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Top Gold's Gym Complaints
Browse more than 28 reviews submitted so far
I bought a model GGEX61715.1 sit down machine I am the only one that uses this so it did not get used that much after using it I began to have a noise so I opened it to find the trouble .The noise came from the pulley/crank .I found the bearings were coming internaly loose .I called but I was told I would have to pay- bearings don't start to come apart like this after I noticed the bearing races were pitted bad this came from the factory. I got no where with Golds Gym I don't think I should pay for bad made parts I though I had bought something good??????

Love the new renovations but nothing has been done to the showers. They are disgusting and maybe one shower has space for ya soap or shampoo or whatever you take in with you otherwise you habe to sit on the floor..Merrit blv arent as dirty as Ritchie hwy. I have pics from Ritchie hwy location this the gym but PLEASE do something about the shower. How can you expect for me to refer someone. Everything else is great BUTTT!!

Steam room filthy , dirty .. got sick just by being in there 10 minutes
they need to clean it more frequently , what a shame ..
they need to learned from Gold Gym Hillcountry Location in San Antonio on San Pedro Ave.

Dear sirs:
It seems I tried to refinance my house and lo and behold I have an outstanding bill from golds gym for over $1,000 . I am 65 years old and NEVER set foot in a gym . You need to remove this bill ASAP or I will seek legal help . I can be reached @ JJTMGONZALEZ@AOL.COM . You need to resolve this matter as quickly as humanly possible !!!!!!

Hello, I just got down with a workout at your Crofton location as a guest at 11:50pm. When approaching the front desk I was confronted by a white female employee with glasses. I did not catch her name. With a condescending and aggressive attitude she asked me, “What is your last name”. I then get my ID and tell her to have a good night where she heard me looked away and started a conversation with another gym patron and employee. This encounter made me realize that Golds is not the gym for me.

No commitment at all, no value added just wasted time and money

Everything about the Redmond facility is good, but I had a problem and an employee got very angry for no reason. I brought up a small problem I wasn’t going to make a big deal out of, and the employee I brought up the situation with had a big attitude and got very defensive. I don’t know if it was just a bad day or something but it’s unacceptable for an employee to lash out at a customer for pointing something out and not even accusing them of anything or being hostile towards them. Very disappointed in the service.

Water for the water arobics class is always super cold told that it is 84 degrees this is bull crap i go to golds on chapman hwy knoxville tn even the number for complaints is crap manager states she will fix but always the same lie . havent called bb yet but if not corrected i will.

I cancelled my membership on June 5, 2018. My last payment was to be June 29, 2018. You have taken out a payment on July 13, 2018 and July 28, 2018. I want my money back into my account immediately and do not take anymore payments out of my account. I cancelled my membership at your brassfield location. I went in to the brassfield location on Friday, asked for your general manager. I was told by David the general manager and the assistant manager were not in. Therefore, my problem was not resolved. Then I went to your Wendover location asked for the general manager couldn't speak to him, talked to Shannon. He assured me that this would be taken care, and it is not. As you can see I have been paying for a membership for two years that I wasn't able to use because I had a double bypass. I tried to cancelled was told I could not. You are stressing me out and stress is not good for my heart. Resolve this matter immediately and I would appreciate a phone call saying it is resolved and my money is back into my account. What is the purpose of your General Managers? It is definitely not customer service.

I would like to know what is Gold's Gym guess pass policy. I went to the Gold's Gym in Montclair, CA on 7/12/2018 with the intention of trying out the gym, and I was told that walk-ins only get a 1 day guess pass. Devon Woods, the Manager at this facility was incredibly rude and started arguing with me about the fact that I question your 1 day guess policy. He stated that this was his gym and that I couldn't just walk-in and establish my own policies. Please note that at no point was I trying to change your gym's policy, nor was I being rude to this person. The fact that Mr. Devon feels like he can humiliate and antagonize customers is something to be concern of. I'm a Navy veteran and I hope that this doesn't happen again to nobody that has served this great nation!

