Kroger Complaints Continued... (Page 2)
95+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Kroger corporate: 1-513-762-4000No Reviews

I shopped at the KROGER in Bartonville, Illinois today. Actually I split my KROGER shopping between the BARTONVILLE STORE AND THE CANTON STORE. HOW %^$&^%# ever today I was in Bartonville. Usually I have no complaints. Today was the exception!!!!
Being a KIDNEY Transplant patient I am on IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT Drugs to PROTECT SAID KIDNEY. Making me more susceptible to the common cold and the flu.
The check out lady obviously had a severe cold - coughing very frequently. She did make a half heart-ed effort to cover he cough.
REALLY, if allowed to work, she should have one of the pump dispensers to was her hands frequently.
I checked with the Manager and he said it was KROGER POLICY that let her work.
My point (should be yours also) sick people who engage the public should be at home and not at work, especially during this beginning flu season.
Lots of elderly people I saw in the store. Those people could easily die from the FLU. AND MYSELF.
MY POINT!!! your employee should have NOT been allowed to work in her condition.

At the Highway 20 store location in Covington (in which I long stopped going to) the sales associate named Deanna has a very nasty ass attitude and ironically is one to preach about energy and customer service. She always gives rude looks and picks and chooses who she acknowledges and does little petty/ childish things behind people's back. In my experience some small skinny girl in a kroger uniform kept looking at me all crazy , rolling her eyes but I kept ingorning when I got up to the cashier there was no hello , how you're doing just an eye roll and rude looks. It's amusing that one person can change your demeanor and yet if someone does the same to her she runs and cries wolf. Sis don't talk positive when you're actually toxic. I've also had to deal with her treating one of my female family members like utter garbage and she didn't do anything to Deanna.
I've met plenty of people who have similar stories about this lady whose actual name is Deanna Griffin. I've met with corporate but they didn't do anything , I've meet with someone in customer service at the store and same thing. Just please don't go to this store and if you do just ignore this girl and if you write reviews be aware of her friends to start defending her.

why in the world can't i get a t-bone or porterhouse steak at Kroger at 79th and fall creek rd in Indianapolis, IN. this has been going on for months now. This is at least my second time I have contacted you with no response. I have been going to this Kroger since 1999 and I can't express in descent language how poorly this store has become.
i can get in my vehicle and drive down the street to 116th and Cumberland rd Kroger in Fishers, IN and buy whatever I want, but not at 79th and fall creek.
I've been told by the help (BTW, good employees) that the meat manager tells them that the beef is seasonal???????? It's not seasonal in your other locations.
Who in the world manages this location, in the old days you used to post their pictures in the office area with their titles, so you knew who the "boss" was, now it is a mystery who is the GM.
I've already taken the majority of my business to Meijer since they can provide the products that I need. So far over the past few months you have not shown or given me a reason to go back to Kroger
I was a regional for 16 years in the service industry, I'm familiar with lack of accountability when one location doesn't operate the same as another in the same district or region. .
we all have choices, as you know, when you do something good, we will tell 1 person, when service is bad we will tell as many as we can, your service is poor at best at the 79th and fall creek location. I would quit putting money in remodeling and upgrading the location as you are currently doing and concentrate on taking care of the customers.
you are free to contact me if you choose, I'm not holding my breath since it has not happened in the past. 317-292-3502

Shopping at Kroger’s in Mt.Vernon is not a good experience. The aisles are ALWAYS full of boxes on carts, can’t get through the aisles, have to change directions. Out of products we have bought for years. Checkouts are okey but always have to bag my own groceries. NOT GOOD! We have now abandoned the Mt.Vernon store and going to Mansfield Kroger. This store did not use to be this way. If you want to beat WalMart, you need to get your act together. Even Aldi’s doesn’t have this problem!!!

I sent a click list order to the Kroger in Carrollton, KY, at 10:30 Sunday morning. My scheduled time to pick up was 4-5 pm Sunday evening. I got there at 4:20. I called in to let them know I was there and they told me it would be 30-45 minutes because they were swamped. At 5:00 I called them again to see how much longer it was going to be because I had an appointment at 6:00. Again I was told it would be 30-45 more minutes. I called the manager and told him I thought he needed to give them more help since there were 5 of us sitting in the parking lot waiting. He told me I just needed to have more patience. I finally received my click list order at 6:10 and the poor lady who brought it was practically in tears. She kept apologizing but they she had so many orders she just couldn't do it alone. I just wanted to let someone know that she needed help. One person doing that job is just not enough and it is not fair to her. I believe her name was Karen. Please let them know she needs more people in that department. 2 hours waiting is crazy for what is supposed to be a convenience for the customer.

