AOL Complaints Continued... (Page 3)
275+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call AOL corporate: 1-800-827-6364My problem is not with AOL, it is with Computer Checkup. Computer Checkup will not through its entirety. Mid way through the scan you get an "unexpected internal error". To complete a Computer Checkup Scan one must run each individual program comprised of Computer Checkup. Since we are paying a monthly fee for this capability, surely it can be fixed to run on Windows 10.
I am tired of the aol saying opps need to restart. I have been having this problem for a while and been letting it slide. If it keeps up i am going with another company.
When I open up a news item of interest, the large photo screen remains black with a yellow circle spinning. What do I do to resolve this problem? I need to contact AOL customer service to complain, but there is no number listed on their website.
I use AOL browser a lot and use eBay, Last week alot of the script used in ebay, now small blue color script and cannot be read on an iPad or iPhone. However if another browser is used such as outlook or MSN the script is OK, I think some other sites in addition to EBAY have the same problem. I have been paying for AOL for years and this has never happened before. Also, I do not like the new format of aol that appeared on my computer today. I would like it reversed to the old way.
Today AOL offered a chance to vote on the question of women's abortion rights. The choices were slanted -- specifically "Would you support women's health clinics if abortions were not paid for by the government?" Outrageous.
All women's health issues should be covered, including anything to do with reproduction. Not all fetuses are perfectly created -- Mother Nature often provides for such mistakes with what is termed miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. At other times a dead or non-viable fetus remains for nine months in the womb. Before Roe v. Wade, a woman in such a situation had to get certification from two psychiatrists that she should be allowed to have an abortion, and it was still often difficult to find a qualified physician to perform it, even in towns with highly educated populations like Princeton, NJ.
A friend of mine knew that her fetus was dead before the third month of pregnancy, but she was forced to carry it for a full nine months. In my own case, no anomalies were detected, but after nine months I delivered an infant with multiple complications incompatible with life outside the womb, including lack of a brain and other unformed organs. My husband and I were even harassed by a right-to-life pediatrician who threatened to sue us if we didn't allow him to start surgical procedures to keep it alive. Luckily, it died a few hours later, but my Ob-Gyn team first had to forbid him access to the ward. It was traumatic enough without that!
So all you bleeding hearts with no medical or practical experience of the realities that may be faced during a pregnancy should think again about interfering in punishing ways. If we get a woman president, maybe she will propose a law refusing to pay for certain other procedures, like treatment for prostate cancer. Would you like a trade-off such as this?
You certainly should remove that cutsie questionnaire and pretend you never posted it, or else apologize.
I loaded their latest AOL Shield software. I found out with AOL Shield software running, it would screw up the Charts of Account in QuickBooks-on-line. I could not use any of the drop down menus. I uninstalled AOL Shield and then they started working. I thought you should be aware of this problem. AOL Shield does not work well with QuickBooks on line.
Until now, I have never had trouble signing into my email account. My password has been changed by someone. I called customer service today 12/10/15 and spoke with Claire. She asked me about the security question, but it was wrong. I asked to speak with a manager and she put me on hold 5 minutes, came back and said manager was busy. She told me unless I answer the question, there is no way to access my account. There has to be another way.
I have very important attorney papers I need from my email I cannot lose. I can be reached at 469-554-3219. If someone doesn't remember their security question, then what do they do? I fear I have been hacked and my information changed. If AOL looks through my email, surely they will see everything addressed to me, but that AOL customer service could not do that and that's just not good customer service. The rep Claire was rude and uncaring. I think they (customer service) is in another country other than the USA.
Enough with your popping videos. I want to check the weather in my town. Can't anymore, Katy Perry and an add from GM compete loudly against each other and no delete button to shut them up and finally see the weather information. I want to read an interesting blog. Can't anymore, a very loud video pops up and scared the daylights out of me. Where is the enjoyment in that? If AOL is trying to tell me that I have to pay to watch what it displays, then say so and I can make an enlightened decision.
On Monday, Nov 2, 2015, I started a chat with Tech Nathaniel Rein. My problem was I could not get Google to search when I pressed the search button. I answered several questions including what operating system I was using which was Windows XP. I had version 9.7 and he told me I had to update to 9.8.1 and that he would take care of it if I gave him control of my computer, which I did. He proceeded to get rid of my old AOL files, among other things, and then turned me over to John (didn't get his last name) who proceeded to install version 9.8.1 which was successful, to a point since I now could google. However, when I went to Facebook and my bank Wells Fargo, it was formatted.
The next day, Nov 3, 2015, I started a chat with Joel C concerning my current problem who informed me 9.8.1 was the wrong version for XP and said they had to reinstall 9.7 at which point he turned me over to Alex who fussed around for more then two hours trying to get 9.7 reinstalled to no avail. He then informed me something must be wrong with my computer because I was using an operating system that was ten years old which is why he couldn't re-install AOL. He then gave me a telephone number to call and assured me they would solve my computer problem. I don't like to say this but I had a feeling he didn't know what the hell he was doing. However, I thanked him for trying. Since he left the 9.7 installation Icon I asked him if I could try to install 9.7 myself. He said I could try but if wouldn't work because it didn't work for him. IT WORKED and I am now back to 9.7 but Facebook and Wells Fargo are still not formatted. (no pictures just blue words).
I know I have an old computer but it was working just fine, except for google, until I called for help. I am afraid to call the number Alex gave me. I think my problem is the Flash Drive but when I go to their web site, it is formatted also. Been with you guys a long time and would hate to leave. I can live without Facebook but I have to get to my bank account.
Ever since AOL modified its program in the wake of the issuance of Windows 10, it has been incredibly difficult and risky to try to write emails. A variety of keystrokes, which do not seem to follow any consistent pattern, cause AOL to sign off, eliminating the email being drafted. It has gotten to the point where I am forced to draft my emails off-line (i.e., in my word processing program) and then paste the text into an email box on AOL.
Even that sometimes fails because the act of pasting the text into an email can cause AOL to sign off. Some of the keystrokes that have caused AOL to sign off include up, down, left and right arrows, backspacing, "ctrl + any letter", tab, etc. I have written to AOL twice about the problem and gotten back each time an automated response assuring me the problem has been fixed. It hasn't! I am on the verge of migrating to another provider.
Just spent over 2 hours writing a very difficult and complicated email to a client. just as I was getting ready to send it something erased the entire email except for the address of the recipient. I am absolutely furious. I can find no way to restore the info. I can not believe there is not a two step process that can stop an accidental deletion of an entire email or at the very least a way to recover info that just suddenly vanishes. Now that I look online I see more AOL complaints than I can count. Wow!
When I try to send or receive an e-mail, AOL mail goes off line. Ever time I type a letter "AB or C" AOL goes off line. When advertisements are loading AOL goes off line. I do not have any trouble when the advertisements are not running. It is only when the advertisements are running that the problems occur. I can write in the body of the e-mail without any problems but when I try to address my e-mail AOL goes off line. It is very frustrating.
