wanted over two hours trying to print pictures from my phone of my grandchildren, her grandchildren, and her great grandchildren, as well as a very sentimental picture of my husband and I from the day he proposed to me. My mom went and found the manager, when we told him the problems we were having printing he basically told is that it's not his problem and it just sucks to be us. He was very rude to us and didn't even try to offer us and apology, maybe some coupons or discounts or some kind of compensation for the almost two full hours that we wasted. Neither my mother nor myself will ever do any business with any Walgreens store or pharmacy ever again in our lives.


I will never come into Walgreens until you change that horrid bathroom policy... NO "gender neutral" -! Men Women...


I understand that your company will be allowing men to use women's restrooms if they want to. This is the worst decision your co has ever made. If you have been following targets same policy you would know of the incidents etc that have taken place in their restrooms and dressing rooms .Therefore, me and my family will no longer patronize your store. Your store is jeoparding the safety of women and girls.
Shame on you.


Prescription ordered was NP Thyroid med.& I had a coupon from Good RX for $13. and was paying outright with cash. The girl Told it would not be ready for an hr. When it was ready 1 ½ hr later )the medication rang up as $29. I asked why & she said the coupon was no good.( But she did give me a discount to $25.
When I opened the bag the med was Armour Thyroid instead of NP. The girl told me thats what the Dr Ordered. I checked with the Dr & they had a photo of the prescription that said it was NP. Then the girl told me NP was not in stock & would not be in until april.


Prescription ordered was NP Thyroid med.& I had a coupon from Good RX for $13. and was paying outright with cash. The girl Told it would not be ready for an hr. When it was ready 1 ½ hr later )the medication rang up as $29. I asked why & she said the coupon was no good.( But she did give me a discount to $25.
When I opened the bag the med was Armour Thyroid instead of NP. The girl told me thats what the Dr Ordered. I checked with the Dr & they had a photo of the prescription that said it was NP. Then the girl told me NP was not in stock & would not be in until april.


On Monday , February 5,2018, I went to the Walgreens store at 55th and Lake Park to pick up a prescription. After waiting in line for a few minutes, I came proceeded to the counter and gave my name. The lady behind the counter went to the back and asked me to verify my name and date of birth. I put my debit card in the machine and entered my PIN number. As I was waiting for the transaction to go thru, Joy who said she was a manager , was behind the counter with money in her hand, Before I could take my card out of the machine, she said in a raised voice take your card out of the machine. I immediately asked her, how many people does it take to finalize my transaction, Both Joy and the lady that was getting my prescription both starting to laugh. I commented to both of them that their actions were unprofessional and I would be contacting the corporate office. They both laughed again. Their actions are unacceptable. There is a need for additional customer service training by both of them,


This is the most unfriendly Walgreens I have ever been to. unlike all other Walgreens there is no greeting when you walk in no acknowledgement they don't even talk to you till they tell you the price


Rude cashier that I refuse to go back into the store. Agreed to pick up prescriptions at drive thru. The drive thru is horrific. Long wait and if an employee sees you, they just ignore and go on with their business. Twice in one week I had to wait over ten minutes to be taken care of. I had to blow the horn on my car. Walk ins take priority over pickups. The prescription is already available for pic up and I have to wait. Walgreens has really gone down the tubes. If I could find a different pharmacy I would. Your pharmaceutical staff is professional but your techs need to go back to school and learn customer service techniques. I am really disappointed. I used to love Walgreens.


At the Washington Court House, Walgreens in Ohio the parking lot is dangerous. This is my second complaint to you. There is a traffic light and motorist thinks that the parking lot is a thru way in which they speed past the front doors of the store to the traffic light. If I hadn't stop quickly coming out of the store I would of been hit by a speeding car. Elder come and go out of that store and I fear for their lives. Something has to be done, speed bumps or stop signs. Please do something before someone gets killed on your lot. Thank you, Rebecca Rowe.


No matter what day or time it is this Walgreens pharmacy is so unprofessional and disrespectful and doesn't make sense I was told my prescription was getting filled and it would be ready in 5 to 10 minutes just for them to fill my prescription and set it to the side and I'm sitting there for over an hour and 45 minutes just to have to get back in line for another 30 minutes to ask for my prescription they knew I was sitting there waiting for and dont nobody knowledge a customer or even say hello welcome to Walgreens I will not return. I will not use this Pharmacy ever again I will not even go to this store location again ain't no way in hell my doctor appointment was shorter than me sitting there for 2 hours to get my damn prescription. The hikes lane location in Louisville KY


Once again I went to a Walgreens to simply purchase a box or Alcohol Swabs. When I entered the store, I
Asked an employee where I could find Alcohol Swabs. She made a face like someone has force fed her a dose of castor oil and stared that IF they had them they would be on the back wall. She then turned around and continued stocking a shelf. I proceeded to call he back wall and of course, they were not there. I searched for another 5 minutes and finally had to interrupt a busy Phamacist to help locate a 2$ Box of Swabs. The way I see it is that the Store Employeee get paid to be there. I do not. Why should I spend my valuable time lookIng for something that the clerk should have taken the initiative to find out where the item was? When I finally went to the front to check out, there was one checker and six people ahead of me in line. I never bought a large t in Walgreens but I have shopped there some but never again. I will take my business to CVS, Dollar General or any place other than that time sucking Walgreens.


I walked into your Walgreens location in Kailua Hawaii @1:00pm to get two items there was no line at the time so I grabbed one of the items and waited in line since the other item was locked up and I couldn't find someone on the floor. I told the cashier that I needed a locked up item and she told me it was her fris t day and she didn't know anything so I would have to ask her co worker and dismissed me The co-worker was assisting another customer but told me he would be right back to unlock the item I waited for over five minutes and then saw him assisting other customers i finally found someone after ten to fifteen minutes coming from the back you should never keep a person waiting that long.


walgreens refusal to send my medication. there staff screws up and they hold the customer accountable; my health is such that without my blood pressure medicine I'm likely to have a stroke; knowing this walgreen is consistent in their lack of integrity an ability to monitor an maintain their product. I have been without my bp medication now for 2 weeks, if I have a stroke I will seek out an attorney to correct the wrong that has been done to me by all partners of walgreens.


I filled a perscription at 1551 Richmond Ave in Staten Island 10314. The prescription came back with instructions to take 1 tablet twice a day for 10 days. It also said to dispense 6 tablets. Instead of the pharmasist calling the Dr. for clarification, they dispensed with just 6 pills. When we called for Walgreens for clarification, they told us to call the Dr. This is not professional. I thing Walgreens should have made the telephone call BEFORE giving us this medicine. I said I would call the Dr., but after consideration I felt it was Walgreens responsability. I spoke with Megan who was condescending when I asked them to make the telephone call.
HORRIBLE way to be treated. If this was given to someone that didn't know better, they would have taken the incorrect dose and never would have known


On Sat. Oct. 28,2017 at approximately 8PM i picked up my filed perscription for my Diabetic Syringes. When I arrived home I found the wrong size syringes were in the bag. Sun. Oct.29 2017 I called my local Walgreens 705 N.Pebble beach Blvd Sun City, Fl. The phone was answered by a very RUDE young man. When he finally let me speak I tried to explain that my order was wrong. He never let me finish he began to tell me I was wrong and he could see that I picked up the correct size syringes.He was screaming at me. When he took a breath...I asked to speak to a Pharmacist. He continued to yell at me . Again I asked to speak with a Pharmacist. He kept insisting my order was correct. For the 3rd time I asked to speak to the Pharmacist. With that he transfered my call. The Pharmacist was very helpful. He said the order I had was a mistake and to bring it back to Walgreens.. I brought the syringes back . I was given my correct refill order. I told the Pharmicist what happened . He said he would.. speak to the young man. Every time I call Walgreens the automated voice says my call is being recorded for Quality and training purposes. Great! I hope someone reviews my recorded experience. I was shocked and upset by the nerve of this young person to scream at me.. He really needs some training and to learn some manners. BUT do not take my word for it. Listen to the recorded record. It was at Sun. Oct. 29th at 11 A.M. I sure hope this is taken serious. Thank you. Gail MccClain