Due to my injury after 5K race on 4/15, I haven't been able to go back to the GYM. I was thinking to freeze my membership just for a month or two till I recover. So, I called in about 7:00 pm yesterday to find out the process. I was told to come in and fill out a form. So, today, I went to the GOLD gym on Bulverde where I signed up my membership before. When the lady heard my reason, she told me to get a doctor's note if not she wouldn't be able to freeze it. I was very surprised that was not I was told when I signed up. I was told I could cancel or freeze my account at anytime. There is no compassion for my injury what so ever. Plus I was told no reason to ask for freeze/cancellation when I first signed up. So, I asked to see the manager, I was asked to wait, I wait for a long time(maybe my legs hurting makes it feel longer for a 20 min or so wait), I actually saw the manager (he has different shirt on than the regular staff) came out couple times. So, I asked him "aren't you the manager?". This is hard to believe. I was there waiting and he totally ignore and didn't want to deal with this. It is not like there was a lot of people there. It was kind of drizzling outside and it is Tuesday today. Obviously he knew what I was there for since the staff went in to his office couple times already. So, he seems very serious and asking me"do you have a appointment with me?". I said no. but I only just need a few minutes with him. I said " Can I just talk to you a few minutes?". Then he said "no, I am busy. come back in 3:00 pm. By then, I didn't feel like to come back to talk to him who is obviously not even care to listen. I was told without a doctor's note, I would have to pay $15/month freezing fee. That was never in anything I was signed. I am pretty disappointed. It should be very simple request. I rest for couple months and resume my workout. Now I don't feel like to come back to deal with someone like this. By the way, the manager's name is Anthany Almaguer(210. 318. 4435) at least I was told (written in a piece of paper). When I went in, I thought I was just going to rest for two months and return. But now I don't feel like to come back anymore. So, I decided to cancel it. Then I was told I would still be charged for the whole month.

XR 6.1 has an manufactures error and you cannot put the set together.

I have come in there twice already and spoke to management about this issue. So let me provide you with a quick summary. My Credit Card was stolen. Interim, while awaiting for card to arrive, my membership due was charged to my stolen card, hence, it rejected. When I came into the office to provide an updated card information and informed the staff at the front desk that my card was stolen and I need to provide an updated card on file, He informed me that the system was currently down and that he would get with the manager to inform them of what happened because there was a "Late Fee" imposed on my account. He informed me that the he could not do it, but would inform the manager to reverse the "Late Charge" on my account because it wasn't my fault. Two weeks went by and I stopped by the front desk and spoke to the "Manager on Duty" about the situation. He reviewed my account and informed me that "HE" would take care of it and that "HE" would post a credit on my account and that I would not pay the next monthly fee as the credit would take care of it. On April 16, 2018, my card was charged the standard monthly fee. So my question is. Is the word of Gold's Gym Staff members and management not worth anything? Because if that is the case, I've been looking for an excuse to become a member of Planet Fitness, 10 Gym or the other nearby gyms in the surrounding area. And you can keep my "Late Fee" as a parting gift.

Gold Gym of Charlestown Wv 25414 says I owe a back balance and I do not, you can contact me at 304-279-1212

When I signed up towel service was included and now they want to discontinue the service, which is a classic " bait & switch " maneuver. The water pressure is so low that my wife can't even wash her hair in the shower. The shampoo and body wash which they CHARGE YOU FOR is very cheap and harsh on the skin. There is NO phone line to call to speak to an actual human about our concerns. We are very disappointed with the situation and want at the very least, the towel service we were promised re-instated.

I am a new member at Gold Gym & I never thought I would experience poor customer service from a manager at a gym facility. The General Manager at Golds Gym in Bowie, Md, Fairwood Parkway provided poor customer service & was very rude to me on 1/19/2018. I purchased a gym package which I thought allowed me to have access to other Golds Gym in my surrounding area. Only to find out my package doesn’t allow me to have access. No fault of mines, the ownership falls on the representative that presented me the package. Instead of the Manager at that site saying I was misinformed & apologizing for bad communications. She says to me why do I think I should get something cheaper when all the other members pay the same price. I was shocked with her response. I told her I wasn’t looking for a favor I wanted the service I thought I joined for. I also indicated that I didn’t like her tone. She said I signed the contract agreeing to terms. I told her I thought the terms was with a discount for the gold package. I pay $23.00. Had I known it didn’t cover going to different sites I would had thought about joining instead of joining the same day. I explained to her the information wasn’t communicated clearly. She said very rudely to me, I pay the additional cost or stay with the plan I have. That wasn’t the problem it was her not being professional & rude. No paying customer should be subjected to that kind of behavior from a manager. Had she explained the process in a professional manner I wouldn’t be sending this complaint. In addition, I’m a manager in a Human Resources department and I strive on great customer service & treating employees & people with respect. I’m writing every Gold’s Gym corporation and reaching out to all executives to let them know that this manager needs more training how to govern & manage Gold’s Gym in Bowie, Md. This is unacceptable.

My Gold's membership account is billed on Bi monthly payments and the problem is that by the second auto withdrawal around the end of the month there is usually no funds left resulting in a bank charge to my account of $30. I am on social security and that being a fixed amount leaves no room for waste.
I have called Gold's Gym corporate on two occasions asking to have full amount billed at the 4th of each month or after but three month in a row it has not been done resulting in $90.00 overdraft fees. My bank TCF in Colorado Springs will not refund. Please change my withdrawal to fourth or later in one payment per month. If you could see you are way clear to give me a ninety dollar free credit to my account for the non recoverable bank overdraft charges it would be most appreciated.