We shop the Kroger at West Lake in Hardy VA. When it first open it was an outstanding store but after losing several managers it has gone steadily down hill. I was there at 4:00pm today and as usual the entrance way and cart areas were dirty. Moved to the produce area to buy corn and there were four ears of rotten corn and the strawberry selection was very limited with poor looking product. Went to the dairy area and found no Land O Lakes Buttery Taste margarine or Bays English Muffins. Went to the cracker area and found no Good Thins Corn crackers. Also no Kleenex Tissues. At check out only two lanes open with back ups of people waiting to check out. At one time there was a name and picture of the store manager but that has also disappeared. If there is a current manager that person stays hid with no customer inter action. Very disappointed in the lack of customer consideration at this store and many of us would stop doing business tomorrow if there was another alternative.. As you can verify from our Kroger card we spend many dollars at this store and it is very apparent who ever is in charge has no idea what is going on. Someone from corporate needs to spend time at this store
Richard Reid
Kroger Card 403212784476 . .

Mangers are very rude with very little explaining to me and I think I might of heard a racial comment from one of them BY THE NAME OF BILL THIS IS THE STORE IN PHOENIX ARIZONA

I've had my Kroger's 123 prepaid customized Visa card since October 20 2017 and they fail to honor my free rewards free 5.00 in groceries after every 1000 points and Everytime I try to redeem my free groceries they refuse to honor the gonna consider filing a cusumer fraud case in order to get my free rewards groceries I been trying to get ahold of a manager he liked and told me he would come out and talk to me but never did

I'm a faithful Kroger shopper so is my family. on Sept-20th between 5:30 & 6pm I went to Kroger to pick up my meds as I walked In from the sliding doors to the pharmacy there was dried spills and trash on the floors. at the self check out the employee was picking trash off the floor only to put it in and over flowing small trash can. I decided to speak to the manger on duty Ms. Davis I asked was there a reason the store was not being cleaned? she answered there is no reason. the produce dept. could use some attention the breads also needs work your meat dept. looks good your deli and bakery most of the time looks good the front of the store should always be ready to greet the customers instead it there is clutter. never enough cashiers. you try to find a clean spot to put your items the belts are nasty. I remember when the song "LET'S GO KROGER" WAS A GOOD FEELING WHAT HAPPEN!!!!

On August 30, 2018, at approximately 4:12PM I went to your store at 10136 Two Notch Rd, I used the self check out. I requested $20.00 back. After checking out I walk away and left my money in the machine, the store was really crowded and loud I could hardly hear anything, so I didn't hear the machine prompt me to get my money. When I got to my vehicle I realized that I left my money and immediately went back in the store to inform the store manager what had happen. The Manager Jake ran the video and told me that there was a couple that used the self checker right behind me had taken my money. Manager Jake inform me to filed a police report and that is what I did. I'm hoping the police department will assistant me in getting my money but I know it is a low priority on there list for them. Now I'm requesting that Kroger please refund me my money, because Manager Jake gave me no hope that I will get my money back after I filed a police report. I shop at Kroger all the time. I'm retired , on a fixed income and can't afford to lose money. The way those machine is set up it take a long time to remind the customer to take their money. Someone's need to come up with a solution where there money is spit out before the transaction is completely finish.

i have been a loyal customer of kroger for many years. i mainly shop at fred meyers, but also shop at qfc as well. i look forward every quarter to receiving my rewards in the mail. i was recently transfered to lake havasu arizona and my quarterly rewards were forwarded to my new address. i called customer service to see if my rewards would be honored at smiths, another kroger store. i was summarily dismissed and told no. for someone who appreciates customer loyalty, you certainly are not loyal to your customers. i will refrain whenever possible from shopping at krogers. and i will share my experience with others whenever or wherever possible. my rewards this quarter was a little over 8.00. youve lost all the revenue of my monthly spending as well as anyone else i can convince to shop elsewhere. was it all really worth screwing me out of eight dollars and some change? youll probably never even read this. the huffington post just reported that 65 percent of customer complaints go unread by kroger. now lets be honest here. is customer satisfaction REALLY your priority? i think not. talk is cheap. but real customer satisfaction stems from action. action speak louder than words. especially empty ones.
Richard W. Barchenger