Shoreline location located on the corner of 175 th and 15 th ave ne I’ve been using this particular Walgreens for over 15 years but no more you’re pharmacy can’t eveh speak English I understand diversity and all but why do I have to learn Mandarin Chinese or Vietnamese or Thai depending what day it is because Walgreens doesn’t bite people who speak English furthermore you’re pharmacist lied to me about my prescription today and yesterday I’m leaving out of town I’ve been on a medication for over 15 years same location ouckung up from I’m traveling I want to pick it up to take with me for the last 3 Days been battling with your people over a 72 hour rule of releasing prescriptions early now you’ve made me reschedule my flight 2 times to the tune of $5,600 and I’ll have my medicine tomorrow now but thanks to Walgreens automated phone set up I was all set to pick it up Saturday am how was i to know they’re would be a problem and the on weekend can’t raise doctors office way to go wallhreens you really got this shit down


My doctor requested a refill for lorazapam0.5mg. This has been my drs office since age 28. Now I am 67. I am 6 days ahead of schedule due to leaving town and only have three left. I am not seeking pain medication but need this for depression. Walgreens refused to refill. He said my dr would have to verbally call. I hope my doctor is in town and if not I will not have my medication. I believe the pharmacists is not my doctor and should call if he was in doubt. I feel this pharmacist is not very pleasant as he went into this lecture. I am 67 I do not need someone causing me anxiety. I alerted my doctor and hope he is in town to call. I hope I do well if I can’t get my medication.


The wrong medication was provided during a regular refill for my daughter. The name of the right medication was on the vial but the wrong pills were inside. Luckily, my daughter noticed the pills were different. When I called the local Walgreen pharmacy they immediately jumped to the conclusion of generic versus not but when I did my own search I found out the medication given to my daughter was for Parkinson disease instead of acne.
very poor customer service and extremely disappointing follow up. This happened on 09/08/17. I haven't heard from anybody just yet.
I am filing a complaint to the Florida Board of Pharmacy and will initiate formal legal complaints against Walgreen pharmacy " Address: 8917 San Jose Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32257". This is a public health issue and I want the necessary actions to be taken.


Went in to pick up an order at the photo shop desk. Almost didn't buy anything because the E. Wellesley Walgreen's rarely updates sale prices as advertised in flyer. They always have a flyer to haggle prices at the check stands. But, the long line whittled down so I bought a couple items to make lunch under $3. Seth at the register rang me up and I paid cash then asked for me to type in my number. I said my number just changed and was about to ask how to update their system as I wouldn't be in it for the company card for rewards, but Seth just got weird saying "no pressure, I don't make anyone give their number" then I started to ask again, and he expected me to argue and said "no pressure" and continued his tangent!! By the third "no pressure" I knew this guy shouldn't be dealing with the public and should be reported. He had no idea what I was about to ask, yet thought otherwise. He came off as creepy. Perhaps he interrupts all women customers. You can tell he won't listen to a woman. If you have sound on security footage, it happened between 11:15 and noon on 9/11. Seth needs a new position.


I was at the 24-hour Walgreens location on Woodman St. & Van Nuys Blvd. In Arleta, California, when an employee named Jose and a supervisor named Brian purposely conspired to prevent me from bringing back two items that I had purchased earlier in the week, despite the fact that I saw Jose doing a return for another customer only 20 minutes before; when I came back inside, however, I was notified & alerted to the fact that I am a "white boy", and that as a result "brown pride will have to make sure that you white boys don't get too much money from us!" I IMMEDIATELY ASKED TO SPEAK TO A MGR., and when a supervisor named Brian came out, he suddenly stated that for unknown reasons he could not process my return ever. NEITHER OF THEM EVER EVEN SCANNED MY RECEIPT! They are just racist liars, and that is perhaps why you guys have such low customer service ratings. Why do you hire latino gang-bangers who claim "brown pride" at work, huh?


The other forms for the previous complaint


I just tried to get a prescription filled at the Walgreen's store 2801 Adeline St. Berkeley, CA 94703 at 8:30pm just before all pharmacy's in town close. The prescription that was written for today November 23, 2016. The pharmacist says "its not do yet and can only be filled two days before your 30 day prescription is up". I started the last one on October 27, 2016 today is the 23 rd of November 2016. That is day 28 of a 30 day prescription as October has 31 days, thus meeting her rules, your rule everyone's rules I have followed! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and your store is closed.

Why did I get treated this way? A pharmacist job is to count. I have never not followed directions from my doctors I have taken this medication for 10 years and I am really upset at...basically being treated so poorly for no reason. She has done her best to ruin my holiday. Thank you Walgreens. My family will have a nice time at the river without me. I am going to follow this up. I think my right to good healthcare was treaded upon. Perhaps she was tired or has her own medical problems but I do not believe she is fit to be in medicine.


Out right discrimination. I am a Union member who really should not be buying my prescriptions from Walgreen's. However since its my local pharmacy and I don't like doing mail orders I go to this Walgreen in my neighborhood which is a pretty diverse neighborhood. We have a pretty large amount of Hispanics in this neighborhood. My complaint is about the way we are treated when we go to their pharmacy.

Very nasty attitude with us but I have sat down and observed how they treat White folks very nice and polite. The majority of their workers behind the Pharmacy counter are white. They speak to us in a very condescending way. My plans are to boycott this Walgreens for their unfair treatment of their Hispanic costumers.

I am planning to organize the Hispanics in our community to boycott this store. Someone in your regional office needs to contact this Pharmacy and hold a meeting about their unfair treatment we experience at this pharmacy. I need to hear from someone assuring me that this problem has been addressed or I will go through with this boycott. We have already made a company loose a multimillion contract with Home Depot in our community. For selling us outdated air condensers that came with a 5 year warranty instead of 12 year warranty that they were suppose to with their contract with the Home Depot.


I received inaccurate medication. I received a computer call from Walgreen's saying my prescription was ready. I had not instigated or interacted with this call, but it was close to time for me to get a med so I went and picked it up. When it was time to refill my little containers at home, I realized this was not the med I was expecting, in fact, it was an old prescription (same chemical but the potency had changed) and I cannot use it. I called the pharmacy and was told that I took it home so no refund. The main point from the pharmacist was that I should have checked it first. To me, that means I was foolish to trust Walgreen's. He said he would check with a superior and let me know. It has been three days and he has not followed up with me. To me that means "I expect you'll forget about it."

At the time of my call (Tuesday Oct. 18) to the pharmacy, I also asked him to refill the Warfarin. We needed to get refill approval from my family doctor. On Wednesday I got a computer call saying there was a delay. Today I called my family Dr. and was told that Walgreen's had never contacted them. I called the Pharmacist this afternoon, and he said he'd faxed Dr. Lynn, but it was the wrong Dr. Lynn so that was the reason for the delay. He added he had also faxed my Dr. Lynn. I don't want to call him a liar, (maybe my Dr lied) but it was a bad time for a mix up like this. I have switched pharmacies as of today. I am sorry, but I need to be able to trust my pharmacist, not be second guessing the procedures.

I want to say that I think 90% of this problem has to do with inadequate automated system. With the #1 problem: I trusted that system but it was sending me the wrong med. and the pharmacist trusted that system and filled the wrong med. The pharmacist said, I must have approved the automated call or it would not have been sent to him. It appears that he thinks I had used the phone system to verify the medication. I did not interact with an automated call at all. Something messed up there.

With the #2 problem the pharmacist relied on the automated system to communicate with me. All it said was there was a delay which to me is only a red flag warning; it doesn't tell me that anyone is fixing the situation.
No doubt the #1 problem is the most serious. I had used that med at that dosage earlier in the year, but since then I have had two prescriptions of the same med, but each one of successively lowered potency. Why would on old med show up again? I might have been given anything from my history of meds at Walgreen's. That disturbs me.