I am a member of gold's gym and they have not been taking my monthly dues out and then they take 100 or more out of my account. When I call they say my card was declined every time they tried. I look at my statement and they only tried one time in a 3 month period.

On June 6th I stopped by the Westlake branch in Austin, TX. I met with Thomas Abraham who talked me into getting membership and some training sessions. I told him that my daughter is going to visit me from June 11th for 17 days so I should join after she leaves or if he can allow her to visit few times while she is visiting. He assured me that she will be allowed as its only few times. Me and my daughter went there at about 8pm on June 23rd and were treated like some kind of thieves - the lady at front desk was very rude and she said she have to call Thomas Abraham to see if he allowed her to visit.
She got off the phone and said that Thomas did not allow and that he never said that to me about allowing my daughter. Your employees make me look like a big liar just so they could sell membership on June 6th - I spend $449 and was treated badly in front of my daughter and turned away. I know you got my money but you will lose more than gain by cheating people. Although $449 is a lot of money for me but not enough to be treated like some liar or cheater and for sure not worth treated so badly by the front desk person. I will take my money and my dignity to another more ethical place.

Personal trainers consistently leaves her small 2-3 year old son in the kids club, he seems to be there from open to close. Poor kid is sick, running around with saggy pants and full diaper. Eating drinking and when he isnt in the kids club he is around the gym and outside. I am about family but members are strictly only allowed ONE two hour session in the kids club and i pay for this service. she is doing it free. Also having a small child running around a gym is dangerous and very distracting. he is outside many times with giant tires ropes and other members. I specifically come to the gym so i can get a break from children and yet i see this. It is very unprofessional and obviously an insurance risk. Sick children should not be in childcare setting.
She acts above the rules and it is very unfair to paying members. i would utilize this gym more if i was allowed to leave my child in the child care for longer hours, with food drinks. I have since left this gym due to this person and child. I do not want my child getting sick, and upset over not being able to have snack and drinks like this employees child is. this is a poo reflection on this gym. I understand they are about family but this is dangerous and distracting. The amount of money personal training costs im sure proper child care is affordable for this employee. This child is suffering and so are other children and members wanting child free training and workouts.

I discovered after over a year of canceling and receiving a cancelation confirmation email from the general manager of the gym that I had continued to be billed for over a year. When I let the general manger who sent me the cancellation confirmation email know he said he would have it looked into. I have been refunded for 2 of the months in 2016, but should be refunded for the entire year of 2015 charges. I have sent the compliant emails to Gold's Gym proving membership cancellation in Dec. 2014 to Michael Powell, the gm, but he has not responded after several emails to make him aware that the refund was an entire years charges short of reimbursement I'm entitled to.

Dear Gold's Gym customer service team, this is to your kind concern and a severe action that needs to be taken against such filthy and immoral trainers who are assigned to your gym (GOLD GYM) ,who do not have an etiquette how to behave with there clients who is coming to your gym for better services and amenities and relaxation but due to certain trainers the gym members are being disgraced. In this context i want to quote certain fouls/mistakes that has happened with me, the member to your gym from last 3 months are:
Assessment room the lady sitting do not have the sense of male and female members and during the BMI testing report she is mentioning female on the report instead of male and on pointing out the mistake she is arguing with the clients rather than excepting which is a disgrace to the client. In the changing room your Head trainer is hiding or willing to steal my sweat clothes and on checking from the CCTV Camera it was found and tried to console me that for your safety it was removed from that changing room which seems unusual as from last 3 months no one told me or bothered to remove my clothes from that place seems unusual.
Now today on 18/02/2016 some person named Amit came to me by 2 PM sharp and told me that i am smelling and the other clients are complaining and when i asked that let me know who are complaining he was silent rather i would like to tell you that it is a gym where the smell might come but for that you can not come to me and hold responsible for the smell and disgracing me in front of other members again seems unusual. Request the Gold's corporate headquarters to kindly take this complaint on the utmost priority without fail,doing so will lead to serious consumer court action.

I have made my schedule where I can take 1 1/2 break during work day. The golds on FM 78, being remodeled pool and sauna closed for 1 week. So I said the next day I will go to the other gym on Pat Booker. Well, they still had sign up replacing water heater, no hot water. It's been over a week. So I told lady, man ya'll are making it hard for people to come workout and need to take shower to get back to work. She told me I could go to the Gold's in Universal City, I said wait isn't that go upscale members, she said they will allow you to workout there, we have been sending members over there. Well I go in and walk to women's locker room. I see the lady mopping up water in restroom area.
I said, I'm sorry is there one available? She said the last stall. I go in and I tell her mame it's brown water in toilet. She flushes it and water comes up from drain in floor. She apologizes, mame were going to have to close restroom. I just think this was a bad day just to try and keep up with my exercising. I later went at 10:00 pm and he too wake up at 5:00 am. I understand things happen but it seems like it very often, either pools not available or sauna closed. Very unhappy customer with Gold's gym.