I shop at Kroger often and when the sale of water and Coke are on for the last three times there was no Water or Cokes in the store on the first day
of the sale.what is a sale when there is nothing to sale.I was in the Marshall.Texas 75670 last night about 8:30 I looked for water along with other peoples but did'n see any so I asked the first worker where was the water she said if it was not on the water isle ask for a rain check or return later,so I ask another worker she said ask for a rain check,so on my way to the meat section I ashed another who do I need to talk to about it is the fist day of sale and nothing to sale so she told go by medical dep. there I found about a half of a crate so I thank that is a false statement to say there
is a sale and nothing to buy. I hope someone will correct this sale problem

If Kroger's in Tennessee bans VISA cards, I hope everyone will go and pack their baskets and when they get ready to pay after all the food that has been scanned, I would tell you, or sorry I don't have any way to pay of it because you don't take VISA. I hope the people in California will do the same.

On Friday July 27,2018 I called the Kroger store at 26130 Gratiot Roseville, Michigan to return a package of EGGO Waffles which were dated 2016 and the voicemail said they were opened until 12:00am . I arrived at 10:01pm and only one door was open and the store was rather dark with only a few lights on. Most of the employees were talking and laughing and when I asked to return my waffles I was told in a dictator manner the return department closes at 10:00pm( although the voicemail didn't mention that) and I would have to come back the next day, I ended leaving the waffles there because the cost was $3.99 and it wasn't worth my time and gas. I wish the voicemail would have indicated that and also the store did not offer full service thus I will find another store moving forward and share my negative experience with others. Eric Hersbrook

This evening I checked out at Kroger and did not have my wallet, but did have my checkbook, gave cashier my check and he asked to see my ID, of course did not have one, he accepted my phone # for my Kroger Card, called manager in and he stated No ID, No Groceries, I was left standing with $200 of groceries in my cart, customers lined up behind me, I am a regular customer, showed them a bill I had in my purse, short of getting the registration from my car, the manager laughed at me and said sorry you have to have an ID, I believe this short toothless manager needs to go to Customer Service Classes!!!! I may never go a back.......And I understand a big Corporation like Kroger does not really care, but I need an answer. Thank You.

I used the click list online pick up on July 14, 2018 at the White House Krogers store. When I got there they said there was a glitch in their system so they had to rescan my stuff there was a lot of things that was out of stock. I was supposed to be charged 69.62 and was charged 81.95. the receipt that Sara gave me was for 69.62 and she told me that the amount would of been changed on my account and it was not I would like to know why there is such a discrepancy in the receipt that I received when I got my order and when it was charged,
I like the convenience of shopping online and really like the products of the Krogers store please get this together as it is an excellent service and with me working full time this is a great service for me.
I would appreciate any help you can give me in this matter.
Cindy Barnes

On Monday July 16, I ordered a prescription for a refill by automated phone call. It said it would be ready Tuesday at 11:00, they did not call so I called them at 1:00. A pharmacy tech said they have the pills but it was not ready. He would fill it and call me. He never did. I called Thursday and he said he had them. I went to Kroger and picked up the pills, when I got home I only had six pills .I called Kroger and they said come back for the rest. S I had to go there a second time and they gave me the rest of the pills. I am very disappointed

Produce is poor, unable to get products you like only selling Kroger brands. Shelves not stocked. It appears that Kroger is not getting better but worse. Going to have to start shoppping at Meijjer or Giant Eagle. This Kroger needs major help. The Kroger is in Johnstown, Ohio been shopping there for 18 years and every time I shop there now I get so angry cause I am unable to find what I need. Please address this so I can continue to shop at my local Kroger. The people are nice but they are unable to help with this problem so they say. I just want what I want and not just Kroger or Simple Truth brands. Thank you for your attention to this matter. PLEASE fix these problems.