When I type an address of someone I want to send an email to. Most of the time I cannot type anything. The location indicator blinks as it to say, go ahead and begin typing and nothing happens, then I wait a while, and it will allow me to type one or two letters, then it jumps ahead and types as if it were going to send it to aol. Then I try to erase the aol part and I cannot erase it. I get the little blue rotating circle. then it stops and the "go ahead and type indicator shows up again" and I then try to type, and nothing happens. I am lucky if I can type a full address within a half hour.
For no reason my AOL email will not load. I have jumped through every hoop to get it resolved on line. Seven calls to "Tech Support" have met with waiting times of 11 to 30 minutes with no connection. The password and security questions have not changes for many years. However aol keeps stating that the password is incorrect and that it cannot identify me as the user of the Genserve account.
Recently my AOL "Welcome" page has been changed. Now, above the daily news highlights, is a series of advertisements that I never asked for and do not want to have. I followed the instructions to eliminate them. The response I received is that I cannot eliminate them. These advertisements that AOL is putting on my AOL desktop are paid advertisements, paid to AOL. I am paying AOL $300 every year for my Email service.
I am insulted that AOL takes my money and then sends massive advertisement to me. I would appreciate if you can totally remove these advertisements from my Email. If you refuse to do this I will file a complaint with the FCC. You are violating my privacy with these advertisements.
Within the last 5 or 6 months the following: Way to many ads. Trying to opt out of ads causes AOL to jump around, while you are trying to read an article it switches you to another article, page, or an ad. AOL e-mail sign in page pops up while viewing news and when you try to back-space to where you were it kicks you out. Trouble opening AOL.
I have been with AOL since the beginning. I refer to the news 2 or three times a day, everyday. I do not like having to wait for Hillary Clinton finish her advertising lies before I can read or view a news article.. Why do you not have the stop in 5 seconds her. She makes me sick. I am considering changing provider because being forced to see here all of the time.
Very unhappy with AOL. Many times I type in a subject ( i.e. NCAA football scores) and get your page that say's "The web address I entered could not be found" So, I go to BING - type in the same information and get the answers to what I want. If you can't and or won't address this I will use another engine! Fed Up!
Been calling AOL tech support since August 14, 16, 18, 22 and Sept. 5. No resolution. Was transferred to level 3 tech support in Rochester, NY tonight. Is there anyone working in NY at 11:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. Recorded message kept telling me to hand & someone would answer soon. I held on over an hour. Pretty poor service for a paying customer.
I used to have a paid account but several years ago I realized I was paying for nothing. Tech support is useless, mail doesn't work half the time, today service is so slow I feel like im on dial up modem from 20 years ago. From what I can see and read AOL doesn't seem to give a rats ass and they just keep getting worse and worse. Trying to load something like Huffington Post is useless. It usually will lock up then reloads with the big "Whoops" page 3 or 4 times. Just close your doors AOL, you haven't kept up with the times and your service sucks.
AOL installed itself without my permission. I leave my system on standby for updates from MS, so it's online 24/7. I activated my screen and saw the AOL icon on my task bar. YOU do not have the right to self install. My typing skills suffer when I am mad... I don't want to see this happen again; are we clear?
It appears that there was a service change to AOL in January where they bill you twice as much for twice the crappy service. It was getting to the point I couldn't switch between emails and every time I went into email, it would freeze. It was so frustrating! Then when I cancelled the day they billed my account, my money wasn't refunded. AOL is a crook and a crock in my opinion. No wonder it is a dying breed-crappy service for a high cost. Google mail here I come.
Today, I was speaking with "Alex". My initial call concerned being unable to find an old list. Alex did not think I could find it on my own so he took "control" of my computer and we made a new one. I was curious and found out that all he had to do for me to find the old list was to instruct me to type the name of the list in the search window. I mentioned this to him and he told me that it was easier for him to do it himself than for him to tell me this simple step. Second, I explained to him that I did not like the AOL version I am using and asked how I might change it. Again, he alluded that I would not be able to do this without technical assistance. I thought this was presumptuous of him. So, I asked him where he was from. That's when he hung up in my face.
Ad banners cover the story displayed making the story un-readable. Ad links require the reader of an article to keep juggling up and down to change pages. Ad links often are placed ware the next page icon should be regrinding the article reader to keep searching for the right icon and often it does not get you to the next page of the article. Often when you do manage to get to the next page the image keeps jumping up and down. Whoever designed and approved these new pages should be fired and bared from ever doing computer design again.
My complaint involves AOL's Super Anti Spyware. No one including the technical support personnel can install this product on my computer. They took control of my computer for a hour or more and failed. It downloaded the software to my e-mail address but would not accept my e-mail address as valid to complete the installation. Upon returning from 2 months of rehab recovering from open heart surgery I discovered they have been billing me $3.99 a month for software that AOL can't install. I cancelled the spyware package and requested a full refund. They offered only a $3.99 for the current month.
Given the amount of my total monthly bill i wonder why they are encouraging me to find another service supplier who knows how to treat customers better. I don't believe AOL should be permitted to bill for software and services before they're installed. While I generally feel the government tends to over regulate this may be something that requires their attention. Does anyone know of any regulatory agency who oversees AOL?
First, allow me to explain to you that there are alot of times I do go to married chat rooms. These rooms are a great stress relief and a place where I meet my friends to chat with. However, you have several people in these chat rooms who freeze a person screen. Also give viruses where it messes up your computer. There is a person in a few of the rooms, JJ, who is rude, disgusting, and takes control over the entire room. I just can't believe with these type of complaints no one investigates these rooms and takes their aol rights away from them. They disrupt the entire rooms, nasty words and threats.
Main computer windows works fine. I have an iPad and approximately 2 hours ago went to internet and received an error message which doesn't allow me to do anything. Windows Firewall Warning *** your computer may have adware/spyware virus *** call 1-844-415-0000 which apparently is a bogus number according to reviews of this number on the internet. I called AOL and waited on the line 25 minutes and someone answered and then I was disconnected.
--Initially calling the 844-415-0000 4 times I was disconnected when I asked who I was speaking to. A person named Matthew called be back from 844-416-7294, said he was the manager and switched me over to another person in Illinois who kept putting me on hold as he couldn't help and then was disconnected again. Talked with another person John Martin from Texas 844-587-1470 in which once again I was disconnected. I am frustrated, disgusted and as I'm writing this complaint a person John Matthews from Manhattan called me back and wants to know what the problem is.
I am asking you please to have someone with any authority call me back directly. Thank You for your help!
The local news doesn't display local news, everything happening elsewhere. Get my local news back to local.
Today when I signed on to aol I could not get a picture on the info in the center of the screen (1 to 40). There is writing next to them but no picture.
There are far to many adds that are covering full news stories and where the corner close ad choice does not close the ad rather it often has no choice to close the advertisement at all. This is getting to the point where what you offer is nothing but advertising as though you have gone the way of television and radio...PLEASE reduce these on our welcome page ASAP. I am considering switching to Bing or Google as my home base for searching and emailing if this problem does not get solved.