The gym at this location has problems with the soap dispensers in the men's showers are empty very frequently and sometimes inoperative. Sometimes there is no hot water. Also, the emergency exits are being used by people to go in and out; and we have seen the female custodian using the exits too. The doors are marked Emergency Use Only and Alarm will sound but apparently alarm is turned off. Empty toilet paper holders in the men's stalls has also been an issue. Could you please have someone look into this problem areas. The previous manager use to do walk through; plus there is no male custodian on the mens side. There is no need to reply to my complaint just hopefully these problems will be eliminated.

Ok, well I love Golds gym. I signed up with an expectation of having a 2 hour a day window. (I have a child) some irresponsible child attendant let a child leave the daycare facility off of 281 I believe... I Am i. San Antonio.... and instead of owning the mistake and hiring more help or what ever they need to do Gold gym decided to punish its patrons instead and cut my 2 hour window, ( some days I need an hour and a half) to a one hour window. They cut my workout time in half but in the notice I was forced to sign no where in it... did it state that they were cutting my fees in half. Fact is... there is a term called Fit Fam.... we stick together we socialize on a ton of different platforms as if.... this totally irresponsible day care wasnt bad enough for your reputation I am forced to search out a new gym to accommodate me.... I will take all my workout buddies with me. (I host fitness competitions and trust me I will blog about the ENTIRE situation. Because I feel cutting our time i. Half is but a tool to cover up an unfortunate happenstance.

I have been a long time member of the gym in which I love(ed). I recently had a bank account that was compromised in which the gym was taking regular payments out of. Long story short I had late fee a few weeks back in which I care of on March the 10th 2015. While take care of the late fee payment I asked to the rep to update my billing so They could continue to take payment from the new card number. I'm here thinking all is taken care of and ready to go. As I walked in today I was stopped after scanning my member card for a payment that was due and another 25.00$ late fee. At the time I'm thinking how so? You've already been given authorization to auto Bill me. But noooo, someone dropped the ball and failed to process my update request at the time of me making payment for the late fee. You can imagine how frustrated I was.
Then he front desk clerk (josh) tries telling me I'm wrong, or at least I felt he was implying that and I was. I kindly said,"well can I speak to a manager then", he states they are gone for the day. My reply," well someone must be in charge". He walks away and returned with a gentleman who's name badge said "sales manager" I can't remember his name. He sits me down and also tells me I'm wrong and at fault for this too. You can only imagine what I'm thinking. ITS A GYM MEMBERSHIP HOW HARD IS IT TO MAKE THIS WORK?!? I stated if you bother to pull up my profile here, you'll see that on March the 10th I paid you guys a 25.00 late to bring me current and get the ball rolling for future billing. This was two weeks ago it was paid. I said you guys assured me it was updated and i was good to go. His reply was" golds is at fault and you are at fault because j can't vouch for your story because i wasn't tbere. I then stated why would I pay you guys this fee to get another one two weeks later. Thats ridiculous!! Then he tries putting the blame on the bank. I then I call my bank and ask has golds made any attempts to draft from my account in the last weeks they say NOOO.
That left me in awe and frustrated. I've paid my regular dues once again but still have twenty five dollar fee. Nobody could take ownership and give an answer as to what happened. Once I left that location I called another location which I regularly visit. I was advised that all the info had provided me wasn't all accurate and that I would need to call corporate. Let me not forget, he couldn't assure me it wouldn't happen again either next billing cycle because everything on my account was accurate. I'm so confused I just want this resolved. I'm at the point to where im willing to pay another fee as long as they correctly update my billing information which he didn't do this time either because my card is Supposedly on file. Which left me with the unsure feeling that he didn't know what to do either. I'm sure he bullshitted his way with me to get me out of his hair. I'm so disappointed they treat their clients this way. Where is there customer service. If I'm wrong I will take full owner ship and pay again. But I thought I did my part by giving them what they ask for. I'm the customer I'm not the one whose supposed to know how they impute there billing authorization. Someone help!!!

This gym will take all the liberties with your bank account that it wants to. Just last week I got an email that said "Laredo Members" I am not a member in Laredo so I called Mission Golds Gym where I am a member and explained I got an email saying that an enhancement fee would be drafted but I was not sure if it referred to me because I was not a member in Laredo. The guy took my account information looked it up and assurred me it did not apply to me and stated I should disregard the email. Today I look into my account and sure enough the amount had been drafted. I once again called the gym and the guy told me he was sorry but hd given me the wrong information last week. You think I would have received a call back, email something, but did not get a damn thing.
This is not the first time they pull extra out of my account without any type of notification. So beware, I would say if your gonna join( can't wait to get out of my contract and find another gym) pay it all up front so they don't have access to your account and monthly drafting.