Kroger brand salted carmel ice coffee beverage found out they are discontinuing this brand I work 10 hours a day and enjoy taking .Maybe Giant Eagle is an option

complaint began with, I purchase a green dot moneypak card 06/24/2018 I put $50.00 on the card, and when I got home to scratch for my number all the number wasn't there, so the card was defected, I went back to the store about a hour later and they told me it wasn't nothing they can, do the only thing I want them to do is transfer the $50.00 to another card but the same greendot moneypak so that
I can get my $50.00, You guys being the merchant of the greendot moneypak card should have some type of agreement with the company for problems like this. Yes I have been trying to contact green dot moneypak for a week now and no luck, and the card is non void after 30 days and I will be out of $50.00 Kroger store#245 Augusta, Ga.

The service and attitude at this store is unacceptable. The employees are complaining about the attitude of some supervisors,and their hours being cut. An employee with 17 years of employment has her hours cut from 40hrs to about 30hrs. There are some sackers who work 40hrs,but actual time they work is less since they talking to each other or with friends. A customer complained about how they sack her groceries so she asked for certain sacker to do the sacking. She was told that she could back later to shop.. This attitude has gotten worse during this year. I have shopprd bat this store since it opened,and I am considering of shopping at HEB or Whole Foods. I spend about 200-300 dollarsca month at this store. Please change bthe attitude of the employees and the managers

This is a complaint about the system you use for your Kroger Gift Cards and about 2 employees at 7087 Hwy 70 South in Nashville TN…37221.
There was a time I used a Kroger Gift card and they said there was no money on it. They took me to customer service and figured out the exact dates and amounts I used it and although it was a bit embarrassing for me, I was relieved I got all of the money of the gift card and very thankful for the employees that helped me. From then on, every time I felt like the gift card was wrong…I just chalked it up to my lack of knowing when I redeemed it all. It happened often. So often in fact that I decided to keep better track of it.
I would use a $100 gift card once for $30 (and I would have $70 left…a good amount) and when I would go back knowing I had plenty on there it would show up “unauthorized”. It was very odd to me and to the employee trying to help me. Instead of being able to tell the exact date and amount like the first time, they said it just said “not authorized”. They also said it was odd bc if there was nothing on it, then it should at least say $0…and it doesn’t say that. My mother who got me the Gift Cards from a Kroger in Knoxville said to bring them all back to her and she would look into it. She never has.
She sent me another $100 Kroger gift card for Mothers Day. I should be very excited about this gift bc it is a great gift…but I shuddered in anticipation bc I just knew what was going to happen. I went shopping and I bought about $60 worth of Groceries and I kept that receipt with the card in an envelope so I knew exactly how much SHOULD still be on there. I go to buy more groceries…I reluctantly draw out my gift card just knowing what was going to happen…and it did…it happened again. It was showing unauthorized. The guy who checked me out was the Manager of the store…Craig Curry. He explained that about 10% of the cards do not work for one reason or the other and I explained to him that this has happened to me many times before…that if I do not use the full $100 the first time…I lose the rest. I asked if there were any other issues like mine…bought in Knoxville then used in Nashville…he said no. He explained that the card amount could be different than what is written on the card and I asked if he was saying it was possible that my mom put exactly 68.71 on the card and put it in a $100 folder to make it look like more and he got defensive and said that was NOT was he was saying. I told him how past employees were able to help and tell the exact dates and amount it was used and he said that he couldn’t, all I could do was call the # on the back of the card. I explained that I did not feel comfortable calling that number since I am here in a Kroger trying to get this fixed and I know nothing of what is going on and at least a Kroger employee had an idea. He said that he could call the number for me and I said that would be wonderful. He then told me that Rayshaundra Wright (?) At customer service could call the number and she could help me.
I gladly went over to customer service, waited about 15mins till my turn and explained to Rayshaundra what happened, what has been happening, just like I explained to Craig Curry. She left her station to ask Craig Curry (her manager) some questions after I told her that he said she would call the number for me to get this cleared up. Im not sure what she asked or what she was told, but she said I had to move over and let her help the customers behind me. I explained that I was a customer too, and that I waited in line already. She said that she had to help the customers behind me, that if she called there was going to me a way long line, I explained that I just simply needed help with this reoccurring problem. She proceeded to push me to the side while she helped other customers. My daughter asked why we were waiting I simply told her that “I guess our issue is not as important as theirs” meaning to be told just to my daughter. Rayshaundra heard me and yelled over the customers she was helping so I could hear “that is not what I said”. I just motioned that I was waiting again in a different area and said that she doesn’t have to say it, its apparent by how you are treating me. She then proceeded to say that she in no way said that or implied that and being embarrassed that she was yelling over everyone and in front of my daughter I went up to her and said…Look, im a just going to leave, can I have my card and receipt…she said …still very loudly…”Gladly…take it, absolutely, here you go, go right ahead”.
After I packed my groceries into my car, I decided to go back in to get their names. I kindly asked Rayshaudra for her name and I could not hear her and she took off her name tag and slammed it on the table and snapped at me “here, take it…its all there, write it down, write it all down”. I said that her last name was not on the tag but decided not to talk further to her bc she was so upset and yelling at me in front of all the other customers. I quickly wrote it down and placed it back on the table she slammed it on. Then I went to look at Craig’s name tag and could easily see first and last name without contacting him.
I try and avoid confrontation at all costs as this same situation has happened to me (not able to use the full amount on the gift card) many times before and I just try and toss it aside as my fault…I probably used it and forgot like the first time it happened. But now I know there are issues and Im losing a lot of money bc of it. It doesn’t come up $0, as is supposed to happen when there is no money left and the Kroger employees can no longer tell me exact dates and amounts that it was used. I was trying to get an issue fixed and I was treated like a problem customer. I felt very degraded by both Craig and Rayshaundra, I know that Rayshaundra was doing what Craig told her to do…put me aside and help me after everyone else was helped. Rayshaundra even said I had to wait for her to help the other customers first.
Perhaps your customer service is not equipped to help customers with their cards (I have been helped before with a card) but if that is the case then they should have told me that and I no longer want to show my face in that Kroger. The way Craig and Rayshaundra treated me was so embarrassing. I have had wonderful experiences with the other workers there, I wish I could remember their names bc they are great and I consider them my neighborhood friends. I will be doing all of my shopping at Sprouts or Publix now. I spend $500-600 at Krogers a month but it is easy to find a new grocery store.