I have tried calling the Walgreens pharmacy several times and I get put on hold for 10 min and then it hangs up on me. I even tried just calling for general help and the same thing happens. I have to keep going to the store, in person, to take care of something that I could do over the phone. It is the Walgreens in Mansfield, Texas on Walnut Creek.


I was at Walgreens at Laguna Blvd, in Elk Grove to pick up a prescription on Tuesday October 10, and the Black girl at the counter wearing a smart watch was so busy her contacts/messages couldn't she see the long line of customers that were waiting to be helped. Walgreens should have a policy against the personal use of cell phones, smarts watches etc. when customers are at the counter waiting to be helped.


My wife worked for Happy Harry's and then Walgreens for almost 30 years in Delaware. I took her to work and picked her up many times in Noreasters. They tried to stay open almost all the time. We now live in Conway Sc and today was ridiculous and I will never set foot in another Walgreens and talked to a lot of people that are upset. I thought I had another 90 day supply of a medicine I need for a heart condition and when I woke up this morning I didn't have any.

I wasn't sure whether I had any refills so wanted to call Walgreens and was told they were CLOSED. So I called my doctor who was open and told her to send a prescription to the 24 hour store in Conway, SC which said it was open. I got a text from them saying it was ready for pick up, drove over there and employees inside said they are closed. I said I need this prescription and employee told me to go to drive in. I went to drive in where 2 cars were in line and an employee was outside saying they are closed. I was fuming and said I got a text saying my prescription is ready and an employee inside yelled out to me to go to drive in. After arguing they finally let me pick it up.

We have an evacuation in order for just directly along the coast for a storm that is suppose to hit Saturday. Today it is beautiful out. The store I went to is located about 20 miles inland where there are no evacuations in order and they are predicting 35 to 40mph wind and rain. They wanted me to drive to Florence another 60 miles from Conway. CVS was open, Costco and mall which was 5 miles from coast was open all Walmart were open. A couple of restaurants and small stores were closed and all the Walgreens, ridiculous. The GM in this area should be fired!! Like I said I will not shop Walgreens again.


At lunch time today, I went to the Walgreen Store #9775, located at 406 Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. When I was ready to check out, I went to the first cashier in the front of the store and asked if he could do an employee discount for me. I have my rewards card and retiree spouse card with me. As soon as I said "employee discount" there were about 3-4 other employees that came running like I'd done something wrong and wanted to know why I wanted employee discount - they wanted to know why and if I was an employee and I told them I was not but that my husband has been and was Assistant Manager in Corryville for 25 years. The cashier went ahead and rang up my purchase and was charging me full price.

I looked at him and said, I asked for employee discount and he looked at me and said he could not do that - only a manager was able to do that. Do you want me to get a manager? I told him yes. Well, the manager - name on his tag was Jason, he was very rude and went ahead and rang it up but told me that he would not do it any more! Do I understand that? Well, I do understand that. I've been going to that store every since they opened several years ago and have never had any problem. I told them that I understood perfectly clear and I would not go back to that store ever. They talked to me like I was stupid or whatever.

I just wanted to report that. The cashiers have always been able to do that. I told them that a lady in cosmetics "Joyce" that had worked with my husband in Corryville did all of the time and he said well she can get in trouble for that, she's not allowed to do that. I was very unhappy to say the least. Thanks for letting me vent.


I have experienced rudeness from a lady cashier this Thursday morning @around 7:15, September 22, at a branch between Old Navy and Westfield Shopping Center at market st. San Francisco, Ca. I was returning an expired item specifically Cranberry Juice and told her I wanna changed. Straightly, she asked for a receipt and I hand her over while telling I just bought it last night of September 21, 2016. She checked the cap that printed the expiration which says April, 2016.on the bottle of Cranberry Juice plus the receipt.

While I was telling her that the item was expired she intercepted in higher tone of voice if I wanna change or wanna the money back. I told her you don't listen," no, i am listening", she responded, and retold her I wanna change it. Anyway, there was something wrong in the taste when I was drinking the said expired juice during my lunch break and I was upset of my discovery I took pictures of the said item just in case I need an evidence or any purpose it may serve me. Going back to the said cashier lady she did not let me talk.

Instead, she hums and try to avoid my complaining. I do not believe her attitude is a part of a training of the Walgreens to encounter this kind of problem. And I don't believe a good reputation of this store will tolerate the lady's behavior. The Cashier lady is look-alike filipino and not pretty.


My complaint is against Walgreens at 6121 N Broadway St., Chicago Ill 60660. Today My doctor faxed a prescription to this Walgreens while I sit in his office. One (1) hour later I arrived at Walgreens I was told I had a hours wait because they had over (100) prescriptions to fill I am very ill and need this medication as soon as possible. Why would my doctor fax it if not a emergency and necessary for me to take as soon as possible.

This is the worst Walgreens in filling prescriptions and answering phones. I as a customer am appalled with the service. I did not wait for the prescription because it being a arthritis medication I cannot sit or stand long so they do still have the prescription.


They filled a prescription in July and when I went to pick it up, they said it was too early. I went in yesterday and now it has somehow vanished. I now have to wait for my insurance company (Worker Comp) to authorize it again. It is for an opiate and I might have to go through withdrawals before I get the meds. Been in the hospital and am 76 years old and tired of all the BS this is doing to me. I will never go to this pharmacy again and thank God for the internet so I can advertise what kind of service your pharmacies provide.


Very rude and unprofessional behavioral in the pharmacy. The staff was standing around talking and ignoring customers. After waiting for the time they said it would take, the girl behind the counter said it was ready. It was in Darien, I'll and the medicine was for a toddler. Told there is a co-pay and asking about the co-pay, the staff got upset about having to explain. Paid the money and then told they had to make it. It is ready and I have to make it are not the same thing.

The doctor had said take for ten days. When the medicine was ready, the girl said take it for eleven days. She got upset about explaining the difference and said we could quit before eleven,. The staff at this pharmacy were unprofessional and it was clear that they treated customers with disdain.


This is the most unprofessional pharmacy I have ever used. The pharmacists think they are the doctors and it's their place to question prescriptions a real medical Dr. writes for you. They will hassle you, refuse to fill the prescription, make you run all the way out before you can get a refill, literally run out, and then call your Dr. to question their diagnosis and prescription dosage. Is that their business or their place? They didn't graduate from medical school. What entitles them to do that?

They make customers feel very uncomfortable with their judgmental approach. The customer service at this location is so poor, the pharmacist will literally turn their back and walk away from the customer. They are very ungrateful for your business. Go somewhere else where they will respect your Dr.'s orders and not make you beg to fill a valid and current prescription. It's not suppose to be an interrogation every time you need a refill, yet it is at this location. I will gladly give a smaller pharmacy my business to avoid this in the future. **Side Note- I am a Type 1 diabetic, not a customer you want to lose. We are your bread and butter and will be until there is a cure.** Foolish how you are losing business.


First of all I get all my medications at Walgreens. Went yesterday for my medication and also got cigarettes. The person behind the counter gave me the wrong kind which I realized when I got home. I immediately called and they told me to bring them back and they would exchange, Went today and (unfortunately I had two bags from Walgreens and thought I had the right receipt which I didn't have, left in the other bag I had) Got there and the manager, who was not very nice about the whole thing told me she couldn't return under federal law.

Ok I have all my medication filled there and I am there all the time. I just very angry that she was not very nice, didn't say sorry just sorry its against the law. I know the another manager would had did it because I am such a good customer, buy medication, makeup and everything else in your store. I don't know if I will ever go back there. I was so upset, came home and took a medication to relax myself because my heart was just pounding because of your manager.