Even though I cancelled online AS THEY DIRECTED! I was still billed 400$ for personal training I NEVER RECEIVED!
They are a bunch of used car salesmen! SCAM ARTISTS!!!

Love the new renovations but nothing has been done to the showers. They are disgusting and maybe one shower has space for ya soap or shampoo or whatever you take in with you otherwise you habe to sit on the floor..Merrit blv arent as dirty as Ritchie hwy. I have pics from Ritchie hwy location this the gym but PLEASE do something about the shower. How can you expect for me to refer someone. Everything else is great BUTTT!!

Steam room filthy , dirty .. got sick just by being in there 10 minutes
they need to clean it more frequently , what a shame ..
they need to learned from Gold Gym Hillcountry Location in San Antonio on San Pedro Ave.

Dear sirs:
It seems I tried to refinance my house and lo and behold I have an outstanding bill from golds gym for over $1,000 . I am 65 years old and NEVER set foot in a gym . You need to remove this bill ASAP or I will seek legal help . I can be reached @ JJTMGONZALEZ@AOL.COM . You need to resolve this matter as quickly as humanly possible !!!!!!

Hello, I just got down with a workout at your Crofton location as a guest at 11:50pm. When approaching the front desk I was confronted by a white female employee with glasses. I did not catch her name. With a condescending and aggressive attitude she asked me, “What is your last name”. I then get my ID and tell her to have a good night where she heard me looked away and started a conversation with another gym patron and employee. This encounter made me realize that Golds is not the gym for me.

No commitment at all, no value added just wasted time and money

Everything about the Redmond facility is good, but I had a problem and an employee got very angry for no reason. I brought up a small problem I wasn’t going to make a big deal out of, and the employee I brought up the situation with had a big attitude and got very defensive. I don’t know if it was just a bad day or something but it’s unacceptable for an employee to lash out at a customer for pointing something out and not even accusing them of anything or being hostile towards them. Very disappointed in the service.

Water for the water arobics class is always super cold told that it is 84 degrees this is bull crap i go to golds on chapman hwy knoxville tn even the number for complaints is crap manager states she will fix but always the same lie . havent called bb yet but if not corrected i will.

I cancelled my membership on June 5, 2018. My last payment was to be June 29, 2018. You have taken out a payment on July 13, 2018 and July 28, 2018. I want my money back into my account immediately and do not take anymore payments out of my account. I cancelled my membership at your brassfield location. I went in to the brassfield location on Friday, asked for your general manager. I was told by David the general manager and the assistant manager were not in. Therefore, my problem was not resolved. Then I went to your Wendover location asked for the general manager couldn't speak to him, talked to Shannon. He assured me that this would be taken care, and it is not. As you can see I have been paying for a membership for two years that I wasn't able to use because I had a double bypass. I tried to cancelled was told I could not. You are stressing me out and stress is not good for my heart. Resolve this matter immediately and I would appreciate a phone call saying it is resolved and my money is back into my account. What is the purpose of your General Managers? It is definitely not customer service.

I would like to know what is Gold's Gym guess pass policy. I went to the Gold's Gym in Montclair, CA on 7/12/2018 with the intention of trying out the gym, and I was told that walk-ins only get a 1 day guess pass. Devon Woods, the Manager at this facility was incredibly rude and started arguing with me about the fact that I question your 1 day guess policy. He stated that this was his gym and that I couldn't just walk-in and establish my own policies. Please note that at no point was I trying to change your gym's policy, nor was I being rude to this person. The fact that Mr. Devon feels like he can humiliate and antagonize customers is something to be concern of. I'm a Navy veteran and I hope that this doesn't happen again to nobody that has served this great nation!

Due to my injury after 5K race on 4/15, I haven't been able to go back to the GYM. I was thinking to freeze my membership just for a month or two till I recover. So, I called in about 7:00 pm yesterday to find out the process. I was told to come in and fill out a form. So, today, I went to the GOLD gym on Bulverde where I signed up my membership before. When the lady heard my reason, she told me to get a doctor's note if not she wouldn't be able to freeze it. I was very surprised that was not I was told when I signed up. I was told I could cancel or freeze my account at anytime. There is no compassion for my injury what so ever. Plus I was told no reason to ask for freeze/cancellation when I first signed up. So, I asked to see the manager, I was asked to wait, I wait for a long time(maybe my legs hurting makes it feel longer for a 20 min or so wait), I actually saw the manager (he has different shirt on than the regular staff) came out couple times. So, I asked him "aren't you the manager?". This is hard to believe. I was there waiting and he totally ignore and didn't want to deal with this. It is not like there was a lot of people there. It was kind of drizzling outside and it is Tuesday today. Obviously he knew what I was there for since the staff went in to his office couple times already. So, he seems very serious and asking me"do you have a appointment with me?". I said no. but I only just need a few minutes with him. I said " Can I just talk to you a few minutes?". Then he said "no, I am busy. come back in 3:00 pm. By then, I didn't feel like to come back to talk to him who is obviously not even care to listen. I was told without a doctor's note, I would have to pay $15/month freezing fee. That was never in anything I was signed. I am pretty disappointed. It should be very simple request. I rest for couple months and resume my workout. Now I don't feel like to come back to deal with someone like this. By the way, the manager's name is Anthany Almaguer(210. 318. 4435) at least I was told (written in a piece of paper). When I went in, I thought I was just going to rest for two months and return. But now I don't feel like to come back anymore. So, I decided to cancel it. Then I was told I would still be charged for the whole month.