Frys 59 had a sale on New York strip and had not one in there meant case, every time they have a sale on steaks they never have enough . Also when asking the person behind he informed us that they were out , this store is notoriously OOS all the time I truly believe I am going to take my business else where be cause they just don't care and is no big deal to the management team here.
Thank you,

The Kroger in Inglewood (3410 Gallatin Rd. Nashville, TN 37216).
I've been a regular customer of this Kroger store for the past 10 plus years.
Specifically, the past 3 years or so I, and most of my friends, neighbors, have noticed a massive decrease in customer service and overall competence. I typically use the self-checkout service. It never fails - when I need to be carded via my ID, I find myself waiting...and waiting. Only to notice (ALWAYS) an employee (there's usually 3-4 different one, all the same thing) sitting there or leaning on the wall, on their phone, laughing, talking with other employees, etc. There's always a distraction or something keeping your employee from doing their job. The lines are typically long and grueling there, due to the slowness and lackadaisical behavior of the employees tending the self-checkout area.
I hate to complain - in fact, I never have taken the time to do so, with any store. However, this doesn't seem to be getting any better. If anything, it seems to be getting worse as time goes on.
Thank you for taking the time to listen.

Went to my orab Kroger this morning and find a box cutting razor. Laying on top of a cereal box in the isle .I went to tell the manager he might want to tell the employees not to leave them laying around he had an attitude was rude walked away and tossed in in the trash can. .not even a Thank you I'm glad I found it before a child or an elderly person this could have been bad

Complaint on the Kroger location in Springfield Tn. I made a click list order at 11 a.m on Tuesday April the 17th. My pick up time was between 5 and 6. I get a call at 4:50 stating they were unable to fulfill my order and that I could wait until tomorrow to pick up my list or cancel my order. I cancelled my order. I felt the customer service I received was not at all satisfactory in the click list department. I called to speak with a manager and Kevin at the front desk answering phones didn't have any phone manners. Another employee in a different department with horrible customer service skills. After having to call 3 separate times to speak with a manager I finally got in touch with "one of them". "one of them" is the response I got when I asked if I was speaking to a manager. I didn't get a name. He also was very unapologetic about my experience. With this being said I WILL NOT SHOP AT ANY KROGER LOCATION EVER AGAIN!!! I will gladly go out of my way to go to walmart to receive the customer service I deserve.