Recently I discovered a stash of gift cards purchased for my wife and I over the years as gifts from our 5 grown Children. Somehow we had put them away and forgot about them. We have since used most of them with no trouble until we came to our Walgreens card. We discovered that had a stipulation that after one year of non-use there would be a $2 per month service fee charged which apparently has swallowed up the entire value of the purchased card. This is nothing short of Corporate theft of customers funds. There is no cost for maintaining computerized records which would justify this extremely disturbing Walgreens policy. I am seriously considering taking all of my future (Walgreens) business to the abundant CVS stores in our area.


I am an expecting mother, 8 weeks pregnant and this complaint is in regard to the quality of service and advice I received from the pharmacy department. The ladies who work at the pharmacy department at the Walgreens store in Santa Monica 1932 Wilshire Blvd were inexcusably rude and unhelpful today as I will describe, but I would also likely to add that they have been rude and dismissive during each of the two prior encounters I have had with them in the last few months since moving to the area. I believe one with curl dark long hair and glasses is the pharmacist. And the other with long straight brown hair is the pharmacy assistant. I had been to Rite Aid and CVS looking for high quality pre-natal vitamins with no luck.

The only pre-natals on offer at my local stores were the inexpensive brands that had received scores of B- or below on sites like LabDoor.com and others. My doctor had advised me that unless cost was an issue, I should stop taking the One-a-Day prenatals I had been taking as they had low quality and in some cases potentially harmful ingredients, and had recommended several higher-quality prenatal vitamins that were also understandably more expensive. Walgreens was the only other pharmacy in my area and after a quick scan of the relevant section, it looked like I was out of luck. The selection seemed to be particularly poor so I thought perhaps I was missing something. I approached the pharmacy where there were no other customers waiting nor being helped.

When acknowledged by the pharmacy assistant, I asked "Hi there- I am looking for higher end prenatal vitamins- and I have already been to CVS and Rite Aid with no luck- it seems like you guys don't carry them either. Do you know what stores might stock those?" Before I could finish the assistant was shaking her head saying I have no idea and then asked the pharmacist who was standing right next to her. The pharmacist shot me a dirty look and said sarcastically "well I can't help cause I don't know what she means by higher end" so I smiled and said- higher quality. The brands that tend to be most recommended by medical professionals. With a great amount of attitude and vigorous head shaking she said "well I don't have any idea about that. we have three or four kinds here- I don't know what's wrong with those" and sort of chortled. So I said "well- they get low ratings on the health websites so I'm just looking for a higher quality. Do you not have any idea where I might be able to get those kinds of vitamins?"

And she replied- no I don't have any idea, so we can't help you here. And went back to typing. This encounter leaves so much to be desired in terms of courtesy, customer service, and sound medical advice. I don't think I need to detail the various problems. its a shame that the quality of the pharmacy departments at the chain stores has dropped so significantly, but I have always thought Walgreens was a bit better than the rest. This experience has really changed my thinking. And I am extremely disappointed.


We called Walgreens pharmacy in Alexandria and told the person who took the call that we wanted to move our scripts to their store. The person who took the called said she would be happy to have us as customers and explained how it worked. We were moving from Target pharmacy to Walgreens. This move also included a small valid pain contract and she said that was fine. About three hours later Target called and said the manager at Walgreens (Nicole) said she was going to refuse taking us as customer and gave Target no explanation. I was baffled. I called to speak to Nicole to find out what the problem was with taking our scripts and she said because of my pain contract. She told me she had called my doctor and he had said I had broken my contract back in February this year.

She also stated she called my insurance company (ChampVA) and she claimed that they told her the same thing because I had paid cash for one of my scripts. Well, none of the above is true. I immediately called ChampVA and they said they told her no such thing and I could pay cash anytime If I wanted to and they had no record at all of her calling them.. They record all incoming calls I was informed and could find no such call. I am still getting my script each month and have never been told I broke my contract. I have no idea what is going on. No such thing occurred. Please check into this for me as my husband and I are both disabled and this is the first time this has ever happened. This all occurred at the Alexandria, MN pharmacy and the only name I was given was Nicole, pharmacy manager who did this. Thank you for your assistance.


I've had an ongoing courtesy to have delivered to my condo multiple cases of Swanson White meat canned chicken in cases of 12 to which I have ordered numerous times. This courtesy was extended to me originally from Kyle and when he was transferred to another location then Randy continued to have delivered my cases in multiples of less 7 or more than 7. Unfortunately, you have an assistant manager Paul, who is so discourteous as to wonder what his problem is to never answer a coherently response and his only answer is "sure" or Okay" with no data is when where and if my delivery has arrived and when will be delivered.

I was in need of the Swanson product in earnest whereas it sat in the backroom and I was not notified after more than a week. I was to be notified when the shipment arrived arrived at the Walgreens location so as to pay for it in advance of the delivery. It was not forthcoming! I called multiple times and said it was delivered last week .... "sorry"....and so when I called I was confronted with verbal abuse by Paul, assistant manager, who said it was a courtesy and I should not yell at him, but rather asked for an affirmative confirmation when it would be delivered.....but much to my dismay this person.

Paul, seems to as usual when in the store, walk away from responding to my question and disappears, and if that is not strange, when I call his repoonse is such that Walgreens is doing me a favor even though I pay the delivery to my condo for gratitude in doing so. The person Paul who is supposed to respond rather than doing me a favor should appreciate the large sums of cash per month for purchases to Walgreens.

For instance, when I tried to ask this person, Paul, assistant manager, to please call someone to open the locked case for Prilosec, he was rude, loud, arrogant, and said he was busy and ignored me whereas I had to walk to the front of the store and ask for someone to open the locked case. Whatever you ask of this person, Paul, is met with an response of "sure," or "okay", and a walk away from me, but nothing comes of the request, which is strange and a complete waste of time if he will come back but never does. Add to that when I called to ask if he was sending the seven cases of Swanson canned chicken he said "sure" and accused me of yelling at him and hung up."

Totally bizarre and this person, Paul, is in need of some type of communication and customer relation skills, or even to suggest that he has some type of problem dealing with the public contact as not within the realm of normal courtesy and response or courtesy to any customer seeking in need of purchase. Very strange for a walkaway or one word response as stated. This person is inept and incompetent to deal with the public and rude beyond comprehension. He has a problem that has an undercurrent of being beyond rude and should not be dealing with the public servitude capacity!


I drove up to drive up window and handed the woman my prescription. She asked me for my drivers license, which I gave her and then asked when did I want to pick it up. I asked in an hour? She said perfect. I drove off. Now I want to say that I have been going only to this pharmacy for years, I am a senior citizen and never had any problems until now. I also want to add that I was extremely sick with a cold at the time and could barely talk. So I really needed my prescription asap.

I drove up exactly one hour later and was told that my insurance no longer covered this cough medicine. I asked how much would it be out of pocket and she said $22.00 so I said ok. She said it would be ready in ten minutes, so I pulled over and waited a few minutes and went back to the window. This time the pharmacist appeared and said he could not fill this prescription due to a new company policy. I couldn't believe this was happening. I was prescribed Guaifenesin AC cough syrup 120.

I was so agitated by his excuses that I asked for the prescription back and drove straight across the street to Rite Aide drive thru and they filled it in less than 20 minutes! I will never do business with Walgreens again. Just total nonsense and when a person is sick who needs to hear it? Not me that is for sure. I thanked him for wasting my time too.


When the selling of the Red Noses first began I bought 2 on April 20, 2016 from store #11333 in Riverside, NJ at 11:45 a.m., one for my grandson who is in kindergarten and one for my granddaughter who is in the 4th grade. There were commercials constantly on the television so when they would see one and every couple days after they saw the first commercial they would ask me if it was Red Nose Day so they could wear the noses. The day finally came and they left my home that morning very happy because this was the day they could wear their noses. My grandson came home in tears. Both children said that their teachers would not permit them to wear the noses and that there was no such thing as a Red Nose Day. I am not sure where the miscommunication between your stores and the public came but just as a suggestion, please make this information clear in the future if you intend to do this again. To lead the children on and then have them let down on that day is cruel.