XR 6.1 has an manufactures error and you cannot put the set together.

I have come in there twice already and spoke to management about this issue. So let me provide you with a quick summary. My Credit Card was stolen. Interim, while awaiting for card to arrive, my membership due was charged to my stolen card, hence, it rejected. When I came into the office to provide an updated card information and informed the staff at the front desk that my card was stolen and I need to provide an updated card on file, He informed me that the system was currently down and that he would get with the manager to inform them of what happened because there was a "Late Fee" imposed on my account. He informed me that the he could not do it, but would inform the manager to reverse the "Late Charge" on my account because it wasn't my fault. Two weeks went by and I stopped by the front desk and spoke to the "Manager on Duty" about the situation. He reviewed my account and informed me that "HE" would take care of it and that "HE" would post a credit on my account and that I would not pay the next monthly fee as the credit would take care of it. On April 16, 2018, my card was charged the standard monthly fee. So my question is. Is the word of Gold's Gym Staff members and management not worth anything? Because if that is the case, I've been looking for an excuse to become a member of Planet Fitness, 10 Gym or the other nearby gyms in the surrounding area. And you can keep my "Late Fee" as a parting gift.

Gold Gym of Charlestown Wv 25414 says I owe a back balance and I do not, you can contact me at 304-279-1212

When I signed up towel service was included and now they want to discontinue the service, which is a classic " bait & switch " maneuver. The water pressure is so low that my wife can't even wash her hair in the shower. The shampoo and body wash which they CHARGE YOU FOR is very cheap and harsh on the skin. There is NO phone line to call to speak to an actual human about our concerns. We are very disappointed with the situation and want at the very least, the towel service we were promised re-instated.

I am a new member at Gold Gym & I never thought I would experience poor customer service from a manager at a gym facility. The General Manager at Golds Gym in Bowie, Md, Fairwood Parkway provided poor customer service & was very rude to me on 1/19/2018. I purchased a gym package which I thought allowed me to have access to other Golds Gym in my surrounding area. Only to find out my package doesn’t allow me to have access. No fault of mines, the ownership falls on the representative that presented me the package. Instead of the Manager at that site saying I was misinformed & apologizing for bad communications. She says to me why do I think I should get something cheaper when all the other members pay the same price. I was shocked with her response. I told her I wasn’t looking for a favor I wanted the service I thought I joined for. I also indicated that I didn’t like her tone. She said I signed the contract agreeing to terms. I told her I thought the terms was with a discount for the gold package. I pay $23.00. Had I known it didn’t cover going to different sites I would had thought about joining instead of joining the same day. I explained to her the information wasn’t communicated clearly. She said very rudely to me, I pay the additional cost or stay with the plan I have. That wasn’t the problem it was her not being professional & rude. No paying customer should be subjected to that kind of behavior from a manager. Had she explained the process in a professional manner I wouldn’t be sending this complaint. In addition, I’m a manager in a Human Resources department and I strive on great customer service & treating employees & people with respect. I’m writing every Gold’s Gym corporation and reaching out to all executives to let them know that this manager needs more training how to govern & manage Gold’s Gym in Bowie, Md. This is unacceptable.

My Gold's membership account is billed on Bi monthly payments and the problem is that by the second auto withdrawal around the end of the month there is usually no funds left resulting in a bank charge to my account of $30. I am on social security and that being a fixed amount leaves no room for waste.
I have called Gold's Gym corporate on two occasions asking to have full amount billed at the 4th of each month or after but three month in a row it has not been done resulting in $90.00 overdraft fees. My bank TCF in Colorado Springs will not refund. Please change my withdrawal to fourth or later in one payment per month. If you could see you are way clear to give me a ninety dollar free credit to my account for the non recoverable bank overdraft charges it would be most appreciated.

I am a member of gold's gym and they have not been taking my monthly dues out and then they take 100 or more out of my account. When I call they say my card was declined every time they tried. I look at my statement and they only tried one time in a 3 month period.