I go to the Milford store (48380) the selection of things is always bad EX today 4/12/18 11:00 no regular diet coke no regular rice checks very bad mannered workers in the produce depart talking with each other blocking the aisle so you can't get by., Only one register open except for, do it your self. I belong to a big club in the city and many of the women say the same thing poorly managed.

Management at Deli department at Hebron Store could not tell me sodium content of their prepared and packaged chicken products. ie,buffalo chicken wings or even their whole roasted or rotisserie chickens. I have a relative who is on a very restricted sodium diet due to heart failure. Kroger is not a very restricted- no- low-reduced sodium content store. None of it ( prepared and packaged chicken products) has labels with that information nor did employees including an assistant manager know where to find it although they "looked" at books and the boxes the stuff comes in . This is the nutritional stuff they are required by law to have available for customers. Asked for a manager so I would be sent the information by whom at Kroger has it since obviously the store deli personnel don't have it or any clue where to get it other than from the label. Waited 10 minutes before I started to yell to the people ignoring me that I asked for a manager. They yelled across the store to get an Manager, and two showed up. Managers were telling me there was no one available to call since it was Sat. afternoon. Doubt I will get any communication with an answer from Kroger. Just would like to find something already prepared that I can save time and effort purchasing and not spending a hour preparing.

My husband and I were getting ready to check out and I noticed the ham we were buying did not have a price on it. He went to the back of the store to get another ham. None of the hams had a price ticket on them, so he just brought one up. The clerk was very nasty to us because she said it was not her job to price and we should have gone to the butcher and told him. My husband told her the price per pound and she snapped back, "I know how much they are I don't need you to tell me a hundred times!" Then she said I was turning the bags the wrong way! We spend a lot of money in Kroger, as do my whole family, and I've never been talked to that way in any store. It was at the Kroger at 12611 Taylorsville Rd. Louisville, Ky.
The clerk's name at the register was HOPE. Should have just walked out and left all the groceries. Next time, if I ever go back, I will!!!

Many Kroger employees have complained about discrimination claims. All are unacceptable and many have threatened to contact their lawyers. One incident happened with a sweet Hispanic woman who constantly is bullied by supervisors. They even threw away her drink of coffee that was not in sight. The other they constantly say he can not have his snack on him and the employee is diabetic also has a doctors note stating he can have it.

I Shirley Sims went to Kroger at 11895 West Broad Street Richmond Va. I paid for my groceries. I observed the bagger put Kroger milk, slice cake on top of the pie shields I bought. I suggested not to put the slice cake, milk on top of the pie shells will crack the shells. The bagger didn't' like what I said jerked the pie shells out of my hand so hard tore hole in the wrapper. I told him don't snatch nothing away from me. I went to the customer's service desk spoke to Anita and Benita about the incident told them I don't appreciate the bagger snatching the pie shells out of my hand being very rude and disrespectful. Anita said she think she know who it was and will and speak to him. No one called me. I called number to file the complaint. on 2/2/18. I spoke to Adrien he called the store told me the Division Manager Mr. Timberland didn't know anything about it will check the camera's call me, but first told me that's all he done. Then I called 2/28/18 to see about my complaint lady name Azhanea told me they had closed out my complaint, I asked her ,no one never contacted me, so its okay to be rude to your customers and snatch items out there hand. I asked to speak to supervisor or main headquarters number. She told me that the executive team is closed this is 12:10 afternoon.This situation make me feel the employee's can treat you any can of way and its okay. You are spending your hard earn money, help pay their salary. For a large company are you going to let your employee's drive your customers away to your competitors I can take my business elsewhere. You can reach me at 804-457-2896 and mail 5545 Whittcamp Rd. Goochland, Va. 23063. I thought about taking this to the media to get a response.

