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We have been asking for the last 3 month to be downgraded to a basic cable package. So I decided to write a letter to the CEO, letting him know how difficult this process had been. Instead I will share my story online. I doubt the companies office in Philadelphia will ever responsd. So, here is what is happening. Our monthly bill is more than $250 dollars, and we do not want to get HBO or any othe special premium channels. How hard can it be to do this? We just payed 300 dollars last month to restore our service, and then on top of that got billed 500 dollars for this month. The service was disconnected last week, and I am outraged at these billing charges.

Everyone else I know doesn't pay half as much has new boxes (smaller), new remotes (smaller), and more Tv's in their homes. I wish to return everything I have ever bought from Comcast and will be sure to pass along the story and experiment of the poor customer service we have received the last years with this company. Guess what? We will also file a claim against the company in my state. And I am sure legal actions will follow if Comcast does not stop ripping us off. I have never ever had poor customer service like this before in my entire life.

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