Cancelled my AOL Broadband service in January 2015. Continued to receive billing for a service that was not provided. Went on lie after cancelling service with message stating the service was not active. Initlially disputed charge with credit card carrier in January, informed may be off the billing cycle for AOL, paid bill only to to receive another bill from AOL. The credit card company processed the dispute and denied payment. Today I received a bill from AOL again stating that I owed $35.90 in charges and that my now cancelled account fro the last 3 months was suspended and that I needed to pay the bill. We did pay the bill, but was not pleased with the process. We have not used this service for quite some time, but neglected to cancel the service previously, for which I take full responsibility for. I suspect this may be true for a number of people and will do my best to inform the best I can. CONSUMERS BEWARE.
Fraud companies are pulling my email account and using my background loan information to threaten me. Stating that I will be arrested. Calling my employer,and myself with verbal threats demanding payments. Again they were able to pull my online information and using it against me. I have changed my log in sign-in over and over again, what else? Can I receive a new account?
I paid for live help on the phone from Aol and I have been on hold for 43 minutes waiting for someone to pick up and help me. so far all i hear is some terrible music that is loud and annoying. You have charged me for this service and I am getting no service at all!
I have had my account invalidated i can not sighn on get to my emails as im looking for work and gave this email to companys i find it so frustrating that they can just take my email account away no waring or prior communications i have broken no rules or terms of contract , i have had this email account for over 14 years plz could some one help me with this ?
For the past couple of weeks aol is not responding or there is a long wait until it finally does respond. I have just had a computer scan and there doesn'y seem to be anything wrong - so please tell me what is going on.
Ive been on hold over an hour on TWO different phones and the music being played is really disturbing. I had to put my phone on speaker because who can sit and wait this long for a representative without going on with their lives. Your music is morbid and these wait times are unacceptable especially since I pay you $13 a month for what you claim is FREE EMAIL. I call once a week and go through this on hold for an hour thing before Ive had enough and hang up.
I went to my address book to find an address, I opened it up and found that my address book now contained HUNDREDS of addresses listed. These were 99.9 % strange addresses to me and all seemed to come from Yahoo members. My computer has been invaded. I just spent an hour deleting these addresses one by one and haven't made a dent. The only thing I can see is to cancel my AOL and start a new E mail account. I do not want to do this as I have nearly 20 years of advertising with this address and losing this address will cost me a great deal of money. What do I do and how did this happen?
3/25/15, 4:15 PM. I called AOL approximately 1:30, was advised an advanced technician would call me about 2:00 PM. No one called! For at least three or four weeks the AOL CALENDAR will not save or give a reminder for the day or date I chose, really aggravating. AOL always has had problems with the calendar. It says a server error occurred. AOL quite often come up with a prompt that AOL had incurred a problem, will resolve the issue, stand by. I then have to wait, sign in again. 'ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO CLOSE ALL THE TABS IN THIS WINDOW?’ If we go to the effort to close out the tabs, let us do it! Don’t make us go thru other motions. If we made a mistake, we will learn by it.
Since AOL took control of my computer to fix one of their other issues, I now have to go thru agonizing motions to be able to read a valid Email that was in SPAM. I select it as NOT SPAM. It does not appear in NEW MAIL as it had always done. Now I have to select MAIL on the top of the screen, scroll to CHECK OTHER EMAIL which brings up another AOL screen that I have to enter my Screen Name and Password again, even though I am already on AOL. WHY? It then brings up another screen showing the emails that I hadn’t been able to view previously. Having read one, I may have to sign in again to view others. Thanks AOL for your inefficiency, causing me all the extra effort and wasted time! Why am I paying AOL a $9.00 fee to fix problems I wouldn’t have if I didn’t use AOL? Just about every time I let AOL take control of my computer to fix a problem, they take the easy way out for them. I end up have to sign in again for all of my sites.
I have been unable access my account and to get hold of anyone from AOL for 3 days!!!!
i picked up a virus on aol yesterday i didn't open it but it popped up it was called some kinda shield i been with aol since it began over 30 yrs ago at least i am a 71 yr old male,i am on my mack now because my gate way all in one isn't working any more i been on aol tonight fooling with your tec support we went threw various steps to try and resolve this issue after over 4 hrs of working on it it finally stopped working i was talking to a supervisor in tech support names leanord l with nothing working after be frustrated. he said there wasn't anything else they could do and gave me the number for the billing dept said it opened at 8 am so at 8 i called them they kept telling me it was my fault. i sure am not a computer wiz then they sent me to software dept i got hung up on in there next so out of total frustration i am trying to get hold of some one thats higher up on the latter to take my computer to a local tech man here to reinstall windows 8 and back up my data so i don't loose everything on here.
AOL Answers since March 1 (18 days ago) has not allowed sign in with AOL screen name and password. Daily complaints via Feedback have had no reply.
I received a notice that AOL will start charging $750 PM after the 16 of April. After that a series of new connect was demonstrated, and now my emails are interrupted slowed down. At times I can not receive or discard messages. It really a disgusting mess.
I have registered a complaint to the ftc about this ongoing problem. All of the mail I send to the Aol folks is being returned to me by you folks. Yet all of their mail (Aol mail) is delivered to me. Seems myself and friends are paying for a service and not receiving it.
I received an e-mail stating my Aol service I have was being increased to $23.09 it is now $20.99. When I started with AOL my service was free. I am finding it hard to pay the $20.99 as I am a widow on Social Security and really cannot afford what I am paying. I know people who do not pay for the AOL service they have.
I don't know why I have to pay for mine. I had a computer and had Mc Afee but I have a Apple laptop for the last 5 years. I also do not use other features. I just use your face page. I would like to keep AoL but the price is too high. Please answer me ASAP, as I have tried calling for two days and they have told me I would have to wait on the line for 25 minutes. Not happy that I could not talk to anyone.
I wrote a complaint that I was never told that my old AOL email address would be no good after AOL changed its name to Since AOL never gave me a new email address, I do not have a good one,so I gave the old AOL address. Now, after writing a complaint on this issue, I got a message that they would have to check my identity at my email address (which is the old AOL one which is no good). Therefore, my complaint will go nowhere and hundreds if not thousands of people will be right royally screwed by AOL's incompetence and lack of caring about the kind of job they do.
I am aol user for long time but yesterday I could not use it due to poor care about customer. I need to talk someone who can change this attitude and fix my problems. I need to open my aol mail. you are descrimating with age and race.
Used AOL mail for 20 years. I have a personal account and bc of recent lay off created a professional email account for linkedin and on my resume submittals. As of yesterday I am not able to access the professional account and when I call both the tech #s I am stuck in a loop to provide my phone # which I would not include in my profile. Tried everything to get to a live person w no success. I emailed my complaint to AOL via my personal email account. that was over 24 hours ago and still no response. I am in the middle of setting up interviews etc and now this??? Really AOL?
My e-mail address was shut down by and will not let me retrieve my e-mails and contact list. I had to create a new e-mail address but cannot retrieve my contact data base to tell my customers of my new address. My business has come to a stand still and my customers are not able to contact me.
I have been customer of AOL for 20 years
there email is getting worse and worse.