Shop Kroger in Richmond VA where I live. One store (Lombardy) is not always a great experience-mainly an attitudinal issue with some personnel.
Example: Today I wanted only to fill and RX and buy one item so needed basket not cart. Entered store-no baskets, went by produce, floral, check stands to self check where the staff person is engaged in long joke with 3 personnel from fire dept. I wait, when there is an opportune time I point out there are no baskets at other entry. Response: a stare and "oh really". I go to pharmacy and wait my turn, 10 minutes later walk back, same employee still telling jokes, baskets as they were-with none at front door.
Employee in question is black, stocky, she has a large streak of purple hair.
The issue has more to do with responsibility and awareness. She may not be the party who is supposed to move the baskets. I think she is at least responsible to acknowledge there is a need to move baskets and if she can't leave her post checking the self check out she should alert a bagger to address.

Store #332, S.Third St. lou,Ky ,, unprofessional behavior, nothing new there. Mouthy sassy back talking employees, again, nothing new there! Time to drive way out of my way to Meijer’s. No name from me cause I don’t want anything from you, I’ll just take my business and $$$$ elsewhere!! Good Luck, you are going to need it

I was hired by the Kroger store #511 in Toledo Ohio . I spent Tuesday 01/30/18 and Wednesday 01/31/18 in orientation Where they couldn’t stress enough about treating customers with a smile and being friendly.. I went shopping as a customer on Friday 02/02/18 where I was treated horribly by Pamela and Jamie in Customer Service over the coupon policy.They were raising their voices and Pamela accused me of coupon fraud.At this point I ask to speak to a manager. Mr. Jeff Came and I explained the situation to him he said none of the managers know the coupon policy. I had 5 Kotex tampon coupons and 5 Kotex pad coupons different coupons for different products no limit except for your limit of 5 per your policy..He said he would have taken them. I said ok I am going to be working for you in click list am I right or am I wrong about this matter.He would not give me an answer. However he did say he would take care of Pamela and Jamie and I should not have been treated that way..I left the store. I later called the store and spoke to Ms Twigg H.R.Manager to let her know I no longer wanted to work for Kroger because of the incident and that I was sorry but I cannot work for a company where the Managers don’t know their own coupon policy. I already reported Jamie for treating me badly on 01/25/18 when I handed her my coupons she said “ I hate coupons . I am anti couponing “ I said I’m sorry for making your day bad. And again apologized to her when I left... I do not like conflict. I do not want to be trained by people like this. They are a bad example of your Fresh and Friendly advertisement. However I do love shopping at Kroger all of the other employees have always been kind.. I am a couponer and I am in #511 just about everyday and Jamie has always been rude and I couldn’t understand why until she told me she hates coupons. But I want to thank you for the opportunity and I know I would have loved clickList and I would have done a great job.
Thank You
Michelle Roth 419 309 4645
1935 Christian Avenue
Toledo Ohio 43613

I am again writing to Kroger about the expired products in there store in Woodstock Georgia on 92. I AM FURIOUS.. First we bought nesquick strawberry my grandson drank it was 3 months expired took it back to the store and was refunded.. The manager offered us pedilite for my grandsons Sick tummy and vomiting... It was like nothing to them... never removed off the shelve.. 2 weeks after Again we went shopping and I walked right by the nesquick too scared to buy it so I went to the juice... Looked at the date on the minute maid lemonade it was fine pulled one from the back went on my way.. When I went to open one for my grandson looked at date and it was 1 year expired... We went to the store directly over to the juices looked at dates most expired and then to manager... She followed us back looked at the dates and had someone pull them from the shelves looked at myself and husband like we where nuts.. walked away... I have been shopping in krogers for years this is outrageous ... I am 1 unhappy person at this point and to know I wrote to corporate several times with no respond make me very very upset...

On 10/28/2017, around 5pm, I was treated very rude,, disciminated, degraded, embarassed because of 2 of your employees in the Deli Dept. They wouldn't wait on me because I am a gay woman. They referred to me as "That" because they couldnt tell if I was a Man or a woman. Velencia was your employees name. 103065 S Post Oak Rd. Houston, Tx 77035 was the store. I want to know if your Co discriminates against Gayn Lesbians?? I will let all the gay communities they your Co doesn't like us.

Heath Ohio Kroger is always out of stock on sale items an the signs are not right to find some items its a night mare to shop there. Perhaps I should go back to Walmart instead? I thought this place was a higher quality grocery store with employees that care. Management at the corporate level should be informed of this asap.