On June 6th I stopped by the Westlake branch in Austin, TX. I met with Thomas Abraham who talked me into getting membership and some training sessions. I told him that my daughter is going to visit me from June 11th for 17 days so I should join after she leaves or if he can allow her to visit few times while she is visiting. He assured me that she will be allowed as its only few times. Me and my daughter went there at about 8pm on June 23rd and were treated like some kind of thieves - the lady at front desk was very rude and she said she have to call Thomas Abraham to see if he allowed her to visit.
She got off the phone and said that Thomas did not allow and that he never said that to me about allowing my daughter. Your employees make me look like a big liar just so they could sell membership on June 6th - I spend $449 and was treated badly in front of my daughter and turned away. I know you got my money but you will lose more than gain by cheating people. Although $449 is a lot of money for me but not enough to be treated like some liar or cheater and for sure not worth treated so badly by the front desk person. I will take my money and my dignity to another more ethical place.

Personal trainers consistently leaves her small 2-3 year old son in the kids club, he seems to be there from open to close. Poor kid is sick, running around with saggy pants and full diaper. Eating drinking and when he isnt in the kids club he is around the gym and outside. I am about family but members are strictly only allowed ONE two hour session in the kids club and i pay for this service. she is doing it free. Also having a small child running around a gym is dangerous and very distracting. he is outside many times with giant tires ropes and other members. I specifically come to the gym so i can get a break from children and yet i see this. It is very unprofessional and obviously an insurance risk. Sick children should not be in childcare setting.
She acts above the rules and it is very unfair to paying members. i would utilize this gym more if i was allowed to leave my child in the child care for longer hours, with food drinks. I have since left this gym due to this person and child. I do not want my child getting sick, and upset over not being able to have snack and drinks like this employees child is. this is a poo reflection on this gym. I understand they are about family but this is dangerous and distracting. The amount of money personal training costs im sure proper child care is affordable for this employee. This child is suffering and so are other children and members wanting child free training and workouts.

I discovered after over a year of canceling and receiving a cancelation confirmation email from the general manager of the gym that I had continued to be billed for over a year. When I let the general manger who sent me the cancellation confirmation email know he said he would have it looked into. I have been refunded for 2 of the months in 2016, but should be refunded for the entire year of 2015 charges. I have sent the compliant emails to Gold's Gym proving membership cancellation in Dec. 2014 to Michael Powell, the gm, but he has not responded after several emails to make him aware that the refund was an entire years charges short of reimbursement I'm entitled to.

Dear Gold's Gym customer service team, this is to your kind concern and a severe action that needs to be taken against such filthy and immoral trainers who are assigned to your gym (GOLD GYM) ,who do not have an etiquette how to behave with there clients who is coming to your gym for better services and amenities and relaxation but due to certain trainers the gym members are being disgraced. In this context i want to quote certain fouls/mistakes that has happened with me, the member to your gym from last 3 months are:
Assessment room the lady sitting do not have the sense of male and female members and during the BMI testing report she is mentioning female on the report instead of male and on pointing out the mistake she is arguing with the clients rather than excepting which is a disgrace to the client. In the changing room your Head trainer is hiding or willing to steal my sweat clothes and on checking from the CCTV Camera it was found and tried to console me that for your safety it was removed from that changing room which seems unusual as from last 3 months no one told me or bothered to remove my clothes from that place seems unusual.
Now today on 18/02/2016 some person named Amit came to me by 2 PM sharp and told me that i am smelling and the other clients are complaining and when i asked that let me know who are complaining he was silent rather i would like to tell you that it is a gym where the smell might come but for that you can not come to me and hold responsible for the smell and disgracing me in front of other members again seems unusual. Request the Gold's corporate headquarters to kindly take this complaint on the utmost priority without fail,doing so will lead to serious consumer court action.

I have made my schedule where I can take 1 1/2 break during work day. The golds on FM 78, being remodeled pool and sauna closed for 1 week. So I said the next day I will go to the other gym on Pat Booker. Well, they still had sign up replacing water heater, no hot water. It's been over a week. So I told lady, man ya'll are making it hard for people to come workout and need to take shower to get back to work. She told me I could go to the Gold's in Universal City, I said wait isn't that go upscale members, she said they will allow you to workout there, we have been sending members over there. Well I go in and walk to women's locker room. I see the lady mopping up water in restroom area.
I said, I'm sorry is there one available? She said the last stall. I go in and I tell her mame it's brown water in toilet. She flushes it and water comes up from drain in floor. She apologizes, mame were going to have to close restroom. I just think this was a bad day just to try and keep up with my exercising. I later went at 10:00 pm and he too wake up at 5:00 am. I understand things happen but it seems like it very often, either pools not available or sauna closed. Very unhappy customer with Gold's gym.