When I send out group mailings to my customers i am continually challenged.
I called years ago and go set up to do large group mailing
I recently had my email blocked and had to fill out these forms out to send group mailing and then sent a form letter saying my request is denied.
All my friends have moved to Gmail I guess aol is trying to force people to Gmail.
I asked for personal help or a phone call and just get form letters.
The customer service department has been so bad. Obviously I will be leaving Aol like my friends
My account has been hacked. called the 18773382158 # i was told i would b able to access my account right after the phone call.. have not been able to!!! called a 18002341696# had a very rude man with me told me i could not speak to a supperviser. I want to b able to access my email have had it for a long time i have no money to give you.
I have noticed lately that when you scroll down to see or make a comment about a story, I often sates that the site can not be found, try again. Why is this happening so frequently of late. Can you please repair or change something so that this does not happen?
I have had no phoneline connection since 3rd may, i have made calls to aol but have limited use on my mobile when calling so resulting in connection being lost half way through calls to aol, i have asked for an engineer to be sent out to rectify the problem, i was told the troubleshooting process has to be followed before they can do this but i cnstantly lose connection through my mobile half way through the call when doiing the line test and no aol colleague has bothered to call me back to finish the call, there has been many line tests done and still nothing, i am in urgent need of my phoneline to be fixed or the problem sorted as i work from home and cant work without a landline, please give this matter your urgent attention.
Dear AOL. Can you please help me as I am now getting very frustrated, For sometime now I have been getting a regular amount of spam mail, but what is most annoying and really should not be happening if AOL was monitoring this as they are supposed to be doing. And please don’t tell me to go into my settings and block the post so as not to receive it. Because It should not be reaching me to start with as its not addressed to me correctly.
So can you please tell me what the hell is going on, Its not as though we don’t have enough to worry about with phishing and scams. So can you please get your act together and make sure I stop receiving male that’s not addressed to me and make sure my spam is correctly monitored.
As of yesterday, emails I have sent to friends and family with a hotmail have been rejected. The message said to contact my Internet server…said something about being on a blocked list. Code was 550 SC-001 (SNTO-MCINTYRE-F31). I am unable to communicate with my granddaughter now. Please advise. I have been with aol since 1995.
We have been AOL cutomers for 20 years. Now we have a problem not of our making and we cannot talk to a tech without a service contract. It does not seem right and is poor customer relations. I cannot e-mail people I have been e-mailing for years during the last few weeks. I have been blocked from these specific addresses. There may be more. There are other comcast customers that I can e-mail. It makes no sense. I can e-mail using gmail and accounts.
I talked to several technical people at Comcast about the problem and the final result was that they said it is an AOL problem. When I called AOL tech support I was told that I needed to agree to a service contract (which I did not want) before they would even talk to me. I said OK and I was told to change my password. I did, but it made no difference. Is the solution to either pay for something I do not want or is it to forget AOL.
When I try to log on using my screen name it shuts AOL down. Also when I sign on with my wife’s account I can surf normally. but when I try to change to my account it shuts down. This has been going on for months now. By the way it will sometime flip and I can sign on an my wife can’t. This is ridiculous… fix it or I’m leaving.
In short, my father passed away about a year ago and with him went the passwords for some of his email accounts, one of which was set up for my now 81-year-old mother.
It seems that my mother can not remember the password. No problem, says AOl, just fax us a copy of your husband’s death certificate and a document showing that you are teh next of kin/beneficiary and we will provide you with the password. Ooops, sorry, we need more information before we can do that: We need the address on the billing statement (there is no bill, it’s a free account).
My father had several addresses for his business over the years since he opened up his/my mother’s AOL account. Which one was it? Or was it their home address? I gave the AOL reps all of the possible addresses …. and they would neither confirm nor deny any of them. They also said that my mother had to provide a utitlity bill for the address …. which is fine, except we don’t know, and they won’t tell us which one it is.
My mother can’t sleep at at night because of this. I don’t what kind of emails she typically gets but this 81-year-old grandmother believes that in the time that she has not been able to access her AOl account she has been missing something vital.
I understand security…..but this lack of common-sense humanity is truly ridiculous. I too have an AOL account. So does my wife. So do my kids. Not anymore, hello GMail/Ymail/Hotmail, etc. AOL should be ashamed of themselves.
AOL Customer Service: AOL is my home page and I use it to bring me up to date on world events. More often than not, your video updates are preceded by commercials which are 30+ seconds in duration. If I am confronted with a commercial that I am unable to circumvent (read: avoid) within the first 10 seconds, I will abort the connection and go elsewhere for my updates.
I am actually thinking of publicizing my frustration with AOL on internet open forums to get support from others to show how annoying and non productive your adds are when people turn them off in utter frustration and never get to the news update.
I realize how important ads are to your revenue stream, but please give us an out. Lots of sites do. I remain…..
I have been receiving emails from these people and i dont know them and i dont know how or where they are getting my email address from the only other site i use is ebay and yahoo email. I added them to spam block list but i get them from other people after that. What can i do to stop these emails? Here are the email addresses.
I have tried to access AOL service for several days. The application ceases after entering zip code. My computer no longer furnishes the “new mail” sound when in use.
When composing or forwarding email I would previously type in letter identifying recipient and a small window would appear showing full email address to be inserted with a mere click. This no longer occurs.
When composing or forwarding email the bar above message shows only type variety and size, NOT “bold”,
“underline”, “italics”, etc. Previously I could send photos, but to no avail now.
I have been called many times by AOL in the last month saying I owe them money. I was using dial up and then went to broadband so now I do not need that service. I never used your Norton virus because it slowed my computer down and I had to delete it.
Your service is free for those who have broadband. You need to have your people stop harassing me or I will get my lawyer involved. I have been writing down the date, time and persons name that have been calling me. I tell them each time I do not need the paid service any longer, but they keep phoning me back. This needs to stop.
If I get one more phone call I will be writing you a letter to stop the harassment and if it is not stooped I will contact an attorney to deal with it.
I have been a PAYING user of aol for a good 7 years plus. I used AOl just fine last night and then this morning i tried logging in and it wouldnt let me. I also spent a lot of time on the phone with getting no one that would give me a reason other than I “may have violated terms of use” even though I have done nothing different than I have the last 7 years. I was told to write a letter to have my account reactiviated, so I did and went to the post office to overnight it $20.00. Once i left he post office the more I thought about it the more it pissed me off. So I called back agian to get the same response and they couldnt give me a phone number for the people that choose to delete your accounts and she told me I needed to write a letter, but this time i got a different address and she said she had no clue why the 1st lady told me the wrong place to mail it.
So I mail the 2nd letter (another $20.00) I could have sent it regular mail but all my banking, ect are emailed to my AOL account. Guess that does me no good now. What a joke that someone can delete your account of oveer 10 years, I mean if you were sending out spam, ect wouldnt you have been doing it the 1st part of the 7 years. But yet there is no number to contact them directly. There is importanty information in my emails such as bank statments, ect that now I can not get to.