I am a registered nurse in a group home for the intellectually disabled in Alsip IL. I am responsible for obtaining the diabetic supplies for a few of the individuals in the home. There has never been a time that any of these prescriptions have been available on time at Walgreens. The staff in the Pharmacy dept. at the Walgreens located at 12290 S. Pulaski are usually extremely rude, inconsiderate and useless. In the last week I have waited several times in the long line at the pharmacy dept. and heard several other customers voice the same complaints. I am in the medical field and I was always under the impression that we had to work as a team to provide the best health care for individuals, this is not the case at this pharmacy location. I will be transferring all of my client's prescription n to another pharmacy location (and it will NOT be a Walgreens)!


My wife has severe allergies and the most effective medication for her condition is Allegra D. Walgreens stores will routinely only sell her a 10 pack of pills so that when she runs out after 10 days and tries to buy more the store tells her she is over the limit. This is a problem that we only have when we use Walgreens. Because of this continued hassle as a result of your absurd store policies our family will not darken the doorstep of any Walgreens no matter where it is situated. Rite aid, CVS or any of the other independent pharmacies are not so unreasonable about these medications and understand that 10 pills will only last 10 days.


I had been dealing with the pharmacy at 5831 West Park Ave. Houma La. for 11 years. I submitted my usual prescription for a pain medication I have been prescribed for about 5 years. I received the text notification that my prescription was ready (which indicates that my insurance had approved the medication). Out of the blue I get a phone call from the pharmacy manager (I do not know her name as that does not appear on prescriptions, and I doubt that she would have told me) telling me she would not fill the prescription because of other medications I have been prescribed from other doctors. She even insinuated that I was going to different doctors (doctor shopping) for other meds, as she named off the doctors and the meds they were prescribing to me.

I tried to explain that I had filled all of the same prescriptions there before with no issues, my doctors all know what meds I take, and it all goes thru my insurance. She claimed there was a new policy she had to follow. When I went to the store to pick up the prescription, she was arrogant and seemed to not care at all that I was offended. She had an arrogant tone and blank eating grin on her face as if she was enjoying the situation. I told her that if I was going to be treated that way, I would take my business elsewhere and I wanted to speak to her superior. She simply stated that she was the manager and I could call 1800-Walgrees if I wanted to. I asked for a copy of the new policy. She told me that it wasn't really a policy, but a guideline, and would not give me a copy of that either.

She developed the same very arrogant grin on her face again, enjoying denying to fill my prescription, and could not have cared less that I was going to take my business elsewhere. If she had used a more "customer friendly" approach, I would have accepted that I just had to fill the one prescription elsewhere. She offered no apology and no desire to keep my business. Since this happened, they have even told on of my doctors that I was no longer doing business with them. Either way, Walgreens has lost a loyal customer of 11 years because of her arrogance in the situation. I'm sure no one there will care, but had to submit this on matter of principal.


I was the victim of a scam and was instructed to buy an iTunes cards at walgreens . After purchasing the cards ( for $500.00) I realized this was a fraud and refused to give the information on the cards to the people running the scam. I had all the paper work and the cards still just as I had purchased them. I returned to the store and was told by the manager the store did not issue returns and I would have to to go the Apple store. There I was told to go back to Walgreens. The store in question is in Greenville S.C. on Augusta street. I want to know what I need to do to cancel this sale.Do not tell me I can not get refund. Expedite the complaint immediately.


Walgreens on Genesee St in Utica NY was such a good place for prescriptions when they first opened. I recently had several problems from waiting in the drive thru for 15 minutes to pick up prescriptions while the girls in the pharmacy were standing around chit chatting then half of my scripts were not refilled. Now I have been waiting for an inhaler which my ins company called me today and said it was all ready approved. I called Walgreens to be told it was not and when I told the girl the pharmacy that I had just hung up with my ins co she was rude and said let me see and sure enough it was approved. This drug store has gone way down hill and as of today I will be moving my scripts out of Walgreens. I will never shop in this store again.


On 4/12/16 I purchased 4 items and when I got home I noticed one of the items was not in my bag even though I was charged for it on my receipt. Not wanting to go back that day, I returned to Walgreens the following day 4/13 in the evening and explained that one of the items was not in my bag. I was told that the girl remembered my and that she did put it in my bag. They must have called her at home because I did not see the clerk that waited on me at the register.

As a matter of fact while chit chatting about the weather, she said she hoped it would be nice tomorrow because she would be off the next day. I find it hard to believe she could remember every single customer and their purchases. What ever happened to the customer is always right! It was only a $2.00 can of hairspray but I am a good customer, and purchase drugs for my mother and myself monthly. I would not lie about a $2.00 purchase. I was embarrassed because the manager did all this in front of many people.


They have a new person everyday are not timely in filling rx. Not understanding of proper business. I been going over 20 years to them and no one knows my name this Ashville highway knoxville tn. Would appreciate if you would acknowledge this complaint with correspondence.


I have been with walgreens pharmacy for years, due to living in a small town. I have had instances where the workers don't help with contacting doctors for a prescription such as birth control. I was over that but this is the last straw because I went to walgreens in bastrop louisiana on 3/10/16 to quickly get my prescription so I thought. As I waited in the drive thru no one greeted me or came to the window but I stead she was sitting down eating cake, so I made a blank trip to the pharmacy and still in need of my meds. not to mention it was around 4:30 pm when I went so no they were not closed. I am getting really fed up with the bastrop louisiana locations rudeness and something needs to be done ASAP!


I went to your website and submitted 2 prescription transfer request and it was confirmed that it was received. I waited 2 days and went back into my online account and didn't see anything. I submitted my transfer again. I waited another 2 days and went back in to check on status. Still nothing. I started a chat with a tech and she went in to check my account and didn't find anything. She said she would take my information and submit the transfer for me. I gave her all the information to start the transfer. I went back in 2 days later to see the status.

I didn't see anything so I started a chat again with a Roberto. He checked my account and didn't see any transfer's in progress. He was willing to take my information again to start the transfer. I said I am going to go to Walmart pharmacy to do the transfer because Walgreens customer service sucks. I am so glad my health is not dependent on those medications. This is so unacceptable. I have already received notification from Walmart that they have received the transfer and it is in progress.


On February 23, 2016 I shopped at the the Walgreens on Montclair Road in Birmingham, Al. After selecting several items I looked for a buggy or small basket. None could be found and I advised sales staff and the acting Manager who explained those items had been stolen over the Christmas Hoildays. My response was that was 2 months ago and the problem has not not been corrected. The cavalier attitude of management annoyed this long time customer. Please advise as to correctve action to be taken.


2 weeks ago Walgreens had ocean spray ice tea on sale 2/$5 for the 96oz bottles,my husband and children love this ice tea.I can tell you its the best out there. I bought 26 bottles.Mind you I have been shopping at Walgreens for Years. This morning as I was opening a bottle,I glanced at the expiration date. I was flabbergasted to find out that it was all expired either DEC 2015 or JAN 2016. I had only 3 bottles with march 5th as the expiration date. I don't have any receipts, as I disposed of them.see attachment for reference. I would like to be made whole by having Walgreens reimburse us for the cost of drinking expired Ice tea and also by making sure that their stores are constantly checking there shelves to make sure whatever is expired is off the shelves.


Walgreens said they do not take my U.S. Military Tricare insurance and then would not even let me pay over the phone with a credit card so my daughter, who is a college student at San Jose State, could get an antibiotic she needed after she had swelling following removal of her wisdom teeth. We are in Davis, California. Our oral surgeon called in the prescription to the closest pharmacy to the campus in San Jose which is 100 miles away. The woman at the pharmacy was rude, arrogant and condescending first to my daughter in person then to me on the phone. We are transferring the prescription to CVS where we usually go, but in the meantime that's 18 hours without my daughter's needed medication and her face is very swollen.