Family Dollar stopped sending me coupon packs by mail. I called their store and asked why. The store said Family Dollar is issuing digital coupons only now. I tried over and over to join online for digital coupons that would attach to my land line phone number. But I can not even get on their online site. They keep giving me error messages. something like error -305 . My desktop computer is accessing other sites just fine. In fact.. I access Kroger coupons daily that attach to my Kroger shopper rewards card. So it is the site that is at fault, not my computer. I can't even file a complaint at the Family Dollar site because I get an error message for that too.

I do not like when I check out the cashiers are always pressuring you for your Kroger card. When another customer is in front of me I cannot put my number in until they complete their purchase. So therefore I start unloading my groceries to keep moving. Invariably the customer completes their purchase before I am finished unloading. Then comes the problem for me. Can I have your Kroger card please? I have long ago stop carrying the card because I had it so long it disintegrated so I put my number in, it's more convenient anyway.
So I'm supposed to stop unloading and go and put my number in because it's an emergency to put this number in before anything is rung up. How is this helpful? If I refuse to do it and continue to unload some cashiers will just sit there and wait until I'm done unloading. How is this helpful? Meanwhile the person in back of me cannot start unloading. How is this helpful? You can put your Kroger card in at anytime and you will still receive the discount. So what is the big emergency? Well I was told by a cashier that it is Kroger policy that they are just doing their jobs and can written up if they don't get the card before they start ringing up items.
I think that is ridiculous! Further more today for the first time the cashier wanted the number so bad she asked me what my number was. I didn't like saying my phone number out loud for everyone to hear just because I couldn't get up to the machine enough to put it in myself. But I realize she was just trying to keep it moving. When I check out I feel like I'm under pressure to get the the number in and fast so I can keep going for everybody. I makes a bad experience for me. We are a family if 6. We buy a lot of food. I like Kroger's.
But I also shop at Meijer, Costco, Whole Foods market and other places, and i don't feel that pressure there. It would be nice if you would change your policy. I have shopped at Kroger for more than 30 years and I remember a time when it wasn't like this. I hope you will take this into consideration. Just thinking about checking out causes me to want to pass you by and shop at another store.

Kroger #543. 945 W. Lamar Blvd. Arlington, Texas 76012. On Sept 19, 2016, management made obscene remarks about me as an African American (ASM) worker, such as lazy. I was sitting on a stool during a demo for ASM, when they continued to stare, winking eyes at me, He then walked close to my cart to make me feel uncomfortable. This behavior was unwanted and unwelcome. I was told by ASM, in retaliation, he was a manager that told her I was never at my cart. Management created a hostile environment for me as a black woman, and he also was seem gossiping with another while female (ASM) event specialist. I was given his name by another manager that is aware of this situation. This must stop!

I contacted Kroger corporate headquarters several months ago regarding the pricing of their Hair Regrowth Treatment for Minoxinil and exactly nothing has been done. I visited another Kroger store and found that exactly nothing has been done. The men's product, in a blue box, is a 5% solution, and priced at $19.99 while the women's product, in a pink box, is a 2% solution, is priced at $34.99. Both provide the same amount of product, three 2 oz. bottles. The first time I complained I was contacted and they tried to suggest it was the individual store doing the pricing which is complete nonsense. This is an outrageous rip off of women!

I was in the check outline at Kroger, the cashier was speaking English to the bagger person then they starting speaking Spanish then they change over to English, boy did that piss me off, so I spoke to there manager, I told him how rude that was and they disrespect me. All this happen on 6/25/2016, The store # 321, Register 13, Cashier 153, Division code 034.

Kroger does not always have the selection I am looking for but they get no complaints from me. Their service is top notch and they even open up on holidays. I wish there was more Krogers and less Walmarts in this country.

We decided to have a get together at home with around 20 friends and family members. To make it special I wanted to arrange some bottle of wine, but didn't know how much to buy. At Kroger, they had the right information about this. Wine101 a section that tell us how much we need to buy for how many guests and suggest the exact based on the occasion. They suggest the best wines to buy and I was happy with the overall experience with Kroger. They gave some good tips on how to store wine and the glass type to be used. Kroger is the place to shop and plan small parties.
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