I couldn’t get into my AOL over the weekend. Tne message was that thre was “Unusual activity”, so the account was blocked. When I called AOL today they couldn’t find my account, even though I and only I have had the account for around 29 years. long and short of it: I can no longer access my AOL, can’t get to m y address book, find out what billsa re pending for me to pay, can’t import anything from AOL to my gmail account. In short, they have really ruined things for me.If you are reading this and are still on AHole El, get off while you can.
I am perhaps one of the oldest persons and freuent user to of the Author’s Chat room. My complaint concerns the ability and total disregard by some members to monopolize the space in that chat room for hours on end, thus making it impossible for others to visit, even for a few minutes. There should be some method to remove them from the room after they have been in it for over an hour of time, and not allow reentrance to that particular chat room untile at least two hours have passed. I PAY for aol, which many in that room do not, and I resent not being able to access that particular room for even a few minutes, except perhaps at 4 AM!!
I just found out that somehow I installed an AOL toolbar that circumvented my Firefox and IE. and every now and then when I would open my Firefox all my Tabs were removed. I had stuff I was working on that I didn’t bookmark. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD who the hell comes up with this stuff?. I found a program in Add/remove Aol UPDATER and I have been really paying attention to what I’ve installed recently and AOL was never among them. so this was hidden somewhere and I hope it doesn’t happen again.
I no longer have an AOL account, but e-mails under my old address are being sent out to my address book and causing friends to have a virus and their computers to crash. Even though I advised everyone not to open anything from my old address. The problem is that because I don’t have an AOL account anymore and it was a free account, I can’t seem to get hold of anyone to speak to at AOL, and register an official complaint. It’s a catch 22 situation.
I don’t log into AOL anymore, but it has been impossible to officially close my account.. what a nightmare!!! It’s very frustrating. Anyone have any other ideas? Thanks to all those who have given tips on how to close an AOL account. Very helpful. The prospect is daunting, but I will continue and hope for a positive result.
I understand that the Huffington Post is involved with AOL now, but I really don’t want to see advertising for Barack Obama’s re-election everyday on my emails! If I do I will cease my AOL account that I have had for years! I also don’t want these advertisements going with the emails I send out!!! What can I do to stop Barack Obama advertising on AOL emails ASAP? It’s only because it’s the Huffington Post supporting him…I don’t!
AIM is so stupid anymore! Every two minutes i’m getting i-ms from people i don’t even know saying sexual things and it gets so annoying! And if i don’t answer, they keep sending the messages over and over! AIM sucks now! They should really fix that, i’m sure i’m not the only one it happens to. I try to block the people on AOL IM, but new screen names just come up, with the same message! AOL Instant Messenger really Sucks Now!
This is about the 3rd or 4th time unknown persons have sent Canadian pharmacy solicitations (ie: Viagra, etc.) to my list of friends and business accounts using my AOL email address. Its quite embarrassing to have these emails come through my address. Have reported such problems to the AOL wizards before but apparantly AOL does not have the desire nor the ability to protect its customers. Next time I will be firing AOL and using gmail,,, etc for my new provider. Nuffs Enough with these fake email spam being sent through my AOL account.
I received a letter of terms of service from AOL Aim regarding a message I supposedly sent to a contact of mine. I never sent the message and would not ever send a message like that. Someone- somehow has used my email address to send a message. As a coincidence this particular address has been sending out messages to my contacts that I am not receiving any mail until after 12/10/2010. I have had contacts from many friends regarding this, and I would like both of these matters investigated at once. How does somebody use my email address to send these fake messages through AOL? It seems that they have hacked my instant messenger account.
I have been getting spam emails in my AOL email account for awhile now and am sick and tired of this stuff. Everyday my AOL inbox is filled with different scams and offers that I have to wade through to find what actually matters to me. Often these spam emails sound and appear like they are legit offers, I use multiple websites and want to stay current via mailing lists, but it almost isn’t worth it now with all the spam complaints! Here I have a couple of AOL addresses that I think have been hijacked by spammers. Most of them are trying to get you to send in personal information, and use really catchy subject lines so you will open them.
What email address can I use to report the problem? Looks easy enough, anybody else? Usually when I get spam I try to Google search part of the email, like an excerpt, so that I can see if anybody else has posted it somewhere. These scams are usually all different versions of the same fake scheme, they get lazy and just the same stuff over and over again. I wish that major internet email providers would allow better spam filters, or do a good job of reporting bad addresses hijacked by spammers.
Today, I have received call from business associates, customers, providers and other about an email I sent offering pharmaceutical products. Someone must have access my contact list, which I have erased and send mails to everyone. Very disappointing this could happened even for a large email provider like AOL. I have been a member for quite a while and have never ever had a situation like this before, and never expect this kind of thing to happen to me. Is there anything that could be done to prevent this from happening to me or another person in the future? AOL’s attention to this matter will be highly appreciated.
I have recently received an email via AOL from DFL International stating that they are about to deliver a parcel to me within the next 7 days. I knew that I hadn’t ordered anything but it was my birthday on the day I received it and I thought that one of my children had bought me something and it was being delivered. So I went ahead and opened the email to track it. Big mistake. As soon as I opened it I realized there was something very suspicious about it. I have now picked up a nasty virus which states on my opening screen that I am being hacked into. I am then converted to a site offering me an anti virus at a price. My complaint is surely AOL should be monitoring these scams after all we do pay you for a service!
aol posts a computer checkup free then 4.95 per month. this always comes on just after I lose the connect to aol. I have had att out numerous times and they say it is in aol software. It is odd that for 4.95 per month more you can fix the problem. I know that the problem is on your end, and that you want to charge for a problem that aol has created. Quit or you go to court…
I get daily emails that are unsolicited advertising i feel harassed. Please stop! these are some of the addresses. I don’t want anymore of these emails and have tried to opt out with AOL and unsubscribe to their list, still nothing works!
AOL has been sent repeated notices about an email address being used for a scam over a 3 month period. Complaints have been sent to abuse at aol and abuse at aim. Googling the subject shows 6, 400 results for the scam. Why would a company like AOL not terminate the account? If customers are complaining about something, isn’t it their job to take action to protect us? There are also many complaints and instances of virus problems being associated with opening these emails.
Your news banner people never miss a chance to hammer Trump about what they believe relates to how bad he is. Never any good news.
Hypocrites, There is not one banner or article about Trump and Pompey getting our KIA's returned from North Korea after 70 years. Your
news banner people are Americans right! They see no value in discussing the return. Hypocrites-should be ashamed of yourselves. Your
hate is evident and seem's to be only getting worse
Your company and news vendors are very good at posting banners about Trump, Fox ,Republicans. But today when the the
GDP grew at 4.1%. I cannot find a single banner about it. Such hypocrites you are. I pay for this service and I expect you to
post all the good and bad news.
You keep running most delusional commentator on fox news. Its like when you have no new BS to post you throw this up again and again. I am
sure if you looked at CNN or MSNBC (I'm sure you do) There are delusional commentators on there as well. Brain Williams, Rachel Maddow,
take your pick on CNN. I pay you a fee, I want fairness.