My doctor sent prescription for 2 medications at the local walgreens pharmacy at 103-09 Liberty Ave in Ozone Park Queens NY11417 tel #718-659-9621. I was not informed by the pharmacy that I exceeded my refills. Hence, My insurance company refused to pay. I am now sent a bill in excess of 500 dollars from Walgreens. To make matters worse they gave me 3 months supply rather than a single month which could have been a smaller amount of out of pocket money for me. If there is any recourse to at least wave something from that large sum of money that I have to pay I will be grateful.


I am a patient Advocate assisting a patient with getting free medications though our program. Ive been on hold with Walgreens Pharmacy located on 2500 E Franklin Blvd. for over two hours waiting to give a billing information for a patient to pick up their medication. Its ridiculous how someone can wait on hold to verify if a prescription is received or to give a payment. I then contacted the customer service side and still no answer form anyone for over 45 minutes! I'm extremely upset being that Walgreens Pharmacy is a major Pharmacy that people uses with Insurance, Medicare Part D and even with they're own funds to not be able to reach a Pharmacist or a customer Service Rep. I need answers to this lack of service Walgreens is providing to valuable customer.


I have two issues. First I get phone calls to pick up prescription and when I get there is no prescription to pick up. Second I have orders fill for me and my husband that they didn't use the insurance for some reason. I understand it could be to early or not time for the insurance to pay it but the store should let you know that the insurance didn't pay for it at all before you pick it up and then you have to pay for it. When you pay for it you can't take it back after you pay.


Every time I call the Walgreens pharmacy in Markham IL, I hold for a very long time before anyone picks up the phone. Sometimes, I hold so long I just hang up. They need to get better customer service. Patients should not have to hold that long before a pharmacist picks up the phone.


Because of where I live, I frequently shop at Walgreen's at #12479, W. Commerce & Zarzamora, Walgreen's #4552 W. Commerce & General McMullen, or Walgreen's #3354 Culebra & Zarzamora. My problem is not with the employees or products. My problem is with the beggars outside asking customers for money. About 90% of my visits to your stores, I am approached by someone asking for money.

I personally have not complained, but have heard others do so. I am complaining now because this evening I went to one of these Walgreen's and was asked for money. I said I was sorry but I didn't have money. The person then went on talking to me and then cursing me. I went inside and informed an employee. I hope something can be done about this, but if it continues, I will be forced to take my business elsewhere.


Walgreens (1/22/16) My issue with Walgreens isn't complicated. On 1/18/16, I got a prescription of Tamsulosin filled at the Enumclaw, WA, Walgreens. I picked up the Tamsulosin at the pharmacy counter. I examined the contents. I found the pharmacy gave me 90 pills instead of 180 which the prescription called for. I pointed out the error to the pharmacist himself. I had a feeling I should talk directly to the pharmacist. He checked his computer and agreed a mistake was made. He told me the prescription would be corrected.

I returned on 1/22/16 to pick up the Tamsulosin. The pharmacist told me that he gave me 180 pills on 1/18/16 and refused to give me the 90 missing pills. The store manager would not help and refused to fill the 90 missing pills. My daughter counted how many pills I actually received on 1/18/16 and I only received 72 pills in total. This would be a “he said / he said” situation except my caregiver was with me on 1/18/16 and heard the pharmacist admit to the original mistake. She heard him promise me he would correct the error.

This is just one example of the errors the Enumclaw Walgreens Pharmacy has made with my prescriptions.


Wanted to exchange an item went in store and went to aisle were wrist braces are sold... Needed to try on too see if it was more comfortable then the previous one purchased. When fit to the counter the cashier was RUDE as hell about I should have brought theorem to her first. I understand store policy but I don't need to be spoken to like that or did she have to repeat herself 3-4 additionally times about the same thing. I am not a child being scorned by a parent. I will not return to this walgreens and will be taking my monthly prescriptions away as well. I don't need to spend my money where the cashiers are RUDE. Walgreens on magazine and pleasant New Orleans.


We went in to the Walgreens pharmacy on January 18th, 2016. My daughter was asking one of the helpers in pharmacy a question. She was so very rude, that I can't even explain how she made us feel. She would not answer our question, she wouldn't look at us and she just kept on doing other things. When she did answer us it was with a very put out voice and my daughter finally asked to talk to the pharmacist. The pharmacist apologized for how the other girl behaved. My daughter could hear her at the drive-through talking to other people and how she was so very rude to them as well.

It honestly makes me want to switch to Walmart if I have to deal with this lady again. Her name is Taylor Brinky. I could just imagine if this lady was trying to help an elderly person and how she would make them feel. I rarely complain, but when I do it is serious. I would like to hear from someone, or find out what is being done about this lady. My phone number is 405-761-7516. I have used Walgreens everywhere I have lived, but if I have to deal with this lady again, and be treated the way I was treated, I will switch to Wal Mart!


I went in to Walgreens on the way home to pick up several things. I normally spend $ 100-150 dollars most every visit. I received a weekly add on my phone that Cottonelle was back at $ 3.99 from $ 4.99 so I asked the clerk if I could get a case of the blue Cottonelle as I have been doing for the past 3 years.

He got on the intercom and requested help. When I went back there to see if I could help. The girl had loose rolls packs on her chart and I ask if she did not have a case. She said she could not sell it in s carton. I told her that I was just wanting to have the carton to store it. She began putting the packed in the bin. I said to her I just wanted 6-packs please. Instead of giving them to me she said there right there pointing to the shelf? I said ok, so I pulled 6packs from the shelf and went back to the front counter where the associate was ringing me up. Then the same girl said that I could not purchase only 3 packs after I had already brought all 6 packs to the front counter. I could not believe the attitude I was receiving.

I purchased the 3-packs and other material and left. Her name was Jane from Walgreens on 1583 E County Line Rd # 15485 in Jackson, MS, 39211. The store phone number is (601) 952-2979. My RFN # 1548-5218-9272-1601-1003. I trade with two different Walgreens but I swear I will never go back in there. Will transfer all my business with Walgreens if I don't hear from your company. There is nothing about a limit on my cell phone add I can see. I could not believe the bad treatment I received. There was no reason for this. I was in a great mode until this occurred.


The Walgreen's Pharmacy in Wenatchee, WA has horrible service. Waited in line at the drive through for 1/2 hour a day after the doctor called prescription in. Then, the clerk tells me they processed it through insurance wrong and it would be ready in a couple hours since they are really busy. I waited after the holiday weekend and called back. After being on hold for 12 minutes they couldn't find which one. Then they tell me that they shelved it and it would take at least three hours to refill because they are busy (again). Horrible service.


I ordered a photo book after creating it online on 12/22/2015. It was for same day pick up. The store called to say they did not have the paper an that my order may be ready on Wednesday, 23 or Saturday 12/26. I ask the photo rep, Danella to please call me as soon as the order was ready. After not receiving a call I called the store to find out what happen to my order on Saturday 01/2/2016. I was then told." your order has been ready since 12/28/2015". Of course I was really disappointed I was not called and my order has been sitting.

I went to the store and paid for my order and briefly looked at the book because the line was long. When I got to my car I was yet again disappointed the picture cover that was not properly placed and was off centered. I took the book back into the store and ask that the cover be fixed. The photo rep advise it would take 1 hour. I was fine with that and told her I will come back in 1 hour. As I sat in my car and began to drive , my phone rang...it was the photo rep telling me she cannot re do the over because the order is no longer available for her to process.

She advise I would have to go back online and resend the order. I advise her I was out with my family and did not have time to do that. I ask if there is no other way to pull the order. She said NO. At his point I was really frustrated. I said if you can discount the book I will just take it as it is. She said her manager would have to approve the discount and proceeded to transfer me. After a short hold, the manager came on the phone and ask how can I help you. I proceeded to explained to him " Courtney" what had happen and that I was willing to accept the book as it is if he would discount it for me. He advise he can only do 15%. I did not agree.. He did say I don't know what happen but this is all I can do. pretty much take it or leave it attitude.