The gym at this location has problems with the soap dispensers in the men's showers are empty very frequently and sometimes inoperative. Sometimes there is no hot water. Also, the emergency exits are being used by people to go in and out; and we have seen the female custodian using the exits too. The doors are marked Emergency Use Only and Alarm will sound but apparently alarm is turned off. Empty toilet paper holders in the men's stalls has also been an issue. Could you please have someone look into this problem areas. The previous manager use to do walk through; plus there is no male custodian on the mens side. There is no need to reply to my complaint just hopefully these problems will be eliminated.

Ok, well I love Golds gym. I signed up with an expectation of having a 2 hour a day window. (I have a child) some irresponsible child attendant let a child leave the daycare facility off of 281 I believe... I Am i. San Antonio.... and instead of owning the mistake and hiring more help or what ever they need to do Gold gym decided to punish its patrons instead and cut my 2 hour window, ( some days I need an hour and a half) to a one hour window. They cut my workout time in half but in the notice I was forced to sign no where in it... did it state that they were cutting my fees in half. Fact is... there is a term called Fit Fam.... we stick together we socialize on a ton of different platforms as if.... this totally irresponsible day care wasnt bad enough for your reputation I am forced to search out a new gym to accommodate me.... I will take all my workout buddies with me. (I host fitness competitions and trust me I will blog about the ENTIRE situation. Because I feel cutting our time i. Half is but a tool to cover up an unfortunate happenstance.

I have been a long time member of the gym in which I love(ed). I recently had a bank account that was compromised in which the gym was taking regular payments out of. Long story short I had late fee a few weeks back in which I care of on March the 10th 2015. While take care of the late fee payment I asked to the rep to update my billing so They could continue to take payment from the new card number. I'm here thinking all is taken care of and ready to go. As I walked in today I was stopped after scanning my member card for a payment that was due and another 25.00$ late fee. At the time I'm thinking how so? You've already been given authorization to auto Bill me. But noooo, someone dropped the ball and failed to process my update request at the time of me making payment for the late fee. You can imagine how frustrated I was.
Then he front desk clerk (josh) tries telling me I'm wrong, or at least I felt he was implying that and I was. I kindly said,"well can I speak to a manager then", he states they are gone for the day. My reply," well someone must be in charge". He walks away and returned with a gentleman who's name badge said "sales manager" I can't remember his name. He sits me down and also tells me I'm wrong and at fault for this too. You can only imagine what I'm thinking. ITS A GYM MEMBERSHIP HOW HARD IS IT TO MAKE THIS WORK?!? I stated if you bother to pull up my profile here, you'll see that on March the 10th I paid you guys a 25.00 late to bring me current and get the ball rolling for future billing. This was two weeks ago it was paid. I said you guys assured me it was updated and i was good to go. His reply was" golds is at fault and you are at fault because j can't vouch for your story because i wasn't tbere. I then stated why would I pay you guys this fee to get another one two weeks later. Thats ridiculous!! Then he tries putting the blame on the bank. I then I call my bank and ask has golds made any attempts to draft from my account in the last weeks they say NOOO.
That left me in awe and frustrated. I've paid my regular dues once again but still have twenty five dollar fee. Nobody could take ownership and give an answer as to what happened. Once I left that location I called another location which I regularly visit. I was advised that all the info had provided me wasn't all accurate and that I would need to call corporate. Let me not forget, he couldn't assure me it wouldn't happen again either next billing cycle because everything on my account was accurate. I'm so confused I just want this resolved. I'm at the point to where im willing to pay another fee as long as they correctly update my billing information which he didn't do this time either because my card is Supposedly on file. Which left me with the unsure feeling that he didn't know what to do either. I'm sure he bullshitted his way with me to get me out of his hair. I'm so disappointed they treat their clients this way. Where is there customer service. If I'm wrong I will take full owner ship and pay again. But I thought I did my part by giving them what they ask for. I'm the customer I'm not the one whose supposed to know how they impute there billing authorization. Someone help!!!

This gym will take all the liberties with your bank account that it wants to. Just last week I got an email that said "Laredo Members" I am not a member in Laredo so I called Mission Golds Gym where I am a member and explained I got an email saying that an enhancement fee would be drafted but I was not sure if it referred to me because I was not a member in Laredo. The guy took my account information looked it up and assurred me it did not apply to me and stated I should disregard the email. Today I look into my account and sure enough the amount had been drafted. I once again called the gym and the guy told me he was sorry but hd given me the wrong information last week. You think I would have received a call back, email something, but did not get a damn thing.
This is not the first time they pull extra out of my account without any type of notification. So beware, I would say if your gonna join( can't wait to get out of my contract and find another gym) pay it all up front so they don't have access to your account and monthly drafting.

Even though I cancelled online AS THEY DIRECTED! I was still billed 400$ for personal training I NEVER RECEIVED!
They are a bunch of used car salesmen! SCAM ARTISTS!!!
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