How many times are you going to run Fox host most delusional banner. I have seen it at least 20 times. You must be owned by CNN. Give us
a break. If you have ever looked at Morning Joe on msnbc you will know what delusional is. Also. Maddow at night. Your and their hatred of
Fox and Trump and anyone is obvious. By the way post some of their delusional people on your site. I want to be able to control what you
post for me because I pay you
I have been with AOL for years now. I am so tired of their biased news reporting. Unbiased news reporters are truly a thing of the past. Sean Hannity said journalism is dead and he is right. Our president has done and is continuing to do great things yet Aol will never report it. It's a shame you Trump bashers will benefit from his tax cuts. He's not weak like our last president, I guess that's what liberals can identify with is weakness. It would be nice if AOL news would give the good and the bad, and not be biased. But then that would be journalism,
The emails i'v been receiving years with or without attachments.Last 3,4 months it Stopt. I don't now why I'v try all the directions AOl listed on help section it just does not worked. #1 There is more then one setting i,v try all of them ie AOL mail page options there is SAFE AND BLOCKED SENDERS AS INSTRUCTED ,another direction options below my name on aol email page then click mail settings no ware to fine ,an other one go to spam folder the address I want to remove from blocked list,on and on.Where and under what settings I should go that has .Mail Options and or blocked senders list so I can unblock.Is there a simpler directions ? Because mail page under my mail address options there is non of the options has what I am looking for to continue .Also I never made any changes to block these senders, I am missing importent informations has been email to me .Calling you toll free phone # dos not work for me since I am in another country of Turkey.Please help.I am inclosing my phone # incase there is a AOL customer service in this country..Phon # is 011 90 232 246 5686.I thank you in advance for your help.
(AOL does not provide a link to write, so I'm using this site.)
Writing this to you from the public library. AOL "Dialer" will not let me connect with the assigned numbers to you.
In March this year, same problem happened. That time, tech support acknowledged there was "a weakness" on your end in connecting with my modem calls. Problem solved after a week. Had to use an alternative assigned number to connect, resulted in a long distance charge from phone company of nearly $300.
Phone with "tech support" today ended with "Senior Tech" said it's something wrong with my computer. Not with the access numbers assigned. My Local computer service has checked my computer. AOL Tech said, that is the "only option".
So, two months ago with identical problem, AOL DID fix the "weakness".
This time, AOL does NOT want to check their own weakness.
Fyi, one of your phone consultants suggested that "almost nobody in the world uses dial-up anymore. That I SHOULD TRY TO CONNECT WITH A DIFFERENT ISP!!!! "
I have been told that "nobody uses AOL anymore and that AOL doesn't care.
Also, as you can see, I've been a paying AOL member for nearly 18 years. NEVER had a problem connecting to the internet UNTIL I HAD TO use the "DIALER". Have the latest - the one and only - version of Dialer loaded on my computer. It worked for a while. Sometimes. Not at all this past week.
I'm ready to copy this to FCC. First I'll wait briefly for your careful response and/or fix.
Margaret - screen name
As a longtime AOL customer, I have begun to wonder if AOL has a specific editor or department that posts extremely grotesque photos every week of mangled, bloody, nauseating, diseased animals and individuals along with any form of disgusting pictures of babies, children and adults.with grotesque deformities. I have to quickly flip past these disturbing photos every week to keep from losing my appetite or losing my lunch.
There is so much else in the world to show us. Why put these nauseating pictures mixed for no apparent reason with the news of the day?
Julius Hunter
St. Louis
Why am I paying for AOL gold when on a daily basis I can't get my email. And at 3 in the afternoon while trying to get help, I am told that there are no agents and I should call back during regular business hours?
At least once a week I cannot read my mail. Message reads to come back in 5 minutes-HaH. Been waiting for 50 minutes. Why do I have to pay for such bad service each week. What is your problem. Talking with other people, they don,t have this problem with their providers, ever. This happens at least once a week, and I am tired of paying for this kind of service. Why don,t you fix it. Can,t understand why not.
Now that we are all paying you to use AOL, we should get better service. I send spam complaints about the same company over and over and nothing ever gets done. Most are from the same company. I have tried opting out, but it is impossible. They just ignore my requests and I end up getting more emails from them. Here are some examples:
xt808tActicAISpecial AI
Try Nerve Renew for Fast Relief From Neuropathy Symptoms: 2 Week Free Trial
Medical-Marijuana CDB has Helped Millions-Try it for Free Today
Keto Free Slim Nutrition
Keto Healthy Life Ketosis-The Last Diet Plan You'll Need
Marine-D3 Blood Sugar
I get these emails multiple times per day and I can tell immediately they are spam. Why can't you? Why don't you block these spammers or take some action against them? This is ridiculous!
AOL has been billing me $39.99 for what? I started paying 24.99 for using their email back in 2000. I just kept paying to use my email address because I didn’t want to change my email address. I became disabled and just kept paying the service. I have been very sick and I found out I have another issue Lupus. I am now feeling better and started paying my bills and I saw they are billing me 39.99 for using their email address. They are jacking up people’s bills. I am sure the people who are elderly and Someone is paying their bills when they are not able to do so are just jacking up the price and the auto billing is taking their money. I had no way of knowing you increased the price or when. I can’t find a email address to complain. I can’t even go to aol and sign in because I don’t remember my password. I use my email on my phone and iPad. They make it impossible to get ahold of them. What a scam...
AOL's stories and articles have become so vile that in good conscience I can no longer be a customer after 17 years. They should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. All they do is perpetuate negative sensationalism that only leads to further dissension -- the opposite of what this country needs today. Goodbye AOL, and if you don't straighten up, may the world see your gossip and anti conservative rhetoric for what it is... garbage.
Why do I have to wait 4-6 minutes for some lousy, unwanted ad to appear before I can complete logon or any other action??? I don't want to see any ads. I have "opted out of all ads" previously, but it doesn't mean anything to you! And your Customer Service telephone response is horrible ---- my experience is that even if I hang on and wait for a representative to answer for more than a half an hour ---nothing, no one responds to the call! Your service is getting disgusting --- and I'm paying for it!!!!
Thanks for nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is it that every time I sign into my AOL account I have to also type in my AOL password? I didn't have to until a few weeks ago, why now? I usually could get into AOL without supplying the password after the initial sign in as long as I didn't shut down the computer. This has become a pain in the ass. Crap like this usually happens right after an up date by AOL.
I am soooo disgusted not being able to read an article without all the advertisments shown with it. Next Page, Next Page, Next all I get.
And it's slow. If you are posting something you want me to read, let me read it through. Will just use AOL for mail from now on.until I just get rid of aol altogether. Frustrated.....
I am92+-sick-disabled-have been a customer for many years.Have spent over 35 hours with tech etc. to fix aol computer checkup.deleted and reinstalled with technician still not working correctly.(hope i am not charged twice).Unless I can get a super technician who can fix problem i may leave AOL.Please make sure i am not charged twice and see if you can fix my problem.