I said to him when an employee request a manager, wouldn't the manager ask the employee for a reason why a customer is requesting to speak to a manage.. He flat out said NO! I said to him it would be best if you do so so that you can have a plan and offer better customer service to your customer. At this point he had a big attitude and really did not want to hear anything further from me and proceed to speak over me as I was speaking to the point I had to say, " wait a minute here" you would better understand what I'm trying to relay if you would just listen. He continued with the same behavior so I hung up as I was not getting anywhere and went to the store. My husband and I went to the photo department and ask that the manager " Courtney" would please come to assist us.

He walked over and as soon as we mention the issue with the photo book he began to get loud and very rude. I kept my composure and my husband even apologies to the other customer who was in the area for the confusion, which he did not have to do. I asked the photo rep to please give me the book so that I may show the manager the issue. She gave me the book and I pointed out the area that was not done correctly. His exact words were " I personally had nothing to do with the book and all I can agree to is 15% ".

He then looked at the photo rep and said give them 15% or nothing!. I said to him, as a manger you represent all areas of the store weather you processed the order or not... I then said you did not even apologies for the mistake. He then said in a sarcastic manner, I apologies "but" I can't do anything else. At this point my husband and I was so frustrated with the lack of customer service skills and the way we were being treated we asked for a refund and left our precious memories behind. This was a very bad start to our New Year. The manager had no accountability or did not even care. I wouldn't say I would not go back to this store, but I will know that if there was any issue it would not be resolved in the right or correct manner.


I had a doctors visit 8am on Wednesday (12/23/15). My doctor's office called my prescription in. I went to pick up my prescription after 11am. The girl told me it wasn't called in. I went home called my doctor's office & they said it was called in. I waited until Sunday called Walgreens pharmacy. The pharmacist told me one prescription was ready but she was working on the other one as I had 2 prescriptions. She said it would be ready when I got there. I told her it would take me 10minutes to get there. She said no problem.

So my husband and I went to pick up the prescription. Well, it was not ready. I ask her why it wasn't ready as they had my request in the computer since Wednesday. Her answer was "we are very busy". That wasn't the answer I wanted to hear. The pharmacist told me to wait as it would be ready in a few minutes. I waited over an hour for my medicine. I complained to the manager but it didn't do any good. This Walgreens located in Desert Hot Springs, Ca., is the worst. Maybe it is the town & that is why we don't have the help we need. Most of the employees are of Spanish decent & speak Spanish constantly. We have a different pharmacist there every other day. You never see the same pharmacist.

I know we have a lot of snowbirds here during the winter months, but that is no excuse for the service. They need to hire more employees to take care of our needs. Also, I think a representative from the main office should come here to evaluate this situation. I have lived in this town for 15 years. This is the worst service I have ever received. Every time I go to pick up my prescriptions, there is always a wait. There is no type of consistency here. I have complained in the past but nothing has been done. Why is that? Is it because of the town, the people or what. I believe I have put up with as much as I can take from this pharmacy & it is time to take my needs to another pharmacy. Thank you for any consideration you can give to this town.


Whoever made the decision to close pharmacies for two full days (December 31 and January 1) should be made to realize what a miserable inconvenience they have wreaked on many ill and elderly customers. Both my wife and I needed to be on antibiotics which were called to your pharmacy on Kitsap Way in Bremerton early on New Years eve. Imagine our surprise when we arrived at the store to pick them up to find the pharmacy closed until Saturday. Apparently, even the doctors offices were not notified. On Saturday (today) they are so covered up we find that we cannot pick the prescriptions up until sometime in the afternoon. The local store employees are exceptional and my complaints are not directed at them but to the corporate level from where this damaging and may I say "dumb" decision emanated. I spent a lifetime career in the retail business and a decision such as this, if I had made it would have had serious consequences.


I have been a loyal Walgreen customer for over ten years, as of today I will not return to Walgreen again. I continued to stay loyal to Walgreen even when they processed my worker compensate claim under my regular prescription drug coverage. I should not put my trust in them to do the right thing without verifying that the prescription was process correctly.

Second, one of your pharmacy technician called me a ghetto negro, before she was transferred to Walgreen on Arlington Street. The pharmacist told her to take a break. He didn't think that I heard what she said. When you work in customer service you need to be able to maintain your personal opinion and attribute.

Recently I contact customer services in reference to my prescription 1456629-03279 and 1415370-03279 to inform you that the prescription was not right and I have ben on this medication for over ten year and I know how the medication should taste and smell. The sad thing I when to Walgreen today to pick up my prescription and I asked for a bag to put my medication in and the technician informed me that they do not give bags. She told me to get a bag at the cashier desk at the front door. This is a form of retaliation and you allow your employees to treat your loyal customer like this.

I think it is bad business to treat your customer like that as if they don't matter. How do you expect to stay in business when your employees don't value their jobs.


Pharmacy in Springhill, Florida. Store number #05858. I would not give a star at all if that was an option... I dropped off my 2 scripts on Tuesday. I called them on Thursday because Christmas was Friday and I knew I would not get to go in they would be closed. I called Walgreens on Thursday to confirm they would be ready. Walgreens said, "My scripts were in the computer" I told them I would come in on Saturday. I am on a lot of medicine and I can not drive. I went in on Saturday and asked for my scripts.

The attendant told me there were no scripts for me. (In a rude tone)... Her name was Maxine. I said, there were scripts for me. I dropped them off on Tuesday and I called on Thursday and they told me they were in the computer. By now, there are several people lining up behind me.... She then said, oh wait... I think I saw them some where... And she goes down by the pharmacist area and pulls them off of the wall behind him. As she came back to the counter saying, you shouldn't drop these off early... They could get thrown out by someone. It is not our responsibility to keep track of your scripts. I said, again... I dropped them off early, because I have no transportation. That was the only time I could.

She said well with narcotics, You can not fill them until they are due. I told her they are due. as to embarrass me within the customers lining up behind me. Then she said, well with the DEA and everything you can not drop these off early. We are not responsible for holding the scripts. Again, I said "I have no transportation. That was the only time I could drop them off. When I said that, I could hear the people behind me... Huh. As they seemed to be shocked as to how many times she was saying this to me as well. Then she said, Well, I will get these to the pharmacist but it will take probably an hour, hour and a half wait. You can walk around or wait. I said, I will wait right here. (I am disabled). And have never been treated so badly in my life.

I stepped back to the chair and sat down. Keep in mind. I was never rude to her at any time during this conversation... My friend that drove me, came over and sat with me after she had done her shopping. and she said to me... You're still waiting? I said yes, They did not have them ready, even though they told me Thursday they would be ready..... I whispered it to her... so Maxine would not hear me and make me wait any longer.... So my friend says, Are you kidding me? I said "No". Then Maxine jumped into the conversation, You do not understand, We can not fill these early due to DEA regulations. I then said, They are not early. My friend then said, I would take my business elsewhere then to be treated like this. You are supposed to look out for your customers and help them. Then Maxine said, " Go ahead! I would not go there if I were you" Pointing her finger. (In a loud manner...) Maxine then said. I will give you your prescriptions back right now if you like.

As she went running right back to the pharmacist and was talking to him telling him lets go ahead and give the scripts back to her so she can go somewhere else. The pharmacist looked back at me. I then said, (with a confused look) she just threatened my friend! He walked up to the counter. My friend then said to the pharmacist, "She needs her scripts!" He looked at me, and said he was working on them right now. I said Thank you to him. Then Maxine said I did not say that. She claimed. "I Said, I would not go there if I were you!". I said exactly. (This is 35 minutes into this craziness). Maxine was still running her mouth, Saying we go through this with people every day all day long... when my friend said to her. Will you stop talking to us!

My friend then looked at me and said, she is not worth it! I agreed with my friend. And my friend and I did not say another word. Then Maxine started to say something else... My friend said to her... " I asked you to just stop talking to us!" She finally closed her mouth! About 5 minutes later the pharmacist came up to the counter and said thank you for waiting. I said alright to him and thanked him for getting my scripts ready for me. And I paid and walked off with my friend. I am going to call corporate about this matter.