561 372 5264
This is the worst service I couldn't even give AOL 1 star. Can't send messages, Another persons user name shows up on my emails and I don't know what the AT&T affiliation and that just as bad. Do I have to get another carrier, this is beyond stupid.
i would like aol to check very bad langue towards other plaers texas olden limits player is tutty baker its impossible that your new regulations let this fowel langue go thru just read in the chat section in texas holder limit and you will see for yourself please
I have (had) McAfee free with my AOl acct Got too many viruses because they stopped protecting me for over a year.
sent messages to aol and McAfee so many times no help. I finally thought I had McAfee back what a joke still have all
the same problems Can not return you to AOL Lots of error message. Internet explorer had to close Tab Took 10 minutes
to read one e-mail. Computer changes what I am doing all the time.Feel so helpless at the mercy of these companies
who never seem to fix the many problems senior citizen fixed income
It is sad to see the AOL news becoming so biased and politicized with regard to Donald Trump. I have been 15 years with AOL , but it looks like it is
- time to move on. I do not need a provider bombarding me with selective political garb - I have enough from the rest of the media.
I cannot sign in to my email account....haven't been able to for days.....what is going on with this?>????????????????????????????????????
I suggest doing the AOL option for now to keep that old email address alive while you transfer everything over to new Gmail account. So later if you forgot to change an online account over to use Gmail address you will still have access to change it using AOL account which will still use same address. I would NOT continue using AOL account because they will probably go away also. for more infomation:
Your new gold program could not be more FU--ed up
you have released this piece of SH-T without checking the program.
I am paralyzed with this and have no choice.
Get someone in there who understands cross platforms too--as nothing erased ever leaves your server...WTF????
and you have a nerve calling yourselves AMERICA on LINE
NOONE speaks American English
Wait times are more than 40 min only to be told WRONG DEPT...REALLY???
and your music SUCKS
I am a stock holder.
I am contacting investor relations
You should all be fired.
You made me upgrade to your new product. NO ONE in the history of the internet has ever required that of a paying customer, and then given them an inferior product. Here it is, December 9th and I still cannot print address labels as I have done for the past 5 years or so. Why would you insist your paying customers upgrade their aol version that has less functionality. Why do I continue to pay you a monthly fee for the privilege of using your product? I want my money back!!
Still unable to make NEW FOLDERS, links do not work and I have asked about it for a long time.
Now I cannot put anything in MY FAVORITES, it does not show up in the My Favorites.
Unable to list mail, wait 5 minutes, has been going on a long time. I have reported it numerous times. Not only inconvenient but extremely time consuming.
Thank you,
I have been a member of AOL for more years that I can remember. I am a retired Federal Worker who was an Electronic Engineer and Program Manager at the FAA's Technical Center in Atlantic City. I was chosen to head the Agencies highest Technical Program at the Center by the Center Director with the following words:
"Al, you are one Hell of a good Engineer....and your Honesty and Integrity cannot be questioned. ...
I want you to take over the FAA's Testing program of "Airborne Collision Systems."
Additionally, during an Emergency call to Washington the Director placed me in charge of the entire Center with the following words to the Division Secretary. "Tell AL he is Now in Charge...I am heading down to the hanger where they are warming up a plane to take me to Washington for an Emergency meeting."
There were four other Divisions Managers the Director could have called upon as I was only acting while my for my Division Manager while was on leave and held no Supervisory position even though I was Center's foremost Program Manager.
During that period I also designed a "USER-FRIENDLY computerized Information Program for my Program. The Head of the Contract Department informed the Center Director of my program with the following words. "Al Lolli has developed a computerized program that he knows more of what is going on in my Division than I do". As a result I was tasked by the Director to develop a program for the Rest of the Technical side of the Center...and eventually for the entire Center - including the Administrative side. FAA National Headquarters in Washington somehow became aware of the system I had developed that the Alaska Region was tasked with the responsibility of copying my system and implementing it throughout the FAA. The system I designed tracked, in real time, via the computer every action related to an approved milestone program from the " Cradle to the Grave" ...every purchase..whether it be a product or Service, Including the letting of Contracts for material and services.
SO..when i am contacting you and criticizing your New AOL GOLD...I am pretty much an expert in User Friendly Computer programs .
Should you have any objections to this correspondence, I would be most happy to hear from you.
I would also be most happy to converse with you via my Cell Phone 856-300 4287.
Should you attempt to call me on my REGULAR home phone system will block you since I do not know and have not entered your phone number into its memory of allowable calls.
Finally... Please have all your customers contacted, and for those that agree....have their previous AOL version replace AOL GOLD. For those who wish to continue with your AOL GOLD service...make no changes. That would certainly cut down on the long frustrating wait times now prevalent when trying to reach any of your AOL Services.
I sincerely hope you take this correspondence seriously and take appropriate action. I also suggest you read all the unsatisfied AOL customers that have furnished complaints online. Just search on "AOL GOLD COMPLAINTS.
We have been experiencing problems accessing our mail for a few days. A call was made to aol support. On speaking to someone who said he was a technician, he stated that our internet was being compromise by hackers from Russia, China, and here in USA. I asked him why did he not inform us. He stated that we needed a software in the cost of 149.99. I found this very suspicious and proceeded not to accept this, based on his not informing us and then the cost he was asking. I made another call and spoke to another technician who told me differently. In the past we have had persons from or stated that they were from aol who stated we were experiencing problems and unless we pay to have them fixed, we would have internet issues.
Question : are some of your tech support maliciously creating problems internet wise so they can rob customers?. Why if aol was aware that we had the problems he mentioned, why did he not inform us?
We await your response as we intend to report this to a law enforcement agency. I now wonder if some of your tech support collude with hackers to impact customer service for monetary gains.
On the News site you a President comment site. You should read the name calling and hate. It should be taken down cause AOL is respontable for it
The new AOL GOLD SUCKS!!! You took AWAY!! all the things that I liked about aol..
Easy photo Editing right in emails!!
Seeing who mailed you without opening the mail file.
Easy access to setting!
I HATE IT!!! I want the old version back!!!
AOLGold is terrible after my 31 yr membership!
Installed & uninstalled twice. Imported from File
twice. And still:
1. Lost All Favorites & keep losing after 3 AOL Gold installs
Favs on list keeps disappearing
2. Select All (Edit Button) doesn't work (Must use CTRL+A
3. Tool Bar Edit & Download Mgr "Coming Soon Notice"...When????
4."Mail Error Try Again in 5 Minutes Notice" keeps appearing
5, Email & Browser Pages = 10 seconds to appear. Slow. Slow. But not my computer.
6. Takes forever to save mail to File Cabinet
AOL Finance folder which is run by SIG FIG is not a reliable service to track a portfolio. Some NYSE stocks are not updated or be added to a portfolio. I have been complaining to sig fig about a certain stock and the send me a canned answer that the are working on it. For almost 2 months I cannot update a stock (BRK'B BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC)
I have been a member since 2003.
I am unable to navigate the mail system in AOL Desktop Gold. No one is happy with this!
If you do not allow me to use my previous desktop, I will have to drop AOL and I am not alone.