They need to fire her. And train their employees to be nice to their customers. I spend about $3,000 a month at their store for my meds and more.... She should not be discussing my meds loud so other people can hear what I take. I could have been robbed in the parking lot when I walked out. There was plenty of people out there. People get robbed in parking lots all the time here in Florida! And all of my family and friends will hear of this as well. I am going elsewhere... I want to hear from corporate about this matter. I will also contact the newspaper as well.


I am not one to complain usually, however, my last two visits to Walgreens Bay Village, Ohio store resulted in about 20 minutes at the checkout counter, and this is not including wait time. The people Walgreens has in this store are simply unqualified to be doing what they're doing. I bring up the last few visits, but I shop at this store frequently due to simply not having many choices in this small town. The associates don't know the ad or the products most of the time, and when the customer has educate the employees of the store as to what's going on, you've got issues. Maybe time to rethink the personnel.


On 12/2/2015, I ordered Christmas cards (60) didn't get envelopes for the cards- had to make a 2nd trip. While there they asked me to prove it with a receipt. That was after I called before I came asking if I had to purchase envelope for photo cards. On 12/6/2015, I ordered a custom photo book it wasn't bound and the pages fell out. I took it back- the 2nd one wasn't bound. (Frustrated) I was then made another one but still paid over $22.00 for the book. On 12/26/2015, I ordered a custom photo book received e-mail it was ready at 9:19 PM when I got there, the manager stated they were out of book and paper.

I asked if I could transfer it to a different store they told me no they would have to download pics and I should come back tomorrow and he would make it a priority. I went home and re-ordered it at a different Walgreens and so now I hope to get the book at 11:30 PM. It took me 4 hours to make the book for a gift I need that the store guaranteed in an hour. (Frustrated) Wasn't offered one thing and all of these were at the same Walgreens located at 4730 s. 27th Street, Milwaukee, WI, 53221. Very upset and won't order photos from there ever again.


Scanned in pictures with my daughter so she could make a calendar for Christmas gift. Was told it would be ready in two hours I said I would come back the next day to pick it up. Went back to pick up and was not happy with what I was given. Pictures were not in the order that was picked when I asked why they are not correct. Was told I was the only one that was saying that my order not being correct. Not true I was not the only one not happy standing there. Got told I would have to start the process over and I would have to purchase again and no guarantee the pictures would be in the correct order. Really all that work and I purchased it with no guarantee. I now have calendar with pictures not in the correct order and questioning why I went to Walgreen. Not happy with your photo department.


I have learned of Walgreen's corporate agreement to partner with Providence Health in Washington and Oregon states. You present yourself as the nation's pharmacy. It is unconscionable that you would partner with an organization that believes in forcing its religious doctrine on others, especially given the private and person nature of prescriptions such as those relating to reproductive health and the right to a dignified death. Even though I do not live in those states, I fear that this ill-gotten partnership will spread if you find that the profit margins it generates are to your liking. As a result, I am no longer shopping at Walgreens, even though it is the most conveniently located for me.


We always shop at the Walgreens on 377 in Benbrook, TX, and the staff is usually very friendly and helpful. However, when I went in today (12/18/2015) there seemed to be something off. There were about 7 employees in the store and none of them could greet me because they were too busy goofing around. They were too busy playing with Christmas toys to help me. When I went to check out the girl at the register (she looked like a manager) was on the phone, clearly on a personal call and couldn't even put her phone down before just pointing me to another register. Apparently too busy to actually talk to customers. There were no smiles and no customer service. I expect more from Walgreens and I've experienced better service. I won't be returning to this store.


This morning I went into store # 03154 Keene NH, I was treated rather poorly to say the least. This is not the first time the pharmacy tech, Joselyn, I could have the name wrong but she is the only,Jo?. I understand she has worked their for years. However her and I don't seem to see eye to eye. I did complain to the district manager. She did improve up until today. Therefore I am moving my business of $1890.00 estimated monthly cost of meds. I am 55 an disabled. I don't have the patience for games. Therefore if I do no receive an apology from her, or Walgreens Corporate, I will move my my business to the almighty CVS, I drive by CVS to get to Walgreens. I prefer Walgreens but I will not subject myself to monthly negativity.


My complaint is that I was shopping in the Walgreens store on Dec 7th around 8 when i picked up their Guacamole chips and purchased it from the store. i went home and opened up the chips and started to eat it. A little bit later after eating the chips i was starting to fell nauseated. I went to sleep and when i woke up i had diarrhea and notice that i had caught the stomach virus.


I had a prescription filled and because you no longer carry that medication by the manufacturer which is the lower price it was automatically filled at another manufacturer which is a different name and also at a higher price. When I went in the girl reviewed it and said she would call me back on Monday if they were able to order the original medication.

Here it is Tuesday I did not receive a call back from them on Monday nor did I receive a call back on Tuesday. Tried calling the store but of course you don't let your calls go directly to the store so I got to a call center which they were very happy and tried to call the pharmacy directly which they never could get through because nobody picked up the pharmacist from your call center. Did try calling the store manager to see what the issue was and he did not pick up her call. Very bad customer service when the customer can get through and even your own employees can't get through to the store manager the store is Oak Lawn Illinois on 95th and Cicero.

Because of your automated systems it just automatically fills what they think is the same prescription being that it is not the same name just the same ingredients when in fact the pricing is different too bad you don't have real people to talk to instead of just automated systems. All your customer service has gone down the drain because you want to save money and have it sent relocated thinking that this helps your customers when in fact it does not after this time I will be transferring my prescriptions back to Walmart which they still have personal attention to the customer.


More than once I have been disappointed in the photo department. They either have forgotten to put pictures in my order or have not printed my order with no phone call. I put an order in at10 in the morning came back after 5pm and no pictures the manager said oh well they will give you a discount tomorrow. I do a lot of pictures at Walgreen. Not good customer service. I would like to continue to use Walgreen photo but this is happening to often.


I have always had a good experience shopping at our local walgreens until today. I ordered photos and hours later called the store to make sure they were ready. It was well after the time they said they would be ready but to be on the safe side I called. I was informed the photo department was closed. I asked why and was told the store was so short staffed they had nobody available to work in the photo department. I think this is unacceptable. I just checked my emails and apparently my photos are ready for pick up which has to be incorrect since your store representative told me otherwise. We have a lovely cvs near walgreens and if walgreens continues to provide this type of service they will lose a lot of customers. The store I had a problem with is the Yonkers New York store 1046 Yonkers avenue.


The Walgreen's pharmacy tech would not fill my prescription. Wouldn't give me any reason says she just will not. I took my prescription to another pharmacy and she called and told them I had already filled it. So the pharmacist said I'm not going to fill it. I will never use Walgreens again for any reason. I am going to also tell all my family and friends of my awful experience with your company.


Went to the Walgreens located at 107 W. Rankin Road, Houston, TX 77090 and was refused service there for getting a narcotic drug filled by the Pharmacist and the Pharmacy Manager: Melanie Solon. Was told that I had to travel back to the Walgreens which was located about 45 minutes from where I relocated in order to get it filled. After being notified of that, I called the Walgreens that use to fill my prescriptions and was told that the Rankin Rd Walgreens should have filled my prescriptions and that I should not have to come back to the Jones/Louetta location to get them filled. I feel strongly that I was mistreated and discriminated against because of what the history of the area may be. I would like for someone to please contact Walgreens at the Rankin Rd and myself regarding this issue.


Walgreen's filled a prescription without reading my drug allergy profile. My profile at Walgreen's stated I was allergic to Atropine & Epi...both Anticholinergic drugs. They filled a prescription for Hyoscyamine Sulfate...which is an anticholinergic. My doctor made the first error but shouldn't the pharmacist have alerted the doctor or just not filled the prescription in view of my allergies? I was too sick to read the drug information sheet till the next morning after I was having severe palpitations, dizziness & difficulty breathing.

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