Downloaded aol gold two weeks ago. will not let me reply to emails. went on chat with "alice c". she imediately closed the chat box and started to do a number of things to my computer as she was not resolving the problem quickly. I brought up the text box to try and typed and she repeatedly stepped on my attempts to chat. I finally got the word "STOP" typed in and asked her what in the world is wrong with her. I then told here I still have the old version of aol on my computer thinking this my causing the problem. She typed "let me do my work" and blew me off. I had to disconnect her. I have now been waiting to talk to someone at aol for over 15 minutes and still no help. Not a happy camper with AOL Gold nor the AOL support what so ever.
I loved my old AOL. I had it for years and loved it. People always laughed because I was still using it but it was fast and easy. I loved my fav places, I love the ease of using the email. I just loved everything.
GOLD SUCKS. It is soooo slow. I hate the ads on my email...actually, I hate everything about it. Why do companies feel like they always have to change something that works perfectly? Windows XP is another example. It was by far the best version ever, but did they keep it? Or let me keep it? Oh, no, it had to go. And now my AOL is gone, too.
And I may be right behind it.
I have been an aol customer for a few years and this might be my last. My grandson has been telling me for a long time to get rid of aol, and now I think he is right. I only have 24 hours in a day, and to have to spend several hours on the phone waiting for someone to answer and finally I get someone who cannot help me, then calling back again waiting for a long period of time and then get disconnected is not the way to run a business. There was a time when aol was a valued company and I should have sold the stock instead of holding on to it and watched it go down to be practically worthless. I also should have realized at that time, to keep using the company as my internet provider was a total waste of my valuable time and money. aol gold is a total disaster, and the technicians and all those in charge of this new should be fired immediately and anyone left should go to the nearest grade school and hire 4th or 5th grade students to create a new aol system that can be accessed in a manner that has not been available for a long time.
Jerry Yaros 732-548-4317 November 1, 2017
Customer in Germany 1996-2000, since then AOL USA but now again in Germany. Desktop 9.8.2 was the best product. Pay $12.99 monthly. Must update to GOLD. Problems: Welcome Screen German language with a mix of German and English commercials. Rough 4000 stored incoming emails in approximately 50 folders; all folders are gone, hopless to find what you want. As well outgoing mail folders has disappeared, only the mails are still there. Favorites still exist, but since a few weeks I can't forward to friends; sometimes message "coming soon".
Enter AOL USA works only when I for example type in the Goggle Browser, type my password and then I get San Diego/CAs temperatures, news and of course can download and write emails too. But, this log in without the US-Welcome Screen!
I've sent emails to AOL and chats too; their recommendation didn't work.
AOL GOLD is a nightmare and meanwhile I intend to cancel my membership ...after 21 years.
PS one star is too much, zero star would be correct!
I'm getting pretty sick of you trying to drown and down Donald Trump. You are part of a follower group it seems and you
have no idea that communism and socialism is what you will get if you lose Trump. There will be no news networks under
communism and for some reason you people can't figure that out. There will be no freedoms. Donald Trump might not be
the most likeable person there is, but he didn't need the job, the money, the fame, the experience, to apply for this job. The
majority of Americans love liberty and want a US government that provides freedom and development. You don't have to
like Trump and I'm not a fan of his character but he is the only thing keeping your family and your lifestyle continuous. If you
would please drop your anti Trump reputation and news slanted toward his destruction , it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
One last thing...... I've been with AOL forever and I find myself avoiding admitting it at coffee sittings. Please stop?
I realize no one will probably see this!!! However if they should, I just want to say you are the most Liberal news reporters I've ever seen!!! You Never report anything Positive about our President or his family! I'm sure your whole system is Corrupt to the bone!! However, there isn't a choice of what we see on, gives me the creeps it's so BAD!! It's "Communistic" when we don't have a" Fair" news outlet on!!!! YOU ALL are very Crappy, the worst !! One day, we will have a CHOICE to get off AOL!!!!!!
Since I have downloaded AOL Gold is performs erratic when logging on and is to slow to come on line. When I attempt to send an email it entry page drops multiple times. I was more satisfied with AOL 9.8.
I now have 71 emails in my spam folder from both shark tank and dr oz. There is no way of my unsubscribing. I've tried since forced into aol from Verizon (I say forced because it's the only site I could keep my username) Can you tell me why they are the only spam that I can't reach the site to unsubscribe. How can you allow this to happen and not address it. These aol complaint sites have done nothing as far as i'm concerned to help us.
today at 12:00 i i called aol for help with my account and aol customer service was unable to help with my issue so i canceled my aol account today and because they are delete the aol app in december 15th 2017 . ect and i called another day witch i don to remember they day i called but i called for help with my away message on aol on how to name them and not have to delta them and put in every day a different one each day ... can someone from this site call me at 732-713-9879 thank nick debias
For over two days now, both incoming and outgoing e-mails are sporadically not going through. I've spoken with tech support repeatedly (names & ID # s available) and only gotten a run around. Being told we know there's a problem and you'll just have to wait until we fix it is not customer service. i was promised a call back within 24-48 hours with an update; needles to say, never got one. How does one actually engage with someone, anyone who can fix the problem?
AOL's Email page is so dysfunctional that I would lose it in a second if I could find another option. I had to take it when Verizon left. I thought AOL was out of business a long time ago for treating their customers like crap? When I type in the "search box" key words i'm looking for in emails in my "in box" it takes at least 3 tries to get the list and another 3-4 tries to delete all of them completely. If I go through my "in box' a check each one that I want to move to a folder about half way into it the screen will blink and come back on with all the checks missing. the site is incredibly slow. When scrolling it stops and starts and sputters and then goes really fast.
I totally dislike the (new) version layout of AOL I dislike clicking on every email I don't want to read! Why can't the program ask me to "click on those I wish to read"? Also now my prior Address Book, Family members, ect. are totally missing! This all happened about three weeks ago, as apparently the version was changed without my permission nor notification! As a " many years customer" I am very dissatisfied! Suddenly I could no longer connect to AOL, Century Link couldn't help me, get access, The next day there appeared a second and only AOL working Icon. I prefer the previous version and I want my address book back! I spend too much time canceling every email that I don't want to read!
Someone hacked my computer while I was using it and froze up everything. They were trying to get $150 out of me pretending to be from Microsoft Windows. I said I would not pay. There was a number that I called because I didn't think I had a choice since I was froze up. I hung up and then called AOL who told me I had been scammed but that I had to Subscribe to AOL Assist before they would fix it.That is costing me $19.99 for 10 months so I feel scammed again. I'm retired on a limited budget and don't really want this service. Said I couldn't cancel.
AOL ads are an absolute annoying condition. Every news item I am interested in makes me watch some ad or other. This is getting to such an annoyance that I may switch to another home page. Something else about AOL's Subject blocks, you use deceptive advertising when you show a persons face as a lead in to the article. But the article is about anything but that person. I have stopped watching them as they waste my time. Dumb advertising at the least.
AOL has become the worst email service in the country. My email crashes every time I to write an email. Switching to gmail immediately and will tell all my friends the same thing. Tim Armstrong and Verizon what have you done?
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